Jul 17 2021, 02:19 PM
Back to school after a 2-year visa delay, finally, I have plenty of time to start another IA run and write a journal, which in fact I did a few times before but not in EN. Hope the readers may find it valuable (or fun), despite my poor writing XD. My high-level heuristic for playing IA is ‘prepare for long, fight fast’. To be specific, find the weakness of enemies, make full preparation then finish the fight as quick as possible.
This run is devoted to building a nearly invincible character, a dual class assassin21-fighter (abbreviated as AF) who can use ANY item and fight like any warrior at the same time (K13-T could do a similar job). In particular, this monster will have 90 MR, 85 PR, -24 AC, 10 APR, -20 Thac0 and -6 saving throws ultimately without any temporary buff, stronger than most bosses in IA.
Other members in the party serve to survive the early game, then simply enjoy the performance of A-F as audience in the late game. This journal will omit easy stuffs and focus on ‘big fights’ and tactics, for ease of presentation. Let’s briefly introduce the basic settings first.
BG2EE 2.5
IA 6.52
Core difficulty
IAtweaks: Minsc being Berseker
CDtweaks: multiple strongholds, bag of holding, true grandmastery, e.t.c.
PC: Necro
Custom: RB
Custom: AF
Aerie: C/M
Minsc: Berseker
Valygar: Protector
The road to 500k xp is trivial. Finished thief/cleric quest, suna fight, fallen paladin, circus, mithril quest, xzar quest and some small ones. Suna fight is carried by Minsc, with the help of emotion from PC and haste from Aerie. The elder eye is killed by flame arrow following secret word.
Finished the first stage of Aran’s task, by letting Minsc solo Lassal. Heading to Seven Vales. Summon 5 skeletons, Aerie true seeing/bless/chant/PFEvil, PC haste. Initiate the fight with doom on Amon, PC greater malison. Emotions from both PC and Aerie in the second round, Amon lies down. Take down Mencar, the others, Amon in order.
Cleared weaker enemies in graveyard, with some extra care on mutated spiders. Paina fight is a tough one: PC/Aerie minor invulnerability (doesn’t seem to work), free action on RB/Minsc. PC breaches Paina and Aerie casts emotion, Aerie got stuck by web but PC didn’t, lucky. PC casts another emotion, taking down most spiders while warriors defeat Paina at the same time. Reload several times to save healing potions.
Buy Joril’s Dagger for Minsc, defeat beast master with a single breach followed by magic missiles to interrupt the swarm. The second stage of Aran’s quest is easy by letting skeletons fight the vampire.
Heading out of town. Clear easy fights at Umar/Windspear /Trademeet/Druidcove. Magic missiles*n kills Faldorn. To harm Ihtafeer we need at least +3 weapons, therefore let RB take club+3 though she invested 0 points in its efficiency. Hit Ihtafeer until it reads IA, take down its pets then itself. The party reaches 800k xp.
Now that RB has improved haste, things become easier. Caught skinner, and finished all EE NPC’s tasks but Dorn’s. Time to obtain the improved haste scroll at the slave stockade. We plan to enter from the sewer so cleared the mists first. Web+free action+true sight and we are done.
Jul 17 2021, 07:40 PM
CDtweaks: multiple strongholds, bag of holding, true grandmastery, e.t.c.
Just FYI, all this stuff is obsolete. See the installation part of the readme for more info.
Jul 19 2021, 06:19 AM
I did something similar on my latest run with the K(13)/T. It becomes insanely powerful after we get UAI. I had that character specialize in 2-handed weapons so he could use Sowrd of the Rashemi / Holy Avenger & Golem Slayer with APR of 10 (with improved boots of the ranger lord). In addition to everything else I loaded up on "stoneskin" scrolls, so she could also stoneskin in the few really difficult battles.
The biggest problem with that character is that scripts think I'm cheating, so sometimes treasure goes away. This is especially annoying in long fights with multiple enemies, because you end up with 2/3 of the loot (or so). It has a huge effect on economics.
Jul 19 2021, 01:13 PM
Most of anti-UAI scripting was designed to prevent wearing powerful stuff. Can't remember much in way of limiting treasure. Do you have any specific examples?
