Anyway, my spectacular party was...
Vagrant protagonist
Wizard Slayer
For first level up after leaving dungeon I'm sliding the difficulty down to novice for a second and taking some extra HP...don't judge me! Usual start off, get back to town and mash Suna Sei on first try. Gather non battle XP then take on easy battles...
Druid Grove
Fallen Paladins
Mae'var and shadow thief stuff
Harpers and Xzar quest
Hendack and Beastmaster
Graveyard Spiders and Pai'Na
Lilacor quest
De'Arnise Keep inside
Cult of Eyeless and Cleric stronghold quests
De'Arnise Keep Whisper and Yuan
Slaver ship
rescue Mazzy and clear all but Shadow Dragon and Shade Lord
Traitors to Shadow Thieves
Clear Bohdi's lair
Crypt King and Queen
Mekrath's Imp and Yuan-ti
levels are
Vagrant 11 (Axe ***** Club * Short Sword * 2-Weapon Style **)
Sorceror 12 (took Imp Haste)
Auramaster 12
Berserker>Mage 9>11 (Flail ***** 2-Weapon Style **)
Cleric>Ranger 10>10 (Flail ** Staff ** Club * 2-Weapon Style ***)
Wizard Slayer 11 (Two Handed Sword **** Staff ** Short bow *)
Need Cleric to get to 11! 30K xp to go

I would normally go for Mencar Pebblecrusher & co. right now but I'd like to get B>M up to cast PfME and Cleric>Ranger up for more Free Action.
I think I'll go Torgal but my THACO isn't very great without a Kensai or Riskbreaker and Grandmastery. Gonna have to chug potions. Really demolished Torgal (aka bastard son of the Troll King). Usually he dispels my whole party but this time he never cast dispel magic. Possibly because the only Imp Hasted character near him was my B>Mage which was also under SI Abj.
B>M and WS leveled up. Time for Mencar. 1 Spell to rule the world (early on) - Emotion. Mr. Orcslicer fell to the first Emotion then Pooky and his master fell to the second one. Meanwhile Mencar was being pummeling by a B>M that laughed off Mencar's non-damaging hits.
Next stop Pirates Hideout in the Docks. First stop to get 15K worth of potions from Roger the fence. Before entering buff with Chaotic Commands, Prot f Fire, hastes and Death Ward on B>M. Go in and fighters push forward with the ambush. Sorceror and Auramaster stay near the entrance. Pirate fighters die quickly, Kithlix, Berserk summon and 2 Mountain Bears serve as good summons to take while we dish more. From this point on it's about maneuvering my characters back and forth between coordinator and my spell casters. Protections dispelled, protections renewed. Sometimes with potion. B>M fell to a finger of death, that hurt. C>R fell to an emotion near the coordinator, uh oh. Luckily I chugged a potion of Absorbtion prior to that. Emotion heading toward WS - run away and fall down away from evil caster. So now it's only my Vagrant pounding away at the coordinator who is out of Absolute Immunities. I'm protected from lightning and that's about it but he's pretty much run out of spells. I'm waiting for ADHWx3 so I can quickly chug a potion of magic shielding and hopefully survive but in never comes. Neither does the CLx3. Near death....dead...Lucky. Grab loot amongst which is Gnasher.
Planar Prison - one of my all time fulfilling battles here...My B>M was killed by a FoD from the Elite Huntress upon entering the prison. Well shit, I didn't bring any raise dead scrolls and I don't have anyone that can cast it right now. In the spirit of fewest possible reloads we move on after getting the Huntress to fall to our 4th Emotion (thank goodness for some scrolls picked up earlier). Yuan-ti & etc. were no problems. Moving on to the Warden with a little fear. Used 2 potions of Storm Giant Strength and 1 potion of Heroism. Usual protection buffs. Hit the button and on come the dogs...damn 5 of them spawn near Vagrant. Sometimes I think I get fewer. One of their first hits dispels her protections. Chug a potion of Magic Shielding. Send Sorceror and WS to meet Warden once he trots over. 2 mountain bears, C>R and Vagrant slice and dice the dogs. Warden shows up and lassos Sorc who had already cast PFMW and then RRoR from scoll (we have 5). WS starts to take on Warden but can't get through PFMW so he pounds at the nearest dog. I need to send mountain bears in this direction away from initial dogs as the C>R and Vagrant have killed 2 or 3 already. The warden has about 5 or 6 near him too. Sorceror continues his RRoR barrage on Warden eventually using 4 since Warden recast SI:Abj. Then the breaches start. Vagrant and C>R are done with their dogs and arrive to help with the Warden. I keep the C>R away in case the Warden fires off and bad area of affect spell. She takes on the last few dogs with a summoned Berserker and Kithlix. With potion of Heroism and Storm strength my Vagrant really smashes along with WS. Another case where ADHWx3 doesn't go off - maybe the Warden had FoDx3 ready for Sorceror but he was death warded. One more breach and deadly blow ends this Warden. B>M missed out on killing XP but got the quest XP at the end. Auramaster hits level 13.
