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Welcome. Again.

So we succumbed into "Insane". unsure.gif

We are looking to obliterate, again.

Our last crew with Vagrant spearheaded by Riskbreaker & Kensai was quite OP, except for the most difficult fight(s) as in the demogorgon-fight, which was extremely difficult. In the end H2H rules in almost all fights. However we botched our approach as in we didn't read the rules clear enough, so we managed to inflict quite a lot of pain for ourselves in the early parts of the game most notably in chapters 4-5, but we wanted to "play by the rules". In the end we obliterated though. That was the plan and it worked for some (most) parts at least. But in the end we weren't completely happy with our crew though.

However, we managed to dig a hole for ourselves forcing to re-think strategies and to survive, with very, very sub-optimal setup for good parts of the game. Managing to do this though, we think we have enough not to play on Core anymore - we can do it and do it easily. So we will up the difficulty. However, we think that with increased difficulty comes slightly different challenges. For example we think in we can't really tank with anything else than skinned characters, besides the DD ofc since it has about 50% physical resistance quite early. In that way it's about similar to tanking with a regular fighter on core rules, the result should be about the same. And since we did that already, we think we should be quite Ok tanking with a DD (with quite the increased divine spellcasting power that is)

But everyone else we need to protect we think. And we really need CS's, in the few difficult fights. So how do we construct a crew that has max skins, CS's, extreme spell casting capabilities together with great H2H (APR's & Thac0's)?

We think we have this solved. Ahem. Again.

The Rules

- No non-protagonist related drops & forging, though ...
- We get to forge MotA (as we don't get to forge anything else and it actually isn't even a drop, as we'll get the required items)
- We have 91 pts to distribute with the custom character we have
- We have the tomes from bg1 to spread among the crew
- Protector of the Woods is fixed to be usable by a Druid as well (it also fits the lore and it would be a shame to let it unused, since it's such a great item for a druid)
- Max HP's for NPC's
- We'll bend the rules just a little bit regarding a specific item later on in the game, but we are a bit hesitant to call it "cheating", since we can actually do it within the game's rules & it fits the lore as well. We won't abuse it though.
- A few (2-3) non-IA bonus items, to supplement item classes that don't have a lot of choices (two amulets & a belt).
- Rotating crew of party members in early chapters, as usual


Voilá our crew, we'll end up with:

Kensai (PC), the best damage dealer in the game we think. Needs to be protected, as otherwise will be toast immediately. Kensai gets the nod over Riskbreaker because it can use staves, so we can actually protect it in the early chapters, when RB is limited to dual wielding without range thus being subject of constant near-death experiences (due to myself being not that good of a player perhaps). Will get JD for dual wielding purposes later in the game for game breaking damage dishing. Will have skins in the end through JD. Gets the PC slot for early game superpowers. Played as Half-Orc with maxed stats from the beginning: (STR 19, DEX 18, CON 19, INT 9, WIS 18, CHA 9)

Korgan the Dwarven Defender. The only character that can tank in the game throughout all of the chapters, sort of. Is able to get about 40-50% physical resistance quite early in the game though abilities + innate physical resistance. This type of resistance also cannot be dispelled nor breached - a major, major bonus over any other type of (phys. resistance) tank. Combines very low AC with up-to 70% resistance to physical damage, which should keep him quite safe until the very end. That and 250-300 HP's with 100% fire resistance and so on. And ofc some timely healing from Cernd. Would play Korgan, but we don't like him so we take Minsc with Korgan's stats. So essentially we're playing a Korgan, who's nice and who carries a miniature giant space hamster around. We'd love to see that hamster in a fight one of these days.

Jaheira the Avenger. The best early game (H)2H damage disher. Amazing complimentary items and abilities, able to get to 6 APR with staffs / spears in chapter 2/3. Gets to summon the Clan Spirit. Gets Critical Strikes. Plays like a fighter, but with superpowers in the early game. Can tank in almost all fights and the one where she really can't, we have a plan for that fight. Gets the Golem Slayer, for... well, golem slaying purposes.

Imoen the Sorceress. Our archmage for top-notch arcane spellcasting superpowers. Will get MotA. A Necromancer gets +1 spells per level through levels 1-7 somewhere around level 30 or so we are thinking about giving her the same bonus spells. Can be silenced, so that's a big minus. Early access to amazing difficulty breaking spells though. We'll use them fully!

Cernd the Auramaster as the ultimate divine spell caster for prebuffing, debuffing & tanking golems and for summoning greater elementals, anacondas and the Smilodon. Will dominate encounters especially in chapters 4 & 5. An amazing healer & lich-killer. Insane amount spell slots. In later stages it will be Cernd's job to disable enemy casters and keep the crew alive with heals, regenerations & natural restorals. Especially those regen's will be in high demand, we think. Also, by the end he will be arguably the most powerful spellcaster in the realms, on par with a Necromancer, a lot better in a number of encounters, as powerful as a demi-god so a very worthy companion for a realms-roaming bhaalspawn.

Up to this point the crew is quite "conventional", as in nothing special besides the choice for the PC & the double-druid perhaps, though very, very powerful and almost solely NPC's with their original (IA) classes. What we are still lacking is H2H capabilities together with casting capabilities. We think there's only one character that we can use for this. Gets to cast everything besides ADHW, which it wouldn't cast anyway. Gets +1 spells per level. Gets critical strikes. Gets fighter Thac0's. Gets amazing equipment. Doesn't have great hit points but it's offset by being able to tank with skins & pfmw's & mirror images. Can also chain contigency properly & use triggers. We think she'll be great! Doesn't get IA but then again, without minuses in casting time IA is almost useless. Can also breach and tank enemies like a boss and is able to summon powerful allies for help. So a custom made gnomish Fighter/Illusionist, welcome! We think she'll be great! (STR 13, DEX 18, CON 18, INT 17, WIS 12, CHA 13).

So in the end ...

=> 5/6 are able to skin up (6/7 if we count the Clan Spirit).
=> The one that can't skin up has the best physical resistance & about the best AC in the game
=> 4/6 can go about critical striking awee'
=> 2/6 can clense auras with tremendous casting time bonuses (aura clensing without casting time bonuses is well, pointless)
=> We have the best casting ability both arcane & divine in the game
=> Effective use of the most powerful gear in the game

We think we'll break it, even on insane!


A few abbreviations we use in this Journal


MS Minor Sequencer
SS Spell Sequencer
ST Spell Trigger
MS7 Monster Summoning 7 (7th level spell)
MS8 Monster Summoning 8 (8th level spell, troll)
MS9 Monster Summoning 9 (9 the level spell, greater yaun-ti)
CS Clan Spirit, Jaheira's summon
CC Chain Contigency (9th level arcane spell) / Chaotic Commands (5th level divine spell)
PfMW Protection from Magic Weapons
PfME Protection from Magic Energy
PftE Protection from the Elements
PfE PRotection from Energy
PfF Protection from Fire
PFL Protection from Lightning
PfC Protection from Cold
PfA Protection from Acid
GOi Globe of Invulnerability
ST Spell Truning
PO Polyomorph Other
IH Improved Haste
GM Greater Malision
DUHM Draw Upon Holy Might (Bhaalspawn ability / 2nd level divine spell)
IA Improved Alacrity (the 9th level arcane spell)
RRoR Ruby Ry of Reversal (the level arcane spell)
ADHW Abu Dalzim's Horrid Wilting (8th level arcane spell)
CoC Cone of Cold (5th level arcane spell)
AA Acid Arrow (2nd level arcane spell)
MM Magic Missile (1st level arcne spell)
SoA Shield of Archons

Stuffs & other's

AoP Amulet of Power
CF Crom Fayer
DoE Defender of Easthaven
CotW Circlet of the Woods
CotGF Citclet of the Golden Flowers
MotA Memory of the Apprenti
CS Critical Strike (Warrior HLA (high level ability))
F/M Fighter Mage, our custom made gnomish fighter/Illusionist
F/I our F/M
DD Dwarven Defender
OoR Oil of Resurgenrece
F/M vs. Berserker->Mage vs. Nalia

We've had quite a long thought about this, as we've played a number of fighter mage types through the mod including various iterations of the Berserk/Mage version together with Illegal Fighter/Necromancer and the tweaked Jan Jansen and latest with probably most powerful of them all (outcounting the illegal Fighter/Necromancer, which is a full-blown Necro with some h2h capabilities) in Nalia the fighter/mage. But we never were really happy with that character type.

Sure, their spell progression is great, they reach high spell levels, get IA and if playing Nalia, she gets oodles of spells thanks to her personal item + the ability to use the Githzerai blade. So on paper they look like "best of the both world" - in one package. But every single one of those character types plays about the same; they will never reach the high end of either fighting power or spellcasting power.

Every single time I've had a character like that along they have a few moments when they shine, but in the end they are relegated to decoy & summon responsibilities, for they lack essential abilities to be really useful. With such a character one is trading greatness for mediocrity, a bad tradeoff in the world of IA. With dual-classed F/M you are never able to reach high end Thac0 to hit properly. Casting TT is out of the question since your character is most likely toast quite soon, if it can't protect itself with spells. And ofc. you have a single chosen weapon with grand mastery and you pretty much suck in h2h even more with every other weapon type, further decreasing the characters utility. While you can clense aura, it's not that helpful because you are lacking casting time bonuses, an essential thing to have when going spell-hurling. And ofc. you don't have access to full version of Wish and RvE is out of the question. So because of these traits in my games such character types are usually decoying a little bit, then buffing a little and summoning, where they arguably are good especially when playing a character with added spell slots.

We are hoping to change all of that with our F/M. I don't really see any single downside to playing multiclass F/M versus playing dual-classed one. This is where the multiclassed one will easily and by far surpass the effectiveness of the dual-class even though the multi-classed version is stripped of some powers like improved alacricity. The only downside to a multi-class vs. dual-class is the slower level progression but even in that case it comes with amazing bonuses down the line in proper warrior & mage HLA's. And if you take the gnomish version, you even get +1 spells per level, further diminishing the only real benefit of the dual-classed version.

We'll see how this plays out. But I'm really looking forward to my demon-killing F/M with 9APR & Thac0 of -20 without buffs smile.gif.
Good luck! Looks like quite the powerful class. The main downside to the multi-class is that hitpoints are quite a bit lower vs the dual.

Is your Minsc/Korgan going to be a dwarf for the shorty saving throw bonuses? If Minsc/Korgan is good aligned, one trick is to pass JD between the fighters periodically to share the stoneskin procs.
QUOTE(bulian @ Apr 18 2022, 11:46 PM) *
Good luck! Looks like quite the powerful class. The main downside to the multi-class is that hitpoints are quite a bit lower vs the dual.

