Jan 28 2019, 08:28 AM
I am a long time old players of BG II with SCS mod installed and noob who is playing IA for the first time.
Honestly speaking, I always played BG with some cheat.
1. Plenty of extral healing potion from save game editor.
I used the potion after battle, since the in game healing spell is too slow and inefficent. I also tried to minimize rest, because rest in the middle of exploring a big dungeon feel cheating to me.
Since I am taking the IA challenge, I am curious to know how other ppl play around the healing problem.
Do you use the REST UNTIL HEALED option?
Do you use potion and healing spell to heal your compannions after battles? If I played like this in IA, would I have enough potions for my group?
I have done the first Iricus Dungeon with only one rest. During playing, healing after battle is always a big concern. Some time I used AOE spell for the purpose of reducing the chance in which my tanks would take too much hp loss.
I am worried that using potions for healing after battle is not sustainable in the long run.
2. Traps and locks be gone
I think disabling traps and opening locks are a waste of players' time and both of them are not essential to gameplay. I ususally played with Traps and Locks Be Gone option from ease of use mod.
I am considering doing the same thing in IA, but I am curious to know how my action would reduce the difficulty of the mod.
Jan 28 2019, 03:35 PM
1. Yes, just rest if you needed. With one or two exceptions, there aren't any time limits anywhere. The amount of available healing is in fact plentiful if learn how to use it effectively. I'd recommend trying to play on easier difficulty and employing more autopause options to have more control over the battlefield.
2. You will not lose anything from not having locks & traps. The only thing that comes to mind is that some locks are plot-driven (in vanilla game, not in IA) and simply removing them might lead to some weird stuff. Also, I don't know how it is implemented, if it overwrites the resources instead of patching there might be some problems. If you have some char who's dual-classed from thief, like Nalia, just give her enough points in thieving skills to be able to disarm/unlock stuff as needed. This is generally a more safe approach to this problem.
Jan 29 2019, 12:15 AM
I guess I would rest until heal and believe that I just use all sort of healing spells and potion during resting.
"The amount of available healing is in fact plentiful if learn how to use it effectively. "
So it is viable to drink potions to heal yourself after battle? There is no need to save the potions just for battle.
Jan 29 2019, 07:10 AM
Healing spells are used automatically when you rest until healed. I don't think it's necessary to use potions if you intend to rest. Potions in IA are a resource that should be used strategically in fights, first and foremost.
So it is viable to drink potions to heal yourself after battle? There is no need to save the potions just for battle.
Yes, why not? It all depends on your pace and the area you are in at the moment, encounters you will be facing next, etc.
Jan 29 2019, 07:32 AM
Then I should refrain myself from giving me a bunch of healing potions through EE Keeper. I should see how this would go. Hopefully, there are enough healing potions in game.
Jan 29 2019, 07:42 AM
I always use rest till party is healed option in IA. After you get some levels and have a cleric it usually takes 8h if that bothers you.
Jan 29 2019, 08:45 AM
QUOTE(SparrowJacek @ Jan 29 2019, 07:42 AM)

I always use rest till party is healed option in IA. After you get some levels and have a cleric it usually takes 8h if that bothers you.
Good news!
Jan 29 2019, 11:00 AM
There are plenty of potions to win IA on insane in ironman mode, people have done that in the past. It's all about learning what to expect and how to use available resources.
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