Forge Phosphorous. Next stop Windspear Hills...Ruhk and Kobold fight is awful. No problems with beating him, I just don't like the way the battle is set up. Made my way through the dungeon with no problems. Wizard Slayer and Sorceror combined to destroyed Conster (used 2 RRoR scrolls but picked up 3 from his corpse), others tanked and split open Skeletal heads. Picked up a diamond necklace and Book of Many Spells.
Report to Garren Windspear and woot woot Cleric>Ranger levels up and regains inactive abilites! (WS leveled up too woopdie doo)
Thax the Shadow Butterfly practically power word killed himself for us, he was that easy. Buff, enter, C>R takes Greater Silence, Sorceror Spellstrikes by that time his Stoneskins are already down from Vagrant, WS and C>R. As soon as he casts and recasts PFMW our Sorc and B>M take turns casting Breach. He got off 1 death spell that took out 1 Mountain bear, 3 others distanced themselves from the spell, 1 death fog at Vagrant after he flung her across the room, 1 Shadow Dragon Breath on the WS which my Auramaster quickly restored levels from scoll, and 1 RRoR at Sorceror. Those were the extent of his red spells, PFMW and 1 Heal kept him alive for a very short time.
Shade Lord was quite a bit tougher. I don't remember having such a hard time hitting him. Maybe those dooms and strength drains he was hitting us with played a bigger part this time. I also only used 2 of my Imp Haste spells the rest were PFME. Alas my Auramaster got hit with PW Kill upon sight and then my C>R fell to CLx3. After that painful trigger everyone but my Sorc was hurting really bad. Sorc was too far away thank goodness or he would have been kaput. In the end another good fight without reloading.
So far the only reload has been to Faldorn and don't really count that - the only tactic that "battle" involves is having her mountain bears fail a save but if you have a mage just cast a few Magic Missiles. That's just silly IMO.
Forge Shadow Dragon Armor, Treefolk Arm and Supreme Chainmail. Now I'm completely out of gold

Did a couple Turmish play quests, talked to some squirrels, killed some assassins, Delon came by for Umar Hills Ogrons, now heading for a ring and an Amber Golem. Trying to gain as much XP as I can before entering Planar Sphere.
Choas Monster versus 2 Druidic casters was a childs play.
Time to use poor Valygar's remains to enter the Planar Sphere. Wizard Slayer owned a few of these guys. Lavok succombed to spell failure as well as Tolgerius and his Mage partner. We needed it against Tolgerius since the Fallen Planetar's Unholy Word left my Sorc and B>M unable to cast spells. Tolg got off some damaging spells spells ADHW, Comet, CLx3 and we had to chug some potions but near the end his magic fluttered. Vagrant leveled up to 13 becoming what is known in the forest as a Swanmay whisperer. Demon Plane was easier than some parties...4 characters with stoneskin rulez. Same with Golems at the heart of the sphere. Finish up, WS and Sorceror level up, Sorceror takes RRoR even though I didn't want to. It's gonna be a bit before my B>M gets to level 14 plus I used all of my RRoR scrolls and not sure when I'll get another to memorize it.
Founder of Trademeet done.
Couple of Bard quests done.
Mage Stronghold - forged Staff of Power cuz I'm cool like that
Went back to Windspear and cleared Djinni's from King Strohms Maze area.
