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Can you send me your save game to check? I'll pm the email address.

i sent un the files
I have noticed some spells which have damages with save-for-half setting (if intended), are not working as expected, when I was working on the Demogorgon encounter.
To be specific, the spells I have checked are: Death Throes (SPINI93) and Demonic Blast (SPINI95). These spells deal 75% damage if passed the savingthrow, not 50%, Since they has two damage effect and the one with save has the save-for-half flag.

Please ignore this post if these spells are designed to have 75% damage not 50%.

Explaination of that flag:
In original BG2, spells with save-for-half function often spilt the damage effect to two effects, both have half of designed mount of damage, and one with save, another without.
The flaw is sometimes the damage cannnot be exactly the half, e.g. a Fireball cast by a level7 mage which should deal 7d6 damage.
In EE games this flaw is fixed from engine level. The damage opcode now has some flags, one of them (BIT8) is called save-for-half. The spells have no need to and should not to use the splited damage effects.
QUOTE(rbeverjr @ Mar 11 2019, 09:53 AM) *
If the club is only +5 vs undead, giant humanoid, or monster AND you must be druid or ranger, then I'm only mildly interested anyway. One of the weaknesses of IA to me is that the club frequently departs from DnD rules. DnD has monster categories. To restrict "unnatural" to those 3 categories seems ridiculous to me. Out of all the many categories, why those three?

My notes say that I needed +4 to hit the mithril golem. I use these forums for info, so I want to have things correct. Can someone confirm what weapon is needed vs the mithril golem before I depart to visit him?

First of all, a creature has different "values" of cate: Allegiance, Alignment, General, Race, Gender, Class, Kit. They are all integers set by devs from different .IDS files of the engine, and each of them does not affect others no matter how odd it looks like. I don't mean they all make sence or they are following the PnP rules, but it IS what the engine implented.

See general.ids here, it may be an answer to you.

I will like the fixed TFA, a +5 single weapon for my Cleric/Ranger in early stage of game will be cool since acquiring the Staf of Ryn needs some luck.
Sorry to bother, but I need some help to solve this unexpected problem. Hope someone experienced guides me biggrin.gif

After chromatic demon was kicked back to its home, the two components of the Truth+5 were all in my pocket. However, the weird thing arose when i got the forged sword from Cromwell that my member riskbreaker couldn't wield it. My riskbreaker, lawful good guy, absolutely goes with the description of the Truth+5.

my game is the latest version bg2 ee and improved anvil6.4, with the recommanded components of ease of use v33.
It's a bug that was fixed in a local development branch. Here's the patched file, put it into resources/items/new inside the IA folder, replacing the old one, and re-install the mod.
QUOTE(critto @ Mar 20 2019, 10:43 PM) *
It's a bug that was fixed in a local development branch. Here's the patched file, put it into resources/items/new inside the IA folder, replacing the old one, and re-install the mod.

problem is solved! many many thanks rolleyes.gif
My tp2 codes for a global check (and patch) to all items with the MASK_XXX issue.

    0x01    =>    0b00001010    //MASK_GOOD
    0x02    =>    0b00000110    //MASK_GENEUTRAL
    0x03    =>    0b00001100    //MASK_EVIL
    0x10    =>    0b00100001    //MASK_LAWFUL
    0x20    =>    0b00010001    //MASK_LCNEUTRAL
    0x30    =>    0b00110000    //MASK_CHAOTIC
    /* only for specific alignment
    0x11    =>    0b00101011    //LAWFUL_GOOD
    0x12    =>    0b00100111    //LAWFUL_NEUTRAL
    0x13    =>    0b00101101    //LAWFUL_EVIL
    0x21    =>    0b00011011    //NEUTRAL_GOOD
    0x22    =>    0b00010111    //NEUTRAL
    0x23    =>    0b00011101    //NEUTRAL_EVIL
    0x31    =>    0b00111010    //CHAOTIC_GOOD
    0x32    =>    0b00110110    //CHAOTIC_NEUTRAL
    0x33    =>    0b00111100    //CHAOTIC_EVIL

// set to 1 for do patching otherwise only print the name of the item.
OUTER_SET patch=0

COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~.*\.itm~ override
    PHP_EACH effect AS int => offset BEGIN
        READ_SHORT offset opcode
        READ_LONG offset+8 param2
        PATCH_IF opcode=319 && param2=8 BEGIN
            READ_LONG offset+4 param1
            PHP_EACH alignment AS int => flag BEGIN
                PATCH_IF param1=int BEGIN
                    PATCH_IF patch=1 BEGIN
                        WRITE_BYTE 0x1e (THIS BOR ~%flag%~)
                    END ELSE PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_RES%~

    // set power to 0 to only "deactivate" this effect for further use.
    PATCH_IF patch=1 BEGIN
        PHP_EACH alignment AS int => flag BEGIN
            LPF ALTER_EFFECT INT_VAR silent=1 check_headers=0 match_opcode=319 match_parameter1=int match_parameter2=8 power=0 END
Thanks c4_angel, I'll give it a go.
Is it ok to use trick "outside of combat perma aura cleansed"? It help for prebuffing to get few more rounds for spell durations. Enemy casters have most of their buffs active all in same moment (it is legit I have read), so this method doing similar thing but only casting time delay between different buffs.

It work on all spellcasting, potion drinking and abilities. I use it only for spellcasting when optimizing buffs durations. Potions have usually much longer durations anyway, so no need to use it there (enemies also dont drink multiple potions per one round).

I dont think it is fixable, because engine related mechanic. How it work: SPOILER!
after action, qsave, qload and it will reset round
So I just started a new run with BG2EEv2.5 + IAv6.4. The party I'm thinking about is

Necro protagonist

1) Is it a good party? I'm a bit concerned about Jaheira being the only divine caster. But since EE Greater Restoration was made single target again, which was really the greatest reason for having a cleric previously.

2) Also, how doable is IA now that GR has been made single target again?

3) I'm noticing Jaheira is not getting the extra 1/2 attack from specialization, is this correct?

4) Is the fact that I have no plate mail users a concern?

5) How can I hack Neera's robe to fit Imoen? I dislike Neera as a character and always take Imoen for RP reasons, so doing this doesn't feel like cheating. Imoen really needs her own item in IA anyway.
5) How can I hack Neera's robe to fit Imoen? I dislike Neera as a character and always take Imoen for RP reasons, so doing this doesn't feel like cheating. Imoen really needs her own item in IA anyway.
Remove the "restrict item (319)" opcode from the item file using Near Infinity or another in-game resource editor.

3) I'm noticing Jaheira is not getting the extra 1/2 attack from specialization, is this correct?

Only fighters get those IIRC

3) true, only fighters rangers and paladins get that bonus, avengers, swashbucklers and other non-fighter classes and kits don't benefit from that.
Cool, thanks for the info!
Your party looks quite strong - once you get RVE-regen (late Ch5 via Neera/Imoen or even later with PC), you should be OK for almost all of the fights except perhaps for demogorgon.

Greater Restoration still affects the whole party in IA.

Not having plate mail isn't a big deal - eventually only Jaheira will be using a non-crafted armor, but there are at least 2 good leather armors available in TOB. The only plate armors you'll end up missing are the dragon scale armors - notably blue dragon plate and great wyrm armor.

Is there a recommended way of approaching spell immunity : divination and invisibility combo if the mage uses absolute immunity? The best way i how found is waiting out AI, and meleeing. Just curious as other forums suggest rrr x 3 chain contingencies but wasn't sure whats intended for anvil (ie no cheese) .
QUOTE(david77 @ Apr 10 2019, 07:51 AM) *
Is there a recommended way of approaching spell immunity : divination and invisibility combo if the mage uses absolute immunity? The best way i how found is waiting out AI, and meleeing. Just curious as other forums suggest rrr x 3 chain contingencies but wasn't sure whats intended for anvil (ie no cheese) .

You should not be able to target invisible enemies. If u do so by using tricks, well then Improved Anvil has modified that those have no effect (anti abuse).

Few ways:
1.Dispel Magic/Remove Magic used by high enought lvl caster.
2.Wait until expired
3.Kill the mage before he cast AI/PFMW/M/IM (this work most fights because these are not included in prebuffs usually). So after initial buffs, there is usually 1+ round time to kill it, depend on your actions. Some mages priority to cast these from scrolls right on the 2nd round others only if they getting attacked.
4.Use non direct spells which enemy is vunerable. Emotion is one good example of this.