Jul 19 2021, 01:31 PM
QUOTE(critto @ Jul 19 2021, 09:13 PM)

Most of anti-UAI scripting was designed to prevent wearing powerful stuff. Can't remember much in way of limiting treasure. Do you have any specific examples?
AF in his ultimate form wears: enhanced jansen wear, gauntlets of blessed might, scarlett ioun stone, grandmaster of flowers, improved gaxx, ring+2, daywalker cloak, improved haste boots, girdle of lordly might, judgement day and defending&wounding flail. As far as I can remember, most UAI limitations were removed since IA 6.4
Jul 19 2021, 01:40 PM
QUOTE(pekkae @ Jul 19 2021, 02:19 PM)

I did something similar on my latest run with the K(13)/T. It becomes insanely powerful after we get UAI. I had that character specialize in 2-handed weapons so he could use Sowrd of the Rashemi / Holy Avenger & Golem Slayer with APR of 10 (with improved boots of the ranger lord). In addition to everything else I loaded up on "stoneskin" scrolls, so she could also stoneskin in the few really difficult battles.
The biggest problem with that character is that scripts think I'm cheating, so sometimes treasure goes away. This is especially annoying in long fights with multiple enemies, because you end up with 2/3 of the loot (or so). It has a huge effect on economics.
Agreed. I have already used K13T a couple of times before, so I decide to try something new this time. Compared with AF, K13T have pros: higher hp; a shorter vacuum period; benefit from royal elemental staff. Cons: no warrior HLAs; lower stats without buffs.
Jul 19 2021, 01:41 PM
The slave stockade fight: standard buffs, plus PFFire on RB and Minsc. Upon entering, warriors rush to Haygen while PC/Aerie cast greater malison+emotion (failed on the cleric). Take down cleric first then go upstairs. Once encountering the wizard, cast greater malison+emotion to bring him down. Clearing standing enemies then those lying on the ground, save the game. A few antidotes and healing potions were consumed.
Head deeper into the room and clear the rest of enemies (golem first which summons assassins endlessly when alive). With improved haste in hand, we easily smashed the big fat worm in the sewer, not to mention rats and shadow. Minsc equips Lilacor. Defeated crypt king and queen. Meet Mekrath, the go fight the Rakshasa in the sewer. Minsc along lures away the ADHW, hits the Rakshasa until he uses AI, then wait till AI expires. Greater malison+emotion to deal with the imp.
Go to windspear and clear the mists, warriors level up to 12. Pay a visit to spiders in the tower: free action on warriors, additional chaotic common+champion’s strength on RB. Kill the ghost spider first then others, everyone is on low hp after the fight (letting RB drink an defence potion might be a safer choice, but not necessary). RB equips Belm and has 9APR now.
The sewer squad: feeble mind on Rengaard and Gaius from the left, without triggering the fight. Taking care of the rest 4 is rather easy. Dm the feeble mind on Rengaard to kill him (they won’t die unless having consumed the magic shield potion). Gaius is a little more troublesome. Dm then tangle him with summons, our party gets away and rest for the expiration of his potion. Then take Gaius down with greater malison+emotion, as always.
Shadow jailer: beach and hit, since none of our warriors specialize in crushing weapons, the two skeleton lords are a little thorny. Other undead squads are strictly easier. Leave shadow dragon and shadow king for later.
Go back to graveyard. How dare Tanova to begin the fight without PFMW? Warriors rush her to death and then vampire brides. Talk to Aran and the party reaches 1.3m xp. Recruit Valygar, change his longbow proficiency to dagger by EEkeeper.
Jul 19 2021, 02:13 PM
QUOTE(leozoroaster @ Jul 19 2021, 01:31 PM)

QUOTE(critto @ Jul 19 2021, 09:13 PM)

Most of anti-UAI scripting was designed to prevent wearing powerful stuff. Can't remember much in way of limiting treasure. Do you have any specific examples?
AF in his ultimate form wears: enhanced jansen wear, gauntlets of blessed might, scarlett ioun stone, grandmaster of flowers, improved gaxx, ring+2, daywalker cloak, improved haste boots, girdle of lordly might, judgement day and defending&wounding flail. As far as I can remember, most UAI limitations were removed since IA 6.4
Just note that the Scarlet Ioun Stone disables thieving skills. It adds a "disable thieving skills button" to variables (IIRC), again and again.