Did a few rooms of Watcher's Keep (like to have Ammo belt) - Close call with Noble Trolls, Eminent Vampires, Vampiric Mists and Mist Horrors. I was only expecting Noble Trolls.
I think it's either time for Samia's crew or the Screaming Statue. Both tough, and no one is going to level up, but doing Samia first will yeild some good items. Head to Copper Coronet to buy a Spell Sequencer scroll which will come in handy (have 1 other from Lavok). Use both for Sorc and B>M to cast LMinorDrain/GreaterMal/Emotion which will be aimed at their Druid to start. Buffed to the max even using potions of magic resistance. Summon mountain bears, Kithlix, Lion and Swanmay. Sorceror casts PFMW and grabs the Sword and Sheild to trigger battle then blocks the door. Fighters trounce Kaol. Sorceror hits Legoril with Sequencer - oops! I meant to aim at Chak. This could turn into a disaster if he gets off Creeping Doom. However, B>M is free to cast and uses his Sequencer on Chak. Both spellcasters were disrupted. Akae failed a save versus Emotion and took a nap. Kaol is dead. Things are looking great! Warlords have just now spawned and are swinging aimlessly. We split up attacks and Samia and Ferric cast Hardiness after a little damage. Sorceror Breaches Ferric and we end him soon after. Chak and Legoril are split to peices and after a Breach from B>M Samia dies. We murder Akae in his sleep before he wakes up. And with 5 Stoneskins available to Sorceror, 5 to B>M and 2 to C>R we have too much tanking and fire power for Warlords. WS used 2 potions of Superior Healing for damage sustained by Ferric and that's it. pwnage. I never would have thought to focus all attacks on Kaol before he gets his AI up...Kudos to whoever first came up with that strategy. No Vecna and nothing good on Ferric ( I think he sometimes carries something).
Sell everything, forge Druidic Circlet and Druidic potion. No gold left.
A few things I forgot about - Spiders, Belm and War Hammer. Noble Trolls outside Troll mound.
Turmish Fanatics - check. Got some loot to sell. Sewer party with Gauis...I made this harder than it was by splitting up and fighting them all at once. Should've taken them out quickly one at a time like usual. More good loot to sell.
Screaming Statue. 1st round fine, 2nd round a little tougher. 3rd I almost lost my NRL...C>R had her PFLD and CC removed and then fell victim to a choas before I could renew her CC. Then she was getting pummeled and level drained by a Bride and the Master so I made an executive decision to keep her from getting chunked by level drain by removing Amulet of Power from Vagrant while she was right next to Master so he'd target her and then B>M fired a magic missile at C>R so she wouldn' t be chunked by LD or damage - she was at 14 HP, confused and like level 3. In the end it worked out.
Paladin Stonghold note - Wizard Slayers disrupt magic saved his own life when he was thrashing Sorcerous Amin and got hit with ADHWx3. When Amin saw that he cast PW:Kill on WS. Oh wait, he couldn't as he was too shaken from the blows from the Wizard Slayer.
B>M leveled up to 14. Bought Limited Wish scroll even though his Wisdom isn't very high. I can't think of anything else to do...time to catch a ship to Spellhold.
Crazy Dwarf > Galvena > Perth the Adept > Spellhold > Puzzles > Yuan-ti > Spiders > Yuan-ti > Golems > Krystal Shard Crew. Kobolds and Ambers weren't that bad, usually I leave them for last but my Auramaster might level up here, she didn't though. Plus we have all those Stoneskins and PFElec. Sorceror leveled up to 15 against Yuan-ti early so Skeleton Warriors were helpful here too. To start we split up with the B>M in the Kobold Wizards face. After helping to take out a Guadian Kobold the W>S quickly joined the B>M. Kobold cast GMalison and Symbol Stun instead of PFMW so he died quick enough. On the Ambers next. Luckily Wizard Slayers can use Oils of Resurgence so with 2 of those, some healing spells and potions of Superior healing he pounded away with Lilacor while the others chipped in. One of my more feared battles turned out to be completely controlled.
