I just wanted to say that I tried the improved Demogorgon battle and I truly liked it. I was amazed at the amount of work put into giving the fight a sense of authentic demonic terror. Putting these unique followers into play was great and made this fight both spectacular and unique. I heard "death my scepter and pain my crown" quite a few times and it felt great.
I was surprised to see such generous loot and after all why not !
It's a great fight addition to the mod and really a success in my opinion.
In my game, additional reward to each party member didn't apply to my protagonist. I got the ring and 6 blessings texts, but only 5 effective blessings on everyone but the protagonist. Being a Vagrant, I think protagonist was supposed to get increased critical hit chance but didn't get it.
As for the fight itself, if you guys are opened to suggestions, I would say keep rozvankee as powerful as he (she!?) is, considerably reduce the staying power of vargouilles (both regeneration and resistances) and make more of them spawn, finally increase the power of Demogorgon himself, particulary with a decent regeneration, more damage and better self preservation in general.
I did some testing with the fight after (finally !) winning it and found out every opponent is vulnerable to the polymorph other effect (except demo and rozvankee because the spell is level 4). This doesn't change their avatar, but reduces their hp to 1/30 so it basically kills them. This is probably unintended.
Good job