Firstly party composition:
Margus Necro: only wise choice here, he has improved stronghold, overpowered items and so on, just like Vagrant, he can become god at some point(though fighter>caster in EDE). He will be our only arcane caster, no mass invisibility might hurt(-4 saving throws, perfect against spiders), but making unusual but not too weak party means sacrifices ;/ had great rolls, he has 18/18/16/18/18/6 (really!)
Aragorn R/C multi: last run with vagrant taught me that CS is the most important ability in IA(or one of the most), fighting supreme gith or(yeah, he's not here this time) demon from JD was terrible, way too many reloads... slow level progression, low level spells(in terms of dispelling) and not many GR... but we'll manage, never used more than 3 GR in 1 fight, and this time I have Cernd+necro(wish!), stats are: 18/98 18 18 8 18 3
Geralt Kensai: perfect fighter, and as good damage dealer as monk(with 2h he can hit from behind other characters which will grant him longer life), best thaco of all characters, probably only he'll be able to hit supreme leader without CS or critical hit, I could only take him or RB, but since I hate RBs there was only one right choice. No armor is actually a good thing, I won't have problems like: use better armor but only +2 rings, or +4 ring and full plate(3 characters will need a ring +4 or gaxx!). Kensai must take care of all fights due to our lack of real close combat power, but when enemies are debuffed by necro and Cernd that probably is enough! 19 18 19 12 12 3
Tony Kakko Skald: perfect char! bards should have some more items only for them, for the armor is nothing special(it had permanent alacrity in IA5, right? That's too much, but some other improvements are welcome) He can have 3 protections(SS/GoI/SI) which occupies mages for some time, he can have 100% MR, which occupies mages for even more time and protects him from many nasty things(song+carsomyr+improved human flesh/almost anything else), can tank(SS+MI) and finally can cast II(+AC and +saving throws). Without him my next char would be totally useless I think... 1 more thing, he can play the note and has almost 1 round to act before singing again(so casting spells, or even fighting, he can use let's say monk's sword+3 that gives+1 APR and other thing in main hand), improved song(HLA) has nice area of effect, and greatly boosts every char! stats: 18 18 16 18 10 15
Chuck Norris Monk: one question: WHY?! Because I can! Probably the worst character in IA(since thief can swashbuckle). High AC, high thaco, low APR, only crushing damage... after some testing here's what he can achieve: -24 AC(lowest possible...), -15 AC(with 24 str), 4APR/10 with GWW, and damage: 1-20+6 from gauntlets+12 from 24str+4(fists are weapon+4)+4(song)=27-46 which is pretty nice, 98%MR(some rounds for mages to lower it!) and 50%DR... not too good, but on core he'll manage to help. 18 18 16 15 14 3
Cernd: why does auramaster have RRR? No idea, but I'll use it without hesitation! He's another perfect char! 3 druid items(staff+circlet+cloak), mass spells, IA, 100%DR in ToB(20 staff+40 his aura+40 hardiness from wish), epic HLAs, unsilencable( <3 )
Best thing in this party: Cernd/Necro/Skald/Monk don't need IH, and R/C can have ranger boots probably... Cernd can RRR, so many slots for 6 and 7 level for necro