Jul 20 2021, 02:00 PM
Planar jail: full buffs on, upon entering the jail, greater malison+emotion takes down the only threat, elite bounty hunter. Enemies along the road to the warden is easy to deal with. PFF on warriors, chaotic command on RB and Valygar, AF destroys the orb to start the fight. 3*RRR+breach strips the warden within 2 rounds then warriors attack.
Shadow dragon: death wards on casters, spell strike+breach begins the fight. PC and Aerie breach for the second the round while warriors hit so hard, Aerie got silenced. PC breaches again then the dragon dies, nobody gets hurt, ez! RB finally has a +3 longsword, great!
Meet Nalia, viper and Glacius fights are easy. Mages appearing without PFMW are all lame, including the greater yuan-ti. No need of emotion or any control spells, simply letting warriors attack wins the battle. Forged the flail of age+3.
So far we haven’t encountered any hardcore fight, Torgal might be the first one, especially for our party which lacks crushing damage in early game. Lure two giant trolls out first, thus we only need to deal with Torgal, a noble troll and a gem golem.
Summon 4 bears and 1 skeleton (hope Torgal would be that stupid to control it), AF and PC along with summons approach from the left, attracting the gem golem, warriors then directly attack Torgal. Torgal died before it could cast rm/vengeance storm. AF lures the golem away, meanwhile warriors kill the noble troll, and PC/Aerie cast LR*4+greater malison+doom+polymorph other*n on the golem. The fight took merely 5 rounds, only Valygar and AF were hurt.
A similar strategy is then used in the dawn ring quest as well. Back to windspear. PC remembering enough fire balls/stone skins exhaust 2 IAs of Ruhk under the protection of immunity abjuration. Then warriors join without any protection buff (to avoid rm).
It’s quite difficult to confront the golem quad directly. By letting PC block the door with PFMW and observing that it’s free to go up/downstairs in combat, we can polymorph the golems one at a time. The vampire squad can’t move at all over a dozen webs. Other enemies except Samia/red dragon/element master are not as hard to deal with. Conster: 10inch invisibility on everyone, Conster will cast true sight first then warriors strike. The party reaches 1.7m xp.
Jul 21 2021, 01:23 PM
Finished some bard/paladin stronghold quests and the limited wish quest. RRR+flesh to stone on shade lich and endless skeletons kill elemental lich. We are going to do several tough battles in a row.
Shade lord: PFLightning on warriors. Full spell protection on PC/Aerie. RRR*2+LR*4+greater malison+feeble mind*3 disables shade lord. Warriors defeat Patrick first then skeleton lords and finally the altar. Death spell clears all shadows. A few superior healing potions were consumed after the first round of feeble mind fails and the shade lord casts rm, removing all haste on party members except Valygar. At last, PFEnergy on Minsc and let him solo the disabled shade lord. Cleared 3 assassins in the squirrel quest afterwards.
Screaming statue: rest after the first wave. PC/Aerie memorize plenty webs along with web sequences, chaostic commands on RB and Valygar, limited wish minor invulnerability and negative plane protection on the whole party. Cast several webs in advance then start the fight. Warriors clear vampiric mists first then vampires while casters keep the number of active webs. The fight ends just when minor invulnerability expires.
Pirate cove: pirate coordinator is dangerous to our low-level party. However, as a mage, sooner or later the pirate coordinator would run out of spells after his protections expire. All we need to do is control the battlefield, keep everyone safe and wait. Full buffs on, clear other pirates in 2 rounds, then RB goes to the upper-left corner, Minsc to the upper-right while others retreat to bottom. RB and Minsc are in charge of absorbing all the arcane damage from the pirate coordinator by taking healing potions and maintain high hp. PC and Aerie keep summoning to absorb physical damage and waste improved mantle scrolls. A moment later, the coordinator exhausts all his threatening dangerous spells, RB and Minsc return and get improved haste/PFLightning buffs, then easily kill the coordinator.
Let’s explore WK a little bit. It’s free to open/close doors on the first floor, so golem/undead fights are quite easy with patience. The fanatic spirit costs the party a few healing potions, couldn’t blame it since our party indeed lacks piecing damage in early game. Ctrl+4 and run quickly to avoid triggering the spider queen. Going up/downstairs to smash the golems on the second floor one at a time.
