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Full Version: Community Filename Prefix Reservations
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I would like to reserve/register GS
Gwendolyne, kulyok, ModMan: Your prefixes have been added to the list. smile.gif

Sorry it took so long, Gwendolyne.
Well, unless I've gone blind, it doesn't look as though plain old "T#" isn't on the list, so Tess (Tess Grey, whatever) would like to register for that.

And if I am just missing it, "TG" will be dandy, too.

Thanks for the resource!

I'd like to reserve C@, if I could, please. Didn't see it anywhere on the list.

Thanks a bunch!
Tess: T# was indeed still free, so it's yours now. smile.gif

Celissa: Can anyone confirm whether there is a problem with WeiDU installer and the "@"sign if used like this? I have a faint recall of something being mentioned.
EDIT: It is mentioned here
Oops. I saw one on the list with an @ sign, so I figured it was useable. Doesn't matter. C_ would be lovely. smile.gif

Thanks again.
It was indeed registered and therefore someone is using it but I had the impression that it might cause trouble. So if C_ is OK for you than I'd say it's the better choice.
Registered C_ for you. smile.gif
With two mods going, I guess it's right about time I register some extensions for them.

I checked the list and and the ones I'd like for myself are free, soo here they are:

"AZ" : this is the prefix of the files in Azure NPC Romance.
"Vi" : I'll use this one in future components of BG2 Improvements and any other mods I make in the future.

Will the prefixes be added from this topic or I have to e-mail s.o.?
Done. smile.gif I've added both of them to the list of registered filename prefixes.
Ive begun a bit of modding myself and I saw that DW wasnt registered yet so Id like that one please! happy.gif
It's now yours! I wish you a successful modding. wink.gif
SV please.

I'm currently working on a mod and would like toregister the above as my prefix.
Yours. Have fun. smile.gif
Hello, I just tried to check the list, but it said 'I am sorry but this table contains no rows', so I can't see what's on the list.

But can I have N_ if it's not already used, please?
It's good that you reminded me to fix the prefix database settings. I have also registered the prefix for you. smile.gif
Usually Lurking
Hello. I would like to have F1 reserved please.

Thank you,
No problem.
Could I please register KH


The registration of your prefix has been successful. smile.gif
Grim Squeaker
I might as well do this now, though its nowhere near completion. I'd like to register # for Prophecy of Alaundo (in a similar way to _ for Tutu). I know 1 character ones aren't normally allowed but as its a Partial Conversion it really isn't practical to use 2 characters on so many files (limiting me to 6 characters for names). I'm also using PA for PoA's areas.
Beside G#, now PA is also registered for you. However, please choose a longer prefix instead of #. (E.g. #A) Nothing except Tutu, which is a finished project, uses such a common (AND important) character, even World Transition Project which is a giant TC can manage it with a longer prefix. Six letters still contain a lot of possibilities, and file-naming can be managed easily if you contemplate your naming conventions properly. wink.gif
Dragon Lord
Please register DL# for me. Thanks

-Dragon Lord
QUOTE(Dragon Lord @ Dec 2 2005, 02:21 PM)
Please register DL# for me. Thanks

-Dragon Lord

Sorry, "DL" is already taken, so your prefix would collide, and current policy is to stick to two-letter prefixes only. Any other posibility? smile.gif
Dragon Lord
ok then.


Please choose a two-character prefix. I think XL would be perfect (it includes XL# as well! smile.gif )
Dragon Lord
Deal. XL it is
With my preferred prefix (the one that follows logically from my screen name and that I've been using throughout my thus-far prewriting) looking for all the world like it's already been registered by someone [edited out], it looks like I'd better register one now rather than have to go through all my mod's files when it's ready for release and replace the prefixes for compatibility reasons...

How about A2?
Sorry to hear that. A2 is fine, and registered.
I'd like to register IT for Iron Throne Project.
Sorry for taking so long for the respond. We prefer registering personal prefixes so I registered IT for you, I hope that's convenient.
Ok. Thanks.
Can I reserve the prefix 64 for personal use? Thanks.
The Bigg
Since it's missing, I think I'll make a post about which characters to avoid:

~: conflicts with weidu synthax
$: conflicts with regexp
%: conflicts with WeiDU synthax.
^: conflicts with regexp
*: not allowed in most OS.
+: conflicts with regexp
[]: I may want to reserve them for weidu synthax.
{}: I may want to reserve for weidu synthax.
': I may want to reserve for WeiDU synthax.
": not allowed in most OS.
|: not allowed in most OS.
: not allowed in Windows.
\: not allowed in Windows, conflicts with regexp.
.: means file separator.
<>: not allowed in most OS.
/: not allowed in most OS.
?: not allowed in most OS.
!: if part of a kit name, WeiDU will fail to compile BCS scripts depending on that kit (this is a big problem, and unfortunately it's a bit too late to solve this).

-: forbidden only as a first character, as many program interpret that as a command-line switch, rather than as part of the file (you cant tisunpack a file starting with -, for example).

note: all non alpha-numeric, non _ characters are underrecommended, as they might conflict with characters in some programming language (including '#', which means 'precompiler' in C); however, restricting them is a bit over-reaching.

also: isn't it better to allow only 3-letters reservations, rather than only 2-letter ones, to avoid all legit combinations finishing (or at least delay the inevitable)?

Finally, maybe a moot point, but isn't it better to make it like on TBG, where accepted requests were deleted? this way, it'll be easier for people to notice the rules and the existing list, rather than having to crawl through all the thread.
Ascension64: prefix is registered.