Is your Minsc/Korgan going to be a dwarf for the shorty saving throw bonuses? If Minsc/Korgan is good aligned, one trick is to pass JD between the fighters periodically to share the stoneskin procs.

It should be, about as powerful as one can get (imo ofc.). We can fix the hitpoints a little bit by giving that char 19 con (from the tome) + girdle of lordly might, but we'll see. Minsc is good aligned ofc, but with Korgan's stats & class (so we switch him to a Dwarf). We don't want to use the JD-trick (thanks for it nevertheless) because Korgan is originally evil and we play that character like that.

(EDIT: I think we might actually end up using the JD on the DD at some point)


Start is trivial:

Kalah & Circus tent- quest
Animal trouble in trademeet
Trademeet genies / Adratha's cottage
Druid Grove part 1 (the troll)
Suna Seni
Baron Ployer
Sir Sarles
Return neb's head
Do all of the thief stronghold quests (the Mae'Var quest - line & reject stronghold)
Jaheira's poisoned man quest
Xzar & Montaron
Return to the Harper Hold
Solve Skinner murders
The "fallen paladins" quest

Early notes:

Crew works as we though it would. Faldron chose to challenge a staff-wielding grand master Kensai to a staff-wielding contests. I don't think she thought this through as she got oblitirated before she could say "creeping do.....". PC's exp value in kills is 50% atm, so the Half-Orc Kensai is really, really effective in the early stages. We're also looking forward to Jaheira getting hersuperpowers, so we'll have 2 characters that are just nuts.

The F/M is an amazing tank thanks to low ac (through buffs, ghost armour & blur & ii) + skins + mirror images. Clan hunter is a great tank as well. F/M tanks mostly, especially in the solve skinner murders where she just outclasses the rest of the crew (ghost armor + blur + mirror image + skins. And she can dish out the damage as well. Without her, we would be in difficulties quite often.

Clear Graveyard
Clear spiders from lower levels
Cernd's child
Start druid grove part 2
Dryads at Windspear Hills
Clear windspear hills & start rescue garren's child
Help Tiris in Trademeet
Join Rasaad & do all his quests
Book of Kaza
(so Join Korgan The Berserker)

Still quite trivial. These encounters play much like they would on core. GM + emotion for spiders. We can't tank with DD, but since we got the Dwarven Thrower for him he's really good in all of the fights. We're having some second thoughts about the DD, it's amazing at lower difficulty levels but here it too is in trouble quite fast if he gets targetted in melee. F/M is usually in the lead. If she equips the shield of harmony + AoP she's very well protected against pretty much any trick the enemies throw at us
Insane, without a Necromancer. Oh boy that Ancient Dragon fight is going to be something.

Good luck!
QUOTE(kilorew @ Apr 20 2022, 08:18 PM) *
Insane, without a Necromancer. Oh boy that Ancient Dragon fight is going to be something.

Good luck!

Thanks! I have a plan for that fight smile.gif.


Chapter 3

Clear the sewers below Copper Coronet
Guild Contacts (that's good exp right there, don't milk all of the vampires)

We're lacking +3 weapons so the guild contacts was a little bit of a struggle. We can already drop F/M's AC to -16 against crushing (or so), that together with mirror image & stoneskins & permanen npp (from AoP) is very, very good at this stage. She also gets to use the "phantom blade", a spell I've never used before. We've bought the spear of Kuldahar for Jaheira. Still, moneys is about 120 atm.

Cernd is about 45k above PC in exp, since he got a boost after his personal quest. That's great, amazing even - that exp' will help us a lot little bit later on.

Madaulf wants to make a deal with the village
Pick up Valygar (to open the sphere, drop Valygar)
Join Clara, do hexxat's quest
Wild forest & Join Neera
All of Neera's quests with max exp incl. the enclave in Waukeen's Promenade
Kidnappers who buried Tirdir
Riddle in the sewers

Couldn't hurt Dragomir with the Phantom Blade for some reason. Doesn't matter. Positioned PC well under CC & Dragomir doesn't have a chance, while F/M is taking the aggro. F/M is quite the OP character at this stage. She plays like a regular fighter, with fighter like HP's, Thac0's but with all of the necessary defensive buffs. Neera's quest with attacking everyone in the bar @ enclave requires tremendous preparations & max prebuffs, otherwise we are in trouble all the time. Lilarcor goes very smoothly, emotion for the rats & lover is tanked by skeleton warriors (and DD, who got held (should've used the shield of harmony for this) and only whacked in the very end of the fight, luckily not permanently so we raise him and off we go).

We reach 850kexp for Neera, thus giving her improved haste. Great. Now for the actual quests.

Slaver Stockade

Requires planning on insane. Max prebuffs. Free Action for Jaheira + PC. Enter. We interrupt cleric with a flame arrow (Cernd), then GM cleric (neera), then launch 2xWeb (F/M from a minor sequencer) to Cleric. Summon the Berserker Warrior near Heagan for fodder, Berserker (Iron Horn version) + DD + F/M move in to take down Haegan. PC behind them. Once CS is summoned they are joined by Jaheira. And CS ofc. Then breach cleric, emotion & emotion. Haegan taken down, PC goes to whack the hapless webbed slavers. Jaheira heals DD. DD takes down enemies with Dwarven Thrower, we summon skeleton warriors (we took animate dead for Neera). Once the mage appears Jaheira PfF's herself & F/M hastes summons. Neera + Cernd emotion. Just to be sure. We like this fight a lot. The permanency scroll goes to immediate use. Jaheira gets paws of the furious cat, making her ridiculously good in H2H.

Crypt King & Queen
Mencar Pebblecrusher & Gang

Cult of the eyeless

Drop Gauths with mirror imaged characters casting gm + emotion + emotion. We have 1 PFME scroll, that we got from early parts. We don't know where other such scrolls are in early parts of the game so our options are limited. Unseeing eye: F/M takes strength + IH + skins + mirror image + SI:Necromancy, PC takes IH + PWME (from the 1 scroll we have). DD takes IH + uses dwarven thrower. Max summons in 3 elementals + clan spirit. All hasted. Done before Unseeing Eye gets an ADHW away.

Druid grove part 2 (Chaos)

Skeleton warriors & clan spirit - all hasted tank. We also summon kitthix & berserker warrior when we're able. Double druid call lightning away. Insect Plague kills F/M, we rescue her immediately. DD makes his saves against chaos. We visit the Smithy in Trademeet ang aaarrrgghh.. there's PFME scrolls for sale, which we would have appreciated in the up above quest. (we also could have probably used Spell Immunity for the F/M in the cult of the eyeless quest... which would have made it really easy, but we just forgot we had it).
De'Arnise Keep

Greater Yuan-Ti + Whisperer Spider, chaotic commands + Ih's on fighters, then secret word + gm + emotion for greater Yuan-Ti. No problem.

Tor'Gal fight has giant trolls, noble trolls + a gem golem. We divide 'em. Cernd + PC take gem, death spell for giant trolls, F/M runs straight into the horde of trolls with -19AC against crushing, mirror image + skins + SI:Abjuration. And Thac0 of 1 with 4 apr & FoA, so she can do damage as well. Then she breaches Tor'Gal. Summons + F/M + DD take out Noble trolls 1 by 1, Jaheira summons more fodder. Once Noble trolls are down & gem is down, move in for Tor'Gal. Storms of vengeance do a lot of damage at this level. Cernd gets whacked for he gets hit by the storm even though he isn't in the storm ... ? The value of "protection from elements" just grows and grows.

Dawn Ring & Borinali

Max prebuffs, enter, summon fodder, F/M goes to tank Borinali. Jaheira takes amber's aggro. Mages turn it into a chicken (we buy 2 scrolls of LR for this & use a few scrolls of PO). DD & Kensai take care of assassins. The F/M is sooo goooood.

The F/M is the one character that keeps us in the play for in a number of fights thus far she's been an absolute monster. The combination of Ok Thac0 & Ok APR's with really low AC through spells and other buffs is a deadly combination. That and the ability to go Spell Immunity (thanks Pai'na). Our plan is to get Phosphorous for her to fix the Thac0. She's 400k away from reaching level 6 spells on her mage side.

Windspear hills

Mists: Buffed F/M handles with Skeleton's & haste, F/M tanks with -20AC (max prebufs, then equip a full plate). Minsc supports under IH with dwarven thrower, Cernd chain lightnings. Rukh Conjurer: Buffed F/M handles with SI:Abjuration, mirror images & skins & pff. Neera drops little enemies with an occasional fireball (from scrolls). once absolute immunities are out, the rest of the crew follows (under pff & haste / ih). Golems; let 'em in and whack. F/M uses a scroll of Iron skins here because the coins just flat our refused to target anyone else. Vampires: F/M tanks & whacks together with CS, both under ih. DD support with Dwarven Thrower, a few skeletons are summoned and hasted, for support. Conster; we prebuff, fighters take care of spawning lords & mages RRoR, secret word + breach + doom + gm + hold monster & hold person. We milk 4-5 rounds of summons and then whack Conster.

Sewer Party

Complete reload from the start as we forgot the triple chain lightning, that kills us on this level. F/M is true class yet again in this fight, she runs together with CS to the middle of the pack of enemies, fully buffed of course. Remove magic, chain lightning, gm + emotion, then breaches and so on. The frontline with F/M, clan hunter, Jaheira +DD & PC works wonders. We are really, really good in H2H already, even though we are lacking our superpowers, Kensai is limited to a 2H weapon and we don't have a Riskbreaker.

Party at 1,4MExp. The golem fights are especially nice as we don't need to barricade or anything else. We have 5 skinned characters when including the clan spirit and DD can tank just enough that he can take 2-3 hits. It's enough. Kensai plays as in pretty much every other level, protect at all times & if she gets aggro she's toast.
Planar Prison

Max prebuffs, strip EBH (2xRRoR, from scrolls, then breach, then whack), emotion for the rest. Summon a few fire elementals + CS, haste for everyone & CC's (wonderous recalled) and storm the next rooms. They don't stand a chance. Ditto for master of Thralls or what's it called & the Warden himself. We have to use 2 scrolls of PFME here for the warden, as we want to be sure that it gets whacked and we don't get ADHW'd into oblivion. Planar Prison with adequate powerfull summons is a breeze, even on insane.

Planar Sphere

The halfling with bow & arrows of piercing almost kills PC, but it doesn't live long enough to finish her, as it gets the aggro of a buffed up Jaheira, Clan Spirit, DD & PC. Yet again buffed F/M runs straight into to the horde of enemies, this time under Shadow Door + SI:Divination, skins, mirror images & IH. And ofc giant strength (from Jaheira).

Lavok, 1 gem for Neera, 1 for Cernd. 3 fire elementals, CS + Jaheira + DD + PC whack skeleton lords. Then gems. F/M debuffs Lavok, then SI:Necromancy & whack.