Worst things: only 2 real fighters(+monk!), too many characters that could use only ioun stones... (4 then 3 after UAI)
What I will try:
-Samia and party=my best and favorite encounter pre spellshold, which will be much harder this time without 7'th level divine spells(creeping doom to be precise, it owns basically whole fight) and many GM+emotion(it could make 2 or even 3 enemies unconscious)
-Undead city- never really tried it pre-spellshold so maybe... though this party is probably not solid enough for the encounter ;/ (maybe staff+4 from Founder?)
-Firkraag but only after monk is 15'th level(fists are +3 weapon), had some problems with my Vagrant party even after underdark, but this run is basically to taste as much as possible and to see how godly can be the real Necromancer(+to compare if his plot is better than Vagrant's!)
-trolls- they are simply too much for me, without creeping doom(perfect against vengeance trolls) and ADHW I won't be able to kill those little bastards before they suck out all my strength
-guarded compound- sorry, not with this party composition
Here we go:
Circus, then walking around to get many places on map. Talky talky umar quests + golem, take Cernd, then Windspear, defeat everything that is outside the cave. Druid grove, kill Faldorn and first druid stronghold quest done.
It turns out that Rakshasas are immune to +1 weapons... I'll need at least one, which means: pay to shadow thieves and visit slavers. I'm not proud of this fight, once got pushed by summons so beastmaster attacked me in the middle of buffing, and second time, he got emotioned a second after creeping doom, so Cernd had to circle around not to get hit by the spell... Anyway, the fight is really easy, Tabitha can be killed by MM or Cernd's 6'th level spell.
Killed first vampire at night, then went to get amulet of power... still no ambush, strange a bit...
Interesting note: one can summon familiar to get additional 24 HP and just put it in pocket. This way 5 summons can be achieved, so for 1'st level spell it's a bit overpowered. Necromancer with additional 24 HP could look even more godlike late game, but I won't use this.
Dealt with vampire in docks, then tried to go out to temple district, but Suna wanted to kill us... I don't like this fight, no options to prevent being confused(-4 to saving throws, no means of casting chaotic command and so on, too weak gear... and I don't even have time to cast true seeing and something to interrupt the spell). Got lucky and 1 emotion took down both fighters and cleric(Cernd with AoP cast emotions almost instantly). Then R/C runs to lower corner with Suna, mage confuses him, Kensai and Monk rush for Suna, 3xflame arrow and she's dead, then true seeing from Cernd, slaying the mage and assassin(Monk used stunning blow and rolled successfully). Finally I have breach!
next whole Mae'var questline, Margus got 11'th level.
Wanted to go to bridge district, but got attacked by a hostile party, even though we had out spellbooks depleted, we managed to defeat them... though lost 1 breach scroll, because mage used it after Magrus cast stoneskin.
Decided to do Cernd's quest first, also bought 2 points of reputation(for 2700).
Personally I think that this quest should be expanded, I mean... what about the mage? What about the lich?!
Cernd left our party, so it's time to meet Ployer with Jaheira.
After the quest, dropped Jaheira and headed to the grove to pick Cernd, on my way there some orogs and 2 warriors attacked us, no problems, emotions+stunning blow=slaughter.
Picked Cernd, killed Rakshasas(no problems with 2 characters pounding and Tony singing right behind them

Interesting note: my R/C will have probably lowest level, and that means lowest dispel magic. Vengeance trolls drain strength but it can be dispelled, so he'll probably use the spell since it won't affect our other buffs

Chaos was as easy as usual, 2 characters casting THE SPELL, Margus running around to prevent being bit by insects, summons. Geralt got 10'th level.
Skinner's time. We need lots and lots of exp... also reputation points are important, I'll have to buy staff+3 to fight for Lilarcor... Or maybe rynn will be in Founder's body?
Now harpers, after first quest we said goodbye to Cernd, and joined Jaheira, we'll kill some harpers for her.
Hahahaha... Left Cernd in front of the entrance to harpers... Joolon got confused during the fight, left the building and attacked Cernd... who is hostile now

These fights are perfect for low level parties, they grant cloaks of protection and rings too, some minor exp and gold.
In the end we got harper's pin, a perfect item for our UAI bard. Though bards have very high saving throws, this one will not have problems with them(saves vs spells are extremely important vs spiders and probably even versus Rakshasa Prince, though I'm not sure about the second one). Ring+4 can be used with robe of evil archimagi (we made him evil so he could use human flesh if needed).
Later dropped Jaheira, and picked Valygar to open the shpere, left him and took Cernd back. We'll take care of Valygar's armor, with harper's pin and the belt, he'll have 75% magical damage reduction. Sometimes we might need that.(Sometimes 100% MR will be enough(with some items and Carsomyr))
Info: silenced bards still can play(that's normal, they can't utter a sound but can use their fingers).
Now time to fight some De'arnise trolls an yuantis.
Yuanti mage was easier than before. Monk rushed to the room to trigger mage's protections and his 3 spells(slow emotion and something), then 1 fire elemental and 1 skeleton attacked enemies, while Geralt pounded them with 2h weapon from afar, and Margus+Tony showered them with MMM. Cernd used true seeing right after the troll was dead, to reveal invisible ones, then some fire arrows and melee attacks to defeat them, from time to time a skeleton was sent to occupy the mage for some time, then monk rushed to the room again and was confused(no big deal), meanwhile Cernd cast protection from fire on Aragorn and Geralt, who took care of the mage.
Forgot that it's easier to deal with yuanti having lower resistance, so unseeing eye now.
Gauths are extremely dangerous to our team... we need to use GM+emotions which is a perfect combination to defeat them. Also bought secret word scrolls for Margus and Tony.
Blind priests were much harder than the Eye... in the end Chuck got 11'th level, and is now immune to poison, which is great, since we'll soon fight slavers... I hate that fight, Kensai is the only one who can defeat the captain, and he's way too fragile, can't be protected from backstab, poison and critical strikes.
Illithium quest done, now time for fallen paladins(reputation is 19).
Geralt got 11'th level. Greater yuanti time. Chaotic command on everyone, true seeing, max buffs(Aragorn got 24 str), Whisper spider died in less than 1/2 round, then 2xsecret word on yuanti, Geralt and Chuck with summons stand close to the snake to get him occupied, Margus breaches and then 2xlower resis, Cernd doom, Tony play, after dispel magic Aragorn rush to fight, Margus Cernd and Tony shower the enemy with magic, Aragorn tanks(having -13AC +prot. from evil, and Yuanti doomed= no damage whatsoever for 3/4 rounds!). In the end: no one was hurt except for Tony who was attacked by confused bear... Except for 1 healing potion nothing was wasted(all scrolls are in the body). Funny thing, forgot to renew haste after dispel.
Glaicas was not able to withstand combined power of R/C and kensai. Forged FoA+3, now I think I can fight the Keep Viper, the best thing in Kensai is that even if he can't use given type of weapon, he can! He'll use short sword+3. Yup, no problem here, resistances lowered, then doomed, 4 bears took care of him then(the bears are extremely powerful! Nice thaco and high damage output, in addition their attacks are considered +3 weapon! This means we can easily defeat greater carrion crawler

