Long time I did not play, quite please to enjoy the mod once again.
Install is BG2EE + IA + the four
What happened to me with Neera:
Till end of Soa (save here)[attachment=4379:chapter_7.rar] nothing wrong
Starting TOB (and later, even after level-up, quit from party, death,...), she has no access to abilities (HLAS or trigger/sequencer), when levelling-up , she can pick spells, but no HLAs (scribe scrolls/brew potions), don't even have access to HLA pick menu when level-up.
save here at chapter 8 start [attachment=4380:chapter_8.rar]
She was not killed or imprisoned before if information usefull
Is it a known bug ? (did not find it on vanilla EE forums).
Nothing wrong in the game AFAIK, party is Necro protag/Neera/valygar/mazzy/Jaheira/Korgan