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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil
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One option of RVE says: Add 10% physical resistance. But 20% are added in character sheet.
Me again wacko.gif
I was fighting against Orcus, killed him and took his blood but these damn Master Vampires + Team keep on spawning and i still cant leave the area. Do i need to do something else?
I was fighting against Orcus, killed him and took his blood but these damn Master Vampires + Team keep on spawning and i still cant leave the area. Do i need to do something else?
Might be a bug. Do you have a save? Does this occur always? It's very strange considering that the vampires are spawned from Orcus' script which deactivates upon his death.

One option of RVE says: Add 10% physical resistance. But 20% are added in character sheet.

Which option exactly?
> Which option exactly?
Nevermind, confirmed and fixed this bug.
QUOTE(critto @ Oct 29 2016, 05:34 AM) *
I was fighting against Orcus, killed him and took his blood but these damn Master Vampires + Team keep on spawning and i still cant leave the area. Do i need to do something else?
Might be a bug. Do you have a save? Does this occur always? It's very strange considering that the vampires are spawned from Orcus' script which deactivates upon his death.

Strange. Tried again and everything went alright. Except that one Master Vampire was blown away (Comet) and decided to show up with his brides after Orcus was defeated...
Do u still want a save?

1st try: Wave of Grandlords, Big Wave of Vampires and then 2 or 3 waves of Lords but constantly one Master Vamp + Brides were spawned. Even after Orcus was dead. Couldnt leave the crypt.
2nd try: Wave of Grandlords, Big Wave of Vampires then 2 or 3 waves of Lords and one Master Vamp + Harem. Then waiting for all these PfMW to be over. No spawns anymore.
I doubt that I could do anything about it. The scripts are solid, written long time ago and haven't been touched since. There's nothing vanilla they might be affected by so we can't really blame BG's scripts that might've gotten screwed up in EE somehow. It's probably an engine glitch and there's little that I can do about it.

If there was a consistent bug then it'd be another discussion. I cannot devise a scenario where a single block might glitch out and work fine the other time. It's really quite simple.

I'll most certainly leave the issue on hold for now and if someone else reports it in the future, I'll keep digging.
Hey guys,

I know you dont spoil information about quests and such, but i'd like a hint as to where to start 'The Ancient Secret of Suldanesselar" last vagrant quest...
I've searched about everywhere, cant enter the sealed house in suldanesselar, and the stairs near the Tree of Life require a specific wardstone which apparently i miss...

I've run across every area (including Umar Hills up and down...) but cant seem to find any info, and the hints on the sealed House (Millenium, Lake, Mirror etc...) dont help me much :-(

Could anyone tell me where to look, or give me a little hint ? happy.gif

Thx guys !
Hideous the Wu Jen
Question on expanded mage stronghold -
Is there a trigger to start the next quest after Marvella is dealt with?
I finished her storyline a while back but neither the Old Ones quest has started or the guy that lets me use the time machine.

Nevermind...Was just approached by the Archmage.
Curiosity is killing so many cats.... right, the question. Any news on v7?
I am wondering which druid kit the expanded stronghold will be most suitable for content wise. That makes me want to think about and plan my party.
It should be ok for both auramaster and avenger protagonist.

I'm slowly working on it. If'd have somebody to help me with the coding and/or dialogues, things would go faster :-)
Coding is a bit beyond my time availability, but if you need help play testing I'm happy to help.

Auramaster or avenger, that will be a puzzle for me smile.gif
hey guys i have a huge problem
so far i have a level 12 party and im stuck in firekraags lair i did the garren child quest killed skeleton lords which was a tough fight

so i decided that there could nothing go wrong with samia and her party.

by own fault i qicksaved in the loot corner u know with the sword and the shield and i have no other save.

any suggestion how to beat that high level party i play with necro, minsk , jaheira , anomen, cernd and valygar
You don't have autosave?

This party is REALLY hard when tackled as pre-spellhold fight. Your party might be able to defeat them somehow with right weapons(like Phosphorus) and enough +3 weapons, but i'd really recommend you to postpone this fight if possible.
my only autosave is exiting firekraags lair which leeds to the fight with the mage and the skeleton lords

that was a freaking badass fight for lvl 12

the mage is now problem thx to silence him directly but the skeleton lords are pain

i managed it once ...
The safest choice for you is to replay that fight. Samia's party is too tough for a 12th level party, realistically. People usually do it at late 13th level, before sailing to Spellhold, if at all.
thx for ur replies

i think i restart the game at all

somehow i dont like the necro main char

most of the time enemy is resistant and i didnt found lower resis scroll yet, i go for vagrant wink.gif
Necro becomes a real powerhouse later in the game. He might not be as versatile as Vagrant due to extremely hgh resistances of enemies and no spell to lower them(yet) apart from 5'th level lower res, but he's the best support character you can imagine for most of the fights later in game.

