Journal Part 3
BodhiWith 5 x weapons +4 (CF, Staff of Strength, Clan Spirit & 2 x Smilodon) this is a breeze through. Jaheira & DD take SoA's. PFMW for B/M (+ enrage) and Necro. AoP for Shaman. Hexxat is immune to level drain.
DD takes Bodhi. He gets hit once during the fight. Once.
Spider Queen DD overpowers. First half of the fight we fight in the improved web. DD doesn't have FA and he doesn't get webbed even once. Towards the end start moving a little bit just so that DD won't be webbed.
Swords are wonderful here. Swords in soothing fog overpowers here. And a few Skeleton Warriors.
Chromatic DemonNecro dominates with -3. Start. Lower resistances, gm, doom and we use triggers of hold monster + 2x Polymorph Other, the demon gets turned into a chicken before it's held. Necro finishes with AA's or MM's (not sure which gets the final blow). Basicly Necro soloes.
Marvella Part 1 (steam elemental prince) No chance.
We try to go forge noble spider figurine but Limak block our way. And we don't seem to be able to sneak in a wharding whip. We decide to postpone it for a little bit. There's Green a
Wyrm, Umar Witch, Troll Mound and Assasin's at Windspear Hills to do. And TheShal, Guarded Compound, Twisted Rune etc.
***Umar Witch I didn't realize we could milk Skeleton here. Well, we milk 2 golems + 12 Skellys. It's nice. I think we got about 45kexp out of this. DD simply dominates.
Troll Mound I think we got all of the spawns here. Enter, death spell first waves. Then buff. Shaman interrupts Queen with horn of blasting (or tries to), Necro IA debuff queen and whack it with lower resistances + acid arrows. DD + B/M + summons fight in the storm. They are all buffed up, so they don't take any damage. Vengeance troll start spawning so we double adhw away and release Necro CC of 3xADHW + drop some 15 flame arrows on them. That's pretty much it. Then just whack the King.
Protector of the second here, how nice. Now we just need Aegar's Hide to say goodbyt to the DD ... Our easily and by far the most difficulty breaking fighter we've had. But, we do have a plan.
***Turnish Leader + etcThey have 0 chance.
Marvella part 2 (jewel casket) Necro is already level 21, the noble marilith is level 22 but we can use remove magic in triggers and spellstrike + breach. it's over in one round or so.
Monies at 190k. We can buy Noble Spider Figurine, fix Valygars armour (we'll just cheat with Aegar's hide as we're not looking to do everything to find the missing piece) and forge a ring of protection +2 and maybe ring of greater djinn summoning. There's only Limak to deal with. We are going use DD for Limak. After that, I think it's time to go adventuring with Valygar the Vagrant. We just don't know what we should do with CF, as in probably the 2nd most powerful weapon in the game.
***Limak Prebuff at Copper Coronet. Sneak in Khelben's Warding Whip before Limak materializes. Once talk is done Necro and B/M both IA. DD takes aggro, with -37 (or so against crushing). We turn ambers into chickens, true sight and breach limak. Activate CS's and Limak is done. This was easy.
We pick up Valygar the Vagrant, who doesn't have a sensible weapon +4, argh (edit:we ended up giving the flaif the ages for Valygar). We forge noble spider figurine, ring of greater djinn summoning and Valygar's armour.
Our rationale for the switch. DD has been our MVP thus far together with the Shaman. But with revamped Sword & Shield style we can almost reach DD like AC with Valugar the Vagrant, we will be missing -2 vs slashing and -3 vs piercing. Though mostly we will be missing the 45% non dispellable DR and the ability to drop to 80% DR (90% with Defeneder of Easthaven). But what the Vagrant brings to the table is starting to surpass what the DD brings. Quite soon Valygar will have almost 100% non-dispellable resistances to all elements (with supreme shelter, though DD could reach decent figures with supreme shelter + imprived dragon helm as well) + 50% resistance to Acid. And 50% resistance to magic damage. And Swanmay's, whom don't count to the summoning limits. It's a different kind of raw power and we think it will be more powerful. Threre's numerous fights where this will just overpower everything. And Valgar the Vagrant will get a few really nice items as in the Axe and permanent improved haste boots. And really decent HP's after we get the stuffs. Oh, and we don't need to AoF from Cloack of Atonement anymore.
