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Improved Anvil
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Released mods - Baldur's Gate II
Improved Anvil
Sibel NPC 1.0
(0 replies)
Improved Anvil V7.0 (Enhanced Edition)
(0 replies)
IA compatible mods
(13 replies)
Ranger Stronghold Quests Walk-Through (simplified) [SPOILERS]
(8 replies)
How many Gems and Scrolls for crafting
(20 replies)
Improved Anvil V6.0
(3 replies)
Academy of Tactics
(2 replies)
ReadMe file!
(0 replies)
Deeper Than The Underdark
(1 reply)
Started a v5 game
(57 replies)
Sibel Mod is imbalanced and makes the game significantly easier
(11 replies)
Suggestions for the coming release
(260 replies)
V7 run
(145 replies)
Random Questions
(1662 replies)
Video Journal
(60 replies)
Dialogues etc.
(8 replies)
Check List for Activities & Encounters
(4 replies)
Need help for Sibel quest
(36 replies)
How to use pure spellcasters effectively ? (v7)
(6 replies)
attack rolls and armor class
(7 replies)
(22 replies)
Installation Guide and Issues
(7 replies)
Journal 7.0, diary of Aria Joyce, an auramaster
(92 replies)
v7/Sibel mageless run
(16 replies)
V7, great!
(15 replies)
Hint on buried ambition?
(4 replies)
IA classes tier list
(17 replies)
V7 run (after years not playing IA)
(77 replies)
Testing v 7.0
(72 replies)
IA 7.0 Testing
(11 replies)
IATweaks error / v. 7.0 & GBU etc.
(5 replies)
Game Edition for v7
(4 replies)
Maxing Supreme Golem
(2 replies)
Yet. Yet another journal.
(14 replies)
A short guide to party creation in IA
(5 replies)
All-purpose Sorcerer spell list
(9 replies)
Need little help for installing v6.6 and ease of use
(19 replies)
Yet another Journal. Random crews & some uncommon tactics and techniques
(39 replies)
Improved Anvil 6.6 BETA
(68 replies)
Thank you!
(19 replies)
Problem installing Improved Anvil v6.5
(19 replies)
Journal of 6.6
(54 replies)
Shaman run 6.6
(22 replies)
Yet another run, this time starring a Necro
(26 replies)
A new kit I created
(2 replies)
The Journal of the Insane Kensai
(31 replies)
IA 6.5 "Bugs" and inconsistencies I've encountered
(76 replies)
solo avenger journal
(17 replies)
Vagrant's journal
(95 replies)
(5 replies)
Journal with some details & tactics (hints for beginners & spoilers)
(35 replies)
Specific loot doesn't drop?
(9 replies)
(Nearly) Invincible A-F Journal
(20 replies)
ABC's of party composition for new players
(6 replies)
The Ultimate Basher Crew (with a random journal on some of the fights in the game).
(13 replies)
Can anyone share me one copy of IA v6.4?
(2 replies)
Compatibility with 2.6.6
(1 reply)
Any suggestion on an evil party?
(4 replies)
Corona quarantine BG2
(169 replies)
Should Blood of a Royal Troll(ingredient of Treefolk’s Fist +4) be in Troll Mound in Druid Grove area?
(3 replies)
Where is the Sentinel+4(ingredient of Mazzy's shield) in IAv6.5
(9 replies)
Some mismatch of item description between the game and read me file
(3 replies)
Necromancer/Barbarian journal (Contain Spoilers) + IA Enemy Manual
(55 replies)
Another IA Necro Journal
(47 replies)
No executable file in the extracted V6.5 files
(15 replies)
BG2 EE 2.6
(9 replies)
Nalia - Edwin Tweaks
(10 replies)
Suggestions for upcoming releases
(11 replies)
Memory of the Apprenti and IATweaks
(2 replies)
Beginners random Q&A with observations & stories
(8 replies)
Party of lesser-used classes and kits
(143 replies)
Fresh installation
(5 replies)
Toughest Battles
(14 replies)
6.52 - Missing Warharmmer+2 - Ashideena
(7 replies)
V6.5 Cromwell forging options mismatch&missing?