Many people think that he also has better extended stronghold quests than Vagrant (I'm one of them).

Anyway, whatever is your decision, whether you want to start the game anew or continue - good luck! smile.gif
hey guys i have a simple question.

how many permanent scroll exist in the game and can u write down how many on each chapter
i want to find everthing on my own wink.gif

thx wink.gif
Critto nas been absent for quite a long time now, I hope he won't mind if I post it here.

Permanency Scrolls

- Slavers' Ship
- TorGal
- Screaming Statue
- Warden in Planar Prison
- Thaxll'ssillyia
- Sahuagin City (in the chest near the imps)
- Asylum Library
- The mystery of the Third Color quest
- Noble Efreeti (Deirex's Cave in Ust Natha; only if Cernd is in party)
- House Jae'llat (this one appears if there is a Swashi in the party)
- Surface party in the Underdark (on mage's body, if player has killed Sahuagin Prince and left the King alive)
- Kuo-Toa Prince
- Illithids' Hideout in the Sewers
- Layene
- Nizidramanii'yt (Suldanesselar)

- Elemental Level
- Saladrex
- Ancient Dragon
- Saint Kargoth

- Gromnir
- Karun the Black, Gromnir's party (if Cernd is in party)
- Fire Giants' lair
- Berenn
- Yaga-Shura
- Jamis Tombelthen
- Draconis
- Abazigal
- Thelynn'ss (Drow Kensai, Sendai's lair)
- Lashar'ra (Spider Queen, Sendai's lair)
well thank u smile.gif
Do u also know about memory boosting scrolls and elaborations ?`
Ok, here are is all info concerning these most valuable items. Credit goes to HTRT and critto, I think, I'm just copying it from IA workroom. This might help people planning their party/upgrades and maybe someone will try to for example defeat Greater elemental golem in sewers before spellhold? (Nicoper manged to do that once, AFAIR!)

Permanency Scrolls

- Slavers' Ship
- TorGal
- Screaming Statue
- Warden in Planar Prison
- Thaxll'ssillyia
- Sahuagin City (in the chest near the imps)
- Asylum Library
- The mystery of the Third Color quest
- Noble Efreeti (Deirex's Cave in Ust Natha; only if Cernd is in party)
- House Jae'llat (this one appears if there is a Swashi in the party)
- Surface party in the Underdark (on mage's body, if player has killed Sahuagin Prince and left the King alive)
- Kuo-Toa Prince
- Illithids' Hideout in the Sewers
- Layene
- Nizidramanii'yt (Suldanesselar)

- Elemental Level
- Saladrex
- Ancient Dragon
- Saint Kargoth

- Gromnir
- Karun the Black, Gromnir's party (if Cernd is in party)
- Fire Giants' lair
- Berenn
- Yaga-Shura
- Jamis Tombelthen
- Draconis
- Abazigal
- Thelynn'ss (Drow Kensai, Sendai's lair)
- Lashar'ra (Spider Queen, Sendai's lair)

Manuals of Elaboration

- Conster
- Merella (ex-Shade Lord)
- Librarian in Asylum
- Elder Orb
- Dracolich
- Turmish Leader (Bard Stronghold)
- Theshal
- Illithids' Hideout in the Sewers
- Grave Lich (Gates District)
- Layene

- Elemental Level
- Rozvankee

- Fire Giants' lair
- Draconis
- Abazigal
- Slavemaster (Sendai's Lair)
- Odamaron

Scrolls of Memory Boosting

- Pirate Coordinator
- Lavok
- Ancient Tome in Asylum
- Asylum (Mithril Machine level; if Protagonist is a mage)
- Shangalar

- Elemental Level
- Hybrid Tiefling
- Archpriest Nulonga

- Fire Giants' lair

I also found a Permanency scroll on Firkaarg. Missing in the list...
You sure Azoth? I just checked SPOILER!
files and looks like he doesn't have it in inventory and I can't find a script that would create it under some circumstances.
I think so. At least i wrote it in my list during the last playthrough. Maybe i made a mistake. Will check again when i have some time.
I recall that last location too.
And something used to be placed also on these locations SPOILER!
renal, sir sarles, priest of oghma in the docks
but maybe those are removed in v6.

Still waiting for ee 2.3 support (and IA v7)
Maybe, you're right, it's been years since my last playthrough and maybe I have modified files at the moment.

