Nov 7 2021, 03:35 PM
Hi guys

Now that the saving throws bonus has been properly implemented, what party would you bring for an IA legacy of bhaal playthrough and why ?
Nov 7 2021, 03:39 PM
What saving throws do you speak of? And how do they affect the difficulty setting?
Nov 7 2021, 04:26 PM
Monsters were supposed to get +5 to saving throws but ended up with nothing (aside from the other bonuses). This has been fixed in the last patch
Nov 7 2021, 05:23 PM
Ah. Well, IA is not compatible with the latest patch, strictly speaking. This is something that might happen post-v7, I guess. I wonder, though, if this is really a huge swing against the odds of the player. Maybe in the early game where you tend to rely more on spells like Emotion that require a failed saving throw in order to hit.
Feb 19 2022, 07:54 PM
Soo, a while back I started a run of Legacy of Bhaal. Run went ok until Thax, whom I beat, but then an unfortunate auto-update to 2.5 came about, which ruined the save (I was playing at 2.3 at the time). What's more, over that patch, everyone in LoB, besides their other bonuses got also an insane amount of AC (11 or 15 I think), which is useless for summons, because their AC is quite bad, and IA monsters pass that, but made pretty much everybody else unhittable. If the insane AC still persists, I'm gonna go out on a limb, and say that LOB IA runs are no longer possible, because of that, since in that run every fight was on the edge so to speak (for a quick example, I think Skeleton LORDS have a -18 AC in LOB).
Feb 26 2022, 04:44 PM
I'd suggest to forgo LoB, these auto-adjustment difficulties never get along well with the difficulty introduced by mods. Unless it's SCS, I think DavidW did something clever with it and re-built all his AI stuff around the difficulty slider.
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