(6 replies)
Improved Anvil V6.5 (Enhanced Edition)
(4 replies)
The old one doesn't appear without scholastic cloak?
(7 replies)
little question :)
(1 reply)
IA Playthrough - Evil Bioware NPC run
(1 reply)
Gearing up for a go at Improved Anvil!
(2 replies)
No vocalize scroll from shadow dragon in 6.4?
(12 replies)
Neera TOB bug?
(6 replies)
Archer protagonist + npcs 6.4 journal
(17 replies)
Which classes combos or actions activate scripts?
(8 replies)
(2 replies)
Detailed Journal V6.4
(28 replies)
Suggestions for future versions of IA
(55 replies)
6.4 bug reports
(1 reply)
(4 replies)
(4 replies)
Forging Items
(2 replies)
2H melee specialist
(11 replies)
first run of IA in EE
(18 replies)
Chinese translation update
(1 reply)
Loss of Prot. from Critical in BG2EE 2.5
(12 replies)
Any mod recommendation?
(8 replies)
BG2 EE and IA
(1 reply)
Newbie’s IA 6.4 journey record
(2 replies)
About Healing, Traps and Locks.
(7 replies)
Fresh installation of 6.4
(7 replies)
Thoughts on Divine classes & Bioware NPCs
(0 replies)
Bioware NPCs journal
(51 replies)
IAv6 for BG2EE
(158 replies)
Zero damage on immune casters causing spell casting failure
(2 replies)
Improved Anvil v.4.2 and v.5.0?
(1 reply)
About Demogorgon
(7 replies)
Anyone Can Share Me IA7.0 Beta?
(12 replies)
404 on the 6.3 download
(3 replies)
Poll: moving IA to EE-only
(10 replies)
Patches for IAv6.2
(4 replies)
description error
(9 replies)
Missing traps guide in the Academy thread
(5 replies)
Tunic of Blindeye
(2 replies)
R/C - lacking druids spells in BG2EE
(9 replies)
Starting XP of characters (neera)
(4 replies)
Installation Issue with STEAM
(1 reply)
IA:EE progress report
(9 replies)
6.2 vagrant speed run journal
(24 replies)
is possible to play black pits with IA 6.2?
(1 reply)
Aeger's Hide & Item Randomizer
(3 replies)
[IA 6.2] Advices for a melee-oriented party
(11 replies)
Amelyssan fight
(2 replies)
V6 with EE on Ipad
(3 replies)
IA v6.2 discussion
(170 replies)
IA v6 bug thread
(36 replies)
Vagrant, 2 avengers and 3 mage party journal
(22 replies)
6.0 necro party run through
(29 replies)
about Jan Jansen in IA6.2
(12 replies)
(5 replies)
trying insane no(or minimum) reload
(95 replies)
IA kits in BG1?
(1 reply)
6.2 and Minsc
(1 reply)
Incomplete run
(29 replies)
Berserker-Mage solo insane run
(22 replies)
Fighter/Necro solo
(100 replies)
IA v6.1 bug thread
(0 replies)
IA v7 & BG2 Enhanced Edition
(11 replies)
Necro run
(16 replies)
a few suggestions for IA
(37 replies)
Old versions of improved anvil
(4 replies)
Necro Run - thoughts
(12 replies)
2 suggestions for v7
(3 replies)
Vagrant's journal
(0 replies)
Stairs to Deeperdark
(2 replies)
A suggestion about monks
(6 replies)
Riskbreaker protag
(3 replies)
v6 run through by v5 player
(3 replies)
Installation issues
(4 replies)
insane run attempt
(27 replies)
Unfixed bugs of vanilla game
(433 replies)
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