Concerning IA v7 I can tell you that we have a good chunk of druid stronghold story prepared. I also put some time into animations and we have a few brand new ones, like this one for example. However, I haven't heard from critto since his last log-in to this site and without him we can't proceed any further. I can't tell you at the moment when we'll start working IAv7 again sadly, but stay tuned smile.gif
That animation looks really nice!

I'm checking once or twice a month to see the progress. I can wait smile.gif.

Is it interesting to have IA incorporated into big world setup for more exposure (or maybe it is already there).
A fair warning. The new EE series of beta patches comes out soon and beta runs until somewhere early next year before they become final.
yeah...probably safer to go with v7 and think of compatibility later when beamdog are stable

I decided to continue an older save. I'm near the end of SOA. I have finished Lady Vanya's quests.
I don't remember, where should I get the first clue for grandfather of assassins. I already completed the firkraag lair fight, as far as I remember I should have get thr first clue there, and the second from the table. I can't find the clue in my invertory, and there's nothing on the table. (Also, somehow there's a harlot in Firkraag's lair, which is strange) I did not installed any other mods.
Are you playing with Vagrant as protagonist?
Necromancer. Grandfather is for Vagrants only?
Also, I would appreciate some help finding Ruby of the Gods.

(Nevermind, got that. Altough some ingame hint would be nice here.)
Yeah I'm pretty sure at the moment grandfather is available only to Vagrant protagonist. There are some(and hopefully will be far more) events that can be finished only with specific protagonist.
Seems a bit strange for a thief only weapon.

Is v7 our Christmas present? tongue.gif
hey Guys can somebody tell me about the "hard nut to crack" quest

i cant find the squirrel or rabbit
QUOTE(lappen @ Jan 15 2018, 10:57 PM) *
hey Guys can somebody tell me about the "hard nut to crack" quest
i cant find the squirrel or rabbit

check the cage in the middle of Waukeen’s Promenade

First of all I wanna say this is an amazing mod and I'm having a blast playing it. I don't know if v7 will ever be completed but thanks to all those who worked hard for IA, its crazy good, and there are still people out there who enjoy it a lot.

Im currently in me second playthrough, first was with nec protagonist, stopped at the end of SoA cause I installed the mod wrong, exp tables werent right and I was way too strong.
Now have vagrant protagonist, in chapter 3, and I cant seem to find the "squirreled away" quest. I thought i didnt find it in my last playthrough because of my failed installation, but I should have gotten it right this time, and the quest seems nowhere to be found in Waukeen's promenade.
Tried talking to the caged squirrel with the moose but he has nothing to say to me. Tried charming him, didnt do a thing. What am I missing ?

Thanks !

Duids/rangers have spell(2nd level) that is called speak with animals or something like that, that's the only way to start conversation with that squirrel(and many other animals too, check it out!)

Would love a hint on the ugly quest, getting tired of running around the sewers and sub areas with true seeing, I must be missing something obvious (like the talk to animals skill biggrin.gif)
Thanks in advance for any help
Nvm found him.

I will add a hint for those who, like me, don't play the mod to spend hours cruising through every area in the sewers, feel free to delete it if you feel it's too much of a spoiler :
the ugly man can be found where Auriel tells you, and you shouldn't need to go to the old tunnels.
HEY guys,

i think i found a new bug on the 6.3 version.

the level 6 druid spell call animals. summons two bears and their names are "scribe scrolls rogue"and they are exceptionally strong with regen and strong attack.

Tell me more about your installation, please. I think you have some mod that affects the creature file summoned by the spell. It's a basic bear without any regen or especially powerful attacks. IA does not modify the original spell resource file in any way. As for the bear resource file, the mod only replaces the AI scripts, nothing else.

i had 6.2 with the old baldurs gate 2 version. then i deleted everything....
next step downloaded the newest baldurs gate with steam and installed the new 6.3 version. i have no more mods or something like that
BG2EE 2.5 is out. Are there any issues with IA 6.3 to be expected?
There are some overlaps like the party friendly Comet spell.
If not I give it another try biggrin.gif
next step downloaded the newest baldurs gate with steam and installed the new 6.3 version. i have no more mods or something like that
Apologies, I've missed your post. Please, send me a save game to investigate.

BG2EE 2.5 is out. Are there any issues with IA 6.3 to be expected?

Give me a few days to study the change log and make some changes if needed :-)
I'm definitely interested as well.
I did quite some runs the last few months (noreload) but I updated by mistake and of course that means you cannot go back to earlier versions.....
Well, I explored the patch notes and tried to install the mod, everything went well. I don't there should be any major conflicts with the patch. If something minor comes up, we'll deal with it.
I'll just start a new game now. If something comes up I'll let you know
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