With Valygar's armour we can drop Valygar's Base AC -to 22 (DD had -23) t's close enough. Vs gaolems, they are on even grounds.
We should be Ok. But still, it's *scary*
***Marvella Part 2 (why is it so cold down here)Whack ice golem on the back of 12xrays of fragmentation. Then the elemental. We don't milk the spawns for we re constantly slowed, for some reason.
(edit: this would have been so much easier with the DD....)
Marvella Part 3 (Pasha etc.) We completely overblow this bit. So we summan Clan Spirit, Noble Spider, Greater Djinn, Smilodon (x2), Greater Swanmays (x2), Swanmays (x2), Anacondas (x2) and Noble Trolls (x2)... Then we prebuff them. All 3rd level spell slots are remove magics. Elemental Golme's entourage is down, in no time and we only lose the Anacondas. We buff Pasha and milk all of the coins/gems. Shaman has to heal the elemental golem 4 times and we're not even trying to get it.
We forge Necro's amulet. She's beginning to be scary.
***Green WyrmThis is such a fun fight. Necro soloes, it doesn't even matter that our 3xCone of Cold trigger fails.
Hybrid Tiefling We are comprehensively protected vs. confusion (Jaheira potion, Valygar armour, B/M berserking + Solemn Duty + I think Hexxat is naturally immune). The only problem is that our minor sequencer, we were planning on using to realese trigger of 2xRRoR on Hybrid Tiefling gets a wild surge.
Slave Wraith We have to wait a bit so we can get the spawns. B/M is starting to be uber.
We get stuffs from Gambion and to level 4 we go. Monies at 50k or so, but we have Swashies armour, Club +4, Cutthroat +5, Recast Vital Energy, Boots of the ranger lord, Gitzhxerai Blade, Golem Slayer and probably plethora of other stuffs that I just forgot. Shiish.
Our #1 priority here is to supercharge Hexxat. So that we can just tank golems endlessly, at will. We sell stuffs, so we are 150k or so. We forge Swashies armour + Rimed club. ***
Story of the Old Ones Necro whacks.
KangaxxWe have a berserker so Kangaxx doesn't have a chance. Jaheira gets imprisoned though.
We get our scroll of RvE. Muah. We keep forgetting that we have it. We can like supercharge with it. How nice.
Assasin's at Bridge District Proper prebuffs & Necro enters with -5 & IA. They don't have a chance. We 12xSunfire here, its very convenient.
Mystery of the shimmering light We just overpower our way through here.
We forge Cutthroat +5. We can now drop Hexxat's AC to -22 (so effective -29 vs. crushing). Without Entropy Shield. This should be about enough to dominate them elemental gollems.
***Ancient Mage Valygar tanks initial golems, hexxat tanks the elementals throughout. Yes, Hexxat can already dominate the elementals. This is very promising.
(edit: here we figure that the ultimate weapon for Hexxat would have been the Githzerai blade. But after testing we notice, that we can't use it for Hexxat. Dammit)
Chapter 7.
Suldanesselar We summon (edit: this is so much fun)
Greater Swanmay (x2)
Swanmay (x2)
Smilodon (x2)
Trolls (x2)
Greater Yuan-Ti
Noble Spider
Clan Spirit
Greater Djinn
And buff them with IH / Giant Strength / Regen (if applicable, at least Noble Spider gets all 3) + Haste for the rest.
Then we just anhilate everything. We also take PFME's from wish, easiest that way. And have a fre trieggers with "remove magic"'s.
Summoning "to the max" (sort of) is stupendously efficient. Shaman isn't that good though, while it worked great together wtih DD it seems to lack now a little bit, as it doesn't have a role that much. Hmh. We could forge Valygars Katana giving him non-dispellable -24AC + some healing capabilities. But its 75k and the Githzerai Blade is just so much more versatile. We can't forge it yet for we don't have the required permanency scrolls. We just hae one and we're looking to forge the golem slayer, which requires 2 scrolls (one for quarterstaff +3 and one for golem slayer itself).
Anywaty, time to use Deck of many things. We've been pondering this for quite some time. So, Jaheira takes the Wisdom and Hexxat takes the hit points.
***Black Dragon Turn golems into chickens (while they are on our summons), then whack the dragon.
Geg + RakshashasValygar runs to take the dispel with -31 non-dispellable vs crushing. Entropy Shield follows. He takes the ADHW and then we just summon, summon, summon ... but we don't even get to use even half of our summons before we've reached about 8 spawns from the geg. Then we decide to whack it.