Ugh first reload at Shade Lich ouside Librarians room - WS got caught in the middle of a couple Skellie Lords and a Fallen Planetar. Seems like he went from 75% HP to getting chunked in .2 miliseconds. Oh well. Tried again and kicked their lousy asses. B>M and C>R tanking and crushing then WS and Vag swoop in. Meanwhile Sorcer Spellstrikes the lich twice. After Lords and mummies are dead WS charges the lich. I know his PFMW is up but I'm swinging away for the instant it expires. Once it does I get at least 2 hits in before he refreshes it. And once he tries - spell failure. Booyah! Bring him down to injured when I realize my WS doesn't have PFME so I cast that on him with Sorceror. 3xADHW go off seconds before I finish casting so I dart away and voila finish casting, no damage. We bring him down to badly injured and cast 2 DU from Sorceror and then a PWKill scroll from B>M.
I screwed up my Librarian prep but managed to win. I always buff while I'm killing the catoninelives but I forgot to do that this time. I did all my buffing first then opened the door and remembered - the Librarian isn't in here, it's the cat! So by the time I skinned the cat my protections just about all wore off. No problem though here. Wizard Slayer bailed us out again. After killing the bookworms I took down the Librarian with spell failure after nailing him as soon as his PFMW wore off. This time I didn't cast PFME on my WS so he died when it went off. I didn't want to risk getting my Sorceror to close and have it hit him. No chunkage though so we just raised him afterward.
Reloaded again. This time it was kinda by choice, I almost didn't - my C>R got level drained by the Vampire Lord. I forgot to bring Restoration scrolls and she's the only one that can cast 'em. Better safe than sorry and I need her at full strength for the next couple battles.
Took care of Mithril Golem. Auramaster had just leveled up to 14 so Regeneration here was nifty.
Got a little payback against Irenicus. Just had to make sure I took out Asylum Scouts as quickly as possible. Auramaster got PW Killed but other than that Irenicus or the Scouts didn't really harm us.
Nothing to mention during Prince Valyanti and Shark god adventure. I just missed having a Cleric with Greater Restoration when fighting those Sea Vipers.
I guess when I take a couple days off from playing and then resume I suck. Had a reload vs. the first drow bunch. And then the second time when I beat them only my Vagrant and WS remained standing at the end. Then against the Gnome's troublesome Balor I took a bunch of unnecessary damage.
Did Vithal the Imprisoned mage, released Belgen Dagglefoot or whatever his name is. Went around and killed all the Kuo-Toans except their leader. Needed to get XP for B>M and after killing them all he leveled up to 16. Now can memorize and cast Spell Trigger that I got from Samia'a party.

Second Drow battle I managed a lot better. Some key components here - B>M went to the bridge to tank with Sequencers of Stoneskin, PFFire, Imp Inv(this is the first time I've actually used any invisibility whatsoever this run) and and Trigger with PFMW, PFME and GoI. Vagrant chugged potion of Magic Sheilding when spiders spawned. Auramaster cast Imp Alacrity and started FA and CC on our mates. Sorceror started to Haste us but got pulled over by the Whisper into the web. Auramaster had to save him with a FA. C>R entered the fray after getting buffed. WS took aim at a distance with a short bow and then headed in once he was buffed. Auramaster eventually had to cast Regen on Vagrant since she was doing the tanking of the spiders. Had to heal with the cat o nine lives statuette as well. All in all this one was a lot safer.
Ran through a bunch of Drow city quests. Mucho experienco. After taking care of all the small stuff and then Deirex, House Ja'lette and Efreeti Tower it's time for Kou-Toan Prince. He is the easiest and quickest to take care of IMO.
Elder Orb lair with no probs. Auramaster leveled - first one to get HLA since she drank the potion of +50K XP. I picked Natural Restore. Without Greater Restoration a little more healing would be nice.
Illithid lair - I've got everything cleared out except the Master Brain room and my Sorceror is a tiny bit away from leveling up to an HLA! If only I could have a little more XP...*lightbulb* I never used the limited wish for XP. So I did and I'm still 2,484 XP away. Darn.
On the first try, yes it took two, it seemed like the spawning of Coin, Gem and Brain Golems was unending. Maybe I was just strategizing horribly. I tried again without leveling my Sorceror midway in case that played some sort of part in how many spawns come out but I doubt it. Anyway that time I had complete control of the fight all the way and it was pretty easy. I did the same thing again with leveling my Sorceror and had the same amost piece of cake result. I guess I just wasn't prepared the first go around.