Mostly is matter of inspecting and calculating rounds and checking how mages respond for various situations.
One effective way to deal with the mages under SI:Div/II is to wait for their defenses (AI/mantle) to expire and for them to start casting a spell and then rush them with melee attackers. They will not be able to refresh their defenses until the next round, so you have one round to kill them. This works on all mages up to and including Zallanora.

Somewhat cheesy, but you can also weave in and out of melee range should you be not be able to completely breakthrough the defenses in a single round - as long as no character is in melee range, the mage will not refresh AI/mantle/stoneskin. The pirate coordinator in Ch 2/3 is a good fight to practice this technique on.

Of course, if they are using PFMW, then non-magical melee weapons will be quite effective.
What are the requirements for WK lvl3 Supreme Golem to let me fight Green Wyrm? Right now I am lvl16 and CH2, so its too early to proceed he said.
Chapter 6 iirc
If reached WK Level 1 at around average level 12 (having done some IA quests and literally 90% of unimproved quests i can).

Is level 12 creating the insane number of golems to get the candle 'lighter'?

Also - any tips of beating this fanatic spirit that appears when I grab the bell?

Should i come back after spellhold?

These golems are there to test if going to lower levels is really an option.

As for fanatic spirit - try different damage types, iirc piercing weapons worked really good
Thank you - ended up leaving WK for now.

Separately: Did anyone manage to get custom NPC's to either 'wait' or go to the copper cor'? Whats the general idea on getting them to wait so I can use another NPC for a bit?
(When i use the (i think its) 'cdtweakpack: make NPCS wait at inns' I can send my custom NPCS to the inn but they keep trying to talk to me repeatedly when i go there)
QUOTE(david77 @ Apr 23 2019, 07:14 AM) *
Thank you - ended up leaving WK for now.

Separately: Did anyone manage to get custom NPC's to either 'wait' or go to the copper cor'? Whats the general idea on getting them to wait so I can use another NPC for a bit?
(When i use the (i think its) 'cdtweakpack: make NPCS wait at inns' I can send my custom NPCS to the inn but they keep trying to talk to me repeatedly when i go there)

For me I do a little trick:
Kick custom NPC, let him/her talk you once, then run away with hastened party. The one you kick should not be hastened.
I always used wait here instead of go to inn. The place should be any place where you go only when you want that custom NPC back.

QUOTE(Dequ @ Apr 23 2019, 05:38 AM) *
QUOTE(david77 @ Apr 23 2019, 07:14 AM) *
Thank you - ended up leaving WK for now.

Separately: Did anyone manage to get custom NPC's to either 'wait' or go to the copper cor'? Whats the general idea on getting them to wait so I can use another NPC for a bit?
(When i use the (i think its) 'cdtweakpack: make NPCS wait at inns' I can send my custom NPCS to the inn but they keep trying to talk to me repeatedly when i go there)

For me I do a little trick:
Kick custom NPC, let him/her talk you once, then run away with hastened party. The one you kick should not be hastened.
I always used wait here instead of go to inn. The place should be any place where you go only when you want that custom NPC back.

Thanks, I ended up using this 'trick', and kept the NPC in an empty house in the Slums.

Any tips on killing the Mithril Golem in Spellhold? I've read everything online but even drinking 5+ potions of resergence (sp) my 'tanks' get killed in seconds. Any magical stoneskins get dispelled, as do free action.

The main thing is my fighters are doing 1-2 damage and it looks like the golem regenerates. Nothing I have can stand its ground for longer than 1 or 2 hits from it.

Summons I heard where useful, but even the hoard of rabbits is impossbe (I find) to be of use.

The only video of youtube shows 'saros' having 4 elite trolls and seems to take very little damage - I noticed his levels in a fight just before it were similar to mine (14/15) - but isnt elite trolls a level 8 spell? and he has 4 of them. I dont have any level 8 slots (3 level 7 from my necro protag (2) and b>M (1).

Party is the usual Rb'er x 2, Necro, B>M, R>C, Jaheira (or whoever).

Heard someone said clan hunters were good tanks but it goes down in like 4-5 hits. Is that a good tank for this fight?

Any pointers appreciated biggrin.gif


Edit: On further looking i see you can get 4x trolls with a sorc and a touch more xp - but still how to to it without? Thanks!