Assasin's at Windspear Hills (edit: this was so much fun)
Yea.... Summon Noble Spider, Greater Djinn, Clan Spirit & whack initial batch with 3xADHW ("see enemy"), make sure guildmaster & master assasoins survive. Then IA, remove magic on Assassin coordinators who get whacked by B/M (under PfME) & Valygar the Vagrant (with BoIB). Then we summon swords, drop a few regen's on 'em and basicaly sit back and milk spawns. We get 8-9 golems here + all of the assassins spawns (we think). Those swords, either under regen (from Jaheira) or soothing fog (from Shaman) last for ages. If a sword is in trouble, the easiest solution is to drop an entrophy shield on it, that way it has 100% DR (vs specific damage type). Or just heal a little bit. Even the mid-level divine healing spells work really well here, I never use them for much anything else.
The only trick is to be careful with positioning as we don't want the assasins or guild master targetting our crew. It's overly convenient and easy while not even being that cheesy.
We get 120k monies + the stuffs and some 150k exp / character here. I'm not sure if we could have gotten even more, but those spawns seem to run out. And towards the end we're lacking resrouces a little bit so we whack the master assassins & the guildmaster. We don't get any absolute immunity scrolls though

(we also try charming / dire charming / dominating assasins but it doesn't seem to work. then we have mass invisibility as a backup, but the assasins seem to be able to see invisible creatures)
Twisted RuneWe lose on our first try for Vagrant get Stellar Gravestone('d). We had 100% fire resitance but we forgot DR.
Summon half an army, IH through Wish. Start the fight with active true sight and whack away. Swanmays whack Shangalar, that was nice. Our summons whacked the fighter, shangalar and vaxall. Muah. (edit: I think it was the IH'd greater Swanmay with PfF & regen that did it)
We get permanencty scroll which we immediately use to forge the Ranger boots. We need one scroll for Judgement Day and one more for Githzerai Blade. ***
3x elemental golems + 2 greater bone golems (wk machine of lum the mad - level) Hexxat tanks throughout with a little help from the Shaman. With basic stuffs she's at -16 AC, which is in no way intimidating. But with armour (enahnced armour of stamina) and girdle, we have an additional -7 vs crushing. Then we usually take potion of defence (additional -2 to base), switch hood of the honorless with crimson ioun stone (additional -2) and we defensive harmony (-2). So our base is -22 so we're at -29vs crushing. Then we can either acrobatic combat for additional -6 or drop an entrophy shield for another -6. And ofc we can also hardiness. with -41 hardiness is a little bit irrelevant though, she's not gonna get hit thrice in a row.
This time we start with wish:hardiness, as Hexxat's innate hardinesses easily last throughout the fight that way then.
If we give hexxat +1 con from the machine (so we can cloak of atonement without minuses) and we get her the rest of the stuffs we probably don't then need a Shaman anymore to support Hexxat tanking. Also, Jaheira is starting to surpass the Shaman in some areas, as her mass cure's heal more and her regen's last longer. Also she has *so much more* spell slots for buffing purposes limiting Shaman's role immensely. Or alternatively, Shaman can only focus on healing spells.
Monies at 60k or so. But we have some stuff to sell though. We forge Nature's Gift here and ring of protection +2 (after selling some stuffs). We have 2 manuals of elaboration and we'll get one more pre-demo fight. We need 2 manuals, 1 for JD and one for The Truth. So we have an extra one. We won't have the permanency scrolls to forge Githzerai Blade pre demogorgon though. Monies at 2k.***
Grandfather of Assasins Contigency: PFMW on sight. Necro CC 3xADHW while B/M CC 3xSwords (on hit (use minor drain)/ enemy in sight). Usual prebuffs. B/M runs to coordinators to whack em while Necro goes IA, remove magic & then spell thrust Coordinator 1. For Coordinator 2 we remove magic, spell thrust, lower resistances + gm + geeblemind it. Then B/M comes and gives it a whack. Swords fight them assasins.
So a single sword under regen can tank the entire posse. After coordinators are down we move to the bridge and have 1-2 swords fighting the fight for us, just before the bridge. They block the whole way, we get a few spawns every now and then though. I think we use 4-5 swrods here and maybe 4-5 regens / healing wards. After no more spawns we send a few ADHW's away together with 6x chain lightnings (both triggers). And whatever remains, we whack. We get 180k+ monies in coins alone + items, scrolls, potions etc. No SSoM here. But grandfather had the entangling effect.