I took Wish and Summon Planetar for my spells.
Dracolich battle was NRL...I'm glad since it takes so long in RL. C>R took Silence after helping to buff. Summons kept Draco's attention along with Vagrant who had high acid resistance. Auramaster did her thing - casting DWard, ZoSA, Regeneration. Sorceror and B>M stayed out of sight casting summons or buffs. WS got emotioned early on. Main thing here and why I take Planetar is that they help tank so well. With one of them and a Swanmay and some lesser summons the Planetar's quick heal is great. She also casts lesser restoration and remove fear. Used two scrolls of prot fr Undead after using 3 limited wish. Used a couple potions of Magic Prot.
And as Dracolich is long and drawn out the Demon Knights are the exact opposite. Major buffing 2xSkeleton Warriors, Swanmay and Planetar. Then sacrifice Kithlix. Aura and Vagrant Regen at beginning. Sorceror cast SI Abj since RRoR is coming to remove his. WS & B>M pound. C>R cast ironskins to recover from breach sent her way. The Chain Contengency party begins with BigsFist, Fire spell and something (this isn't the one I'm worried about). C>R is hurt pretty bad, by this time Auramaster has cast Improved Alacrity and then shoots a Natural Restore to C>R. Then starts Creeping Doom at 2 southern most Demon Knights. The next CC is the 3XADHW and it's heading for my B>M who I didn't cast PFME on! That's because I have a Trigger waiting with it.

Now that there are two DKs down we gang up a little more on the last three. They've been getting hurt since I split up at the start so not much left. We come out unscathed.
Stopped off at the North Forest and killed some vamps and weak party. Then headed into town for Kruin. WS was huge here. He kept Kruin from casting Hakeashar, Remove Magic, Dragon's Breath and whatever else he would've cast in the first several rounds. It wasn't until he either used a scroll or a contingency went off with PFMW that WS had to let up on him. Auramaster took care of the Githyanki with Emotionx2, Creeeping Doom, Call Lightening and Flame Arrows. Everyone else and summons worked on Golems. Some peeps like to let them spawn help to rack up XP but not me. Kill 'em ASAP. One golem only got 1 helper out the other got 2 or 3. Kruin later on started casting RRoR and Breach, then Hardiness. But he had no chance.
Stop by Ribald's place and get Warblade to fight scary Trolls.
Troll Mound - Breaches and Summons. I have some nice summons now - Smilodon, Swanmay, Planetar, Anaconda and Mordy Sword are what I used here and they all stayed alive, with my help. Other than that WS with Warblade and B>M with Phosphorous were the punishers. Oh yeah, Auramaster at the beginning did her part in the barrage on the Noble Trolls with Imp Alac - Creeping Dooom, Flame Arrows & Chain Lightening.
Umar Witch - too terribly easy at this point. I should have let the Imp summon more - he only got to the Whispers before I killed him.
Want to rack up some more XP - head to Watcher's Keep. I got the good spawn in the Archivist's room - Golems, Lords, Warlords and Grandlord. Only problem is My sorc got stunned and my dumb ass Planetar dispelled it. Along with 99% of the buffs my party had! Reload.

Kicked Windmaster's ass...Auramaster uses a nice spell here too.