Jul 25 2021, 03:11 PM
Contingency haste+RB improved haste+champion’s strength shutdown the trademeet founder. Entering the planar sphere, we destroy the golem squad one by one: PC triggers the fight while others wait in the corner. All golems follow PC, and warriors intercept a coin golem and a bone golem falling behind. PC turns back, warriors intercept a gem golem again. Another gem golem is taken down similarly, and the final coin golem got polymorphed.
Lavok: a tough fight. 2 gem golems will spawn around PC, with 4 additional skeleton lords below the throne. PC lures golems away, 2 skeletons approach Lavok while warriors take down skeleton lords first. Lavok was busy casting RRR and breach on PC so there is no risk so far. Warriors intercept one golem and AF tries to attract Lavok’s attention. One more golem down and party members retreat out of Lavok’s vision. Using summons to finally drag him down.
Raid Togerias with invisible warriors, remaining enemies in the sphere are not worth mention. Forged amulet of Hades, turn the lich at city gates into stone. Back to WK, easily killed the elite fire giant. There are only a few fights left before sailing.
Samia squad (a rewarding fight): full buffs on, PFEnergy on RB and Minsc, PFFire on warriors, limited wish minor invulnerability on everyone, RB drinks invulnerable potion. PC along with 3 skeletons stand in the inner room, warriors along with 2 skeletons stand where Samia squad will appear, Aerie and AF stands outside. Start the fight, PC casts sequence emotion*3 to disable Akae. Kaol couldn’t cast any spell before dying faced with attack from our warriors. Aerie uses magic missiles to interrupt Chak’s insects. Warriors take down Ferric and Samia with the help of breaches from casters, then kill Chak and Legdoril. Meanwhile, PC uses 2 PFMW scrolls in the inner room to attract skeleton warlords. The rest of the fight is easy.
Aug 3 2021, 04:57 PM
Forged water’s edge+4, entering the zombie village. Ctrl+4 to avoid stepping on blue areas, take over Theshal and leave the shade lich for later (because we won’t forge Phosphorus+4, facing 2 skeleton warlords +2 skeleton grandlords is too risky). Forged girdle of lordly might, return to WK and clear all baby golems spawned by the elemental golem one by one. Rest and suppress the elemental golem, a few healing potions were consumed. Web*n+LR*4+greater malison+doom to trap the steam prince, then let Minsc and Valygar (they have +4 weapons) attack it. Similarly, another prince in the sphere is taken down. Party reaches 2.6m xp.
Chromatic demon: spell trigger LR*2+greater malison plus feeble mind from Aerie disables chromatic demon in the first round. Melee attack on salamanders and the mist, and meanwhile casters polymorph the amber golem. Forged the truth, flail of age+4,paladin’s bracer, vampire’s cloak and a pair of speeding boots. It’s a pity that Limak won’t show up in Chapter 3, his wish scroll is so tempting.
Chapter 4, entered the spellhold labyrinth. Didn’t expect to encounter an additional elemental golem at the portal. Leave this battle for later until we clear the second floor and are free to go up/downstairs.
Aug 8 2021, 01:25 AM
Well, elemental golems are everywhere! The last round of the tome fight is again an elemental golem, defeating it is easy but harvesting all secondary golems seems impossible since there are randomly spawned enemies. Petrify liches. Kurtulmak fight would be trivial if PC reaches 3.4m xp, for now we just kill guardian spirits and the shaman first then retreat to the first floor. Next we polymorph amber golems one at a time. The only real enemy on the third floor is a mithril golem, which can be polymorphed still. 33 mithril tokens were gathered in all, to exchange cold boosts and haste boots.
Jon fight: 18 golems is just too many, it’s nearly impossible to confront them directly. We have no choice but to play it the cheesy way. Just PFFire on everyone and wait until clones spawn. Run into the corner of room and cast sequence of emotions to isolate our group from golems by lying clones, then feeble minds on the closest ones to make the ‘flesh barrier’ permanent. After Jon uses rm, PC casts PFME on everyone (lasts 17 turns!). Keep healing until Jon run out of his spells and meanwhile annihilate golems one by one with the Rynn staff in Minsc’s hands. Be careful however, PC focus on protecting herself and let Valygar wear the inertial barrier belt as well, since there are many raise dead scrolls left for using.