We sell them potions and meet with the knight at Temple district and monies at 300k+
***Supreme Leader No problems here, goes extremely smoothly. I recall having enormousdifficulties with this previously. Well, we can't get limited wish globes for it's broken so we create a girdle of minor invulnerability with 4 charges and Hexxat, Shaman, Valygar the Vagrant + Jaheira use that to get the globes. We deduct a 7th level spell from memorized spells.
The super easy way of doing this:
Enter, Necro runs to the 2nd room near the doorway which will get blocked quite soon. Then goes IA. Then Necro Comet, remove magic + gm + 6x chain lightning (cc: 3x chain lightning on hit) +6 lightning bolt to clear the way. The githyaki are on their last legs before the comet arrives to finish them. Necro stays on Supreme Leader. The rest minus Valygar walk past. B/M releases 3xSwords near Necro (CC: on hit) which stay to fight the leader. Valygar clears Githyakis in the first room (he doesn't have anything they could even dispel and is -33VS Slashing), Hexxat, Jaheira + B/M run to whack golems. Stone/Clays fall to CF + Golem Slayer. Summon Greater Djinn (and B/M drops IH on it) which goes to fight supreme leader. So there's the greater djinn + a sword/swords fighting the dear leader. We whack the smith making coins first, as Gem's are more profitable & easier for us. Just before it dies we summon a Noble Spider & Shamans Smilodon, Jaheira drops regen on it Noble Spider & it goes for supreme leader. Smilodon goes for in inquisitor (with healing ward). We leave inquisitors + supreme leeader battling the summons who are supported by the Shaman. Shaman drops a healing ward on Noble Spider, which tanks here until it gets unsummoned.
The leader death spells a few swords and dispels maybe once or twice. Luckily, we have oodles of swords (and a lot of healing as well). Once one blackmith is down we milk a few golems, but since we only get the money and no exp it's not really worth it. So we whack the 2nd blacksmith and then inquisitors one by one. They don't really last for long vs 4 capable fighters. Once leader is one it's own we summon greater Swanmays & Swanmay queen, we double regen the queen & IH her so leader is surround by a sword, Noble Spider and the Swanmays. Then they just battle the leader until the late stage where it's all out of hardinesses, CS's & whirlwinds. Then our fighters move in and Jaheira (who just buffed up) whacks the leader with one critical strike.
Swords are really good here, except vs. the inquisitors. Noble Spider is great as is the Swanmay Queen. Our "max summons" - tactic seems to be working out quite nicely.
We are a little bit wondering about the Shaman, I'm not sure of we could switch him for a cleric perhaps? The Shaman is ofc. our best healer and it is a great reactive character. But it's role is quite limited at this stage and some of it's best weapons are of very limited use to us.
***SaladrexCC's + triggers for mages. Max prebuffs including RvE HP's + Regen. In the end we whack it with non-magical weapons.
DemilichHalf of our crew gets imprisoned.
Rock & Garrock Summon army. Power attack to stun.
Machine of lum the mad. Necro takes Cha + Int + Dex. Jaheira takes Wis and Hexxat takes Str. Valygar takes the magic resistance. So Valygar should have with equipment 40% MR together with 50% magic damage resistance. All non-dispellable. We can buff with AoF for additional 10% mdr. This should keep Valygar safe until the end. Jaheira now has 25 wisdom, making her a tremendous prebuffer + those 10 regens are really nice, especially since we have other offensive weapons for damage dealing.
Monies at almost 400k. Good, we have oodles of stuffs to forge.
We visit Cromwells and forge enhanced ring of Gaxx, Rings of protection +3, +2 and Girdle of Lordly might & green wyrm plate. Monies at 10k. Fast it goes.
***Ancient Golem Buff up Valygar the Vagrant.
It has 0 chance. It can't hit buffed up Valygar, who starts the fight with -26AC (base) with -8 vs crushing. Valygar gets hit maybe 6-8 times during the whole fight. And we milk all of the spawns. The AC limit is a little bit broken, as it should be only -24. I don't think it makes a big difference though (I think this is because of the revamped S&S style, though it kind of makes sense that it lowers the ac limit as well. Then again this jsut makes AC maxing even more powerful). Hexxat whacks the spawns together with B/M & Jaheira. Valygar is really good tanking here for he really doesn't have anything to dispel, as in resistances are innate, so is AC and he has permanent IH from the boots. And SoA from cloack of atonement is also non-dispellable. We drop a few entrophy shields just to be safe though.
