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A question: Are there any other locations (from the Item Randomizer) for Uzuno's Blade except for WK level 4 or level 5? So far I remember finding it only on Saladrex, the Demi-Lich's treasure trove or the last Red Globe challenge (Greater Elemental Golem). Defeated the Ancient Dragon as well - not there. Could it be randomized in a different spot theoretically, and if yes - where? Or is there an anti-solo (or anti F/M) script that erases it from its location?
It should be either with the Lich or the GEG. And yeah, there are some measures implemented, from what I can see.
QUOTE(critto @ Jun 25 2015, 11:03 PM) *
It should be either with the Lich or the GEG. And yeah, there are some measures implemented, from what I can see.

Got it, then the attempt fails. Strange, I was able to find it in the solo B-M run.
Back in action and already some questions wink.gif

Fighting the shade lord:
The first RRoR should bring down his Spell Turning, the second his SI:Abjuration and then Breach should work, correct? Only, Minor GOI and MI left.
Do i need to destroy the altar first? Cannot bring him down to more than "injured"...

1. There was a massive slowdown of the game right after the Skeleton Lords spawned (shade lord fight). This never happened before. Ok again after a couple of rounds....
2. For my B9/M: Enrage -> Tensers Transformation works but not the other way around. Apparently, Enrage does count as a spell. Not sure, if this is intended...
QUOTE(Azoth @ Jul 13 2015, 09:56 AM) *
Back in action and already some questions wink.gif

Fighting the shade lord:
The first RRoR should bring down his Spell Turning, the second his SI:Abjuration and then Breach should work, correct? Only, Minor GOI and MI left.

correct, 2RRoR then breach dipels protections (be careful to be protected from magical energy, it prevents shade lord backlash, true seeing on helps too)

QUOTE(Azoth @ Jul 13 2015, 09:56 AM) *
Do i need to destroy the altar first? Cannot bring him down to more than "injured"...

Not sure, usually I kill Patrick first, then altar (meanwhile punching skeleton lords) and I finish fight with shade lord so ....
I always kill altar after shade lord is dead, destroying it is just a waste of time when the fight is still on.

Tenser disables all abilities and spells, you can't for example use hardiness, evasion and such when under the spell.
Thanks for the hints. But i couldnt bring the shade lord down with my lvl11-12 party. Postponed this fight. Might be doable, but i dont have enough patience running around like a rabbit ;-)
Next time i will go for Patrick/Skeleton Lords, then altar and then shade lord. The spawning shadows are not much of a threat, but they are annoying like hell moving around freely.

Tenser disables all abilities and spells, you can't for example use hardiness, evasion and such when under the spell.

Ok. Didn't know about that.
I a lot ao always leave the shade lord for last, mostly because the skelwtons and saint Patrick are scary if left alone and the altar is an easy kill after them...
A question to the Improved Asylum:

What i found about it here in the forum:
QUOTE(Krell @ May 27 2015, 01:15 PM) *
Also concerning other Improved Asylum encounters and info for those who never tried it:

Do not go near the portal on the base level. An Ice Golem, an Elemental Golem + a bunch of minor golems guard it, in addition to Ruhk and his mephits. Those drop no treasure nor do they give experience. The Doomplate is simply not worth that.

Skeleton Warlords will spawn right behind the Umberhulk painting on the Machine token level. In the current run got 4, in a previous run with 6 high-leveled party members got 24, so do the math - for each high-leveled party member you get additional 4 Skeleton Warlords to fight.

Forgetting to bring a wooden stake from Athkatla in the basic version of the asylum is nothing more than a minor nuisanse. In the hardest version however is a lot of pain. Resting on the Library level is hellish.

Pursuers: On base level, 3 Whisper spiders will appear immediately after the party has rested. On Library and Machine levels, each turn a group of pursuers will spawn, chase and attack the party. Listen for the footsteps to recognize what enemies you face. A slight clicking noise alarms for a group of 3 Whisper Spiders. Slow, heavy steps indicate a group of two Asylum scouts. And finally fast sounds similar to a bone hitting a bone indicates a group of 3 Skeleton Lords, who unlike other Skeleton Lords are actually immune to fire. None of these gives xp.

