QUOTE(conqueror @ Jun 10 2014, 06:13 PM)

The Assassin was dualed once getting the Use Any Item high level ability. (Interestingly, it appears Fighter/Thief multiclasses don't get it in this mod?!). He was my most interesting character by far. Most IA items don't work with UAI, but Cernd's Cloak and the Scarlet Ioun Stone are two exceptions that I enjoyed. UAI follows your dualed fighter, so you are definitely a useful character well before you get your thief levels back. In fact, getting your thief levels back gets you basically nothing (poison weapon, yay) and maybe the +1 to hit and damage from being an assassin. I tried to focus on Physical Resistance items on this character, theorizing that I could get up to 95% once I hit HLAs on the fighter half and could choose Hardiness. But this involved some bad items (Warblade, Master of Disciplines un-upgraded). I much preferred to use the Royal Elemental Staff, which allowed for Tenser's Transformation to give me another 100+ HPs, with no loss in functionality - you can still use scrolls and such while transformed. I was bummed to see how poorly Backstab works in this mod, especially since the marquee thief dagger grants it as an ability. You can basically backstab spiders and vanilla creatures only. The hard foes - all golems, rakshasas, dragons, etc., looked to be immune.
The main advantages of the A->F are the grand physical resistance, a bit better THAC0 and damage compared to a vanilla fighter and the UAI. Forget about backstab. The Grandfather of Assassins' dagger poison damage is bugged anyways and is far less than in the item description. Royal elemental staff can still be used, but I don't see why you must wield it - even if you wanna use a crushing weapon, better switch to Staff of the Ram +4/+6. Warblade is also weak since against enemies who have the greatest physical damage output, like Greater Bone Golems, Skeleton Grandlords or various Golems - you just want to have a crushing-type weapon equipped instead. BTW in my runs Tenser's transformation didn't give me 100+ hp, but a bit less, don't remember how many exactly, was about 80 or 90. And as I remember correctly, you cannot use special abilities while under Tensers (no Criticals, no Hardiness).
There are other very useful items which the A-F can use with UAI, but those items come from "The Four" mod. Robe of Eloquence grants him permanent Alacrity, the helm gives him +4 to THAC0 and AC and the ring +5 or +6 to THAC0.
BTW I didn't use a F/T multi in this version of the mod, thanx for the info that they don't get UAI.
QUOTE(conqueror @ Jun 10 2014, 06:13 PM)

Kensay was dualed at level 15, figuring that the +5 to hit would give it the same Thac0 as a level 20 warrior. The down time was rough, but it largely overlapped with my Assassin being dualed to a fighter, so I was basically a 5-person party up until around 7M experience.
Ranger/Cleric seems to classically be dualed here, and if I remembered that Holy Power spell which would give you fighter Thac0, I might have gone that route. I really just wanted this character to be a competent fighter the whole time, but more than half the time she was out of combat casting healing spells anyways.
There are various opinions on a RC character - dual or multi. Both are good but require a different playing style. If playing on core difficulty - either is equally viable.
More experienced IA players dual Berserker to a mage because:
Can be dualled at level 9(gets mage levels really fast)
Has 3 Enrages
Can wear robes unlike a K-M in IA v6
QUOTE(conqueror @ Jun 10 2014, 06:13 PM)

Overall, the Necromancer is much easier than the Vagrant PC, with a much better storyline and side quests (in my opinion). Being un-silenceable against some big dragons is hugely important, and many castings of Recast Vital Energy help warriors stay in fights and dish out damage fast.
It definitely is, because of the cheesy Recast Vital Energy spell which lacks proper description (if you only read the Readme, you may have the wrong opinion that the Vagrant PC is easiest of all playthroughs). And yeah, immunity to Silence helps too.
QUOTE(conqueror @ Jun 10 2014, 06:13 PM)

