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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil
IA has some special items that carry special prices. I'm sure we can't make everything, so I'm curious what you most commonly forge in SoA, as well as your list for ToB?
Before spellhold, top tier items on my list are phosphorous, circlet of golden flowers, harper's ward, water's edge, boots of speed, paws of the furious cat. I also try to get as many +2 rings of protection as I can and a few cloaks of protection +2. Since fatigue from haste is such a pain in the butt, more than likely I'll get 2x boots of speed and save the paws for post-spellhold.

After spellhold, I tend to prioritize best in slot items as they become available. Poseidon's wrath, justice day, memory of the apprenti, thor, golem slayer (if Jaheira), golden cat figurine, ring of greater djinni, girdle of lordly might, boots of the ranger lord, +2 amulet of protection, necromancer amulets are all top of the list.

I tend to hold off on dragon's lord, flail of defending and wounding, corrosive lance, volcanic axe, and higher rings of protection (+3/+4), the various shields, and ring of gaxx until TOB.

I tend to skip most of the non-dragon scale armors (huskar lord, spirit of the night), staff of strength, treefolk's arm (but since I think it hits as +5 may be worth getting now), daggers and shortswords, death of a thousand cuts, and the two handed swords except the warblade.
I was hoping that I would hear from several people, but thanks to bulian for his response. Personally, it's been a while since I've played but I know that I always do the cat figurine, ring of greater djinni, and noble spider. I always get the judgment day sword when I qualify to do so. I know it is over-the-top, but I delight in pulling it out for the big battles because I can. smile.gif Maybe someday that coolness factor will wear off. :}
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