FIRKRAGG! Ooh this was a battle, I didn't think I was gonna pull it out. Buff up, enter lair, summon Planetar, Swanmay, Smilodon and Berserk Warrior. C>R and Vagrant head in, Vagrant attacking and C>R there to take Greater Silence. Sorceror and B>M enter next, Sorceror casting Spellstrike and B>M getting attention of Warlords when they spawn. The first round and second round of Warlords went well. But as the second round of them ended I had managed to have everyone Silenced but Auramaster - I think he used a total of 4, maybe. Summons that could be used with something other than casting were out. Firkragg was refreshing PFMW left and right. My protections were dispelled. I was doing a lot of running and chugging potions. What saved me here was B>M had a Contingency with PfMW 50% health. And finally some Silences started to wear off! B>M was first to start casting and he first did so with CC with 2xMordy Sword and Stoneskin. I needed some tanking - 3 Warlords were on my ass. C>R revived WS that had gotten himself killed quite a bit early when Firkragg backed him into one of those corners. Vagrant's silence was up and I had 1 more Swanmay so she aimed that at Firky. Auramaster was running for her life. Sorceror's Silence wore off! Imp Haste WS and then I have 1 9th level spell left - Planetar or Wish. Cross my fingers and cast Wish. Make as if rested! Yes! C>R was running from Firky after Swanmay died and now she had 2 Ironskins to tank with. B>M and WS managed to kill 2 Warlords by now, Vagrant joining for the third. After the third went down Everyone cast a spell or used an item and headed for Firkragg. We were hitting hard and fast! I cast my first Mirror Image this battle with my B>M and Firkster started in on his True Seeing while we beat him to death. Great fight!
C>R leveled up and took Contact with Nature.
Sorceror Level and took Imp Alac and Recast Vital Energy
Spoke with Delon and started the Shimmering Light quest.
Spider Queen - 3 Mordy Swords, 1 Smilodon and 1 Greater Swanmay as help. Lots of Free Action spells and Vagrant used Potion of Magic Sheilding. Right off the bat by B>M has his protections dispelled and gets stuck in the Web. Aura heads over and FA him. Once he's back at it he casts PFWM. Oh yeah, weapons here to hit SQ are WS with Warblade, Vagrant borrowed Phosphorous from B>M and B>M cast Black Blade of Disaster. Smilodon strikes with +4 and so do Mordies but not sure about Greater Swanmay. It was mainly Vagrant and B>M hitting SQ. My WS got his FA dispelled then got stuck, then got poisoned, then got confused and yes then died. Oh well, with Aura Imp Alacrity, Sequencers of LowResx3 from Sorc and B>M we took out the SQ summons pretty quickly. C>R hit like a beast and cast Holy Smite in between thumpings. Whenever the WS died - it was pretty early I thought I might not make it but a lucky RVE from sorceror got Regen on party.
Head back to town and I have a lot of things I want to forge but only 214K gold. Hmmmmm. Red Dragon Armor - that's easy only 5K. Then Red Coral Armor for Vagrant. Gonna wait on Imp Kithlix (I have enough good summons I think) and wait on Warblade upgrade (I can't decide which ability to get). Armor of the Heart no, Helmet of Defense no.
Went back to Watchers Keep and hit up the second level golem room. We kill fast. Very fast. Found a certain ring on dead elemental golem. Grabbed the Air Library note went back to Cromwell. Now I've got the best addition yet to the Summon party.
Stopped off at Umar Hills and ran into Inspector Auriel. Went to hunt down an Illusionist. I'm not too familiar with the Vagrant quests having only done it once or twice before so I really pulled out every buff upon heading into the sewers. Except PFLevelDrain. Forgot about Illusionary Vamps and B>M got level drained right before he cast his Berserk. Couldn't disbelieve Phantasm so I had to fight him. Forgot that he needs +4 weapons to be hit with. Had to toss Phosphorous to my C>R. To make this battle as tough as it should be the Illusionist needs to cast Absolute Immunity. My WS could hit her with normal weapons due to only being PFMW. She was just using scrolls to dispel my sorcerors SI as he kept refreshing them though. A little scare here with level drains because when the vamps spawn they spawn right next to you and hit.
Enchanter is a piece of cake. Then the Elite Doppleganger - he's tough but needs some help.
Got a ring from Roshan that's usable by Rangers. It fits better on my C>R's finger than my Vagrant so she gifted it to her. C>R is decent, 9 attacks improved hasted with Boon of Lathander. But it gets dispelled like PFLD. Low hit points throughout the game kinda sucked but this ring helps that (+10). Main reason I took her is for fun but also I like having a plethora of low level divine spells - Death Ward, Free Action & Prot Fire. This rings helps that too a little. Ironskin make's her durable and she's starting to get good. Contact with Nature, Hardiness and 2 Ironskins she'll be tough. Haven't got that Hardiness yet though. It'll be soon.
