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Full Version: Community Filename Prefix Reservations
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mod development resources & discussion > Community Prefix Database
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Unfortunately, AL is already registered to nal'ex (06. 05. 2007), and the AL set includes AL#. Please choose another, two-character long prefix (we don't register longer prefixes, any such prefixes in the list are legacy).
Hmmm. What about YV? Or, better, X#?
YV was free, so it's now registered to you.
I would like to register the prefix TQ please.

I've checked the list and can't find it being used by anyone else. The third letter I'll be using is A and there doesn't seem to be a conflict for that either. Please do let me know if I've missed something. smile.gif

Thanks! smile.gif
Gladly. smile.gif The prefix TQ has been registered for you!
WD appears to be open, so I'd like to reserve the prefix. I've been working on my first mod for a while and it would be nice if it didn't conflict with anything. That is, assuming I ever finish it.

Thanks in advance.
WD has been registered to you. Good luck for the mod!

Well I'm back in order to ask the registration of a prefixe for my friend Nightmare...#B

Is it possible?

Thanks to you, Baronius!

Best Regards
We can only register it to your username, because you are the registered user who posted the request. I don't think it's a problem, because you will be the owner of the prefix while he/she will be using it. If your friend has a problem with this, ask him/her to register here and send the request again.

Please confirm that you want it to be registered under your username.
Hello there.

I would love the filename prefix LL

LL has been registered to you, Linaze.

Make sure to use it not only for filenames, but for any other possible identifiers as well (such as global variables).

It's not a problem, you can register under my username. I post for Nightmare 'cause he doesnot know to write english very well.

Thank you!
No problem. smile.gif

#B has been registered to you.
Yet another register-to-add case. tongue.gif

I use CQ#


CQ is now yours (it includes CQ# as well).
I hate to tell you this but Spellhold Studios already has that prefix for their Community Quest Mod. I don't know exactly how long it's been in progress but I was invited to help write for it over a year ago.

I do have one suggestion, I have noticed there are quiet a few people on this list who reserve a prefix but then you never hear from them again. Now, I don't know if those people are contacting anyone anywhere saying they're still working on their mod but wouldn't it make sense if a person hasn't produced an aphla of their mod by the end of two years, won't it be fair to other modders who have mods with similiar prefixes to be allow to have that prefix if no one ever produces said mod?
If some developers at Spellhold Studios have been using it, I don't know why they didn't register it here. At the moment, Icendoan is the only one who registered that prefix in the present database.

In such cases, the usual scenario that is the most fair for both parties is the following:

One of the "parties" (mod developers, developer teams) offers to refactor its mod (with a newly registered prefix). This requires renaming resources (it can be automated easily), and updating all other identifiers as well (such as globals). It may be much work, but usually still not as much as several activities related to a mod's development. It must only be done once, after all. For example, out of fairness, the offer can be made by the party who feels its own refactoring will be less effort. It's a matter of agreement.

All I can do is to send an email to Icendoan (to the address specified in forum profile), so Icendoan can contact the SHS team or whoever is needed. I don't know anything about Community Quest Mod, so it would be nice if you posted some link or information so Icendoan will be able to contact them ( (or, if you informed the SHS developers involved, it's equivalent to the previous solution). If we're lucky, Icendoan doesn't have many resources to refactor yet.

Sometimes both parties are reluctant, saying things such as "no free time", or "it is risky because missed references might break the mod". I hope such a reluctance won't be experienced in this case (provided your information is up to date about that SHS mod -- I can't confirm it, but I suppose you're correct, and Icendoan didn't register it for the SHS project). Usually, it's not true that refactoring would be so hard. I made such refactoring (with hundreds of files of Drizzt Saga) in the past, many parts can be automated. I remember that MacReady refused to do some really trivial refactoring with EasyTutu, which would have allowed modders using DLTCEP to avoid blocking warnings. I can only repeat myself: don't be afraid to do such things, just make sure to do it with planning and care.

I do have one suggestion, I have noticed there are quiet a few people on this list who reserve a prefix but then you never hear from them again. Now, I don't know if those people are contacting anyone anywhere saying they're still working on their mod but wouldn't it make sense if a person hasn't produced an aphla of their mod by the end of two years, won't it be fair to other modders who have mods with similiar prefixes to be allow to have that prefix if no one ever produces said mod?