QUOTE(Krell @ May 25 2015, 02:31 PM) *
16 - It's still interesting that you didn't mention the random golem encounter (containing Ice, 2 Greater Bone, 1 Elemental and several other golems) near one of the Spellhold portals. That for me and Irenicus' Asylum scouts were the hardest part of the Improved Asylum.

QUOTE(bulian @ Jan 6 2014, 01:56 AM) *
Improved spellhold

With my necromancer PC, I went to spellhold with 2.17M XP (but level 15), slightly less than my vagrant party (2.2 M XP), yet this caused me to trigger one of the “improved” spellhold versions with the necro. I wasn’t aware this would be the case but decided to continue instead of reloading to save where PC had ~2.1 M XP. The first level (whisper spiders spawning on rest) and second level (continuous spawning of guardians, rest not interrupted) were challenging but doable; however, the third level, which also had continuous spawning of guardians, had 24(!!!) skeleton warlords instead of werewolves blocking the way to the mithril golem. Maybe this encounter takes party design into account, but at present party levels there is only one solution (my party only had 2 barbarian essence potions) ��“ have B(9)->mage use all of the PFMW and some of the AI scrolls accumulated to clear the warlords. This was probably close to gold neutral for the party, but in the event that a party doesn’t have a B->M dual, they cannot progress and must skip gaining important items. I would suggest reworking this encounter ��“ maybe make them the same as the portal guardians from level 1, (Ruhk, elemental golem, and several gem/coin golems) to allow parties of different compositions to have a chance.

Still, that wasn’t the worst part of the improved asylum ��“ the worst was the irenicus fight, where either 2 or 3 waves of 6 golems spawned instead of 1 wave. Having a mage with PW:kill, no hardiness, and limited healing (cernd had barely hit lvl 14), meant that the party had very little chance due to following sequence: golem hits for 45, golem hits for 45,golem hits for 45 and chunks character, or irenicus casts PW:kill. Maybe if I had used death ward on all of the fighters, but instead I used the difficulty slider and beat the fight on novice. This fight was way too hard on core for the party.
Suggestion: Either convert the requirement to trigger the harder spellhold to be the same XP for all classes, or if it is desired that the requirement be different for different classes, have a messenger from Aran/Bodhi appear when the party is close to the limit (perhaps within 200k xp) suggesting they hurry up to finish preparations and leave for spellhold.

Is there any benefit of triggering it except the challenge to do it, like more XP, more loot, more gold...? Or is it just tougher and the additional enemies wont give nothing?
Is there any benefit of triggering it except the challenge to do it, like more XP, more loot, more gold...? Or is it just tougher and the additional enemies wont give nothing?

The latter. Go for the standard version. If you find it easy, next time do the improved version smile.gif
Ok. Thanks !
The latter. Go for the standard version. If you find it easy, next time do the improved version smile.gif

Stay away! Its not worth it! Unless you have a B(9)->M in your party I don't even think the improved version is possible, as I have no idea how you can kill 24 skeleton (war?)lords at asylum levels without heavy use of PFMW/AI scrolls.
There are actually three versions of Improved Spellhold, I think the difference between the tougher two versions are very indistinct. Yes, there is profit from triggering the Improved Spellhold, namely those 24 Skeleton Warlords (the actual number is 4*current party members, so if you're running a party of 5 you'll get only 20 Warlords). Each Warlord is worth 1500 gp and 18 000 xp, that is no small boost. To beat them properly however you need HLAs, which means clearing chapters 2 and 3 as thoroughly as possible. The gemstone portal on the starting level will (in that case) trigger the hardest possible encounter, which includes a large number of minor golems, an Elemental golem and an Ice golem, which can be quite challenging. Since, however, you don't need the items inside (Huskar plate is a waste of resources IMO), you can still get the experience (from Ruhk and imps) by casting Wishes for ADHW. Golems give no xp.

Irenicus will be very tricky to beat, I suggest going for the Chain Contingency (trigger on hit) loaded with triple Khelben's Warding Whip (you can get the spell from Limited Wish if you don't know it yet). If timed precisely, it will hit Irenicus before erecting his spell protections, and the following round his SI:Div will be dispelled, leaving him vulnerable to True Sight. If you can manage to beat him fast enough, he will spawn only 6 Asylum scouts, which can be defeated relatively easy.