Kangaxx - WS got dispelled and I couldn't get DW cast on him fast enough. Damn there goes a fighter with a +4 weapon off into Limbo. I only had BBoD cast on B>M and Phosphoruos equipped on C>R. It was enough.
Did all of WK level 2 except Demon
Rune Assassin's in Firkragg's lair...buff like hell including 4 scrolls of prot fr posion. Enter and summon Noble Djinni, Smilodon and Planetar, B>M leads charge gets coordinators attention. Vagrant and WS each flank down the side preparing to cast power strike. Sorc and Aura cast Imp Alac after summoning. C>R going after Guildmaster. Sorc and Aura rain a fury of spells including Remove Magic, CL, Creep Doom, Breach, etc. Vagrant and WS attack coordinators with PS and aiming to stun. 1 coordinator is stunned but since so much was going on I didn't realize after that the weapon I was using wasn't doing any damage. Assassins are dying left and right Guildmaster is refreshing AI but Sorc keeps dispelling and he dies before I go after Master Assassins. Smilodon is hurting a Master but is near death... Aura casts Natural Restore on her pet, and later once again. Sorc cast Wish and got make as rested. WS gets breached but is regenerating for Aura buff and has CatONine. He stuns the other Coordinator as the first wakes up. I have to get him away from this one once he gets down to injured and B>M takes over (PFME). So on and so on. But down to last Coordinator who is PFMW so B>M cast Ghoul Touch which does not strike as a magic Weapon and even stuns sometimes. No need for stun, damaging blows do the trick. Time to spend 10 minutes cleaning up the loot.
Illithid Hideout in Sewers...Mage has Vecna. We destroy the first party handily. Alhoon and Greater were easier than usual too.
Viper Queen - had a weird problem here. Seemed like I could only hit her with a Critical hit by any of my party members. I mean we were pounding her FOREVER and she was barely injured. Normally I always thought this battle was quite a bit easier than the Rune Assassin's here and should have been first. Well I reloaded and got her a bit away from the well and didn't have any problems. Not sure what the deal was here but something seemed wrong.
Chromatic Demon - easiest he's ever been for me. Sequencer with Lower Res from Sorc plus a couple more castings of it. Cone of Cold x3 trigger from B>M (accidentally froze Smilodon to death). Hitting him with FoA (B>M) and FrostReaver (Vag) was hurting him. Once he changed to Air form we slaughtered him. Imp Alac on Sorc and Aura then Sorc casting MAA & Chromatic Orb while Aura cast Poison. Quick death, only 1 summon for him.
Sion & Koshi & them...B>M = super tank. Trigger with Imp Haste, Stoneskin, Soul Armor. Run in and Chain Cont Spell Turn Tensor's Partial and PFE. C>R ironskin and rush. Vagrant summon Greater Swan. Sorc and Aura Imp Alac after trying to disrupt Stalman (didn't work).
Exterminator from Acton Baltis quest I always have to reload. This time I didn't with careful strategy and I saved it for a little higher level. I forgot about Pitre's Storm of Veng, which is what foils me every other time when I do reload. I just had to be careful about my casting of Imp Alac with Sorc and Aura - time it so it didn't get interupted. Once I had those going I was in control. Breaches and Natural Restores mainly. I now have 3 Nat Restor.
I need those Boots of the Woodland. I have 500K gold, (haven't forged anything in quite some time, I can't decide which things.) But Woodland's are a must. So on to the Green Wyrm. Buff, talk to Golem and head in. B>M took GS. Sorc got a Spellstrike and a Breach in moving back and forth but then got hit with GS. Lots of Horrible Clouds getting spit out but Aura took care of those. C>R got breached three times and then Silenced and then put to sleep. Summons (Smilodon, 2 Greater Swanmays, Greater Djinni and Planetar) surrounded Dragon. Vagrant as well. Once B>M GS wore off he breached and the slicing resumed. However, B>M got hit with FoDx3 and collapsed. A few rounds later my Sorc's GS wore off so we were good. Finished him off with LRx3 and Flame Arrows from Imp Alac Sorc and Aura anyway. Good haul here - Boots, scrolls and necklace. Time to pay Cromwell a visit.