As long as there are available prefixes, I don't think it makes sense to recycle old ones. We can't know who is working on a mod and who isn't. Of course, abandoned prefixes can be guessed with a good chance, but it would require some policy changes and I really don't see why it's needed now. A prefix is just two simple characters, modders who can't choose their monogram (or anything similar) really shouldn't complain. We still have plenty of free valid prefixes.
TheBigg informed me that SConrad doesn't want the aforementioned SHS project to be discussed publicly.

All I can tell is that it seems they don't want to register their prefix in the central database. I don't know how else we can guarantee file-level compatibility then (and I don't know why Icendoan had to be misled by the Prefix List due to the fact the SHS team hasn't registered the prefix so it appeared to be free).

I respect their request so unfortunately, I can't tell anything else about the content of TheBigg's PM here. I've always been the supporter of public discussion and public information sharing when it's about things that have to do with the IE modding community and its modders & visitors (for those who are wondering: local forum policies and decisions aren't community topic), so I'm sad to acknowledge this but I must respect their decision about private information exchange.
By the way:

Now, I don't know if those people are contacting anyone anywhere saying they're still working on their mod but wouldn't it make sense if a person hasn't produced an aphla of their mod by the end of two years, won't it be fair to other modders who have mods with similiar prefixes to be allow to have that prefix if no one ever produces said mod?

Just to avoid a misunderstanding, we do not reject requests for conflicting prefixes! It's encouraged to register a unique prefix or refactor the mod in case of conflicts, but we have no right to reject requests that don't follow these guidelines. I probably replied several times with "It's taken, please register another one", but it's for the modder's and community's own sake. As you can see, we have several prefixes marked as "conflicting".

As I've said, I don't think it would be fair to remove registrations because "the modder hasn't been seen", "mod hasn't been released" or that the modder isn't a known forum member. We have no right to do that. Many modders like to work alone and without informing the community about their progress, though I'm well aware of the fact that many of the prefixes are certainly abandoned. But there are enough available prefixes, and I don't understand why it's a problem for John Smith if he can't use JS because it's taken, and e.g. he must use SJ or JJ etc. instead.

However, since there is no worst way to cause incompatibility risk and problems than ignoring the Prefix List "because I can't choose my favourite prefix", it's very important to find a solution. We could sign prefix entries that are known to belong to actively developed mods (e.g. with some colour), or the opposite: the system would automatically sign entries after certain time has elapsed and no confirmation was received that they're active. Just sign, not remove. Confirmation could be automatic (e.g. modders could get a simple account, where they could click a button such as "I am active"), or manual (they could post in this thread, for example). Removing prefixes for mods that haven't been released even after years isn't an option IMO as long as there are so many free prefixes (and conflicts are also allowed).
Hello, A small problem with my current prefix #C

It seems weidu will not compile a D file that starts with a # sign.
Please change my prefix from #C to CS

I would also consider removing the option of have a # as the first character as it will only lead to headaches down the road

Your requested change has been made on your prefix. CS has been registered to you.

It seems weidu will not compile a D file that starts with a # sign.

Interesting. The recommendation in the initial post was received from TheBigg.

Can you confirm this problem, TheBigg? (I'm not questioning you Chronis, but let's see what TheBigg says)
The Bigg
I believe it is possible to make them compile without further effort, yes (if the character following the # is neither a digit nor a dash). For now, wrap your file name (and all other tokens starting with a #) in ""s:

BEGIN "#Cfile"
IF ~True()~ THEN BEGIN "#CIntro"
SAY ~Hello World~
IF ~~ THEN EXTERN "#Cfile2" "#CStateName"

EDIT: this also means that the initial post should be edited as follows:
First possibility: [A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z#_!-]
Second possibility: [#][A-Za-z_]

which could be expressed as:
Any letter, followed by any number, letter, #, _, ! or - character.
A '#' character, followed by a letter, _, or character.

That it, removing mention of #- and #! as a valid prefix.
Thank you, TheBigg.

That it, removing mention of #- and #! as a valid prefix.

I see. I automatically assumed that Chronis was following the complete rule, but then I must have been wrong.
The Bigg
Chronis' #C is valid. It's WeiDU that could use improvements there smile.gif
Just to clarify, I am not part of a SHS project or any sort.
I am simply a solo modder, getting to grips with WeiDU and the games mechanics. Why they didn't register it as an unknown project is unknown to me, the only one I can think of is to stop SConrad and others getting bombarded with requests asking what is is,

The reason I contacted you is to inform you that if you keep this prefix, your mod might be incompatible with that SHS project. If it's OK for you, there is no problem. It's important to note that currently you're the only rightful user of that prefix (as far as the Community Prefix Database is concerned).
I would like to register DV# as mine. I am just getting into the modding scene and figured that I should. I checked the list as it stands to this time and did not see any mention of DV or DV#.