Apart from these, many of the other hard Asylum fights will be much easier thanx to higher party levels (and possible HLAs).
To beat them properly however you need HLAs, which means clearing chapters 2 and 3 as thoroughly as possible.

Just curious how much XP you think you can get in Ch 2 and Ch 3 with a party of 6? For HLAs you need ~3500k XP, which means going to Spellhold with ~3300 XP. Thats ~1100k XP/pp more than I normally get. It seems to me that a lot of the XP comes from quest XP but I haven't tracked it that closely. What do you think is doable using regular approach? Personally I avoid:

WK (preference, level 1 should be doable and maybe the second floor (but not the demon)). These two floors gave ~370k XP/pp with the hardest spawns including spider queen (without draining spiders). You won't get that in Ch 2/3, so this is maybe ~350k XP.
Firkraag: ~30k XP/pp
Troll mound: This can't be more than 50k XP/pp
Tesha (drain spawns)l: Guessing this is about the same (50k XP/pp)
Guarded compound/friend: Maybe 100k XP/pp
Umar:~40k XP/pp (with all spawns)
Full fighter stronghold (e.g. Roenall): ~60k XP/pp
Full bard stronghold (e.g. performance): No idea, ~60k XP/pp
Steam prince: ?? maybe 30k/pp (quest XP I can't remember?)
Jewel casket: ?? maybe 30k/pp (quest XP I can't remember?)
Why is it cold in here (full drain): ~40k/pp
Pasha: Not possible I would say, if so maybe~100k XP/pp (with full drain)
Limak: 16k XP/pp
Alhoon/friend: Not possible I would say, maybe ~100k XP/pp full drain

Adding all of those up gets you there I guess, but I can't imagine that many of those, particularly the GEG fights are really feasible to drain at those low levels. I'm guessing you prefer to go with a 4-person or 5-person party making it a little bit easier, but in terms of tradeoff you gain 432k XP but I'm guessing you lose that amount in other places. Thoughts?
There are a lot of random monster spawns in chapters 2 and 3 that can(and should) be triggered at possibly higher party levels in order to get more xp.

There is a trick (or bug) to trigger twice the random monster spawns on WK level 1. I think I had it somewhere on youtube, here it is:

Namely, go to WK level 1 (for the very first time!) with a party of 5, 2 150 000 xp each, kill the central room guardians (Noble Trolls), trigger all of the the random guardians (max level, check via Farsight if really triggered or not), exit, go to Athkatla, temporarily join an NPC (in this case, Jan Jansen, didn't try if the bug works with other NPCs as well), go back, re-enter, check random monster spawns. Beware! The central random spawns will be there as well, and this time no Noble Trolls, but rather quite a large stack of Skeletons, including a Grandlord. There is your tons of xp. Not sure how much exactly, but for 5 party members it looks as probably 350-400 k xp each.

A party of five will relatively easy reach HLAs without attempting fights like Firkraag for example, simply because:

1)It's a major bonus dividing the xp to 5 rather than 6 party members
2)Quest xp obtained from all NPCs is not so small amount (and treasures as well). Namely Jaheira, Jan, Korgan, but the other also give (although small) xp and some gold as well.

At the end of Chapter 3, my own party would have these as relatively easy places to get xp:

Shade Lord dungeon (I usually do only the Shadow Jailor in order to get the Ioun Stone, Mazzy Fentan and the RRoR scroll).
WK level 1 (see above, lots of xp, quest and otherwise)
All of the strongholds (well possibly except clerical one)

Don't forget that you could temporarily kill a party member in order for the other to get their HLAs faster. Usually, the party R-C doesn't need HLAs as urgently as the other.

EDIT: You can also get quite a lot of xp from other places. For example, if you have a high-leveled PC, you could get Ghost spiders to fight in both Mekrath's lab and in the Planar Prison, by draining those there is lots more xp than your regular Yuanti spawns. In the Planar Prison, you could avoid destroying the Orb right away, and thus battle 20 or so Planar Hounds for a lot of xp with a mage (for example) distracting the Warden while your warriors dispatch them.