Edit: Also, in this video it looks like the players summons only get hit for about 4hp per hit (accept the odd 30+ hit, or criticals which are like 40-70) and the mithril golem only damages successfully about 10 times in the whole fight.

When I tried with swanmays they get hit for about 30-40 on core difficulty. I see this player is about level 15-16 (1/2 above me) but how is he able to take such few hits/low damage?
I tried eekeepering my necro 4xelite trolls to see what happens, and although I only gave them spirit armour (which will be debuffed) the 4 got killed in about 2-3 seconds (!).

-I got it, I have to play ring around the roses (each time a character gets low on health has to run away, maybe around the group) until MG goes for another, continuously using health potions, and continuously summoning with the necro. Got it to badly injured before got a chunked so, next time. thank you.-
-I think how he got hit so few times is: When the golem gets hit it maybe interupts his attack. So full offence maybe-
-Still dont know how the swanmays got hit for like 4 hp though ?thanks.-
(additionally where is the screaming statue quest? Thank you)
QUOTE(david77 @ Apr 24 2019, 04:10 PM) *
(additionally where is the screaming statue quest? Thank you)

It is area where you can get after Unseening eye Quest. Here on the wall you need to press around that red area (trap) there is question mark "?" mouse cursor. To trigger this encounter you need to have enought low xp like 2 250 000 or something like that.
When I tried with swanmays they get hit for about 30-40 on core difficulty. I see this player is about level 15-16 (1/2 above me) but how is he able to take such few hits/low damage?
I tried eekeepering my necro 4xelite trolls to see what happens, and although I only gave them spirit armour (which will be debuffed) the 4 got killed in about 2-3 seconds (!).

The streamer uses death ward on the summons. Mithril Golem tends to attack these only one attack because he (assumes) that he will one shot them, because he has a power to one shot them, but that power is blocked by death ward. So the death ward gets dispelled but the troll survives. Combined with some micro-management it can make a big difference. You can cast death ward on your own summons instead if you want. Good luck smile.gif
QUOTE(HTRT @ Apr 25 2019, 02:31 PM) *
When I tried with swanmays they get hit for about 30-40 on core difficulty. I see this player is about level 15-16 (1/2 above me) but how is he able to take such few hits/low damage?
I tried eekeepering my necro 4xelite trolls to see what happens, and although I only gave them spirit armour (which will be debuffed) the 4 got killed in about 2-3 seconds (!).

The streamer uses death ward on the summons. Mithril Golem tends to attack these only one attack because he (assumes) that he will one shot them, because he has a power to one shot them, but that power is blocked by death ward. So the death ward gets dispelled but the troll survives. Combined with some micro-management it can make a big difference. You can cast death ward on your own summons instead if you want. Good luck smile.gif

Wow 😀.
Thank you, i learnt something. Thank you.
Is cromwell closed after underdark? I mean, his door is not working so he must be! smile.gif
QUOTE(david77 @ Apr 29 2019, 08:24 AM) *
Is cromwell closed after underdark? I mean, his door is not working so he must be! smile.gif

Did you beat Kruin? You need to beat him so cromwell can open up doors again.
Yes, you have to defeat Kruin first.
I think you should defeat Kruin first
Thanks that helped smile.gif

1 question for any: At the shadow temple where spawns Umar: the pedestal next to her where you take the sun gem, when clicked on afterwards says:

"there is still another object planted in the pedestal, you need a special device to pull it out"

I cant recall if this is just what it says or new.

2 Also : (With the recommended 'All Strongholds' mod from ease-of-use) Is Charname ever able to challenge the druid grove leader (the second time) after defeating faldorn? Am level 18+.

Thank you.
A paladin from the order of the radiant heart approached me saying 'Lady Vanya' was wanting to talk at the order HQ but on visiting I can't find her in or around the building.

Where might she be smile.gif?

I am a level 20 ish lawful good necromancer with the recommended strongholds for all mod.

Have you checked absolutely all of it. In EE, the building is kind of turned around and she appears in another part of it.
Thank you, got her. (stables south of the main room).

TO anyone: Tips (or link) on fighting golems?

Specifically at watchers keep level 4, 3 x elemental golems + 2 x greater bone golems.


Necro: ray of fragmentation x 3 trigger, x3 sequencer etc, improved alacrity, vampire touches (~7/8), lochlach's minor drains, more ray of fragmentations, energy blades.