DV has been registered for you. Have fun!
Hi there,

I'd like to register QW as a prefix for myself, and the mod I'm currently working on: a Fallen Pallen NPC for BG1Tutu:

thanks very much!

Thanks for registering a prefix, Qwallath. Good luck for the Fallen Pallen NPC!
My god, I actually wrote that!

Well, you get the idea... smile.gif
It happens biggrin.gif

So it's Fallen Paladin, I should've known...
Hi everyone !
I'm from the French Community "la Couronne de Cuivre", and i'm starting a mod.
I'd like to register the prefix : DD if it is possible.
Thanks a lot wink.gif
Hello! Coming from the French Community "La Couronne de Cuivre", i'm there to register my own prefix in order to create a NPC mod: it will be KM if available. Thanks!

DD is taken (please try to find another one), KM is available.

Are you working on the same mod? Or will you use the prefixes for personal projects (as well)?
Yay! Found this thread again.
I'm going to grab dAr for my new mod. biggrin.gif

DD is taken (please try to find another one), KM is available.

Are you working on the same mod? Or will you use the prefixes for personal projects (as well)?

No I'm learning to make my own mod, with Ripper.
No, we are not on the same mod. closedeyes.gif

Ok, so i'll pick SB if possible and if SB is not available, i'll take BS. (and if it is taken too i'm gonna kill myself ! laugh.gif )
Duality: unfortunately, we don't register three-letter prefixes in the Community database, and even if we did, your prefix would conflict with the one used by Dark Awakening (DA). You already have two registered prefixes in the database, please choose one of them for the mod. By the way, prefixes aren't for mods, they belong to mod authors (so the same prefix is used for more mods) wink.gif

Auctor: KM has been registered for you, but please announce the mod's release here or if it's not released even after a year, post a confirmation that it's still in progress. Similarly, if it's discontinued and the prefix isn't used in any other project either, inform us so the prefix can be freed.

QUOTE(phoeunix @ Apr 1 2008, 07:18 PM) *
No, we are not on the same mod. closedeyes.gif

Ok, so i'll pick SB if possible and if SB is not available, i'll take BS. (and if it is taken too i'm gonna kill myself ! laugh.gif )

Both are taken, at least they would conflict with (old) three-letter versions. On the other hand, if you insist, they can be added as conflicting (it's possible that the owners of the three-letter versions aren't making mods any more with those prefixes). However, there are still a lot of free prefxies available, e.g. SF. What about SF?
Great, go for SF then thumb.gif

Thanks for your help Baronius smile.gif
We try to do our best when maintaining the Community Prefix Database, to take into account the interests of everyone in the IE modding community as far as it's possible.

CF has been registered for you, phoenix. smile.gif

please announce the mod's release here or if it's not released even after a year, post a confirmation that it's still in progress. Similarly, if it's discontinued and the prefix isn't used in any other project either, inform us so the prefix can be freed.
QUOTE(Baronius @ Apr 1 2008, 07:45 PM) *
CF has been registered for you, phoenix. smile.gif

Hmm, CF or SF ?

Sorry to insist, I just want to be sure. smile.gif
I mistyped it, SF is the prefix that we've registered for you. Thanks for your message.

By the way, as it's mentioned in the initial post of the present thread, the prefix database is publicly available here:
Hi, I'm new to modding, but I guess I'll need a prefix...

I'd like to reserve CX.


If you don't have a concrete mod under development, you don't need a prefix... smile.gif On your local installation, you can practise on any files... and then you can still register a prefix when you decide to work seriously on a project that you plan to release to the public.
That's what I was doing for starters, but since I do intend on publishing my mod once it's done (Yes, I'm feeling ambitious) , I feel I might as well get my prefix reserved now before someone takes it. biggrin.gif

Okay, but make sure to inform us if the mod is abandoned (this isn't meant to be discouraging -- I wish all the best for your mods smile.gif, rather just a scenario for an exceptional case), or if a considerable amount of time has elapsed without release but development is still in progress.

CX has been registered for you.
The project hasn't been abandoned yet!

Actually, I've barely started as I've been busying myself reading through all the tutorials I can find and bookmarking all the really important ones.

Thanks for registering the prefix.

Hello, I come for say : I give up my mod, so it is from now on useless for me to keep the prefix KM. Bye !
Thank you very much for informing us. KM has been freed.
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