I'm quite curious how you can do this in Ch 2/3 and why you think this would be easier than Firkraag. Can you kindly post or PM your strategy? I can see doing the first two rooms without trouble but the last room seems quite challenging without HLAs. I've only been there in Ch 6 but think his friend is always a GEG isn't it?
QUOTE(bulian @ Jul 21 2015, 12:52 AM) *

I'm quite curious how you can do this in Ch 2/3 and why you think this would be easier than Firkraag. Can you kindly post or PM your strategy? I can see doing the first two rooms without trouble but the last room seems quite challenging without HLAs. I've only been there in Ch 6 but think his friend is always a GEG isn't it?

Nope. If you go there earlier, his friend is only an Elemental Golem. Also not sure, but I think that the mage won't summon Skeleton Warlords in case of lower party levels. The tactic vs Alhoon should be divide and conquer, he is unfortunately immune to Breach which will make the battle long and tedious. Alhoon is mage level 16 (I think) since he has no Chain Contingency and his most powerful offensive spell is ADHW. I suggest the "divide and conquer" tactic against him.

First of all, make sure you eliminate all of the minor MindFlayers, Ulitharids and Umberhulks in the last room. This can be done by drawing them in the lower room via a ranged weapon/spell. Check via Farsight that Alhoon is alone, then rest and prepare your strategy. Alhoon will not attack you unless he sees either a party member or a summon, so make sure he sees none.

Use a mage + a summon to split Alhoon from the Elemental Golem. Have your warriors wait in the chamber below. Mage enters (no PFMW), Alhoon conjures an Elemental Golem, starts some spellcasting (True Sight for example), Elemental Golem charges towards the mage, mage casts PFMW, elemental golem switches target to the summon (summon out of Alhoon's sight yet), summon leads the Elemental Golem to the fighters. Supposedly you can drain that Elemental Golem of summons. However, I don't know the exact level at which a GEG is spawned instead. Not sure if it's 16 or 18 party mage level.

Alhoon has a number of PFMW and RRoR, which should be countered accordingly via PFMW and Spell Turning. If spells depleted, switch mages - hopefully you're not stuck with just one arcane caster. By that time the fighters should've finished the Elemental Golem and quickly swarm Alhoon. Alhoon is also not immune to backstab.
I see. Yes, if he has an elemental golem then he could be beatable. Good to know thanks!
@bulian: Alhoon chapter 3 is with warlords and greater elemental golem, It is beatable, hard fight of course.
I once beat them with a Necro, KensaI, RB, vagrant, R->C, CErnd party, on core (no exploits no cheats), designed this party to beat Alhoon chapter 3 (last fight before Brynnlaw)

Wrote a journal, here the Illithid lair:

First room, thought it doable even if hard (estimated it a bit easier than teshal fight), in fact it is a very serious endeavour, very necessary to have had 4 strong fighters here.
Key, for me, was to rush into the arena and go for the throat of the enemies,
Summoned 2 aerial servants, bears and swanmay
during first rounds:
RB (dual wielding ashideena/phosphorous) rushed and killed cleric, deva, illithid, a warrior then (phosphorous/belm) golems
R->C entered, cast creeping doom on cleric (mage nearby) then bashed warlords (FoA + shield)
Kensaï attacked warlords (and human fighters assassins when warlords no more)
vagrant went for human non-mage foes (Frostreaver/belm) then golems (club+3/frostreaver)
Cernd initial CL, then healing (mass heal/circlet/heal) and summon
Necro peeled mage (3 RRoR and Breach)
When mage peeled, all warriors turn on him, kill it very fast (so no CC/trigger...) then resume their tasks
Buffs where exhaustive, potion of invulnerability for RB and Kensaï, Kensaï drank a potion of storm giant strength too. Most important was 2 oils of resurgence on all fighters (BTW, I really think oil are one of the most beneficial investments)

Second room
Straight after first one, just recast bless/DUHM/chant and free action

Third room
Killed minor brain eaters first (cheesy, ok, no claim, reason is I don't like them impeding movements of party and summons)

Summon 2 aerial servants, bears and swanmay, buff
Necro IH warriors, puts layers (SI:abj/ST), haste, prot from fire, casts limited wish and choose shapeshifting
oils of resurgence a plenty on warriors (again, great investment, here it will substitute to protection from energy against golem)

First down and ten:
Cernd runs to room, picks hammer, gets first purge, runs back, luring greater to party and lauching hammer to RB (RB has +++++ in hammer and phosphorous ;-) )
party pounds greater
Necro runs north (trying to intercept and lure alhoon far away from party)
Greater critical when second purge, dead shortly after
R->C has to use GR, 2 gems and 1 coin left as legacy by greater
Necro turns into golem (magical and elemental resistance!!!!) uses scrolls (RROr to debuff alhoon, Pfmw to remain protected)

Second down and ten
Golems down ranger
Necro resists alhoon perfect
Once golems no more, wait for alhoon protection to vanish, alhoon is dead!