Engine Room: We get aggro of 2 groups, but we make it. We first enter through ice chamber and take care of 2xcoins & 2xgems. Then we rest & re-up buffs and enter from the fire chamber F/M stands pat in the narrow corridor to the east blocking it. The other part is taken care of by CS & Cernd (with 1 golems aggro Cernd has 4 skins in memory + 2 wonderous recalls, he can easily tank for soooo long). Jaheira & PC behind them. In the end Jaheira has 1 skin left ditto for Cernd (both wonderous recalled 2 skins). Golems are so fun with this group.

Demons: Summon to the max (so 4 fire elementals + CS . F/M with IH, Skins, PfF, Mirror Images + Blur + SI:Abjuration helps tremendously here. Use ring of Ram to knock back one maurezhi or what's it called. Summons for demon / skeleton lords, crew takes out the minot demons -> skeleton lords -> the demon. F/M re-hastes the crew after dispel hits us (everyone else besides the F/M). The F/M's ability to buff + then protect the buffs through SI:Abjuratin is really string here yet again.

Cleric 3
Cleric 4
De'Arnise Keep part 1
Founder of Trademeet


Pirate coordinator doesn't cast absolute immunity until you attack him. So we full buff our frontline (PC, Jaheira, DD & F/M) incl. PFME (use a scroll for this) & PfF & PfC on whole front line. Enter. Pirates fall easily, Jaheira summons CS. Cernd elementals, then drops resists fire / cold on CS, then elementals. Neera remove magic's, breach pirate chief, IH on SC (or so). F/M is yet again the key as she puts up SI:Abjuration + GOI. The coordinator RRoR's em, then she sets up SI:Abjuration again (at his point also the pirate chief is dead) and coordinator starts RRoR / Breach on F/M or Jaheira=> Our whole frontline storms him together with 4 hasted elementals + CS (under IH). We whack him into oblivion within a span of a single round. We could just do it - great! We get 4 absolute immunities, that's 12k more for our items, potions & buffs. And we get the all important scroll of memory boosting. It makes me wonder, could we do Samia now (the crew is at 1,8mexp approximately).

Cleared on the 1st try. How nice. Max prebuffs, 4 elementals (hasted) and the CS of course, IH's for fighters (also for CS). 25 STR for PC (fire giant ptn + duhm)& Jaheira (through Holy Power + Fire Giant str potion + Righteous Magic). F/M with ghost armour, mirror image, both fire shields, skins, ih, goi + SI:Abjuration is in the middle, along with Jaheira & Cernd & CS. Neera has a trigger (through scroll) of GM+Emotion+Slow, F/M has contigency emotion on hit.

Start: Fighters whack away, starting from Samia, Ironblade and Kaol. Summons are on the other side on the cleric, giving it hell (forgot his name). Neera releases trigger + breach (on the druid guess) + PFMW's and jams the doorway. Her skins just run out before PFMW is activated, so Skeletons are just about to get her. Then 2x emotion. Cernd insect plague, insect plague, emotion, emotion. First enemy spells are interrupted by sunfire from F/M (everyone has PfF incl clan hunter, so our crew doesn't take damage). The 6th (or 7th) emotion gets Kaol. Then it's just summon distraction so Skeleton have something to go after, everyone goes after the Skeletons besides DD who's using the Dwarven Thrower on Kaol, Kensai who gets PFME from F/M and F/M who takes SI:Necromancy, the three take down Kaol.

Solemn Duty & BOIB among the loot. How nice. We double check our difficulty setting twice after the fight. Yea. It's on "insane". The only one who got hit was Kensai from a Skeleton, since they have equal range to her staff. No Vecna. Dammit.

Temple Ruins

Shadow Jailor is toast with prebuff, summons & storm.

Liches: they have multiple weapons and we can't kill 'em with spells. So we prebuff, whack the enclave, PfF, PfL & Use BOIB + potions to protect from magic damage. Summons keep attacking, when out of PFMW's we attack under all buffs. Luckily Cernd has oodles of PfF's & PfL's and fire elementals. Thaxll'ssillyia: Full on buffs, 25 str for Jaheira (Holy Power + Potion of fire giant strength + DUHM) + PC + PfF, PfA & the whole shabang. Neera takes greater silence, F/M breaches 2-3 times. It doesn't get "heal" away before it dies. Noice. No "vocalize", but all the same for us since we don't really need it for anything. Shade Lord: Not much troubles. F/M tanks Patrick, while RRoR'ing shade lord, Neera RRoR shade lord. Cernd summons then death spells, then summons more. Jaheira summons CS, then goes in Skeleton whacking spree. In the end PC whacks Shade Lord while under PFME. All good. Well, F/M gets whacked by the trigger, I think her SI:Necromancy just runs out (we make sure it's up before we move her to whack Shadel Lord). Luckily not permanently, so we just harper's call her up.
Ranger Protector Part 1 (Tombhelten)
Playhouse part 3
Apprentices Part 2


Very straightforward all the way. Upstairs: F/M under giant strength, blur, mirror image + skins + ih solos parts while dual wielding FoA & Solemn Duty. The whole crew partakes in taking down the mage. Sleep downstairs. Summon a horde of skeleton warriors (+ CS of course). Max Prebuffs, also for the summons. Storm the ambush, immediately back up stairs, storm Lassal, stake, whack bodhi before she materializes. Done.

Ranger Protector Part 2
Order Robe of the Apprenti
De'Arnise Part 3 (I guess)
Ranger Protector Part 2 (Madaulf inna cave one)
Paladin Part 1
Paladin Part 2
Paladin Part 3

Screaming Statue

Very difficult without limited wish. We use maybe 3-4 scrolls of chaotic commands, 3-4 scrolls of PFMW and a scroll of protection from level drain here. The first wave gets tanked by F/M + a few skeletons, the second by F/M (under PFMW) +Jaheira (AoP) supported by DD (Dwarven Thrower) and PC joins for the third one. Hasted skeleton warriors & fire elementals as summons. Requires many a reloads this one, as it's super easy to screw up. Berserker/Druid would be an awesome character for this.

We are about 100k/per caharacter short of our target of 2.2Exp. That we need to scrape that together somehow. One option is Hexxat, but that would mean dropping Neera which we don't want to do yet.
We visit Watcher's Keep and clear most of the 1st floor.
Mage Stronghold finale
(the imprisonment rune thingy)
Clear some trolls from the entrance of Troll Mound
Ashideena Guardians

Bard Stronghold (the barbarians)
Finish Watcher's Keep level 1 (everything beside Spider Queen)

We're good! Crew at 2.2MExp or so. F/M gets to fighter level 12, giving her * proficiency which we'll use on scimitar. Before heading out we drop Neera and pick up Yoshimo, We forge Water's Edge +4, 2x Boots of Speed and Nature's Gift. Cernd is at about 2.24k (pre- Nature's Gift). The only mage we then have is our multiclassed F/M (or F/I to be precise). We'll see how this works out.

Chapter 4

All of the minor things
Desharik sends us to Spellhold
Yoshimo betrays us and we find Imoen, Yay
! (So we have more than 2 improved haste's smile.gif )

Cernd gets a level up with Galvena's last guard, in the corridor before Galvena herself. How convenient. Then Cernd gets aura clensing + RRoR, which we'll really need for Galvena, as we're not looking to use any scrolls here. She & her mage fall for RRoR, LR + Hold monster. We milk everything. Cernd with AoP + circlet of golden flowers is -4. He's so effective it's nuts
Ancient Tome

Cernd tanks here as he's got 8 skins + 5 wonderous recalls (under PfF, PfC, PfL + PfA). We milk 5-6 spawns (lost tract at some point and accidentally picked some loot so...). We distract the elemental a little bit with summons at some point to buy a few rounds for Cernd to wonderous recall skins back. F/M helps, as she can tank for some time. Ditto for Jaheira. We consider elemental golems our friends, for they are our help with monies & exp and very easy to control. Insanely thin margin for error though so sort of annoying.

Crystal Shard kobolds

Whack the mage - imp under PFME with our H2H crew. Summons go for an amber, Cernd tanks one and so does Jaheira. Turn two ambers into chickens. The last one we whack + LR + magic missile (we run out of PO's) until it's no more.

Mithril Golem

DD goes to tank it, starting the fight with 3xregen + 3xOoR (2xRegen & 1-2 OoR's and DD is whacked in no-time). Cernd follows to drop additional 2 regens on him. Then he quaffs about 3-5 OoR's starting from the beginning of the fight on every round. If my calculation is correct, our DD is regenerating about 130-140hp/rd, with 40% phys resistance and yes, he can then tank the mithril golem then. To make sure Cernd is behind him casting heals & summoning every now and then. Didn't use F/M, she can't risk getting golem's aggro* as she's toast immediately. And the only weapon with range she has is a halberd*. We take the boots. All of the boots. They will come in handy later on.

( *We could have PfMW'd her though probably, as she's got a few 6th level spell slots & we have oodles of PFMW scrolls but ... we didn't think of it )


We PfF, PfL + PfME + IH on selected characters. Limited Wish CC for trolls & swords for help. Cernd Aura Clenses clones unconscious & creeping doom's Irenicus. We dodge triggers by separating the crew (after scouts are down) and use potions & BOIB and ofc the boots we just got in the up-above fight. Stormlord's heel are oh'so nice when one needs to dodge triggers of chain lightnings.

Boots <3.
Chapter 5

Prince Vinyardi

We march into rebels HQ and initiate the fight there, as we usually have taken the fake heart and then whacked everyone within the king's premises so this is new. We are a little bit ill-prepared as in quite sub-optimal spell choices, but we make it after a couple of tries. Our hilariously OP Cernd starts the fight with Aura Clensing, then dooms everyone, then drops 8 emotions and 8 flame arrows (they are wonderful vs vipers), then summons a bunch of anacondas while buffing the crew. If we get the spawned sahuagin mages before they can death spell us too badly, the fight is won. Our F/M tanks 3 vipers & the king in the beginning. When buffs run out she PFMW's. When that happens we have an entourage of CS, anaconda + trolls + swords + our groups advanced h2h capabilities. It's easily enough.


A bunch of very nice fights here, yay!

First drow ambush goes very smooth, almost all the way. Cernd takes care of the spiders (doom, emotion, flame arrows + chain lightnings), then warriors whack the fighters. We're a bit hesitant to send our frontline against the priestesses and mages, so we try to get em with summons. A bad strategy that results in us dodging symbol:stun's, hold person's, spell sequencers & triggers. In the end F/M together with Clan Spirit (both IH, CC, PfF etc. ) take down the mages, prietesses and warriors. Everyone else is stunned or held.