Aug 13 2021, 02:34 AM
Chapter 5, PFME on everyone, RRR*3+breach from PC with IA then attack, the elder orb falls down. Sweep the cave but leave the dracolich and golem for later. Easily take care of the drow squads with sun fire*n + fire ball*n from PC with IA.
Demon warriors: PFME/PFFire on everyone, PC/Aerie full protection buffs, PC prepares trigger LR*3, sequence acid arrow*3, minor sequence acid arrow*2. The fight starts, PC casts IA while warriors attack one demon, Aerie hide in a safe corner. Upon IA takes effect, PC first threw out several rms in all directions, then cast RR*2+trigger+bleach+acid arrow*n to kill one demon while warriors took down another one at the same time. PC continues the above process to hit another demon to badly injured, warriors then take care of the fight. Nobody’s hp was ever below 70%, super safe. The loots are good but it’s a pity that Minsc can’t wield soul reaver.
Brain fight: all buffs on, rushed the two mind flayers then everyone hides behind the statue to avoid the rm from the brain. The elemental golem follows, warriors crushed it before it could summon the second golem. Then PC goes out alone to take the rm and attract some attention, warriors follow and kill the brain.
Aug 16 2021, 03:26 AM
Fights in Ust Natha are all easy ones. We are going to challenge the master of the maze: dracolich! (One of) the best battles in IA!
Dracolich: it’s very very dangerous, and even more dangerous than its normal version (PC xp below 3.4m). It’s a shadow dragon immune to all 1-5 level spells, carrying some highly dangerous spells including
Wail of the dracolich*n (full screen!), easily kills party members without protection. Counter: death ward, immunity necro, magic shield potion.
Acid fog*n, kills summons quickly. Counter: zone of sweet air.
Greater doom, makes wail of the dracolich way more dangerous, and lowers dps of warriors.
Greater silence. Counter: amulet of hades, hiding casters.
Dragon’s breath, causes level drain. Counter: restoration.
Wing buffet*n
It’s impossible to raid this bastard and finish in a few rounds, we can only fight a protracted battle. The very first thing is to ensure the safety of all party members. Then we need to hold on until the dracolich runs out of all PFMWs, which also involves division of the battlefield. The final step is buffing warriors and assault.
For constant protection from the wail of the dracolich, PC/Aerie uses immunity necro, RB drinks magic shield potions while others are protected by death wards from Aerie. Let RB carry enough potions to tangle with the dracolich, and PC/Aerie summons to hamper it (planetars are extremely helpful). In particular, RB should have magic shield potion and invulnerability potion active all the time, and keep the dracolich at the center of the battlefield, away from other members. We choose RB because she has -21 AC after drinking the invulnerability potion, and risk decrement for emergency.
Upon entering, use item summons and RB drinks potions which won’t trigger the fight. All hide by the exit except RB. PC/Aerie immunity and RB improved haste to start the fight, the dracolich approaches. PC then keeps summoning while Aerie casts death wards, RB hits the dracolich until it gets hurt and drinks potions meanwhile, all 2 rms are used up here.
Then comes the long wait for all PFMWs to expire. PC/Aerie keeps summoning, replenish protections once halfway. Aerie/Valygar casts zone of sweet air when necessary. RB circles and drinks healing potions from time to time. Control planetars to use restoration and healing spells. Magic swords can endure a lot of physical damages from the dracolich.
When all summon spells run out, the dracolich uses up all PFMWs too at the same time. Improved hast on warriors and charge, the dracolich won’t use greater silence since no casters show up, so warriors can drink healing potions freely. Aerie has a greater restoration spell in hand so we end this fight smoothly. Such strategy costs 3 magic shield potions, but is much safer than letting PC face the dracolich alone.
Aug 17 2021, 08:24 PM
Pay a visit to Firrkrag before returning to Athkatla. The red dragon stands no chance in front of a high-level necro PC, let alone the element in the well.
We’d like to forge some great items, however two adversaries stand in the way: Kruin and Limak. Enter the dock district from graveyard so Limak generates away from Kruin, leave immediately then enter from the temple district to face Kruin first.