Bought Mauler's arm. R/C is enough to take all these mists in sewers. Also checked slavers, the captains seems really susceptible to fire arrow, that is perfect

Once you know what to use, shadow lover becomes extremely easy, wanted to try glitterdust and ray of enfeeblement on him, though even after his saving throws were lowered by 7(chant,doom,GM) he had no problems avoiding the effects.
Where to go now? We have 2 good options, Tor'gal or amber golem... we need some exp before dealing with slavers, more spells and better thaco(Chuck will become a bit more useful with 12'th level, having +3 thaco, though it'll still be mere 8, 6 with song... he'll have to get looots more exp to become the real CHUCK! (sad, he needs to be 25 level to get +4 "weapon", which will probably be some time after fights like troll king/queen and Teshal...)).
Amber golem took 1 reload, because Chuck was chunked by assassin... It's really bad, this means that slavers will probably be much harder than I thought... I had no idea that vampiric touch is that efficient against the golem! Still need more than 100k exp... maybe I'll do planar prison...
Tor'gal- no reloads, really simple fight. Firstly buff everyone with normal spells(bless/haste/chant) and R/C with protections, so that he wouldn't be hurt by storm of vengeance(should have used Chuck, he just stood for the whole fight, totally useless...), then run just with him, to get hit in the corner, meanwhile buffed bears approach trolls, then R/C pound golem, Cernd fight trolls, Tony sing and eliminate dead trolls if needed(MMM), then after trolls are dead, kensai attacks Tor'Gal(Necro breached him and then started to lower his resistances), Tony and Margus shower MM and MMM(couldn't hit even once...) and the fight is over. Tony scribed his RoF, and we got our first permanency scroll!
Tried Founder, but I'm a bit too weak, managed to defeat him, though 3 characters were dead due to SoV and no +4 staff, reloaded because it's possible that it doesn't show up because not enough characters are alive...
Decided to take promenade party with sorcerous Amon... Did it fair, no pre-casting weakening spells before the talk, GM was cast in wrong place and didn't affect the sorcerer, who managed to use improved mantle scroll