Cernd makes a level, he's less than 250k away from HLA's. That means we'll need to go visit Dracolich next, for we want the pre-hla dracolich. This is where the F/M starts to lag the rest of the crew, as her level progression is a lot slower. So she's missing 7th level spells while lagging levels so without bonuses she's -6 or -7 vs a pure fighter Thac0 wise. That is alleviated by her very low strength, so without spells she's pretty much -10 in Thac0 here. It doesn't matter that much, we can giant strength her and we're gaining levels fast so she'll start to catch up. But here the difference is at it's largest. Then again, she has enoug defensive buffs to be super useful still, with skins + blurs + mirror images + SI's we can drop her AC to -16 ... -20, so she's very difficult to hit.

Beholder lair

We PFME SI:Necromancy + full buffs. Max summons. Storm in, obliterate. The one nasty spot in the lair, with 5-6 beholders + gauths is taken down by Cernd who walks in, aura clenses and first dooms everything and then drops 10 emotions on them.

Cernd is U-B-E-R at this stage, we don't know how we'd manage without him.


No troubles, though a few tight spots requiring a little bit of moving around, as we can't tank it at all (DD can take tank half a round at this stage). Luckily Clan Spirit rescues us (under skins, IH, PfC). We send in summons, nullify clouds & aggro with dwarven thrower. When it's out of PFMW's, buff the crew & whack. In the end Dracolich is tanked by 2 anacondas, a sword & a troll together with our frontline.

2nd drow ambush

It's a nightmare. Anyway, we use a simple trick to do this -> f/m again saves our crew by luring drow warriors + a bunch of spiders (not ghost spider though) to northern side together with the clan spirit, then she PFMW's (and has solemn duty off-hand making her immune to confusion) and then she just whacks away, as she can buff herself. The rest of the crew takes out the casters + ghost spider.


Nothing special here. Rescue Phaere, Do everything in the tavern then Qilue (Cernd makes a level when we're at Qilue's so we have the Smilodon now! Olé!), Mage's proposal, Spelljammer eye-tyrant, Patrol leader, Solaufein, Deirex (falls to 6xunleash energy + 2xadhw (from scrolls)). Cernd takes the ADHW trigger with BOIB + AoF (and goes -50% in HP's), Noble Efreeti, Taso Kala, House Jael'lat, Kua'Toa prince, swap eggs, anhilate city on the way out and return eggs to Adalon.

Especially the house jael'lat is very nice - our characters don't even take a hit. This is mostly thanks to our extremely efficient summons. Regenerating Smilodon under IH is really, really good at this stage. The only thing better than a regenerating improved hasted Smilodon is two regenerating improved hasted Smilodons. The other really nice thing about house Jael'lat is that there's a drop we've been looking for quite the time in drow elven chain, the ultimate armour for a F/M. She dons it immediately! YAY!!!

We're not actually sure where there were these armours as we have the simplified economy installed. But IIRC this was a sure spot.

Demon Knights

Preparation is the key. So we PfF, PfC, PfME, IH and everything. F/M takes also GOI + SI:Abjuration + Spell Turning, to keep the good knights busy with RRoRs. Cernd takes BoIB + AoF + Magic Resistance (5th level spell) which puts him up to 75% resistane vs. magic damage & 60% resistance vs magic, he still gets hit quite badly with the ADHW trigger (-50% HP's). Kensai activates critical strike, which stuns 2 knights. Smilodon's are yet again über in this fight.

Master Brain

Controlling a single elemental is quite easy at this stage. Summons (CS, Smilodon(both under IH) + trolls / swords) overpower the brain golems and once da golems are down they go for the brain.

We try to distract the master brain to get dispels out of it but it just keeps sending the whiplashes (or something like that). Cernd / Jaheira tank, F/M helps now and then. We milk some 5-6 golems out of the elemental. Then finish the brain, which is near death already.

No problem.

The F/M is still quite far behind in terms of Thac0 and she's very, very far away from HLA's. On the bonus side, our fighters are fighters instead of Rangers / Paladins, which have slower level progression so we start to gain HLA's quite quickly. Once F/M gets there, in a million or two extp points she gains a little bit of the ground back, at least compared to Rangers/Paladins. Also the F/M doesn't really need any "Hardiness" 's, as she quite well protected already so she can focus solely on offensive fighter HLA's + the useful Mage HLA's.

We move into Chapter 6 during the nighttime with our precious drow elven chain tugged deep into our bag. We are extra careful that no sunlight hits so it stays intact. While it's AC isn't very good the -1 in casting time is extremely valuable.

There's two ways to smuggle the armour out. One way is exit, drop it to the ground immediately & make a chain out of your characters and move it between inventory screens. Pick it up & exit immediately. The other option is to give it Imoen and meet her again in Copper Coronet.

Chapter 6


We play this through for a long time, the first fight in the game where we need many a reloads (many, many a more than Screaming Statue). It's mostly due to us wanting to milk many golems out of the elementals, we end up milking 7 to 9 (or something like that, we lost count). Cernd can tank until the end of days but with insane the margin for error is very, very low. Missing skins even once is an enormous distraction for the overall game for us. DD can't tank, even under hardiness + 2x regen, which is a bit surprising and / or worrying. So essentally DD is running around, Cernd and jaheira tank. Imoen is duelling Kruin (so buff, Kruin de-buffs, we re-buff and so on...). We drop the githyaki (Cernd with -4 in casting time dooms & emotions), then get creeping doom / insect plague to hit Kruin to interrupt him a little bit.

A game changer on lower levels in RvE is rather useless in this fight. It would have been better for us to take Wish instead for our 1st level 9 spell. (The 2nd we always take Chain Contigency).


Not much troubles here, once we get the rhytm of it. F/M takes the initial silence, Jaheira performs her ritual so Firkraag doesn't target her with silence. Imoen stays out of sight & Cernd is immune. Summon double-smilodon (+ regen on 'em) + clan spirit (ih'd). Prebuff. Whack the skeletons, make sure they don't aggro Kensai, Cernd tanks, distracts & everyone else takes em out 1 by 1. Firkraag falls to non magic weapons while ciritical striking.

We forge enhanced oak & staff of strength & adamantite horn of valhalla, monies still at 400k after those to be forged supreme shelter, indigo ioun stone and Golem Slayer (once wk level 2 is done or so)

Spider Queen

We're lacking our oh so close powers as well as some weapons +4, but still this isn't that big of a problem. We dodge initial improved web, then swords for spider queen. Whack + GM & emotion combinations, with an occasional chain lightning. Cernd is casting CC's, free actions and emotions mostly at some point going aura clensing & dropping a group of the Queen's spawns with flame arrows which are very effective. in the end the queen is yet again surrounded by swords, they work very, very well in this fight.

Wk Level 2

We whack some golems and find the missing ray of fragmentation scroll for Golem Slayer. How convenient. We visit Cromwells and come back with Golem Slayer + Supreme Shelter and the Red Dragon Scale armour. DD can now drop his effective AC to around -26. It's quite maxed already, as we can drop the effective AC as low as -28/-30 after Ancient Dragon, Steam Prince falls to DD taking him head on with Red Dragon Scale + Supreme Shleter + Dragon Helm + Talos's Gift (= 110% resistance to both fire & electricity, that can't be dispelled).

We get our missing scroll of memory boosting thus we'll venture out to get Vecna, for we can then get MotA. We'll also get C(rom)F(ayer) for DD. We can already hit GeG quite well with Kneecapper (DD), Golem Slayer (Jaheira), Staff of Strength (Kensai) & Dragon's Breath (F/M). Also Cernd has enchanted Oak so that works as well. We should have enough do it. Even on insane.

Since our party has been together from the start mostly, out counting Imoen ofc. we have some interesting stats to showcase. Currently our crew is at

total exp value chapter / game followed by percentage of total kills in the party chapter / game

PC 39% / 39%, 31% / 33%
DD 11% / 15%, 11% / 16%
F/M 21% / 17%, 28% / 20%
Jaheira 22% / 21%, 20% / 18%
Cernd 3% / 4%, 5% / 8%
Imoen 2% / 1%, 2% / 2%

PC is in the lead, as expected. I'm a little bit surprised that F/M tied with Jaheira for the 2nd place, especially since she's been at quite the disadvantage for quite some time. Then again, our F/M is rocking Water's Edge off hand through most of the previous chapters giving her a big advantage in APR's over anyone else. When she'll slowly claw back Thac0-wise & get HLA's, she'll be even more deadly.

We're used to giving Water's Edge to Kensai, but we're not sure if that's wise. We could get "The Truth" for Kensai or "Hesperus".


It's quite frustrating at insane, as the margin's are very, very thin However, Cernd with his enhanced Oak is good at tanking. That together with RvE:Regen is the key in this fight, as Cernd can manage the dispels while moving around a bit (= read running around the compound), the elemental damage is the problem.

We have 7 level 9 spells already, so we whack the Illithid, separate GeG & Alhoon (DD runs from the right side to get GeG's aggro, summons from the left), leave summons battling Alhoon and mostly RvE:Regen (2-3 times) Run around in the compound with Cernd for some time to milk out a few golems. The Enchanced Oak mitigates the elemental damage while we're moving around. We have five Critical strikes atm, so we can whack the GEG between dispels, if we time it right and do not get thrown around too badly. It works, luckily.

(we lose the fight once after 6 spawns because we just missed renewing skins and Cernd gets permanently killed .... rraaarrgh )

We forge MotA giving Imoen her superpowers. And CF Now we'll dominate. More.


Max prebuffs, with SoA for Jaheira & Cernd & Clan Spirit. Cernd is the key as he walks in, aura clenses => that's immediate npp's for PC & DD, who do not have non-dispellable NPP's. Imoen blocks the corridor with PFMW's. We have oodles of crushing weapons +4 or +5.

Troll Mound

We're quite OP for this already. Enter, death spell, buff - Imoen foreknowledges& takes mental agility, so she and Cernd are both at -4

Meet King & Queen, I(moen)&C(ernd): 3xRRoR, then LRx3 (trigger), then breach, then take down queen with acid arrows (they do 100% damage, imoen has both minor & spell sequencer loaded with AA's). Vengeance trolls start spawning so we use our reserve of flame arrows to take down the initial batch. F/M tanks the King with both fire shields & doesn't get hit. The second batch of the vengeance trolls go after Imoen, a mistake, she moves around a bit with 3-4 swords following her. Then PFMW's so the trolls go for the swords. Swords last for ages against Vengeance Trolls. Once king is down fighters pound the Vengeance trolls one by one, they are still attacking the swords. We try "smite" against them but they don't get blown away. Doesn't matter.

Chromatic Demon

Imoen soloes with -5 in casting time. She turns Amber + Chromatic demon into chickens (6xLR, 2xGM, 5xPO) and then drops the princes with acid arrows & co's. It's over before they even properly materialize.