Kruin: leave dock district immediately after Kruin becomes hostile, before elemental golems could spawn. Rest in temple district so that all protections of Kruin expire. Buffs on and casts mass invisibility, enter dock district and chop Kruin (who is ‘naked’ and so stupid to cast true sight first) into pieces. We can even take down golems one by one with patience.
Forged many powerful items! Including the equalizer, the wave, Corthala true blade, greater djinni ring, indigo ioun stone, adamantine horn, eleven ancient expertise, cloak of the daywalker, sword of the Rashemi.
The two amber golems he brought is annoying. We divide the fight into 3 parts. First let PC polymorphed the golems under IA, this is the first time casting in city so no trouble from coward wizards. Then all members hide in the shadow thief headquarter, and let one going in and out to waste Limak’s spells. Finally, when his protections expire, buffs on and attack him. PC finally gets wish and chain contingency scrolls!
Aug 20 2021, 10:10 PM
Back to WK, roast the spider queen. The green wyrm is no better than Firkrag. Wish-PFME is the only thing crucial to defeat the devil spirit. Play with Aesgareth, +1 STR for AF using the deck. Forged Jan’s armor for AF and golden spider.
Kangaxx: prepare summons in advance, use ring of ram to send it into the corner. The demilich form is taken care of by Minsc and Valygar.
Alhoon and the greater elemental golem: PC lures the golem alone then PFMW, the golem follows summons into the encirclement of warriors. Warriors hit it to near-death within one round! Forged Cromfaeyr for RB, green wyrm plate for Minsc and grandmaster of flowers for AF (it took 3 +1 necklaces!)
Our party is pretty strong at this stage: every warrior has a decent +5 weapon, AF has also exceeded Minsc in dps.
Kushi squad: PC casts IA in advance, ADHW*3+dragon’s breath*5 easily kills humanoid enemies except Ketta and Theon, warriors clear up the rest. Greater elemental golem is taken care of in the same way as above.
Troll cove: PFFire on everyone, PC sets CC-RR*3, trigger-LR*3, cast IA in advance and use acid arrows*n to kill the queen first, meanwhile warriors use CS to take down the queen. Subsequent vengeance trolls are easy to deal with. Forged Valygar’s armor for him.
Falahar squad: just prepare everything and let PC bomb enemies. Any humanoid squad is fragile faced with PC. Easily take care of Umar and Chaos.
Guildmaster: full buffs on, let PC go alone, gathering all assassins together then roast them. Warriors clear guildmaster and elite rune assassins first then golems, coordinators at last. Forged greater protection talisman.
Bodhi: PC PFMW and blocks the door, let Minsc attack, over. Ancient lich: it doesn’t summon skeletons with no party members in sight, so let our summons finish it. Ancient mage: don’t enter any further and let him approach, so elemental golems won’t join the fight. Zallanora: warriors circle the spot where she would appear and chop her into pieces once she shows up.
Aug 25 2021, 11:56 PM
Pasha: PC is already lv24 so that rm can easily clear enemies’ PFMW. Cast IA as the fallen deva appears and let Aerie stand away from the battlefield. Survive the first round of ADHW and Aerie casts GR, meanwhile warriors shut down the noble devils with priority.
The old one: PC borrows equipments from other members to stack hp: indigo ioun stone, gaxx ring, girdle of lordly might, and also summon devices. Prepare sequence: SS+PFFrie, trigger: invulnerable globe+PFFire, CC: foreknowledge+spell turning+PFME. Prepare spells: PFFire, SS, spell immunity, PFME, RRR, summon troll/planetar.
Upon the fight starts, use trigger and hide away to cast IA, then cast immunity abjuration and RR*6 to dispel liches’ protections. Walk around to draw liches’ attention (no PFMW!) and replenish buffs in time. After one lich is defeated, start summoning to finish this battle.
Black dragon: PC foreknowledge+RVE mental agility, with IA warriors easily kill the dragon. RR*3 to each hardwood golem followed by greater malison. Try to polymorph them, but after throwing a dozen polymorph other, only one golem is successfully polymorphed. Warriors take care of the rest two.
Harper’s house: full buffs on, PC goes first to take all rms then warriors charge at the greater elemental golem. With the regenerations and 50% extra hp from RVEs, ADHWs from rakshakas feel like scratches.