Done second shadow thieves' quest, Aragorn with AoP stood where the vampires spawn and the rest took care of the contract.
Next on the list is planar prison, no problems with imp(GM+all else), but forgot that if pounded too fast, EBH uses hardiness which makes her immortal for whole turn... After noticing that it was quite easy=pound till about 8/10 turn, then run away and when she starts casting, pound more. She was probably even stunned by monk(not sure, she was standing at some point not doing a thing for more than a round). Decided to take yuanti mage thralls greater yuanti and 3 minotaurs right after EBH, had bad luck with saving throws, and warriors were down, also Chuck died because he was held(monks should have some other resistances...). Warden took 2 our precious RRR scrolls, it is needed to cast breach right after RRR, because he can recast SI...
Shadow Jailor: buffs including 2xIH, no problems. We have nice levels but there are still no liches in random spawns, for me it's good, we'll have enough liches to deal with... I'd really love to have phosphorus when fighting slavers, and that means that Thax must die(he has the scroll, right?). This time it'll be probably much harder than with vagrant party... our damage output with normal weapons is much lower. OUCH! Forgot that even on normal difficulty skeleton lords are real killers when it comes to fighting naked characters... Anyway, Chuck will be able to solo 3 grandlords one day!
I hate spell shield bug... I'll have to use spellstrike to defeat Thax... and that means -3000gold ;/
With SS the fight was amazingly easy. I was prepared for almost everything, and could occupy the dragon for long long time. right after talking, everyone pound alongside 4 bears and joolon, about 3 second later Cernd casts death ward(the dragon uses 3 FoD and wastes a round), meanwhile Tony uses SS, and some seconds later Margus starts his first breach. When greater silence comes, Aragorn flees, then comes back, bears are located on 4 sides so death spell affects only 1, Tony plays and casts invisibility(another dragon occupying spell), when breath is nearing, Cernd uses PfLD spell, and has 1 heal spell(used it). I was unlucky with drop... nothing interesting.
Time for pirates and phosphorus

Forged phosphorus and ring +2, we need to save lots of money for druid's items and amulet of hades.
Defeated Bodhi, all party members are now about 1,3m.
Slavers, no problems at current levels and with phosphorus, even Chuck managed to survive.
Time to go to Firkraag's dungeon. Two groups of mists taken at the same time, rakshasa owned using PFMW on Margus. Rest of the dungeon was also easy(no tomb mist guardians and Samia ofc). Geralt got 13'th level, and now we will forge Cernd's cloak. Additional +3 to saving throws is extremely powerful, and he can still wear +4 ring to maximize protection

Now planar sphere, I have some bad feelings about that, even though Margus has 18/18 sometimes even 100% is not enough to forge apprenti robe...
Halflings were easy as usual.
No scrolls used during this fight, we beat all enemies without RRR.
Got robe of apprenti! After killing some trolls Margus has 14'th level and that means RRR! Shadow lord now?
First took down turmish barbarians and got manual of elaboration, now we can forge amulet of hades.
Shadow Lord dead, 2xRRR and breach took care of him.
Defeated sewer party-remove magic+GM+emotions took care of most enemies, then RRR+breach on mage and pound him till he's dead.
I can't forge amulet of hades before some vampire killing... that means screaming statue! Aragorn can't fight alone, so after first wave where he defeated enemies alongside skeleton warrior(Tony can summon 1) we really need to think about a good strategy... Using scroll of protection from undead makes this fight an easy walk, but I want to have as many scrolls as possible when fighting Orcus(the fight is quite long, so 3 characters will need a scroll or two). Casting pfld is instant, but vampires can dispel it faster than once a round ;/ warriors can achieve AC of -15 and -14, also one of them has belt(additional -4) and they're protected from evil(-2), hope this'll make them untouchable for vampires. Side note: Aragorn and Geralt when under IH can kill eminent vampire before he can appear