Now rushing to spellhold, cap threatens! (think I never left with so many xp:2.251.576 for protag, if xp cap is reached, will stop run at brynnlaw)
Very happy to have beaten this compound, quite sad xp cap is near (Windmaster, Firkraag and Umar would be next on list)
With permanency scroll found there, empty pockets to forge Hades
Leave behind many "usually done at this point of the game" tasks: theater, ranger quest (did not even report to mayor party killed shade lord), Umar, paladin stronghold, solamnic knights, mage stronghold, merella, gong quest, amber golem with dawn ring,...

Nice to have a wish scroll in pocket (for chapter 5)!
@ Nicoper. Very clever How long did it take you to figure out that shapeshift for alhoon?!?

There must be some XP trigger that you and Krell were under/over when you did it. Either way I think saving that fight for Ch 6 is quite reasonable. smile.gif
Is there any way to get Adalon's silver eggs and the 78k pp quest experience at the end of the underdark?

~470k party experience is too much to pass up to be able to get the improved leather armor.
A question to not mess up getting the robe of apprenti:

My PC is a good aligned Necro (not imported from BG1) with 18/18 Int/Wis, so my chance of getting the robe should be 100% in IA6.1 for EE, right?
Do all apprentices have to be alive before asking the third student to forge the robe?

1st apprentice: Dagger/Wand of the Apprenti/Ring of the Princes -> Dagger
2nd apprentice: Scroll of Chain Lightning/ADHW/Meteor Swarm -> CL or ADHW ?
3rd apprentice: Robe of the Apprenti/Reaching Ring/Staff of Power -> Robe

Can i go for the Scroll of ADHW without decreasing the chances?

And another one:
Can the "Squirreled away" quest be triggered in ch3?
You can do most of the squirreled away quest in Ch 3. I believe you can also get ADHW from the apprenti without issues.
Yes, it's right for the first question. As for the second question, I think the probabilities are reworked regardless of the students' deaths. I'm doing a technical test run right now with Necromancer protagonist. I ordered dagger and ADHW spell as the first two choices, one of the apprenti has died, yet this did not affect the positive outcome for the robe.
QUOTE(bulian @ Jul 22 2015, 01:12 AM) *
@ Nicoper. Very clever How long did it take you to figure out that shapeshift for alhoon?!?

Sorry, missed it:

Thanks, in fact I figured it long ago (IA V4 or V5) when at the time golem was 100% immune to magic, 75% is still something good biggrin.gif and I couldn't figure winning this fight with GEG AND Alhoon around party at the same time, so apart from someone tanking spells and attacks from Alhoon, not decreasing fighting force for GEG (after one purge no more IH), choice was to make Necro resistant.

QUOTE(bulian @ Jul 22 2015, 01:12 AM) *
There must be some XP trigger that you and Krell were under/over when you did it. Either way I think saving that fight for Ch 6 is quite reasonable. smile.gif

I am no expert in scripts, since I was below spellhold cap, think it was the easiest version, true it should be tested if going there with less xp, in this case (if with lower xp you just get an elemetal and no warlords) this fight is really Worth it (and manageable) if only because: hammer +3, scroll of permanency, scroll of Wish, 50% vecna with Necro protag, other loot....
I am no expert in scripts, since I was below spellhold cap, think it was the easiest version, true it should be tested if going there with less xp, in this case (if with lower xp you just get an elemetal and no warlords) this fight is really Worth it (and manageable) if only because: hammer +3, scroll of permanency, scroll of Wish, 50% vecna with Necro protag, other loot....

I just checked the script (mindal01.bcs) and it looks like its always a GEG. The AR0711 script doesn't have anything in it related to that fight from what I can tell.