Green Wyrm

Imoen pretty much soloes with "just" -4. Enter. Summon some distractions. Cernd goes aura clensing & 2xRRoR's the Wyrm. F/M enters and breaches (and gets silenced). Imoen: Wish, we get "double length time stop and ia" on the first try and then Imoen just moves to hug the wyrm, casts 3xLR, 1xBreach, moves a bit and drops 3xCoC, 12xFlame Arrow, 13xAA, 11xMM. (Unfortunately the Wyrm is immune to Acid Arrows). Once time stop is over they all hit at once. it just has a few hit points left (really, we could have cast 6xCoC and Imoen would have gotten the kill*). Kensai comes in to give the Dragon a bit of a push and it falls to 12pts of crushing damage. Minsc took 33 pts of damage from a "horrible cloud" and berserker + anaconda got death spelled. We didn't even really get hit.

(*we also had 3xFlame Arrow sequencer & 2xMM minor sequencer which would have worked as well but we forgot we had 'em).

We have to double check that the difficulty setting is on "insane" and yes, it is on "insane".
Amazing run! I'm really happy, that you decided to share your journal with us (and not 1 but many!). Today's update covers some of my favourite encounters and I am amazed at how easy they seem with this party, even on insane! Good job! Can't wait to read about your fight against Demogorgon at some point smile.gif
QUOTE(SparrowJacek @ May 18 2022, 07:14 AM) *
Amazing run! I'm really happy, that you decided to share your journal with us (and not 1 but many!). Today's update covers some of my favourite encounters and I am amazed at how easy they seem with this party, even on insane! Good job! Can't wait to read about your fight against Demogorgon at some point smile.gif

Well, it's nice someone reads my ramblings. I decided not to write silly stories in this one that much. I have a plan for demo. Though my plans don't really work that well biggrin.gif

Wk level 3 (the maze)

I was actually drinking a little bit of beer, on my free night a few night back whilst playing through this and I have to admit that I don't recall these battles in that much of a detail as I didn't make any notes.


Our CC of 3x Khelben's Warding Whip on "see enemy" doesn't work.

Pre Limak we cast a spell so the cowled wizards come, we whack em. Then we buff & go to meet Limak. We dodge, tank with skinned characters & turn ambers into chickens (and finish with MM's). Once SI is out we true sight, breach & whack. F/M goes down because of the trigger, we raise her immediately (we don't know what happened to her SI:Necromancy).

We return the CC scroll to Ribald who agrees to give our money back.


Pre-Kangaxx liches: Cernd unleash energy & implosions 'em.

Kangaxx. We whack away while Cernd under aura clensing covers for the crew (at -4 is no problem renewing death wards). It's also nice to have the F/M here, who with SI:Abjuration + GOI + ST is quite safe from imprisonment. We summon some fodder so Kangaxx chooses death spell as the first one it casts. A big mistake since our frontline under IH & with CS takes it down before it gets the 2nd spell away.

Assassin's at Bridge District

We're not sure what happens. We walk in, fully buffed ofc. incl. elemental resistances with Imoen having a CC of 3xMS8. Both Imoen & Cernd are at -4 when the battle starts. Then we go IA/Aura Clensing & just anhilate (debuff spell protections, lower resistances, gm's, chain lightnings, insect plagues, flame arrows, melf's acid arrows, emotions and the whole shabang). No RvE's needed, no nothing. Pure dominance.

Fun level: Much.

F/M has 2 critical strikes already, yay!

Ancient Mage

Prebuff. Walk in. Debuff. Whack. Then we milk some golems from the 2 elementals. We easily have enough skins to do this.

Umar Witch

Prebuff. Enter. Obliterate. No problems. -4 Cernd is uber yet again (doom's, flame arrows, imsect plgues, alicorn lance's, emotions, poison's, implosions, chain lightnings, unleash energy's and whatnot).

Ancient Golem

What do you know. DD with AC of -29 is very, very hard to hit. We resort to jogging round with the DD though, it's too consuming to re-up elemental resistances properly continuously. Lure golem-spawns to the middle where we have ourselves a proper golem whacking feast. The middle of the lair is a great spot for a barbeque. Unfortunately the Dragon meat we had packed along for the occasion has already gone bad. Ancient Golem isn't a problem, we hae easily enough APR's & CS's to whack it. It does get s dispel way though, we are prepared however as in Imoen has active IA so instant re-up of IH's for frontline.

DD takes the initial aggro. We use a simple trick here to make sure we're safe -> Jaheira starts casting regen on DD who runs to the golem, takes dispel, gets hit, activates hardiness & gets regen from Jaheira.
Supreme Leader

This is the first time we play the actual version of the fight, with non-bugged Githyaki's, in a loooong time. We max prebuff including chaotic commands for everyone (Cernd wonderous recalls these, as he's got oodles of wonderous recalls) + RvE:Regen pre-fight + Minor globes (from limited wish). Cernd runs to the second room while the rest of the crew pound Githyaki in the first room. Cernd goes aura clensing and drops some 10 or so Githyakis with doom + emotion combination then moves to summoning / flame arrows + chain lightnings. Once the rest of the crew has cleared the 1st room (doesn't take long), the most difficult part of the fight starts, as in we need to run to the blacksmiths taking the first batch of a gem + a coin + the rest with us while they should aggro Jaheira or F/M. If they go for Kensai we have to use our gam-breaking superpowers, as in "LOAD A GAME". Supreme Leader should stay on Cernd. We succeed about once in 4-5 tries or so, it's by far the most difficult part of the fight. We use horn of blasting here to clear the way bit sometimes, as it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.

When we finally manage "the run" Jaheira then tanks the gem + coin while Imoen IA's (to 3xLR + ST: 3xLR + GM + SS:3xPO + 2-3xPO) to turn the first batch of gem & coin into chickens. DD + Jaheira takes out Stone & Clay golems. Then we take out a blacksmith, the inquisitors are nasty at this level but a regenerating (+ IH'd) Smildon is really good at tanking these. We take out Inquisitors one by one as a group, while leaving a coin & a gem battling a few swords, then after the Inquisitors are down take out the remaining blacksmith, and repeat. One inquisitor goes for Cernd, luckilyy at that point there's also a greater yuan-ti, greater djinn + an anaconda there with him. Once there's only supreme leader left we have 7 level 9 spells left so we start wishing for rest, which we get on the 6th try. It's needed this time as the dispel's get us 3 times or so, as we're just too lazy to be extra careful. This is doable without the wish:rest also, but we're not looking to consume our other resources here.

We end up cheating as we forgot the leader's 3xChain Lightning, so we end up lowering difficulty for the hit. We were prepared for ADHW. It's too much to ask to play through another 1,5-2 hours of micro management, because the enemy had a different trigger than what we remembered. We have oodles of 4th level spells left (Jaheir has all but one).


Enter with alacricities, turn golems into chickens (triggers & casting time buffs), then whack demi-lich. Cernd under aura clensing with AoP can easily rebuff death wards after the dispel.


We lose on our first try because of the 3xADHW trigger. Cernd rules this fight. Max prebuffs (incl. double RvE:Regen, even though we're not actually sure if it works like that). Enter. Summon CS, Noble Spider Greater Djinn, Cernd aura clenses, 2-3xRRoR's then use triggers to breach + lower it's resistances - then we just whack while Cernd drops his whole spellbook on Saladrex (mostly unleash energy's though). We like the -4 Cernd.

Done and done.

(We didn't try chain lightnings but they would have probably also worked).


Cernd drops the lich (1xRRoR & 5xImplosion). We loose the first try because of the ADHW trigger, which we forgot. Again. The rest we just whack away. F/M tanks yet again.

Marvella Part #1 (Steam Prince)
Marvella Part #2 (Ice & elemental golem)
Marvella Part #3 (Pasha)

All quite straightforward, but require a little bit of planning. We milk #2 to the max and #3 almost to the max (Pasha tanks & we regen him maybe 3 times + a few heals) The #2 we prebuff to the max, Imoen takes the initial purge & PFMW's as everyone move to whack ice golem with active CS's. DD takes aggro with 70% phys resistance & triple regen (RvE + 2xRegen) + elemental resistances.

Globe Machine

This requires a little bit of planning. Even the 2x ice golem + an elemental is quite a tough encounter here. We clear everything else besides the 4x Grave Liches + the last two golem encounters (so the 2x ice golem + elemental & the last golem encounter).

We'll be back for this.

Crew works s planned, as in very well on most encounters. The Saladrex - encounter for example is reduced to very simple & straightforward whack'a'thon without need for tactics that much.
Chapter Seven


Prebuff, enter. Summon CS, Noble Spider + Greater Djinn. DD draws the hardwood golems near Imoen who is out of Dragon's sight and who then drops 9xLR + 3xGM + 10xPO on them and then finishes them with magic missiles. F/M takes first silence while launching secret word on the Dragon. Cernd aura clenses, then natural restoral on DD, then regen, regen & natural restoral (all on DD), then RRoR on the dragon & summon, summon. Imoen renews her ST with 2xLR + 1xBreach. Cernd renews aura, Imoen walks in when Dragon stars to cast something (maybe RRoR?), launches the trigger, Dragon is breached, fighters activate CS's and the Dragon falls.

The protector among the loot. We are overjoyed as we need for the improved Dragon Hat.

The Harpist's House

Max prebuffs (incl. PfF, PfC, PfL + PfA for Jaheira & Cernd. Imoen CC:3xMS8), enter, summons CS + Noble Spider. F/M runs to take the purge, then moves a little bit around so the Raksasha's start targetting her with ADHW's and just before they hit she releases ST: PfMW+PFME+IH. Imoen + Cernd IA, then remove magic's, a few heal's and then summon away. We aim to whack the GEG after the 2nd dispel, though it whacks us around so it gets the 3rd dispel away at "near death". Doesnt matter, Imoen IA's + IH's & then RvE:Regen's and we're good. Got 5-6 spawns. No time stop? I remembered it was here. Perhaps that's a Necro thing?

We sell a bunch of stuff (so oodles of gems, scrolls + all of the extra gear we've hoarded and some potions) and our monies are at 650k !!! We're hoping to gain a few levels before we go to dance with the Ancient Dragon. Perhaps we're rich enough to forge a few cloaks and rings of protection +2, as we've got only a few of 'em atm.

Then we forge some rings of protection +2 and gold is back at 450k.


Twisted Rune

Summons, prebuffs. F/M takes initial silence. Cernd & Imoen stay out of Vaxall's sight. Whack Revanek, then Shyressa (Shyressa aggro's Jaheira, who has SoA & skins), then Layenne. Then Vaxall and last we take out Shangalar. We get a scroll of memory boosting. Great. Perhaps we should finally fix Jaheira's Pendant?