An additional permanency scroll + manual of elaboration here, how nice!
We are now not sure what do with the Shaman. We are close to getting judgement day, so we can take KelDorn / Kensai / RB with us, but whom do we drop? Shaman's role is starting to be quite limited and we could replace him with a cleric, which would have both dispelling capacity as well as h2h & tanking capability, but the Cleric can't use JD. We could give JD to Vagrant, but it seems rather pointless as the Vagrant is quite safe (it'll soon have almost 250HP's + great AC + innate resistances to almost everything).
And then we have three(/four) characters for the last two slots. All of them are great, as in the B/M, Keldorn and the Shaman and the Cleric (or any version of the Cleric). This is a tough one to crack.
GBU We play this through a number of times to get it right, sort of.
We summon our army (no wish:rest though, thanks for that tip Bulian!). Send in wizard eye. Send in summons between Aeriel & rocks. Move in & ultra has to materialize where there is space, so "down" from Aeriel. This is crucial as it gives us more surface to attack. We send everything vs. the Ultra, which falls before it gets the first dispel away. Then we milk 10 golems from the elementals or so. We have the wrong spells (a little bit) so we don't risk it that much. Aeriel gets the killing blow of the last elemental effetively robbing us of 60k exp.
This annoys us immensely.
Wk level 5 Bone golems + elementals
Hexxat tanks. We milk all of the golems. Even when surrounded by 4 elementals (and we can't even AC max that much for crimson ioun stone is with our apprentice) Hexxat stays on top quite well. And we can regen with Jaheira, who has 10 (or so at this point) and they last quite long.
Globe MachineEverything else is quite straightforward except the GeG + Ultra encounter. We have to figure this out a little bit, what to do with it.
Demon Lord (pre-judgement day fight) The Death Lords can hit Valygar the Vagrant with relative ease, as he starts the fight with -30 vs slashing. We reload and drop it to -34 (with SoA from CoA). Much better that way. Noble Spider + Greater Djinn are really good here again. We 2x regen the Noble Spider & IH & GS it, so it does real damage as well.
Lavok's Postmortem RequestThis one is quite tough, for we do not have the proper tools for it. We would have, had we a cleric / pally with us, who could remove paralysis. Still, the pre-greater bonegolem fights are a breeze, as we just summon the army. Then we fail a number of tries for something always botches us, like Hexxat quaffs potion of magic shielding but it doesn't have any effect. When we finally make it we get exaxtly the 2 RvE's we were looking for as in "remove disabling effects" and then a regen. Valygar and Hexxat were stunned. Maybe 10 tries or something like that. That is mostly because of ill preplanning.
Viper Queen It has no chance whatsoever. We don't even buff. Well, IH's but ...
Zallanora + gangNo milking for we don't get any rewards. Whack them before they get to use any scrolls, to max our rewards. -5 Necro dominates here. Debuff, gm then sunfire + chain lightning away. Drop coin with vampiric touches & rays of fragmentation and 1-2 hands of undoing.
Ancient Dragon Down the entourage (by the way of whack the salamander, AA's & CO's for the eftreeti & CS'ing for elite nishruu). Then breach dragon and whack.
Here we would have changes our crew. We had been planning this for a long time. Shaman would become priest of tempus (for combat prowess + long lasting buffs) and B/M would become a Kensai (Elf). But. Major reason for the change would have been priest's super long lasting buffs as in regen's that last almost 2 turns, undispellable holy powers & righteous magi'c (for almost 4 turns), Aura's of Flaming Death for almost 2 turns but like every spell that we were counting on using is capped at level 20, so they are not nearly as useful as we thought. While Cleric has purify aura, which is immensely useful with spiritual link we just can't make it. At least yet.
Hmh. We really like our crew as it is of course and it's super hard to improve. At the same time it feels somewhat silly to just not use the most effective H2H weapon in the game in Judgement Day. And I really don't want to use it as an off-hand weapon for Valygar the vagrant.