CreateCreatureObject("S!elegoa",Myself,0,0,0) // Greater Elemental Golem

So Krell must have mis-remembered or maybe it got changed from v5 to v6 or something.
In "Minor Disruption" spell description, it says that Liches will receive some damage, but as far as i know Liches are immune up to lvl 5 spells and "Minor Disruption" didn't work on Nevaziah (Nether scroll lich).
This is a good point. I'll investigate.
QUOTE(bulian @ Jul 24 2015, 11:08 PM) *
I am no expert in scripts, since I was below spellhold cap, think it was the easiest version, true it should be tested if going there with less xp, in this case (if with lower xp you just get an elemetal and no warlords) this fight is really Worth it (and manageable) if only because: hammer +3, scroll of permanency, scroll of Wish, 50% vecna with Necro protag, other loot....

I just checked the script (mindal01.bcs) and it looks like its always a GEG. The AR0711 script doesn't have anything in it related to that fight from what I can tell.

CreateCreatureObject("S!elegoa",Myself,0,0,0) // Greater Elemental Golem

So Krell must have mis-remembered or maybe it got changed from v5 to v6 or something.

It's possible that I remember the v5 battle. In v6 as far as I remember, I've always gone there at high levels and always fought a GEG.
Is there a link between Khollynnus Paac in the "Helping the Knights of Solamnia" quest and Khollynnus Paac in the Zallanora encounter?
Or can i get the 9k gold somehow back?
No, you can't.
QUOTE(Azoth @ Jul 29 2015, 03:01 PM) *
Is there a link between Khollynnus Paac in the "Helping the Knights of Solamnia" quest and Khollynnus Paac in the Zallanora encounter?
Or can i get the 9k gold somehow back?

Gold is lost. Still, if you're fast enough you can get quite a lot of xp from that quest.

Pay Ribald. Go ASAP to the Sphere. Rest 3 times in the room with the knights. Immediately cast ProMagicEnergy and Improved Haste on a couple of fighters. Retreat with everyone else. Wait for the dialogue, get the Golden Girdle and xp. Kill Khollynnus Paac. She has a CC with triple ADHW, which she can sometimes unleash before dying. Knights will not be transported.
Go to MNORH. Report about the paladins. You will get another 45k xp. Return to the paladins and tell them the good news. They will attempt to leave. Kill them all. Don't worry, when you re-visit MNORH and ask how're they doing, they will be alive and well. No harm done smile.gif
It's possible that I remember the v5 battle. In v6 as far as I remember, I've always gone there at high levels and always fought a GEG.
No worries!

Is there a link between Khollynnus Paac in the "Helping the Knights of Solamnia" quest and Khollynnus Paac in the Zallanora encounter?
Or can i get the 9k gold somehow back?

Its possible to get a golden girdle (GG) without rescuing the knights if you don't want to pay the 9k gold. This is available late SoA/ToB. From my experience, it seems as if you have the GG in your inventory from saving the knights this item doesn't spawn, but if you have the crafted Girdle of Lordly Might or whatever its called, you will get it.
QUOTE(Krell @ Jul 29 2015, 05:05 PM) *
Pay Ribald. Go ASAP to the Sphere. Rest 3 times in the room with the knights. Immediately cast ProMagicEnergy and Improved Haste on a couple of fighters. Retreat with everyone else. Wait for the dialogue, get the Golden Girdle and xp. Kill Khollynnus Paac. She has a CC with triple ADHW, which she can sometimes unleash before dying. Knights will not be transported.
Go to MNORH. Report about the paladins. You will get another 45k xp. Return to the paladins and tell them the good news. They will attempt to leave. Kill them all. Don't worry, when you re-visit MNORH and ask how're they doing, they will be alive and well. No harm done smile.gif

Thanks Krell. I also killed Khollynnus, just for being so greedy. But i let the knights alive...

QUOTE(bulian @ Jul 30 2015, 12:32 AM) *
Its possible to get a golden girdle (GG) without rescuing the knights if you don't want to pay the 9k gold. This is available late SoA/ToB. From my experience, it seems as if you have the GG in your inventory from saving the knights this item doesn't spawn, but if you have the crafted Girdle of Lordly Might or whatever its called, you will get it.