One thing I was surprised about was how journal posters somewhat gloss over the end part of the final battle. I have a very hard time with the Prince. In particular, I was off to a bad start when the Ultra Golem engaged with Pasha caught sight of me and gated in an Amber Golem. Via Farsight, I saw Pasha switch to fighting the Amber, and his health fell fairly fast. Still, my fighters did very well against the Supreme Golem and his Elemental, and right when they fell the NW Ultra finished off some summons so I could immediately engage him. My Necro was level 34 so I could easily Remove Magic the protections of the Nobles and Horrids, and drop them fast. Pasha unfortunately fell (was scared to check on him and heal with my R/C for fear of making things worse with another Amber gating in), so it was up to me to do most of the damage the third Ultra as well.
Finally got to focus on the prince, I think he used one AI, and then gated his last Noble, and then it was just me vs. him. And frankly, with 5 characters of Thac0 -12 to -16, I had a real tough time damaging him. I think I put way too many HLAs in Hardiness, versus Critical Strike... my ratio was like 12 to 6 or so. In hindsight, should have been more like 5 Hardiness, 13 Critical. His regen rate is insane. I have no idea how other parties (i.e. the journal with 2 Riskbreakers and 4 mages) could deal damage fast enough to get him to use his AIs. He casts Greater Malaison frequently... I rain out of yellow potions of magic shielding quite quickly... and so basically every hit I was getting repulsed away. Only thing I could think of in hindsight was Spell Immunity: Invocation. I assume that would block the effect of his field, so my Kensai/Mage could cast it and my Assassin/Fighter could cast it via scroll. As it was, with that many fighters, I still had to wish rest at least twice, just in this final portion of the battle. Maybe I should have used some level 9 spots for Monster Summoning? I just have no idea; unless they're immune to the field of repulse, I don't see how they'd help. I also assume they'd only be hitting on 19's and 20's. Or maybe missing Pasha was critical there. He's a great fighter and has great resistances, so wouldn't take much babysitting if he got involved.
Anyways, enjoyed it a ton, the last battle was indeed the hardest (for me at least) and I enjoyed the story line of the necro protag quests.
The usual HLA distribution for all warrior types is approximately 2 Criticals for each 1 Hardiness picked. Final HLA count for each warrior at level 40 should be 13 Critical - 7 Hardiness. Smite is more or less useless, you won't even be able to use it as an additional Critical strike most of the time due to the knockback effect.
I don't think that Pasha is immune to Maze, you could just Maze him while dealing with all the minor golems. And yeah, it's better to leave him 1/1 with an Ultra golem. In this battle the enemies cheat in another way - you can never get your lowered Electrical resistance back to normal barring rest (not magical rest but usual one).
Having not 1, but 2 Riskbreakers in this fight is what counts, due to their natural pool hits at level 15 (especially Risk Increment and Hard Hit) and their chance to score natural Critical Strikes on a 1/5 chance rather than 1/10 or 1/20 compared to other fighter types. The Risk Decrement damage should not be underestimated as well, especially if combined with Wish/Rest. Basically, you don't even need any more fighters - you could have 4 mages which shower the enemy with Energy Blades and you'll still inflict enough damage. Although having a spider-transformed mage with a good polearm instead will probably inflict far more damage.
The potions of Magic shielding are not the only thing that can protect vs Greater Malison. For example, the A-F's other strong side is being able to become a 100% MR tank with certain items - use that for his protection when you see a Malison flying towards you. Also, if you implement the "divide and conquer" tactic before each enemy dangerous cast (and it's not hard to guess the Prince's casts, he always casts one and the same spells in orderly fasion), you can just make your fighters run away for a second avoiding a dangerous Greater Malison, Lower Fire Resistsance, Dragon Breath or Remove Magic and then reassemble and continue the barrage. 1, probably even 2 fighters will be affected, but not all. All of these spells are targeted on a certain party member so it's not that hard to send the rest away from him.
Another tricky part of Greater malison - if you drink a potion of Magic Shielding BEFORE malison hits, malison is completely stopped. If you drink it after the malison lands, the effects of the Malison (+4 to saves) stay active after the potion's effect is Dispelled/Removed.
Don't worry about Pasha, he's often Repulsed, little chance of helping him with that even if you waste time casting on him spells that decrease his saves like Aid.
I didn't know SI:Evocation works vs the Shield of Repulse

heh, good info, but now this will be blocked in v7.
There is a video of mine on YouTube showing the exact way to guess and avoid enemy's dangerous spells and the right way of drinking Magic shielding potions. Certain summons can be very useful against the Prince, but don't expect too much from them, even from the most powerful Gated summons like Greater Swanmays, Smilodons or Skeleton Lord. Usually with a Necro PC I use Salamander Nobles under Farsight for distraction, which allows me to regroup and recast vital buffs while waiting out an enemy Absolute Immunity to wane or waiting for an Universal Purge.
If you need to decrease THAC0, I'd suggest investing in all 4 Potions of Power early on - those are great for dualclassers, especially for a Berserker(or even Kensai)-Mage. Bless and Chant are two other good choices which I always cast after an Universal Purge. Cernd can help with Blesses even if you don't have him in your party - he is the only character that can be Mind Flayer Circlet charmed after the EDE begins. He can even summon a couple of Anacondas and a lot of Shambling Mounds for distraction/additional damage. Foreknowledge is also an important R-C and B-M (or even mage) buff, because it cannot be dispelled by Universal Purge and thus can even be used as a prebuff before each Purge along with Giant Strength.
BTW if you invest time to train Cernd in those infinite-xp exploits in ToB, he can even become a very powerful 7th party member with numerous spells/HLAs for the last battle. He cannot benefit from Rest though, but the MindFlayer circlet's effect cannot be negated by Remove or Purge magic.
A lot of Wishes indeed help in the last portion of the battle, combined with all your Criticals, simply because it's not that hard to quickly get the Prince to Injured (for the first two Absolute Immunities) or even Badly Injured (for the second two), but getting him to Near-Death thrice is what is very difficult, and you certainly need fast ways to get PfME and IH on all your fighters (there are three Wish-options for those) and after that each hit must score (meaning Criticals). BTW you could increase your A-F's melee effectiveness even further bu reading a Polymorph Self scroll and turning into a spider before an universal purge - thus having 10 instead of 7 APR with a polearm.