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QUOTE(Raven @ Apr 2 2009, 05:10 PM) *
QUOTE(Kerkes @ Apr 2 2009, 01:01 PM) *
A question about mod compatibility:

I have about 50 other mods on my drive. Most of them are variuos NPCs (Sola mod, Tashia etc.) small stuff like Asassinations, Tactics mod, Rogue Rebalacing (exellent, exellent mod) etc. Yet, I wonder wether is any of them playable with Anvil. For example, take Asassinations. It only adds an item (necklace) which behaves just like Harmony shield (along with some extra quests, but no notable items). Yet, since spellcasters in Anvil don't know about it, they'll waste Chaos and the like on character equiped with it.

Yes, this is correct.

If the problem was always limited to those items, I'd say install the mods but leave the items on the ground or sell them; but unfortunately, some of those mods do other things (such as using Detectable Spells/Stats or tampering with certain vanilla scripts) in addition to adding items, which make them totally incompatible with IA regardless of the items they add to the game.
QUOTE(Kerkes @ Apr 4 2009, 02:43 PM) *
Will try Deception. As I remember, there's a 2-handed sword there...I forgot what it does

iirc, you can cast two spells at once or something when wielding this sword.
. This is a "leave it on the ground item" for me.

QUOTE(Kerkes @ Apr 4 2009, 02:43 PM) *
Keto is a no-no. I don't like him (I don't mind playing evil, however sacrificing children is a bit over the line), but I'll try to find something else.

Huh? Keto, the immortal bard? What do you mean, Kerkes? Keto is her not him and she's good aligned or at least neutral. laugh.gif


...NPC mods? /sigh/ Honestly, mediocre at best, I not like.

Also, you've mentioned Rogue Rebalancing (a mod of pure exellence!). RR is technicaly totally compatible with IA but only up to version 3.8. However the real problem is that RR is totally incompatible conceptualy, imo. It should not be installed with IA in my opinion.

So, for now there are only three mods/components compatible with IA:
- The Four
- Tower of Deception
- Imp. Demogorgon (only, all the rest of Ascension is incompatible)

QUOTE(mirkomi @ Apr 5 2009, 01:00 AM) *
QUOTE(Raven @ Mar 31 2009, 12:03 PM) *
QUOTE(mirkomi @ Mar 30 2009, 11:01 PM) *
Btw, do I have to finish MotSL, to start G,B&U quest? I will probably find out soon, but I'm a little impatient.

Yes I believe so. If you do happen to have problems with MotSL starting properly it might be worth checking past threads because it's been mentioned/discussed in the past.

Thanks Raven, I managed to finish MotSL. Now I have a problem with GBU. I've given to diviner an item (BTW, I chose green wyrm plate, what do you think?), I've met Auriel outside, went in sewers, and nothing. I can't find anything in sewers. I've been to the sewers in slums also, nothing there. Went back to Umar Hills, also nothing. What am I missing.

I've found that in the past, someone had a similar problem, but you've answered him on a PM.

I wouldn't mind a PM myself. Cheers

Hi all,

Can someone help me with my problem in Good Bad&Ugly quest? See above.

QUOTE(Kerkes @ Apr 4 2009, 01:43 PM) *
Keto is a no-no. I don't like him (I don't mind playing evil, however sacrificing children is a bit over the line), but I'll try to find something else. Tnx anyway.

I think you're confusing Kido and Keto...
Hi quick question,
Does the Shield of Harmony only work against the hold person spell and not the hold monster spell?
I ask because my protoganist was fighting against the greater yuan-ti and he cast hold monster on me.

Thanks for any help.

QUOTE(mirkomi @ Apr 5 2009, 03:30 AM) *
I've met Auriel outside, went in sewers, and nothing. I can't find anything in sewers.

Search everywhere in the sewers as well as the related areas and sub-areas. What you have heard is that he went into the sewers and never came back; it doesn't mean that he is still in the sewers' main/first area. Search everywhere thoroughly (and don't tell me that you have already searched everywhere accurately, because you haven't. smile.gif )

QUOTE(Dynex2 @ Apr 12 2009, 05:36 AM) *
Does the Shield of Harmony only work against the hold person spell and not the hold monster spell?

Yes, it's written in the 'Fixes and Tweaks' document.
QUOTE(Sikret @ Apr 12 2009, 10:04 AM) *
QUOTE(mirkomi @ Apr 5 2009, 03:30 AM) *
I've met Auriel outside, went in sewers, and nothing. I can't find anything in sewers.

Search everywhere in the sewers as well as the related areas and sub-areas. What you have heard is that he went into the sewers and never came back; it doesn't mean that he is still in the sewers' main/first area. Search everywhere thoroughly (and don't tell me that you have already searched everywhere accurately, because you haven't. smile.gif )

Ah, sry, I got it now.

