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Full Version: Where is the Sentinel+4(ingredient of Mazzy's shield) in IAv6.5
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil
I have reached the end of SOA, but still not found the Sentinel+4. I remember that it can be bought in the underdark city in v6.2.
Where is it now moved to in V6.5?
The only adventures left in SOA are:
Twisted Rune;
those after ‘Time Machine’ of the expanded stronghold of mage;
the 4th floor of WK;

I can not continue my quest with Warrior's stronghold so I cannot fight with Lord Roenal and his Army.
Is it there?
Is it there?

Yes, it's one of its possible locations.
I have the same problem, my "Ruling De'Arnise Keep & Lands" - questline is stuck after I let the "priest of Tempus" into the keep (event #3 I think)

The next phase isn't triggered (3rd time this has happened).
Can you post a save game to test this?
My save is 1MB compressed. The baldur.sav / gam files are 600kb & 800kb(?).

Maybe forthenature can post these. Alternatively I can send the file via email or so.
I've sent you my email via PM
My problem is solved.
It is the stronghold messenger be stuck somewhere, I used the command line to create one messenger and the quest can go on without any problem.
And yes, Sentinel is there.
pekkae, maybe you can solve your problem in the same manner? Sorry, haven't had the chance to check out the save game yet.

forthenature, which command did you use? Those messengers keep bugging out ever since the game was released 20 years ago.
createcreature,and creature name is KPRUNN01

This got me to see Lord Roenal in person, so so far so good!
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