Globe Machine ice golems + elemental

Summon Smilodon's & Anaconda's. They together with F/M take the initial purge's. After dispel hits F/M activates trigger with PFMW + IH + Protection from Cold. The rest of the frontline moves in from the other side under all buffs. Ice golem doesn't last for long against 26 APR of natural 20 rolls + Clan Spirit's damage. We distract the elemental a little bit as it goes for Smildon who moves out of the frame. After ice golems are down we re-up elemental resistances & milk some golems out of the elemental.

Next for the Ancient Dragon!
Ancient Dragon

1st try We lose the first try because for some reason Imoen didn't have PfF and she gets hit completely accidentally, as in the Dragon wing-buffets a troll away and then sends an improved fireball away.

The 2nd try we blow for Drake doesn't silence F/M, we start whacking Nishruu and ofc the Dragon moves in and then silences F/M and the silence hits our whole frontline.

The 3rd try goes awry as nishruu punches through F/M's skins and then Cernd occidentally heals the Nishruu.

The 4th try ends when a potion of magic shielding doesn't work. We get the "shield" - icon but still DD gets chaos'd (they probably hit exactly the same time or so)

The 5th try when the Nishruu targets Cernd (it changes it's mind after targetting F/M)...

The 6th try we play for 3 hours or so. In the end the time IRL is midnight and I have to get up the next morning very early so we start taking risks. The dragon is at it's last or second last PfMW we think, our risk taking goes south as DD with -100 in fire resistance takes a full force of an improved fireball and gets whacked.

And so on ...


Margins are very, very, very much too thin here. Maybe 15-20 tries or so, marginal improvements all the way and every second try lasts for 1+ hours. Essentially this is a fight between taking down the Dragon before it can lower our fire resistances into oblivion and whacking us with improved Fireballs. So we take some risks. It's sort of annoying that we have to take the risk after quite the time of micromanaging the fight.

DD enters the fight with Red Dragon Scale + improved dragon helm giving him 95% fire resistance. We also take a potion of barbarian essence for him, so he starts with undispellable 40%-50% physical resistance.

Lure elite nishruu to target F/M. Then whack Nishruu (with Kensai, DD, Jaheira (CS'ing)+ Clan Sprit). Lure Noble Efreeti away from Ancient Dragon, for Imoen to drop it with CC: 3xLR ("see enemy"), RRoR & 12-15 acid arrows. Salamander Prince with skins & PfF is a piece of cake. Then it's just the dragon. It gets tanked by Sunnis (from Noble staff of earth) & another greater elemental (from summon a greater elemental), they are great for they don't get blown away when the dragon wing buffets + some random summons (trolls, anacondas & bears mostly)

Imoen renews her CC (Breach+LR+LR) & we renew triggers (our game sometimes crashes when casting spell trigger, so that's superbly annoying ) with breach+lr+something. Move into dragon's sight with Imoen when it's casting fire storms / true sights / lower resistances / death spells or so. F/M has trigger with Breach+LR+LR. She launches it but gets greater silence. Then for some time we just send in summons and summons while DD moves in to give the dragon whacks. After greater silence is done she casts CC from a scroll, another breach + 2xAA's (we forgot the we could have also taken ST with Breach + LR + Hold Monster). Drop regen's for Smilodons and just flat our run away when they take too much damage. Breach as many PFMW's as possible. In the end it's tanked by a few Anacondas and the greater djinn. Imoen moves in and (we wish:rest before) and drops 15 CO's & 15 AA's on the dragon & all of her Flame Arrows she has, ditto for Cernd. We forgot that we could have also used Nature's Fists & Chain Lightnings (probably). It doesn't matter in the end. Frontline moves in and starts whacking. DD gets whacked, so does F/M. Luckily not permanently. Kensai keeps up Critical Strike & is standing in front of the Dragon and in the end the dragon falls to Kensai (Peridan main hand + belm off-hand). It's oh so very close we think.

A few things we didn't try:

- Once the dragon starts taking damage from spells, it might be worth while to drop lightning bolts instead of flame arrows
- chain lightnings & implosions
- Hold monster's (we could use these in a trigger as well sa F/I has it)
- Miscast magic's from Cernd (after GM + doom)
- Nature's fists from Cernd


Simple "Dragon Killing Guide", Voilá:

Non-Necro tactics for the fight


#1. Summon-tactic:

Whack the entourage, summon, summon, summon. Smilodons are great, ditto for Clan Spirit. Arcane summons in trolls & Yuan-Ti's work great as well. Drop regenerations & PfF's for bigger summons (we always buff the CS). Use a tank (I used the DD ofc.) to whack it every now and then. When all PFMW's are exhausted, re-buff your crew, enter & anhilate the dragon. Without protections it doesn't last for long. The problem with this tactic is that it looks like the dragon has an (unending?) pool of "lower fire resistances" so after some time the dragon will lower your tank's fire protections & dispel, then you have to re-up with PfF, Res. F&C, PftE, PfE + rings and even that won't get you to proper fire resistance level so in the end your tank will be very, very vulnerable to improved fireballs. Then again, once it's out of PFMW's with a competent frontline one can easily afford not to aggro with the char that took majority of the lower fire resistances.

#2. Trigger-tactic:.

Whack the entourage. Summon for distractions. Use triggers for instant breaches when the dragon is busy casting something else, so walk in - release trigger - walk out of sight. Effective ways of doing this include at least casting a mirror image (or imp. invisibility), so Dragon will cast true sight, quaffing a potion of magic protection (or cast magic resistance with Cernd for example), so it will cast LR or tanking with summons and using a missile weapon so the dragon will fire storm to the character using the missile weapon (we used dwarven thrower). Once PFMW's are out, buff up fire resistances, enter & obliterate.

#3. Power-tactic:

Whack the entourage. Dispel spell protections. When the Dragon starts taking damage from spells (most likely after entourage is done). distract, enter dragon's sight with aura clensing's & IA's and drop as much damage via spells to the Dragon as possible. So CO's, AA's, Flame Arrows (lightning bolt is probably better, COC's and chain lightnings (should work)). And should you have Cernd also implosions & nature's fists should work. Two competent casters with maxed casting time should do the trick, especially if it's supported by triggers, sequencers & Chain Contigencies and competent frontline whacking away under IH & CS (as the dragon will need to renew protections).

#4. Dispel-tactic:

Relies on specific characters in the party / high enough levels. There's a few possibilities for dispelling (/breaching) the Dragon without Necro. A high-level enough Cernd can (read: should) be able to dispel the Dragon and he's unsilenceable. This also works with Jaheira, if you have her "perform ritual" active. The other options include dispelling with inquisitor with it's innate ability. And if you have a thief (pure class / dual class with Use Any Item), you can cast "breach" from a scroll. Last but least one could use a cleric here, as they have faster level progression. And you can cast dispel from off-screen, so without visibility. The Dragon moving all the time makes this difficult though.
Yup I had a feeling that Ancient Dragon fight with no Necro on insane would be a pain in the ass. Hurts to even think about.

Look forward to the plan for Demo!
QUOTE(kilorew @ May 24 2022, 04:54 PM) *
Yup I had a feeling that Ancient Dragon fight with no Necro on insane would be a pain in the ass. Hurts to even think about.

Look forward to the plan for Demo!

It's always a pain. Though I think I have it covered for now, it doesn't seem impossible at all once one gets the hang of it!

At 7m exp our multiclassed F/I has 7 HLA's. A Paladin with same exp has 10 HLA's. Our F/I has also gained all of the ground regarding Thac0's. Compared to Paladin/Ranger she's lacking a little bit in HLA's, somewhat in hit points & weapon proficiency points. On the bonus side she's quite the competent spell-caster. Monies at about 450k, some gear left unsold still.

Mystery of the Shimmering light

De-buff and anhilate. Elite Doppleganger against DD's 55% undispellable resistance + double regen is easily enough.

Judgement Day - fight

We can't blow through this. We probably could, if we would swap Cernd for a Riskbreaker to add muchos-muchos H2H capabilities, but we would have had a terrible time so far in the game.

It takes some time before we find the right rhytm for the fight.

Demon Lord's summons aren't a problem. We get mostly elemental golems. That's completely fine for us since they are much easier to dispatch than Marilith groups. Jaheira is our best tank against them, as she's got the shadow dragon scale, that together with improved dragon helm and Boots of Grounding means she only needs "resist fire & cold" to have about 100% in elemental resistances (we don't need em Boots when we get the Harper Pin, but we don't have it yet). The only thing that comes through the skins then is the acid, where she's only at 50% without acid shield. Naturally we have a lot more "resist fire & cold" 's then protection from elements & PfE's. And ofc she has the golem slayer, so when we get "hardiness" we can drop her phys. resistance against crushing to 75%. She usually equips the girdle of lordly might so with buffs she's at 190hp's or so. With regen, good enough easily.

Anyway, whack the entourage, they aren't a problem - so we tank with Jaheira or Cernd mostly

The end is annoying for the FoD trigger + lower fire resistances + the oodles of absolute immunities. We make it, though we have to once re-up through Wish.

Ultra golem + GEG

F/I takes initial purge with summons. She then uses ST to launch PFMW + IH + skins. GEG goes for summons so our frontline + CS (PfL + IH'd) goes for ultra golem. Everyone CS's, Cernd + Imoen aura clense. Cernd summons distractions, Imoen summons + turns a few ambers into chickens + once ultra drops the dispel she imediately re-up's IH's for our frontline.

Nasty Orcsies - fite

Well, here we are again. We come in prepared though. Our least favourite fight in the while game. Prebuff to the max. Additional buffs we usually death ward, protection from poison & protection from petrification on on DD + F/I. Kensai + Jaheira take potions of magic protection, they don't do the "mage runs" that much. Potion of storm giant strength for F/I.

We optimize our equipment;

Jaheira with Noble Staff of Earth + Senses of the Cat is at -22 against missiles. We can aura of flaming death her to -26 & if we use DUHM we can drop to -28. That's good enough not to be targetted. We have numerous auras of flaming death.

DD has defender of easthaven in off-hand + BoIB so with Hardiness he's at 70% phys resistance + 85% against missiles. Then we further optimize by equipping the orc leather for him, which puts him at 95% physical resistance against missiles with Hardiness. Conveniently it also makes him easier to hit, it's the perfect combination - easy to hit, impossible to hurt. Though missing one hardiness means he's dead. Most likely. In a pinch we could equip the supreme shelter. (The arrows do 28 pts of damage, but with DD's protections they are down to 2 pts, how noice!)

F/I takes gloves of missiles snaring dropping her AC against missiles to -16. We can drop an additional -10 against missiles by equipping the supreme shelter. That plus SI:Divination, improved invisibility + blur mens that we can get as low as -29 against missiles or so (-19 without supreme shelter) assuming there's no bonus from improved invisibility. And ofc. she has skins + mirror images + pfmw's to keep her safe. And a few foreknowledges. And CC's & triggers & everything.