So we make a switch. And we drop Shaman for a Kensai and drop Hexxat

and take a shadowdancer/cleric instead. The Shadowdancer part has 2 HLA's as in "use any item" and "shadown twin". The end results is extremely resilent character with decent casting ability + the best summon in the game. Shaman becomes a Kensai. We blow through guarded compound only to notice that the Shadow Twin is broken, as it has a broken duration thus limiting it's usefulness comprehensively. Rrargh... So back to the drawing board.
Guarded CompoundS/C tanks the greater elemental, as it has -33 vs crushing without any buffs. So we can SoA to -37 or so. If we can block a doorway so that we are attacked by two golems (coins/gems/ambers) we are safe. Trap Geg. When all spawns are out summon an army. Buff. Anhilate.
S/C tanks the Master Vampire while we move out to milk skellys off of the ancient lich.
Back to the drawing board
So we tinker with everything and try to balance it out. We would love to have a completely buffed up elvish Kensai but as it isn't that compatible with our crew (we have Hexxat already), we can't take it. Hmh. Or ... Well, we are going to completely revamp blessings to fit our "misfitted" crew better. Anyway, our main change comes from getting a little bit back to the starting point as in we change our amazing Berserker(13)/Mage to a Priest of Tempus(20)/Mage. It looks again like a really versatile character with nice casting potential though the number of spell-slots does limit the character quite a lot.
So we have Necro, Keldorn, Jaheira, PoT(20)/Mage, Valygar the Vagrant and Hexxat. We forge Keldorns armour, holy avenger and dragon helm. ***
The Shal They don't have a chance. We milk all of the bone devils and whack the lich by the way of "whack away".
Forge Judgement Day***
Judgement Day - fightWe get mostly elementals and we are quite competent versus those with Jaheira + Hexxat. And of course PoT/M & KelDoen can whack away as well. We first try to max out the coin/gem spawns from the elementals but we lose the fight. The next try we just whack away. And since we can already dispel the prince, the and part is rather simple as well.
Orcs Finally we have a tactic that works and doesn't rely on wish:rest. Ooh!
So we AC max, potions of defence, kel-dorn takes potion of agility. Jaheira with senses of the cat + ox-tail belt. Then we SI:div + II both Necro and Pot/Mage. PoT Mage is super nice here, as it has really low ac and it can mirror image away. So it's very safe throughout the fight. And it has enough levels to dispel from both cleric & mage parts.
Anyway, since we have rogue alchemy we have potions of regen. Hexxat + Vaygar keep on quaffing them throughout the fight, they don't really get hit but they both need a little bit of regen to keep them safe. Valygar has consistent -30 (or so) VS Slashing & -35 vs (or so) missiles. And I don't even bother to check on Hexxat. Keldorn is safe because of judgement day. Necro take pretty much all 7th level spells as "limited wish", ditto for Pot/Mage. We have about 20 7th level spells so that means 40 extra remove magic's (every limited wish gets us 2 remove magic's), so all in all we have something like 58 remove magic's, Keldorn's dispels + Jaheira + Valygar's. It's easily enough. We didn't use a single RvE or Wish here (except the ones we get from JD + we started the fight with Wish:IH).
And since improved mantle works here Necro is pretty much using improved mantle for big parts of the fight. We are really starting to appreciate Necro big time. Though with a sorceror this is easy as well as it can just SI:Div + mirror image away.
The only troublesome part is we don't have good visibility to how many skins Necro has. That single feature would be extremely valuable, as if we get hit casting anything we are dead. We end up using only 3-4 skins through, we had 9 or so. So much room to get memorize emotions. Greater command doesn't seem to do anything here. ***
We are going to make a few changes though now. Kel-Dorn the Inquisitor is obviously great, but since we are looking to supercharge a Kensai we want to try that. So we make another change as in we switch KelDorn with and elvish Kensai. The main reason for this is that while KelDorn is amazing with the revamped armour and very versatile (hello 70% MR & 40% magic damage resistance + amazing abilities whether the undead hunter or the Inquisitor version), it really has just one main job and that is to anhilate. And the elvish Kensai is vastly superior in that regard + it will be better able to wield judgement day.
Though this change means that we will say goodbye to dispelling Rozvankee, most likely. Well, we'll try it with Jaheira or we'll just suffer through it. I think it's going to be a fun fight anyway, with our crew.
So we give blessed bracers to PoTempus(20)/Mage + since it's being played by Imoen we'll also give her Imoen's amulet. She'll be comprehensively awesome. ***