I think the major theme could be murder : death effect, cold damage, magic damage, fear effect with appropriate pressure on saves vs death.
I was thinking it could be Amelyssan herself spawning blurred slayers(damage dealers), death tyrants(some kind of caster/debuffer/tank).
She could be allied with a very ancient dracolich entity with a unique name (dracolich but a lot stronger) which spawns skeleton grandlords and cairn wraiths (banshee avatar, fearful death dealing undead creature).
Each of the three seals to cut off Melissan's power would spawn a single fallen solar (beefed up a lot and annoying creature). First seal would have no effet beside releasing the fallen solar and saying that Melissan's power has been cut off. Second seal would reduce the speed at which she summons helpers and her control on her immensely powerful gated ally (would reduce dragon's own helper spawning speed as well as reducing some of his resistances). Last seal would break Melissan's invulnerability (she would be invulnerable at the beginning of the fight).
Incidentally, hesperus could grant immunity do death effect.
Just for the sake of discussion