Kensai is safe with Judgement Day & almost continuous CS / Kai.

Imoen with SI:Divintion + Mirror Images + Blur + Improved Invisibility is at -15 + occasional foreknowledge (to -19) and PFMW's.

That leaves Cernd, who is in trouble here the most. Cernd takes the ox-tail belt, that together with barkskin + aura of flaming death means he's at -19 against missiles. We cast "protection from missiles" every now and then but it doesn't last that long (we don't actually even check if works but we cast it). Usually missing one mirror image / iron skins means he's dead.

Drop mages immediately, summon for distraction, buffs (IH+ Regen) on bigger summons (so Smilodons & CS). After entering (we usually aura clense here) Cernd & Imoen take turns in dispelling. Cernd with dispel magic, Imoen with remove magic. We keep Imoen & Cernd a little bit away from each other so that we can see when mirror images are out. All three of F/I + Imoen + Cernd have SI:Divination + Improved Invisibility active. Imoen casts the improved invisibility to F/M, so it's more difficult to dispel. Renew regen on DD. We have oodles of 'em.

With this setup we can manage. However, we will run out of defensive buffs so we need a wish:rest. If we don't get it, we lose. And we need it at mid-point, so after 1-2 hours of playing through this. We win this perhaps on the 5th try or something like that?

In the end, we're all out of resources & in desperation mode.

We are super glad this part os over.
Grave Liches @ Globe Machine

Prebuff, dispel, whack.

Alternatively we could have used time stop + ia from Wish for debuffing & then whacked.

Guarded Compound

We need celestial fury for Hammer of Thor. Enter, dominate, exit. Milk all golems. (<= this requires a few tries as our margin for error is nonexistant). We turn 4 ambers into chickens and we're not sure if we get all spawns from the lich, as the CS accidentally kills it.

Forge Hammer of Thor, a few rings of protection & noble staff of Fire. We are quite optimistic about what comes next as in the Demogorgon.


Well, our crew has worked exquisitely well so far. But here, not so much. We are missing arcane casting capabilities and here is where it shows big time. It's the hardest fight in the game, or at least for us,

We try the fight n times (10-15 or so), doing testruns & tinkering with it we and can't get past the beginning. We are using F/I (also known as the F/M here in this journal) for tanking and it doesn't go so well. It's quite the tight spot to debuff only with a single Sorceress it seems.


We could also tank with DD, as F/M and DD have equal amount of CS's and DD has better fire resistance, because of the great wyrm plate. Thac0 wise they are about even (DD is ahead by -2). We'd need another * in war hammer's for F/M though, which is about 150k away. We have easily enough quests left in SoA to do that.
We agree to try once more. If no progress, we'd try another tactic but once we make it through the beginning, we make it all da'way!! On insane.

I can't believe it.


Max summons, so 2xGreater Yuan-Ti, Greater Djinn, CS + Sunnis. Greater Yuan-Ti goes for Belcheresk, the other goes for Kazuyl, ditto for Sunnis, Greater Djinn takes Rozvankee and CS goes for St Kargoth (under IH, PFME, Skins + regen). The rest are just hasted. The micromanaging required here to make everything work makes us insane.

Max prebuffs. Including barbarian essences for both Kensai + DD. CC 3xRRoR "on hit" for F/M. She also takes 5 barbarian essences, shield of harmony (we switch with supreme shelter every now and then), Peridan, boots of the north, ring of gaxx and improved dragon helm. Protection from level drain scroll to, well, protect from level drain. Start, launch trigger with llarloch's minor drain to debuff Nulonga & then F/M moves to whack demo, once she gets aggro we move her to near St Kargoth. Once St KArgoth is whack-able she whacks and then she tanks Demo + Rozvankee through the fight, all the way to the end. And at one point she tanks 5-6 Vargouilles + a bunch of Mariliths. She also has potions of cold resistance (2-3) and potions of fire resistance (5-8) we keep quaffing potions of regeneration in the beginning, she must've taken perhaps 10 or so. She gets stunned once & once she gets held. Doesn't matter, she's quite difficult to hurt with everything that she has. Plus we take 3 or so RvE:Regen's throughout the fight. While stunned/held she only takes fire damage.

Imoen is the class in the beginning, she goes IA, Breaches Nulonga (Who is then whacked into oblivion by IH'd Kensai & Jaheira under CS, though we have to use 2-4 breaches here), then she debuffs Belcheresk, breaches, lowers it's resistances (ST 3xLR) and then drops 12 Magic missiles on it with about 15 acid arrows (10 + both sequencers). Cernd aura clenses and then drops 2-3 unleash energy's on Belcheresk, which then falls. Then we 3xRRoR St Kargoth,3xLR + Breach and drop 30 flame arrows on it + our remaining acid arrows. Jaheira, under SoA + PfME goes to give it a whack. Unfortunately CS falls here, it was on St Kargoth, otherwise we could have natural restored it to full health.

Next up is Kazyul, who is battling Sunnis & Greater Yuan Ti (greater elementals don't get knocked back, that's why they are really good here - for the fight is much more manageable that way). Imoen breaches and Cernd summons another greater elemental to help our summons. DD whacks the spawning Vargouille (just one, under CS) and then moves to whack Kazuul. Then rest of the frontline moves in, it activates "hardiness" and we can't hurt it. We're out of breaches. F/M is tanking demo + rozvankee so she's no help.

At this point Imoen is out of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and almost out of 7th level spells so we start wishing. We get Wish:Rest maybe after 8 tries or so we follow-up by re-casting IA and then Breach (x2 perhaps) Kazuyl, which falls quite quickly once it gets targetted with 26 APR with natural 20 rolls. De-breching with -5 and coordinating Criticla Strikes is deadly. Imoen follows up by starting to summon.

Then it's just Rozvankee + Demo.

F/M moves near the staircase to try and feed some spawns to the rest of the crew, since they can't attack her as they can't all fit, but they just stick around her. Demo launches lower resistances + fire storm so we are in a bit of a pickle for some time. But we are prepared, as in we have active regen + batalista's passport + supreme shelter to temporary up the fire resistance for further 75% Plus the potions. She gets stuck there, with Rozvankee & Demo below (+ Mariliths), Vargouilles on top. Her HP's drop quit fast so Cernd moves in and heals with natural restoral. It's enough. Fighters move in from the top, clear out the Vargouilles (one of DD, Kensai or Jaheira is always with CS (three capable fighters with one using CS the Vargouilles don't last for long) and once cleared move to the center we go where we whack the Mariliths, Imoen mostly breaches them (from scrolls).

We dodge fire storms a little bit and a few "lower fire resistances", whack a few more waves of Vargouilles and Mariliths. We give our best shot to separating Rozvankee & Demo here (using summons to tackle Demo) but it doesn't work, however Demo is quite conveniently single mindedly aggroing F/M, even after it's distracted by a summon. Rozvankee runs out of SI:Divination. We true sight & whack it immediately (it doesn't launch a trigger, though our frontline had PFME's active, probably from the Wishes in the beginning of the fight). Then it's just Demo. Debuff (not sure if it works but we do it anyway) and towards the end Imoen doesn't have anything worthwhile to cast and frontline is almost out of Critical Strikes so she Wishes and we get our rest #2. Yay!!! At this point the fight is won, we are only down a lot on fire resistances but with our capabilities the renew spells will easily carry us until the end. We re-up fire resistances as much as possible (Cernd aura clenses and runs around casting protection from fire & resist fire & cold's) and front line whacks demo with CS. Cernd drop CC's for whole frontline together with resist fear (from Imoen) so F/M switches to Githzerai Blade (she has 5 Critical Strikes). Demo against 30 APR with natural 20 rolls doesn't last for long, still it's perhaps 3 rounds or so. It's quite tanky. It seems like it takes forever. In the end we give Noble Staff of Fire to Jaheira, so in a pinch she can equip it to dodge fire damage (she's at -10% or so without the staff). Doesn't matter. We hear the sweet sound of Demogorgon's wail while our group of mostly mere mortals thusfar whacks it into another plane. Then we finish the remaining mariliths. F/M, who's been taking the damage takes giant strength from Jaheira & belm off-hand and goes on a Marilith whacking spree.

We get our superpowers. We check the difficulty setting 5 times. Yes. It's on "insane". This took about 4 hours of constant micromanagement.

Our whole crew including PC gets Blessings(?!?!?). On my other runs PC just gets the ring. Well, we don't complain.

We re-install simplified economy here. It's too much to ask to gather & sell the swords & armours from the next fights. We forge Phosphorous (finally) for F/M together with Helm of Clarity for Jaheira. Now we have a little bit more flexibility.

No more milking, we're just going to enjoy the rest without the annoying prolonging of the fights. We're actually looking forward to these!

Assassins at Windspear Hills

Cernd aura clenses and dispels coordinators, rror's em, dooms everyone, drops 10 insect plagues / emotions / alicorn lances / chain lightnings / nature's fists & implosions while Imoen with max casting time bonuses drops LR's at everyone and then drops GM's & turns the golems into chickens and ADHW's away. It takes perhaps two rounds or so?

Double -5 is complete overkill. As we thought. And frontline with 33 APR's of Critical Strikes, as we thought.

Fun level: Much fun

OP level: Game-breaking

Difficulty level: trivial


Grandfather of Assasins

We lose on our first try. We forgot the trigger, as usual, so ADHW whacks us into oblivion.

Prebuff. Max casting time bonuses. Initiate. Aura clense & IA. Drop 15 chain lightnings while Imoen LR's + GM's. Drop rest of the spellbook's for surviving enemies. Frontline activates CS's and the whole fight is over before the CS's run out.


We're not milking, so ... Max prebuffs, max summons, max prebuffs for summons (regen's, ih's, elemental resistances) Cernd goes for Ariel, aura clenses & drops 2x regen on her + heal. Then he goes to whack the golem (with PfL) It takes a few rounds for our H2H crew to take down the two elementals. After Supreme Golem's dispel hits Cernd, we move in & whack the Supreme Golem. Then the elemental. Ariel waves us goodbye and we go to fetch the jewel and the relic, which we have no use of.

Viper Queen

Lasts for a surprisingly long time as in maybe 3 rounds or so. We use only h2h here.

City Gates Lich

Cernd obliterates it with implosions & nature's fists.

Amulet of Power

The AoP is such a powerful item that we think it deserves it's own entry. And we think it's wasting its potential somewhat if one turns it into Amulet of Hades / Lord of the Underworld. Especially in chapter 3. There's three distinct benefits, for not going for Necro's amulet, even with a Necro in the party:

#1 NPP is quite difficult to find. Having permanent NPP is very powerful. AoP on a ranger (/paladin) means quite a lot easier time with vampires, mists and the few other level draining foes. AoP on a F/M means you can pretty much buff the character and then solo some of the Vampire encounters - a recipe for domination. One will have these types of encounters throughout the game, so this flexibility will make things a lot easier.