Aug 29 2021, 11:41 PM
Twisted rune: full buffs on, wish rest then summon greater djinni and noble spider again. When the fight starts, summons draw the lich’s attention, warriors attack the vampire, PC/Aerie hide away from the beholder. PC casts IA, breach on vampire, RR*2+breach+LR*3+acid arrow*8 on Layene hitting her to near death, breach on Revanek followed by magic missiles and fire arrows. Layene rests after several immunity and PFMW spells, PC breach again then warriors kill her. All summons remain alive, let them play with Shangalar while warriors attack Vaxall. Those whose PFME has been removed go back to PC and get another one. After the death of Vaxall, let summons kill Shangalar for safety.
Orcus: normal buffs+PFFire one everyone, then wish rest. After warriors taking down 4 grandlords PC starts casting IA. One more grandlord was defeated then vampires spawn. PC CC: ADHW*3+sunfire*n clears all eminent ones and leave master vampires for warriors. After regenerations expire PC casts multiple RVEs again for healing. Finally when silence expires. PC IA again and throws rms on Orcus, warriors CS and kill it within two rounds.
Nec final quest: unexpected rms from balors, they didn’t cast rms in previous versions as I remember. Anyway, rms make this fight more difficult than lesser force itself. PC can use lightning bolts to kill 2 balors and use RR*2+breach to kill 2 more with melee attack from warriors. However, we are in short of improved haste and breach and can only play war of attrition with the remaining 2 balors. A lot of healing potions were consumed for finally taking down them. Skeleton grandlords are easy to del with.
Lesser force: get enough regenerations from RVE*7 and before the second wave of bone golems it was easy. Then regenerations expire and Valygar was feared unexpectedly (he wields age flail instead of his own katana to deal more damage to golems). AF attracts most attention from enemies and others reorganize. Finally warriors defeat the lesser force with many healing potions and GR^2 from Aerie.
This journal is on AF but we haven’t talked about him yet. He is now close to his ultimate form: what’s left are judgement day, D&W flail, improved gaxx ring, lum’s machine and lv24 fighter. Currently, he has 50 PR, 75 MR, -22 ac, -16 Thac0 and 10 APR. AF is better than average warriors once we get access to Cromwell in Chapter 6, therefore he is very useful in most late-game fights in SoA.
Sep 8 2021, 09:03 PM
Red dragon: all buffs on, PC lures its rms and warriors attack with non-magical weapons. Demilich: use ring of ram to kick it into the upper corner, then let Minsc and Valygar attack. Sweep the rest enemies, forge improved gaxx ring D&W flail for AF and another boot of haste. We are in short of permanency scrolls now.
Ancient dragon: let Aerie attract the nishruu, PC defeats the salamander and efreeti by acid arrows, magic missiles and lightning bolts. Then warriors attack the ancient dragon and PC keeps breaching. Dragon fights are extremely easy with necro PC.
Defeat Jon twice and we head into ToB. Illasera: just as any other normal fight, PC takes off all enemies’ protections and warriors attack, then let AF tank Illasera and we reap all xp from skeleton grandlords. Karun is the only one matters among Gromnir squad, just let AF play with him after taking over the rest.
Sep 13 2021, 02:10 AM
Judgement day fight: to guarantee safety, we’d better kill the demon prince ASAP. Meet him then use pocket plane for buffs. Under the protection of 9*regenerations from RVE, warriors stand still and attack the demon prince with CS, ignoring any other enemy. The damage of enemies is indeed huge, it took all GRs of Aerie before defeating the demon prince.
The fight is not over yet, there are 3 noble mariliths alive (very unlucky), and many more abyss escorts. The elemental golem is chasing PC, it’s hard to continuously dispel mariliths’ PFMW. Let AF tank as many enemies as possible and others sneak attack noble mariliths once have a chance. After all noble mariliths were taken down, PC casts PFMW then hide and cast IA+RVE*n, get only one regeneration. But it’s enough for dealing with the rest enemies.
Let’s look as AF who has just reached his ultimate form. He has 212 hp, -20 Thac0, 27-41 damage (both main hand), 10 APR, -5 saving throws, 85 PR, 90 MR, 40 FireR, -25 ac. What a beast!