Finally! Chuck became a capable fighter! Enormous damage(something like kensai) and not that bad thaco+APR.
In the end fought using the scroll... Errr... shouldn't there be some exp for this fight? I mean additional... anyway, time to defeat Conster, fight was funny as usual.
Forged hades and another cloak +2.
Samia's party was awful! No creeping doom means we can't really fight them back... somehow managed to do that after many reloads... After GM from necro, Chuck has about 1/2 chance to 1-hit-KO Akane.
No vecna... I'm really sad. What now? Party is about 1,9M exp...
WK level 1 cleared, had to buy halberd+3 for 22 200. Should've gone there later, got only 4 noble trolls without vampires and some 5/6 golems+2vampires+mists in last room. Chuck died here, he's about 40k exp lower than everyone else ehh...
Now... Firkraag's time! Interesting note, bard isn't a caster! I mean, enemies don't silence him on purpose, that means almost 3 unsilencable characters in my team! (He'll always be out of silence's range.). We'll need to use another spellstrike scroll, for we can't afford rampaging dragon under PFMW and so on(got some scrolls of breach with me). No lower res, because we value our scrolls and want to use as few as possible. I think Firkraag has 3 waves of skeletons, only this much we can take down that is... Chuck will shine in this fight as third damage dealer! 1 more thing: I don't really believe that I can win this fight. The worst thing is that we can't run around under IH, because we don't want to be dispelled... And Geralt with his perfect thaco and damage can take down the dragon and his minions in seconds.
Tested how well our warriors can fight when with 24 str(potions) and it seems that Chuck has the greatest damage, being able to score 36 with critical hit(Geralt can deal only 34).
First try: got to second wave, then resigned because the dragon wanted to silence Aragorn... We have not enough distracters: invisibility, 2xSI, 2xspell turning, 45magic res on monk, summons.
Next try and another were total disasters, decided to postpone the fight. Defeated Pai'na for spider and ioun stone, cleared guardians and got dragon shield and sword, there Chuck got 16'th level. Also got horn of valhalla. Now it's time to kill Firkraag.
The fight was epic! Many buffs+3 skeletons, also MGoI on all(limited wish), spell turning+SI:Abj on Margus. Chuck went to talk, as soon as dragon turned hostile spellstrike+breach(Margus+Tony), Chuck swung to the corner, 1 skeleton took attention of warlords, and led them to warriors who took care of them, meantime 2x breachers+renewing SI or spell turning, then Chuck and Geralt attacked the dragon, interesting, he decided to breach and not to dispel our magic. Second wave was a disaster, Kraag noticed Aragorn and silenced him, also malisoned my characters, had to use mirror images and summons to occupy him. Margus got hit by improved fireball right after having his fire res lowered(to 50, so only twenty-something damage). After second wave, IH'ed Aragorn and Geralt, also Geralt and Chuck drank potions(24str), and decided to finish the dragon right after the third wave... it was a mistake! He managed to heal, and we were dispersed, without means of protection from skeletons... But after another heal the dragon was dead! And remaining 3 wlords were slain afterwards. My first pre-spellshold victory, and did it without cheating! (I mean, I could take off hades so that the dragon would try to silence Margus, and then put it on again, won't do this, too stupid for my liking.) Unfortunately no good drop, not even scroll of permanency! (And I thought I could forge staff of strength!). This means no other fights, anyway party has about 2,22M(only Chuck has much less) exp, so it's high time to set sails!
Also sold lots of stuff, forged druid potion, cloak+2 and ring+2, gold is about 140k now.
Got to spellshold by high charisma, lost dexterity, Cernd gained 14'th level. In the head room in spellshold there always were some yuantis if I recollect correctly, but now there were lots of spiders(good, this means more exp!). Geralt got 16'th level after riddles.
Small encounters, no problems. Lich was really awful, lords were taken in the corridor by summons+Aragorn and Geralt, while PFMW’ed Margus entertained the lich, in the end had to revive Geralt(3xADHW and not enough PFME) and the lich was killed by Chuck+summons. Interesting, shade liches have no LR spells, he cast only bigby’s hand.
Cat and librarian were surprisingly easy in comparison with that lich, but master vampire was awful, we can’t fight level draining enemies…
Mithril golem took us some reloads because of bad positioning, a nasty fight it is.
3 ambers: we emerged from this fight with high losses(I mean every last 1 character had less than 40% HP).
Irenicus: Margus entertains him and the rest fights, not much to say, RM and DM are perfect here.
Sahaugin challenge: even confused Margus could deal with the enemy.
Many people leveled somewhere here, so here are stats:
Margus: 16’th level
Chuck: 18’th level
Geralt: 17’th level
Aragorn: 12/13 level
Cernd: 15’th level
Tony: 18’th level
Killed the prince and obtained great gloves for Chuck
Some minor killing in the underdark(quo toans(they have insane thaco! Chuck barely managed to survive having -15 AC!)), then beholders(I want to have GR for ambushes if I can…). It seems that elder eye doesn’t use his ray of antimagic(he has it, doesn’t he?) if characters are not buffed. Cernd and Chuck leveled here.
Dealt with beholders, but Aragorn still needed 40k exp for his cleric class… So I decided to defeat the drows. Strange enough, no problems here.
Balor: he has nasty ability to dispel protections and apply fear, so we decided to take him down with magic, 2xRRR then breach+2LR, and magic storm(insects are perfect here, unleash energy also works wonders, especially with aura cleansing).
That’s it for now, I’ll continue this run and update this post every once in a while.
Some thoughts:
Monks are totally useless in the first stage, they die-have high AC, can’t be hasted, low life and no +3weapons(it should be +1 at 4, +2 at 8 and +3 at 12(maybe +5 at 20)). Some testing proved that later my monk will probably be an ultimate damage dealer, on par with kensai, but it’s still a long way to go.
Bards are a bit better, they mainly stand and play(while monks stand and do nothing). Again some testing proved that late game my bard can turn into a skilled warrior with great abilities, nice damage, thaco, APR and undispellable 40% damage reduction.(no critical hit though, but still can play songs).