#2 Flexibility with tanking -1 in casting time means you are safe in numerous encounters. Without -1, your character is always subject to interruption meaning most likely an instant or near instant death at more advanced encounters. This is highlighted in the encounters requiring sheer endurance, that take hours even for an experienced mod-dweller types. The best way to use AoP is to circle it around depending on your need - if you are planning on tanking with an Avenger, give it her for the fight. Tanking golems becomes a breeze when you can have 3 characters with at least -1 in casting time through chapters 3-5 (for example Cernd with innate -2, Jaheira with CotW & F/M with AoP, assuming no-Vecna ofc). This becomes crucial at later stages when you need to switch the tank to re-up skins / re-up elemental resistances.

#3 Stacking bonuses: casting time bonuses work non-lineary. A -1 or -2 reduction in casting time can mean immense increases in ability. This is especially true with your premier Arcane spellcaster and is oh'so'nice when one has Cernd with you. For almost all of the best offensive spells with Cernd have a casting time of 5, which is reachable if you don't use AoP for Necromancer's amulet. The difference between -3 and -4 and -5 is immense. In chapters 4-5 having Cernd with -4 is quite game-breaking. It means insect plagues & chain lightnings with casting time of 1, emotions with casting time of 0.

With a bonus of -5, some encounters become almost trivial. My (32nd level) Cernd, with Noble Staff of Earth + 25 Wisdom + Circlet of Golden Flowers + AoP (so -5) can within a fraction of a round drop:

10 Nature's Fists (40d10 crushing damage)
13 Implosions (130d10 fire damage, 130d10 crushing damage)
16 chain lightnings (256d6 of lightning damage)
15 insect plagues (45 damage per rd for 3 rds)
15 poisons* / emotions
15 flame arrows (90d6 piercing damage + 360d6 fire damage)
17 alicorn lances (51d6 piercing damage)

That's in line with a Necro, power wise, we think, depending on the fight might even be a bit further. It's too bad that Cernd doesn't have a usable first level damage dealing spell as burning hands doesn't really work. (Chromtic Orb would).

All that for easier time with Ancient Dragon, we don't really think it's a tradeoff we want to make in most cases. The only exception might be if we're playing a Necro without Cernd & with multiclassed F/M as a supportive arcane caster.

*Currently we though don't know of a single fight where poison would work.
Bravo! I'm amazed that you managed to win probably the hardest fight on insane! Reading your log of the fight was really entertaining and I hope, that analyzing and doing the fight was no less rewarding for you in terms of joy and excitement (4 hours of those emotions!). Your party really has the power and the diversity needed for even the most challenging elements of IA.
QUOTE(SparrowJacek @ May 27 2022, 04:40 PM) *
Bravo! I'm amazed that you managed to win probably the hardest fight on insane! Reading your log of the fight was really entertaining and I hope, that analyzing and doing the fight was no less rewarding for you in terms of joy and excitement (4 hours of those emotions!). Your party really has the power and the diversity needed for even the most challenging elements of IA.

Thanks! It was an emotional journey yes, went from curious to hopeful to annoyed to desperate to overjoyed biggrin.gif ! The crew barely made it, almost throw in the towel. Overall the composition has worked out very well on this run I think (this is the "double -5" crew!). And yes, tinkering with the party composition is my thing and I really enjoy creating uber-powerful parties to tackle IA's challenges.



We always have trouble in the beginning. It's actually little difficult, for we are a vulnerable to silence. Prebuff incl. RvE:Regen. Jaheira drops another regen for DD.

Anyway, move around a bit to get the 1st silence for one caster. Attack with frontline. F/M moves out of sight and the plan is to summon with her but as we're not careful she gets silenced as well. Oh well, doesn't matter as Cernd saves us. In the end F/M gets whacked (level drain from vampires), for we are not careful. Cernd can already dispel Orcus so it's not that big of a deal. DD survives with double regen & active hardiness all the time. The first fight in the game where we tank with regen + hardiness on this level, though Cernd uses all natural restorals to heal DD.

We make it, thanks to Jaheira's ritual & unsilenceable Cernd.


Engage. IA + aura clensing. Imoen turns all golems into chickens immediately (use triggers here as well) and finishes then with MM's.

RR0R x n (3?) Irenicus + 3xLR + GM + Doom + drop Joneleth by implosions & nature's fists.

Perhaps one round? DD thinks them hardwood golems make the best tooth picks.


Summon to the max. Prebuff to the max. Prebuff summons to the max.

Then we give'em'hell.

Thus we conclude SoA.

We'll play through ToB at some point, but for now we'll take a break! The sun is shining and the summer is here, so there's no point in sitting inside and staring at the computer screen with out free time so much!


Debuff. Whack. Milk a little bit. It's quite easy with an unconscious Illasera.


Troubles here, we play this through for a number of times. This is mostly due to us being completely ill-prepared. Anyway, with minor globes from limited wish + proper prebuffs this is solved easily. Krun does a lot of damage on insane with MM's & AA's.

We forge Cernd's staff & a ring of protecion +4. We don't have anything else we want to forge. We have a lot of unsold stuff along with unsold equipment.

Marching Mountains

Max prebuffs, max summons, PfF's for everyone & prebuffs for summons sa well. Only one elemental golem here with Berenn?

They all in all do not survive long enough to get a single spawn away.


Drop Yaga-Shura's magic resistance with 3xpierce shield (F/M's CC). Whack away. Cernd 12xCall lightning's here. We use one RvE. Skins keep us safe. DD has double regen throughout the fight. Greater elementals are great at tanking Yaga, for they don't get thrown back. We use all of our Critical Strikes (30 or so).

The Oasis

Enter with contigencies skins on sight & cc's with foreknowledge + 2xMS8. Imoen + Cernd AI/Aura clense.

Cernd moves to the front to take the aggro of about half of the first batch of gems (3-5 or so). We can drop his AC to -30 against crushing (barskin + aura of flaming death + SoA). Then he drops his whole spellbook on enemies. Imoen starts wishing, once ia is done - we aim to get PfME's for everyone but we get "double time stop + ia" instead. That's fine. Imoen then IH's, PfME's + PftE's the whole crew.

F/M enters, launches trigger (GOI + PFMW + IH) on herself, then puts up SI:Abjuration and off she goes to whack the battle mages (after PfME ofc.).

Swords work very, very well here. We get wish:hardiness at some point + we RvE:Regen.

Jaheira misses her skins, gets interrupted, then we are about to start running away until she gets hit, with wish:hardiness + golem slayer + helm of clarity + AoF she's at 80% physical resistance ... RvE regen keeps her easily safe enough, we don't need skins. Which we understood only after being hit. How nice.

The nicest thing bout the F/M is that she has multiple layers of protection. We can throw her into a fight with PFMW, once that runs out there's great AC + skins up next, sometimes coupled with mirror images (+ fire shields). After those are done, there's Hardiness (though on insane that doesn't amount to much). And additional defensive buffs are cast instantly (with foreknowledge). So she's usually quite safe in any encounter.

Sendai's Enclave

Our H2H too great. Our spells too many. Way too many.

Lich causes some problems, luckily there's Cernd at -5 to renew death wards. Once invisibility is out, Cernd drops it with implosions & nature's fists.

We fall once to Sendai for the golem's dispels & the deafness. Turn golems into chickens. We whacked the pet next, leaving Sendai the last. Would have probably been easier if we would have left a regenerating Smilodon battling Sendai's Pet and whacked Sendai herself. Doesn't matter.


Prebuff with death wards. Start. Cernd IA 2-3xRRoR & 5-6x implosions and Vongoether falls. Then Cernd nature's fists pretty much everything else. They are instant so that's quite fun.


This is such a nice fight

Summons for distractions. Whack the salmanders. Srop the human form. Get blown back & debuffed. Summons go for gollums. Improved alacricity for Imoen & Mental Agility (we get it on the 4th try), then Cernd ura clenses (it has a casting time of 2) & immediate mirror image from Cernd. When Abazigail starts true sight enter line of sight and drop Cernd's & Imoen spellbooks on it starting with 2-3RRoR's, 4-5 LR's, breach and then we dish out the hurt, as in everything we have that's 5 or under in casting time. It's near death after Cernd's implosions (we start with 'em) pretty much, so before about 15x nature's fists, 15 MMS', 30 Flame Arrows and so on. We try to whack it with spells but it just stays "near death" - we must have dropped 300-500 pts of damage to it after it's "near death", so F/M comes in and gives it a whack. Abazigail falls.

Double -5 is overpower.


Cernd drops him with implosions


No Pasha? We saved him and he was very happy earlier. Well, I guess that's a Necro thing.

We don't finish EDE yet, as the elemental backlashes are a lot on insane. We'll be back for this later on.

The End

Some thoughts on the crew:

Our crew worked almost as planned. We had quite an easy time for most parts of the game, out counting the demo-fight, which was a handful.

Cernd is our best damage dealer via spells in almost all of the fights. it's also super nice, that almost all of his damage-dealing spells have a casting time of 5, so they are instant. I'm quite confident in stating that Cernd, developed this way, is the most powerful spellcaster in the game and he beats out even a fully developed Necro in number of areas. The only thing that makes a fully developed Necro more powerful is having access to full RvE. But when it comes to damage dishing & summoning, Cernd beats Necro hands down. Our Sorceress is mostly for debuffing enemy spellcasters & protections and buffing our crew. And ofc dish out the hurt in those cases where she was able to.

We really didn't need to tank with DD that much. But in the few cases that we needed to, it was doable with a double-triple regen. That we really could not was probably our biggest miscalculation. I think in this setup the DD can be switched with a Vagrant, for they have almost equal phys resistance towards the end but Vagrant is a better damage dealer + has amazing complimentary abilities. This is so probably even without Flail of Defending & Wounding and the Red Coral Armour. Though if that switch would be made, we're not sure how we can beat Mithril golem (perhaps summons & pfmw's & range would work here?).

Our muticlssed F/M (or F/I) was a great character, combining very powerful abilities with really good H2H capabilities, as we thought. It would be fun to get this type of character an additional bonus item or two. In ToB parts of the game it would be great to be able to upgrade the Asylferund elven chain with adamantite dust to bring back some abilities from the Drow Elven Chain, most notbly the -1 in casting time. That adjustment is mostly convenience adjustment, it really doens't help the character that much (as you can just have active foreknowledge all the time for insant skins & pfmw's). Another nice tweak would be to allow the Wondrous Gloves to be usable by F/M types.

Thanks again for the great mod. I've had much, much fun with this & a great time!
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