OFC, now I'm stuck on the next move, but won't be requesting new spoilers any time soon. Will try to find out what now on my own.

BTW, any chance to update the journal with new quests? Would make new quest a bit more easier to handle. At the moment I can't remember what Chief Inspector told me when we met, not to mention The Diviner or Swanmay.

BR, Mirko
QUOTE(mirkomi @ Apr 15 2009, 01:23 AM) *
BTW, any chance to update the journal with new quests? Would make new quest a bit more easier to handle. At the moment I can't remember what Chief Inspector told me when we met, not to mention The Diviner or Swanmay.

Anytime during the game (for example, after any given dialogue), you can open your journal and manually write anything you want in it for future reference. I'm not a big fan of automated journal entries. The player should handle his journal manually (which means he should read the dialogues very carefully and add notes of important points into his journal).
Many if not most of the enemy spell-casters seems to be able to cast Chain Contingency spells with over 20+ buffs each.
Is this a bug or is it intended to be like this?

According to the description of the mod all cheezy things was removed from the game more or less.
Spells that doesn't exist in the game engine seems kinda cheezy to me happy.gif)*

Just wondering...


Elite Bounty Huntress- Stoneskin : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Protection From Magic Energy : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Fireshield (Red) : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Protection From Lightning : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Protection From Fire : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Ghost Armor : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Armor Of Faith : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Physical Mirror : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Blade Barrier : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Death Ward : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Spell Turning : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Minor Globe Of Invulnerability : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Immunity: Abjuration : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Protection From Magic Energy : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Protected From Fire : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Armor : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Aid : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Protected by Spell Turning : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Shielded : Elite Bounty Huntress

After about 2 seconds another contingency chain is cast:

Elite Bounty Huntress- Uses Scroll
Elite Bounty Huntress- Casts Greater Command : Minsc
Elite Bounty Huntress- Protection From Magical Weapons : Elite Bounty Huntress
Elite Bounty Huntress- Protected From Magical Weapons : Elite Bounty Huntress

That is about 20 spells instantly cast.
Explain to me how this would be possible for a player character unless you are cheating?

Take care!
Great mod by the way!
Perhaps a bit to difficult for me... sad.gif

Those spells are not coming from a chain contingency; they the spellcaster' prebuffing spells. Enemies can legitimately prebuff. You can prepare your party for battles as well.

Besides, The Elite Bounty huntress has 14 (not 20) spells in her prebuffng session. Greater Command has no scroll and she doesn't cast it from a scroll.
QUOTE(Sikret @ Apr 16 2009, 09:31 AM) *
Those spells are not coming from a chain contingency; they the spellcaster' prebuffing spells. Enemies can legitimately prebuff. You can prepare your party for battles as well.

Besides, The Elite Bounty huntress has 14 (not 20) spells in her prebuffng session. Greater Command has no scroll and she doesn't cast it from a scroll.


I don't agree. You can never _instantly_ prebuff your character with so many spells in less than 1 round. That requires several Chain Contingency spells and that would still not sum up to the total of 14 spells.
Remember also that as soon as you cast your first buff the "timer of its duration" starts counting down from that round.
Meaning that if you want to instantly buff all your characters with 14 buffs each buff will take more or less than 1 round unless you have about 194 party members The Bounty Huntress instantly buffs herself with 14 fresh buffs in less than 1 round instantly without any help from other characters buffs at all.

Let's say that you cast haste first of all in the process of buffing your party before the battle starts.

X casts - Haste: Y

Now you will have to wait about 1 round before you can cast another buff from the same party member.
This means that the duration of the Haste spell in this example will most likely run out during the encounter you are preparing for if the fight lasts longer
than the duration of the Haste spell.

So the Bounty Huntress is a cheater!!

Or am I wrong?

Do you mean that it is supposed to look like the opponent knew about your attack and in such a case - would already had buffed him/herself with these spells?
Then I guess that the question regarding about what is and what is not legitimate for an NPC is a philosophy.

Perhaps I am complaining about something that is impossible to perfect, but since I am a fan of Baldurs Gate and already love your mod it would be nice if it was possible to implement more options around the opponents playing style. That would probably perfect it even more.

Damn.. I wonder how Irenicus is going to be now... Im so dead right? ^^

Take care and thanks for the fast answer!
Keep up the good work!
The way you should look at the prebuffs is this:

The enemy doesn't really cast all those spells instantly. Just like yourself, he has cast them one by one. However, you see the list of his prebuffs only after meeting him in actual combat.