Thanks Bulian. So i will forge Girdle of Lordly Might asap...

Regarding weapon type of monsters, i stumbled upon a list in beamdog forum:
Dragons: slashing
Wolfweres: slashing
Shadows: slashing
Bears: slashing

Trolls: piercing
Mind Flayers: piercing
Kuo-toa: piercing
Wolves: piercing
Spiders: piercing
Sahuagin: piercing

Demons: blunt
Golems: blunt
Umber Hulks: blunt
Mummies: blunt
Vampires: blunt
Elementals: blunt
Monks: blunt

Drow: slashing (male) or crushing (female)

Is this still valid in IA6.1?
Generally, it should be, but I can't give you 100% answer without doing an extensive study. There might be exceptions, who knows.
Ok, this info is sufficient for me. I was not looking for a detailed list of every encounter, but more for a general guideline.
So a Vampire (Normal, Eminent, Master,...) and a golem (Clay, Adamantite, Coin, Gem, Elemental,...) are usually doing blunt damage and Spiders (Sword, Mutated, Killer, Spirit, Whisper, Ghost,...) are usually doing piercing damage.
I think so. Not sure about vanilla, but in EE the message box actually says which kind of damage is being dealt. Quite useful for refining tactics.
Hmm...not in my BG2EE game?!? Do i need to set this feedback somehow up?

Does it look like this in your game?

Huh? It says "takes 6 piercing damage", "takes 20 slashing damage" right there.
Could you please attach your baldur.ini?

Btw, there is a 'Program Options', 'Disable Cosmetic Attacks', '0', in the ini. Have you ever tried that one?
Do u remember that one?
QUOTE(Azoth @ Jul 14 2015, 11:48 AM) *
A feature request:
Would it be possible to make the graphical attacks corresponding to statistical attacks? So that 1 APR is also visually 1 APR and 7 APR are 7....
I somehow agree with the original design descision of BG to fix the visual APR to a certain value to make the game look more dynamic. But for a game with IA installed in which combat/tactical challenge plays a big role, it would be nice to have the visual feedback.
I dont know about engine limitations, but when its not possible or too much effort just forget about it.
It looks like somthing similar was achieved in TOBEx:

I think its already implemented.
Disable Cosmetic Attacks is a useful feature, it removes animations that do not correspond to actual to-hit rolls, I recommend it. You will see as many visual attacks as the character sheet says. Somebody had a feature request for it, BTW, I'll make a note of it in the progress report thread.

As for the types of weapons, I see to have misinformed you about availability of it in BG2EE. Can't see it in my game either. Perhaps it's not available yet indeed.
Hideous the Wu Jen
I'm running with a Swashbuckler this time around and I haven't found the Armor of Stamina. I've cleared just about everything except Orcus, the bottom 2 levels of WK, Suldenessular and extended Mage stronghold. Just wondering if it's still to come or I missed it somewhere. I have the Red Star Garnet.
I've recently finished my run with swash in party and AoS was in its usual place that is
Lady Vanya's corpse, or whatever her name is, that woman running brothel in brynnlaw
Lady Galvena

Hideous, what's your current party? Is it EE or ToB?
Hideous the Wu Jen
It's TOB. I didn't find it on her but my Swash stayed in the room to her left and they never saw each other. Any chance there's an item code for it and I could CLUA it in?
You need to have party of at least 5 members and single class swash amongst them.

Item is called

But you probably won't be able to get enhanced armor of stamina, however you might try.
Hideous the Wu Jen
QUOTE(SparrowJacek @ Aug 14 2015, 03:38 AM) *
You need to have party of at least 5 members and single class swash amongst them.

Item is called

But you probably won't be able to get enhanced armor of stamina, however you might try.

Yeah I had a party of six with a Swash in there. Maybe I missed it but I thought I grabbed her stuff. Thanks.

edit - I was able to forge enhanced version. Good armor and I'm really liking Swashbucklers now!
I don't see any problem forging an enhanced version.

Do you have a save from brynnlaw? If there's a bug we may investigate.
When AoS appears,one variable changes it's value, that's why I wasn't sure whether he'd be able to forge it(just like one can't forge memory of apprenti when cluaing the robe if forging the original robe fails).
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