Forgot about Theshal. A lot higher level now than usual. FireStormed the Shade Lich to Death. Grandlords beat me up but no one died.
Going for GrandDaddy of Rune Assassins and this one scares me. Stop back by Cromwell and forge Green Wyrm Armor - now Vagrant, B>M (Gaxx), WS (Wyrm Armor) and C>R (Amulet) are immune to poison. Also forge Imp Kithlix and Imp Cat O 9 lives. Fight was great - I forgot there were Coordinators so that almost gave them an advantage. I had to cast a quick Death Ward from Aura on Sorc. A quick SI:Abj on B>M and Sorc hit up an Imp Alac and cast SI:Abj. Then the attack was on. B>M once again is an ultimate tank, he stood in the middle and had a CC with ADHWx2 and Tenser's Partial. He met Grandpa head on while Assassin's surrounded him. C>R, WS, Planetar and Greater Swanmay took the North way around the rock and smashed a few minor assassins on their way to the Coordinator that spawned. Once he casts a spell and can't hit PFMW we both charge in with Power Strike and stun him. Shortly after the other Coordinator spawns and C>R rushes to that one and stuns him. He got off a RRoR first but that was nothing. Grandmaster Flash is renewing Absolute Immunity while Sorc dispels it. Vagrant joins B>M in battling him. Regular Assassins are falling to Aura's CL and a CLx3 from B>M. Summons are alive and holding their own. B>M starts getting hit hard and fast - Aura had to use all 3 NR to heal him. 1st Coordinator dies, Grandfather dies shortly after and then as we're trying to get away from the 2nd Coordinator realizing we're all nearby and had never cast any PFME it goes off! Sorc dies. WS and Aura managed to get out of the way. C>R and B>M survived, barely. and Vagrant with her armor and belt was fine. But we were wrecked up pretty bad with a lot of Master Assassin's left. Good thinking on my upgrading CatO9! Heal all from WS and back to business!
Swanmay Quest for Good, Bad & Ugly...Gave the Diviner the Green Wyrm Plate since I mainly needed it for Rune Assassins. Battle with Ultra Golem was tense. Only because I had to keep Chief Auriel alive. She was hurting a few times but Auramaster with Natural Restore and Regen kept her in tip top shape after a few scares. Get some nice gold for this quest as well as Lakesider.

Forge Warblade with MR for WS. Still have 350K gold - probably because I haven't upgraded any rings or cloaks. Thinking about doing that now but I'm gonna wait.
Twisted Rune, Watcher's Keep, Orcus or Suldenessular. Hmmmmm.
Killed a group of Golems and a group of Rakshasa's in Suldy for some XP and then cleared the Maze level of WK. Lots of XP there especially since I won the game against the Cambion with the Deck of Many Things.
Ugh rough night - Reloaded on Twisted Rune. Four times! First time with a multiple reload battle and just about as many as I've had the whole run. And I had it on the first one - Vaxall to near death and Shangalar as the only two left. C>R just got chunked by a Stellar Gravestone. Then I guess I got sloppy after that.
Went for Nyz the Black Dragon. Reloaded again.

Supreme Leader - Reloaded twice. At this point with all these reloads I'm speeding up my playing like I usually do near the end. Earlier on since I only had a low amount of reloads I was super in-tune with the battles and really micro managing. Now I buff and rush. Kinda how late game is always for me and probably why I never finish the game. Oh well.
Demi-Lich no worries. 2 Imprisoned here.
Start Vagrant quests. Battled Vipers and activated mirror. Battled self and did much better than my first run without reload knowledge. Took a reload to realize I should use potions of Barbarian Essence before I go in. Took a couple reloads to realize I should stop trying to cast Summon Swanmay Queen first thing - I kept getting disrupted. Summoned my Greater Djinni and let my bad self attack that while I summoned Swanmay. Easy going from there. I had 9 potions of Barbarian Essence saved up so with those and CWN and oil of resurgence I couldn't be hurt. I have a bunch of potions of Magic Shielding as well for another upcoming Mirror battle.
Well I stopped taking notes at this point but I did manage to finish all the Vagrant quest. The Drowned Soul battle went horrible for me IIRC and I reloaded so many times I should have my Baldur's Gate card revoked.