Avenger: Golem slayer, casting time ironskins with zero speed, and whirlwinds: drawing attacks.

2x Riskbreakers: Sort of avoiding hits, everytime one gets targetted gets sent around the group to loose the attacker. Attack at the 45 degree angles to avoid targetting.

R>C similar to avenger but without zero casting iron skins a little more careful and running away so time to cast ironskins.

B>M just attacks.

I either focus on the greater bone golems first as they dispel certain defences (and so I dont have to take any more than 1 'scream' attack that stuns, dont know how to defend that other than saves, or elementals before they gate more golems.
maybe free action

Around level 20, 24 cleric, 23/22 fighters.

(My only attacks are: the above spells, maybe energy blades, and the weapons (phosphorus, flail of ages, +3 maces, unnatural club, the truth, crom fayer, golem slayer))

Thank you. smile.gif

To anyone: Is this how IA is played bravely?


So how I did:
Necro: Protection magic weapons, limited wish:hoard, wish, 1 improved alacrity, vampire touch/minor drain/ray of fragmentation
B>M: limited wish (hoard), stoneskins (drawing attacks)
Avenger: Iron skins, whirlwind, golemslayer (drawing attacks)
R>C: Iron skins (drawing)
Clanhunter: Iron skins (drawing)
Riskbreakers x2: critical strikes

+ free action + remove fear

Focus greater bone golems first except for B>M: limited wish (hoard), Necro on 1st elemental: improved alacrity: VT, LMD then rays/PMW, then wish for rest/haste/hardiness. Backup limited wisher: hoard/PMW.

Everytime R>C, clan hunter, or B>M need to use stoneskin/ironskin run 2/3 paces to give time for casting.

To any:No idea if this is how the mod is meant to be played, drawing attacks/retreating to cast iron skins/running away with riskbreakers until another targetted? Its all just careful planning and micro.

@david77 - sounds like you were able to make it past the 3 elemental golem encounter - congrats! That fight is a fun one and a good one to practice positioning on. An extra challenge is to try to get all 18 golems to spawn (6 coin or gem golem per elemental golem) which is worth around 400k XP. A few tips that could prove useful to you:
  • You didn't mention the greater djinni who is an excellent tank. He will not refresh his stoneskin; you have to manually cast that spell but it is instant cast.
  • Buffing your tanking characters and summons with protection from fire, cold, lightning, acid and regeneration (RVE regeneration or from your RC and avenger) can help quite a bit.
  • The clan hunter can be protected with the 7th level druid spell protection from elements (not sure about the mage version) and with the 4th level spell acid shield also has immunity to acid. Buffing with regen can also extend his life.
  • The greater djinni can also be protected with protection from energy (I think) or the above spells.
  • A planetar can be a powerful summon due to its many heal spells but is fairly fragile.
  • Salamanders, trolls, anacondas, skeletons, and yaun-ti can survive a few hits, so having your casters summon them while there is a break in the fighting is a good idea.

Regarding the text in the shadow temple, SPOILER!
you stumbled upon a location in the back half of the Squirrel Quest which ultimately leads to the Ruby of the Gods, a powerful crafting item. You need a magical pull to extract the item, which requires the old stone the squirrel gives you after saving Lord Balthis. The magical pull is in the Kua-Tuo area of the Underdark.
Hey guys in all my games lord Roennal wont show up. He doesnt even talk with me in the keep. the first encounter

What can i do ? im in chapter 6. can i clua console something ?
More info is needed on your game version, installed mods and their order, etc.
Well i dont use any other mods.

just improved anvil the latest version.

the latest bgee version from steam

So you started the stronghold in ch6? From which point?
@critto well i started it before spellhold up to the cleric.
then i went on with the story.
now im in chapter 6 did almost every quest except suldanessalar and watcher keep.

Thx for ur patience critto smile.gif

So the quest went okay and then it broke, did I get it right? I guess I'd need to take a look at the save game, this needs to be debugged.
okay i send the files to ur mail adress smile.gif
Thanks, I'll give it a look today or tomorrow.
Did you do the Nalia abduction plot line?
@critto no i didnt do any quest related to nalia.

After torgal i just get my xp reward and go on with the story
The save game you've sent me is not before any specific event in the fighter stronghold and so far I can't activate any, to be honest. What's the next even that happens?
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