The Bigg: That's a very helpful list, thank you very much.
Thank you for the list of those symbols TheBigg, I was really missing such a list! I'll add it to the initial post of this thread.

isn't it better to allow only 3-letters reservations, rather than only 2-letter ones, to avoid all legit combinations finishing (or at least delay the inevitable)?

Anyone familiar a bit with discrete maths (and inside that, with combinatorics) can easily see that even if only standard alphabet letters and digits are used, the number of possibilities will be still around 1300.

Two letters are advantageous because they are not too few (some people e.g. Grim Squeaker with # even found the two-letter requirement too many), but not too many either (which would force the honest modder to spend much more time with contemplating his/her file naming convention.)

If it happens that we're running out of prefixes, people will learn to register only one prefix for themselves, and (after a serious global examination) we will start to delete never-used prefixes (a high percent of the currently registered ones are such).

Finally, maybe a moot point, but isn't it better to make it like on TBG, where accepted requests were deleted? this way, it'll be easier for people to notice the rules and the existing list, rather than having to crawl through all the thread.

No one has to crawl through the whole thread, because the up-to-date rules can always be found in the initial post. It wouldn't be worth to delete those older posts, they don't prevent anyone from visiting the prefix list or registering their prefix. So it's really doesn't matter that they remain in the thread. smile.gif
The Bigg
The initial post doesn't seem to have been updated smile.gif

Anyway, while I was trying to fix the problem with '!' in kit names, I found that correct IDS entries are of the form

(the '!' I'm trying to code in now), so prefixes starting with a non-letter aren't legal. I can try to change this to
if you ask, but I can't add IDS entries starting with a number or a ! since they conflict with other BAF synthax (and I've already explained the problem with starting a file with '-').

[note: the ' symbols you see there have a relation with how char are represented, they don't mean you can use ' in file names].

EDIT: I just fixed my version of WeiDU so that Kit(Player1,B!SOMEKIT) works, so A!, U! et all are safe. smile.gif

I'm trying to fix prefixes starting with '#', '_' or a number.

EDIT II: starting with a number or with '#' isn't a 5 minutes job, so for now it's scraped. starting with '_' is added the trivial way, it doesn't cause obvious problems.

EDIT III: prefixes can start with a number (freely), or with a '#'.
1) it is underrecommended to use file names made up entirely of numbers (EG no ADD_KIT 123456), since this way
Kit(Player1,123456) will be interpreted wrongly (IE it isn't replaced with kid.ids's entry for 123456, it'll contain the number 123456.
2) if your prefix starts with a dash, the following character must be a non-numeric, since
will trigger the routine for RESPONSE # 100 (with or without space).

Starting with '-' or '!' can't be added at all.
The Bigg
Finished testing.
Starting with a number can't be added.
Starting with a '#' can be done, provided the following character is a non-'#', non-numeral.

In a nut-shell, these existing prefix may cause problems, if used for kits:
!x  KenTeamBG
(starts with a !)

0  Vail_Woodshadow
5H  5th_horseman
5R  Qatanqa
64  Ascension64
7F  drake127
(all start with a number)

A@  Arch Angel
ยง  Telcar
(both contain a non-allowed character, if I don't fix it; I don't feel like fixing that, since I never heard of mods by those two)

EDIT: prefixes must be chosen so filenames may respect at least one of the following regexp:


Thank you for the comprehensive analysis (I will find a way to mark those prefixes that you've listed). I'm sure that the IE modding community is most grateful for your efforts. smile.gif

Yes the initial post wasn't updated because I didn't have time. I would update it now, but I'm not sure what I should add, since you've made several new remarks. Shall I add the content of your original post, without any changes, or did you plan to alter that summary?
The Bigg
QUOTE(Baronius @ Dec 18 2005, 04:39 PM)
Shall I add the content of your original post, without any changes, or did you plan to alter that summary?

Earlier posts are wrong, because I've modified the WeiDU source (which will be distributed rather sooner than later). The most correct listing is this:


which could be expressed as:
Any letter or _, followed by any number, letter, #, _, ! or - character.
A '#' character, followed by a letter, _, ! or - character.

Additional characters or patterns may be requested to Weimer, me or anyone who can/does edit WeiDU source code, but their inclusion is not guaranteed.

In particular, starting with a '!' is not codeable at all, and starting with a number (or, worse, a sequence of numbers) is tricky (as probably does '@', but I don't recall any mod made by Archangel).
So these can be used or these should be avoided? What exactly shall I add to the initial post, beside this:


which could be expressed as:
Any letter or _, followed by any number, letter, #, _, ! or - character.
A '#' character, followed by a letter, _, ! or - character.

Additional characters or patterns may be requested to Weimer, me or anyone who can/does edit WeiDU source code, but their inclusion is not guaranteed.

In particular, starting with a '!' is not codeable at all, and starting with a number (or, worse, a sequence of numbers) is tricky (as probably does '@', but I don't recall any mod made by Archangel).
The Bigg
You can add paragraph II and III (IE
Allowed character combinations are:
<insert from 'Any letter or _' up to 'but their inclusion is not guaranteed'.>)
64  Ascension64

Well, should I ever use kits, I had better ask to change my prefix to A6. Great work, bigg!
Great work indeed. Thank you very much, The Bigg!

Ascension64: Do I understand your words that you want your prefix changed to A6?
Yes, please, jastey, and thanks!
No problem.
I am using S! as my prefix. Is that ok?

PS: It's a capital S of course.
It's perfect. It's now registered as well. smile.gif

I will use : JA#

Thanks smile.gif
JA has been registered for you. It includes JA# as well, obviously. smile.gif (It was mentioned lots of times in several places, including the initial post of this thread, that only two-letter prefixes can be registered.)
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