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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil

I remember that somewhere on the readme, both Imoen and Neera got her wisdom pumped up for Wish purposes back in the days.
What about Edwin, Nalia and Jan ? They're no sorcerers indeed, but would it be a problem to have their wisdom gettin into the 16+ too ?

Regardin Nalia's IATweak making her a fighter(9) turned mage, I'm playing her at the moment and she's indeed real efficient. However, her proficiencies are kinda spread around (1 into dagger, 1 into two-handed sword, 3 into longsword IIRC).
Would it be possible to make her focus on a relevant weapon for this given kit of hers ?

Thought of Katana (for Zerth's blade upgrade), simply longsword, or maybe even flails (de'Arnise she is after all, and flail of ages).
Or maybe implement an option to choose her proficiencies into the IATweaks installation ?

I know all this can be personaly fixed through EEKeeper, but I don't like to mess around in IA with that.

IATweaks be great stuff btw ! Thanks bulian !
What about Edwin, Nalia and Jan ? They're no sorcerers indeed, but would it be a problem to have their wisdom gettin into the 16+ too ?
Well, not a problem technically, just something I haven't seen as a good fit for them. This is all relative, of course, because IA takes many liberties with what's "legal" and what is not.

Regardin Nalia's IATweak making her a fighter(9) turned mage, I'm playing her at the moment and she's indeed real efficient. However, her proficiencies are kinda spread around (1 into dagger, 1 into two-handed sword, 3 into longsword IIRC).

There are no points in daggers. Those are short/long swords, dual-wielding and staff/2-h sword. Of course, these could be redistributed.

Would it be possible to make her focus on a relevant weapon for this given kit of hers ?
Thought of Katana (for Zerth's blade upgrade), simply longsword, or maybe even flails (de'Arnise she is after all, and flail of ages).

Or maybe implement an option to choose her proficiencies into the IATweaks installation ?
I might consider adding something like that but it feels a pretty involved process to prep a dynamic guided distribution of proficiencies. At this point, it is easier for me to advise you how modify the installer script so that it grants her the proficiencies you want to see her having.

I know all this can be personaly fixed through EEKeeper, but I don't like to mess around in IA with that.

I'm not entirely sure how safe and bug-free EEKeeper is compared to its predecessor but if you want to mess around with the game files I'd recommend using the latest version of Near Infinity instead. And make backups of something that you edit beforehand, of course.
I'll check into that. Thanks critto !
For what it’s worth Nalia’s proficiencies were intentionally setup to be mediocre as a F/M given her very strong personal item. I believe she can obtain GM in one weapon type late game, but its been a year since I looked at it. Obviously feel free to do what you wish.
I've been quite surprised to realize that dual classed mages don't have access/can't scribe some powerful spells.
Makes sense somehow, I mean it fits IA general policy. But many time I thought : how come Nalia or Jan are not single-classed where it'd make em much more efficient to be so IA-wise ? (on the other hand, I want to play them : my problem !)

I mean, the dual class brings minimum advantages, and much disadvantages, even more if they're basically gimped in said original class. (yeah, rogue abilities, but the "disable traps and locks" thing is well.. a true "quality of life" and not gaming breaking addition - you even loose some xp overall enabling it, don't you ?)

Personal items it is I guess, but then, Neera outclasses anyone even as solo caster for a run - especially thanks to her robe (which is actually much easier AND cheaper to obtain than Nalia's ring or Jan's armor). Necro protagonist excepted - and still, takes some time to have him get RVE.
Which makes me sad given how well Nalia and Jan (especially him ofc) are written compared to Neera - but that has of course nothing to do with IA, and it's a terribly personal statement. But heh... turnips, aye ?

Just discussing it, I'm not asking for changes and as you guys said : if i wanna change something I can do it myself. Plus, you got other stuff on your hands atm !
I'd love to have an option to make Jan a pure illusionist though (balanced simply by the fact he can't cast necromancy), and Nalia... well. Even as a single non-specialist her ring is strong enough.

The thing being, balancewise, I don't think Nalia nor Jan can be remotely efficient to solo cast an IA-run (not mentionning the absence of RVE even if they were single classed). So by the time they get their personal items, the other caster in your party should totally compensate whatever spells Nalia or Jan would lack of, making said personal items not as strong as they could be under other circumstances. And they cost as much as Neera's robe Memory-boostingwise.

All in all, if I was to ask for something, it'd rather be to nerf Neera('s robe, let's say +1 harder to attain component, such as robe of the neutral archmagi) so that other casters can shine too : D
It's not necessarily hard to turn them into single class mages, I can advise you on how to do that in your own run. Of course, it can be added as an option to IA Tweaks as well. I don't really have time to implement it myself, but it's fairly straight-forward to replicate, so anyone can make a patch request on github if he or she wishes to.

As for nerfing Neera's robe, it might be a good point that it is more readily available, but I doubt that making her robe harder to forge would negate the disadvantages of other mages.

PS: and yeah, I concur that writing of the EEs is atrocious and does not fit into the style of the game in the slightest.
Thanks, yeah, I'd love some tips on how to manage characters (NPC that is) while on a run without destroying the variables.
Dunno what question I should ask regarding this, but you can PM me anytime. No rush though, just finished my Vagrant run and going for another one right away with characters I don't intend to change
I've added options to turn Nalia and Jan into single class mages and adjusted their stats. You can grab the latest version from (code -> download zip). Let me know if anything else needs tweaking. Make sure that you make a save prior to entering the area where the NPC appears if you do this in-game.
thanx critto !
Nalia wielding Gith blade and her ring has +3 spells per level of most important ones (except for 8/9), so I think it should be possible to do a run with her as the only mage caster, particularly if party is powerful enough to get through all fights without wish for rest, which is definitely doable.

Spellcasting of -4 is obtainable, so not quite Demogorgon soloable at -5, but still quite powerful:

-Vecna (-2)
-AOP (-1)
-Foreknowledge (-1)

Neera's robe isn't available until Chapter 5, which is generally when all the OP items become available. So until then she is comparable to the other mages (except for early RVE access).
QUOTE(bulian @ Apr 14 2021, 02:18 AM) *
Nalia wielding Gith blade and her ring has +3 spells per level of most important ones (except for 8/9), so I think it should be possible to do a run with her as the only mage caster, particularly if party is powerful enough to get through all fights without wish for rest, which is definitely doable.

As far as I remember my last run, there are some spells Edwin could scribe as a pure class (such as foreknowledge, wish) that Nalia couldn't - assumed it was because she was dualled.
But as a pure class she'd be viable for sure, even if no gith blade though.
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