I cannot make up my mind in regards to my party, however. I'm going to be playing a Vagrant PC; for my companions I definitely want Imoen (making a custom sorc I'll use until I pick her up) and Valygar. I'm thinking I'll bring along Nalia to cover my thief bases and take up the second arcane caster spot.
I'm having trouble deciding on my divine caster though. Both Anomen and Cernd seem very appealing! Auramaster looks cool and interesting, but I don't know if I won't be better served with Anomen.
I am also undecided on my last spot. Riskbreaker looks like a lot of fun and very powerful, but I am not sure whether I won't be better served with someone wielding a two-handed weapon. Minsc might do, but I'm also partial to making a Custom Berserker.
So, some help from the Veterans would be appreciated