The work slowly continues. We're all swamped with RL stuff which affects our ability to do good progress for the druid stronghold. Right now our primary concern is writing a good story. If anyone has experience and feels like contributing, we would welcome the help!
Meanwhile, I've had a few opportunities to work on the mod which I've spent on compatibility between IA and EE 2.3, the latest available version of the game. Long story short, it installs and works but hasn't been play-tested yet. It looks like some players are interested in doing it so we might have a playtest coming up soon. If somebody wants to give it a go, just let me know

The only thing that hasn't been finished is adapting the shaman class. It has a huge potential and functions fairly well at this stage, but definitely needs an extra push to be a good choice for a party in IA. I've only had time to work a little bit on the HLAs and the primary stuff (THAC0 tables, spell and level progression, that sort of thing). The key points here are balancing the new shamanic spells and adapting the dancing feature since this is what makes the class playable. The enemy AI should be relatively good since shamans are detected as a part of the DRUID_ALL class group. Some common druidic items that grant bonus to wisdom are useless for the shaman, so this requires some extra thinking.
Then there's the whole stronghold issue. Lore-wise, Beamdog devised the class to be without a stronghold, but that's routinely ignored by IA players with the multiple strongholds mod. At the very least, we could allow shamans to have access to all the major strongholds. Or, we could go further and allow them to participate in the new expanded druid stronghold. This still remains undecided.
Regarding the rest of the compatibility stuff, I'd like to go over some of the notable features of EE that are either interesting or affected the mod in some way or another.
First, there's a huge amount of new UI features which are, in my opinion, quite fun. Characters sheets are now more comprehensive, better structured, provide full break-downs of the math of AC, THAC0, HP, and Damage. They can now be viewed by holding the Tab key while hovering the mouse over the relevant stat on the Inventory screen.
Then there's some good stuff regarding the main game screen when in combat. Greyscale on pause highlights the active char and his spell-casting animation nicely while colouring everything grey, a good feature to have in big fights with lots of enemies. The foes now have small health bars that give a good visual cue who's hurt or not.
The mage spell book and priest scroll UI screens were completely redesigned. They are more user-friendly, have scrolling and (finally!) automatically stack the same spells together in the memorised slots, ordering them by the alphabet. Very neat. One more thing that I like very much is that you can now create a whole party right in the single player mode, so no need for that multi-player nonsense anymore.
The questionable thing they did is sort savegames by date in descending order which takes some getting used to.
Now, for some things that might affect the playing experience. The Beamdog has devised new customisable AI scripts for party members but, as it always happens in IA, it would be wiser to disable the AI and take manual control of the party for maximum efficiency. There were also two new difficulty mods introduced: story mode (basically, god mode for those who want to experience the story) and legacy of bhaal (Heart of Fury-like buff up to all enemies to increase difficulty). Both are untested and not recommended to use with IA. Core rules is the way to go.
One more notable modification is that the weapon proficiencies cannot be assigned more than normally possible at that stage. To translate into plain English, no more grand mastery at the start. You can only go as high as mastery at character creation. Which is not too bad.
Cool ease-of-use features:
1) you may now equip an off-hand weapon or shield while a ranged weapon is present in a quick weapon slot.
2) you can also equip a weapon or shield in the off-hand slot regardless of what weapons are in the quick weapon slots.
Basically, that means that you can have two 1-handed weapons or 1-handed weapon and shield equipped while having a two-handed weapon and/or a ranged weapon in the other weapon slots. Less inventory fuss is always welcome for long-term players.
Beamdog has finally fixed the annoying bug when the in-game NPCs would get doubling kit bonuses, as would any character upon rejoining after being imprisoned. So the crutches I've made for 1.3 version are now removed. We'll need some playtests to be sure, but it appears to be resolved.
And, finally, some stuff regarding the backwards compatibility. The new EE engine is extended by Beamdog in ways that allow for cooler new features but, sadly, cannot be backported to the ToB version. For now I've decided to remove those newer features in favor of consistent gameplay. However, we can always go the other route and give more options to players in EE.
Some notable things are:
- poison weapon ability for assassins is reworked, the older IA version is used for now (new version will be considered when thief classes are reworked and thoroughly tested)
- the new version of Enchant Weapon spell is fun: it always to enchant any weapon that is wielded by the char to have +3 enchantment; insanely cool, but we go with the old version of EE spell for now (introducing the new version of the spell would at least require taking look at item placement since it wouldn't matter as much in the beginning)
- ioun stones do not protect from criticahl hits; this was disabled by me in EE for backward compatibility, but I am seriously considering turning it back on to nerf Riskbreakers a little bit
- a new opcode EnchantmentLevel (344) that allows for more precise control of weapon enchantments in weapons that are +x / +y against special enemy race was introduced; it is removed for compatibility and the usual IA behaviour (basically, nerf those items to always have +x enchantment, not +y) is returned
That's it for now. If you have any thoughts, questions or feedback, feel free to post on the forum in the discussion threads.
Hopefully, we'll have some opportunity to talk about the extended druid stronghold in the near future.