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Full Version: Which classes combos or actions activate scripts?
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil
Hello forum goers, i felt to play ia again and remembered a few things i heard about scripts preventing certain classes etc.

Is there any list that says which classes, play routes or party composition to 'not' take due to them being unable to obtain certain items, spells or other stuff?

The more comprehensive the better i like sort of DMing my own playthroughs (limiting my play where i feel a dm wouldnt allow as an example).

Maybe these scripts can even be removed as an aside.

I remember I read something about 3 or less party member = anti solo scripts
F/M class (any combination) = not all item drops
That is not not 100% accurate because I havent test it myself and my memory often do tricks.
Maybe someone more experienced can tell better.
Also if you play necro dont import it from bg1, some expanded stronghold quest have issues with that (not sure if fixed)
To get most quest/items play necro or vagrant protagonist and 5 or 6 party members and do not cheat
Necro and vagrant have the most content. There are some classes that aren't well balanced for IA, there's an intro for new players in the readme that covers that particular subject. As for artificial limitation (party of 3 and less, and so on), these I removed from the EE edition of the mod.
Thank you for your replies smile.gif .

So for what im understanding party size is now totally open, fight/mage multis or duals dont get wish rests, and their 'may' be some items you dont het if you have a fighter/mage multi (or dual) in your party (pai'na, spell immunty). Are those true?

Last one, is it true if now enough people survive a fight i wont get certain drops?

So far enjoying the mod, thank you.

Oh and also, is it ok to import from within bg2ee (so i dont need to reroll a character)- i think thats in the readme so will check again.
I got spell immunity from pai´na. I have 4 chars B7/M and one of those is my protagonist. That is my only Spell immunity scroll so far.
Ah, good to hear 👍🏽.
Any ideas on the surviving people per fight needed? So far i havent made any attempt keeping the whole party alive at all.

Thanks forum peeps!
That should have been removed long time ago by Critto.
I don't think there's ever was a limit on how many chars from the party were remaining alive by the end of the combat when deciding on the treasure. Anyway, most of the treasures are usually calculated upon entrance, etc., not deferred until the foes are dead.
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