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Released mods - Baldur's Gate II
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums
Released mods - Baldur's Gate II
Released mods - Baldur's Gate II
Small mods, tweaks and fixes
(191 posts)
Vlad's Compilation
(128 posts)
Keldorn NPC
(401 posts)
Tortured Souls
(1204 posts)
(153 posts)
Rjali NPC
(409 posts)
Chateau Irenicus
(0 posts)
Improved Anvil
(12397 posts)
Never Ending Journey
(2340 posts)
Beta Testing
(435 posts)
Technical Discussion
(49 posts)
Tower of Deception
(305 posts)
BG2 Improvements Mod
(49 posts)
Bestial Animations
(189 posts)
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