From a technical point of view, the way it's currently working is the best available way. As for the spells' duration, in most cases, the difference between the duration of a spell when cast instantly and its duration when cast a couple of rounds earlier is practically negligible in combat.
QUOTE(Sikret @ Apr 16 2009, 04:55 PM) *
The way you should look at the prebuffs is this:

The enemy doesn't really cast all those spells instantly. Just like yourself, he has cast them one by one. However, you see the list of his prebuffs only after meeting him in actual combat.

From a technical point of view, the way it's currently working is the best available way. As for the spells' duration, in most cases, the difference between the duration of a spell when cast instantly and its duration when cast a couple of rounds earlier is practically negligible in combat.

I see.

But as it is now many of the fights so far are just to hard for me.

I am still looking forward to a possible installation where you could choose not to install the nearly impossible battles though.
I really enjoy all of the other wonderful mechanic tweaks and fixes that you have done and especially the item randomization thingy.

It would be awesome if you could still enjoy those parts without having to be a Baldurs Gate pro gamer of game mechanics and battle strategies. happy.gif)*

Do you think that such an option could be implemented in a future version?
You certainly not need to be a "pro-gamer" to win a battle in IA, even the hardest one (sidenot: there's no such thing as "pro-gamer", imo).

Making the battles harder and more challenging is the main point of this mod, as written in the readme.

For me MORE CHALLENGE=MORE FUN. Try to "bite" IA from this point of view. ;D

QUOTE(Visaj @ Apr 16 2009, 09:02 PM) *
I am still looking forward to a possible installation where you could choose not to install the nearly impossible battles though.

It doesn't make sense at all. Mod will be broken this way. Take one brick from the wall and the all thing will fall apart. Besides, do you really want to have the same BOOOOOOOOORING game? For example Copper Coronet in IA is so much better than in vanilla, not only harder, but much much better...and the list goes on and on.

I understand your frustration with Elite Bounty Hountress. She's really hard to beat without access to a certain spell and it is not that easy obtaining this spell before Spellhold. Hehe, I thought she was hard until I try Pirates Hideout, I thought Borinall was hard until I try Guildmaster, Supreme Leader until Orcus, etc. etc. .........and all of previous IA battles was not that hard compared to EDE.
@ Raven

yes, I was confusing those 2 bards. Haven't tried lady before. Will do.

@ Visaj

I understand the "Elite Bounty Hunter" frustration completely. When I first saw this battle, I deleted the mod ASAP. Be patient when playing Anvil, give it some time and you'll love it.
QUOTE(Kerkes @ Apr 18 2009, 07:11 PM) *
@ Visaj

I understand the "Elite Bounty Hunter" frustration completely. When I first saw this battle, I deleted the mod ASAP. Be patient when playing Anvil, give it some time and you'll love it.

Oh do not take me wrong. I do love most parts of the mod.
Except the fact that most of these lesser villains now behaves like Netherilian Archwizards turning the mountains upside down more or less. (Metaphor)

Which is why I advocate for an option to be able to choose which content one would like to add through the installation.

*war cry*

NO. thumb.gif

*war cry*


NO. thumb.gif

LOL! The irony in the combination of the word "No" and the "Thumb" emotion is priceless.
QUOTE(Sikret @ Apr 25 2009, 12:20 PM) *

LOL! The irony in the combination of the word "No" and the "Thumb" emotion is priceless.



What can possibly cause a bug, when party is transfered from Planar Sphere back to Slums when the sphere is on the move and the exit should actually lead to the Demon Plane? And, more importantly, how can I fix it? I don't have any other mods installed except IA and The Four.
I think I saw a post about such problem here somewhere, but I couldn't find it.
QUOTE(critto @ May 1 2009, 02:17 PM) *
What can possibly cause a bug, when party is transfered from Planar Sphere back to Slums when the sphere is on the move and the exit should actually lead to the Demon Plane? And, more importantly, how can I fix it? I don't have any other mods installed except IA and The Four.
I think I saw a post about such problem here somewhere, but I couldn't find it.

This is a hidden bug of the vanilla game which shows up under certain conditions. I have fixed it in IA v6. For now, the solution is NOT to use auto-saves after entering the planar sphere. Use only your own saved games.
This is a hidden bug of the vanilla game which shows up under certain conditions. I have fixed it in IA v6. For now, the solution is NOT to use auto-saves after entering the planar sphere. Use only your own saved games.

Thanks. I guess, I'll replay the Sphere without auto-saves.
Also, don't try to leave the planar sphere prematurely before meeting Lavok.
Thanks for info on Planar Sphere, Sikret.
I have one more question. Is it possible to find Boots of Woodland if I don't have a Vagrant ranger as a protagonist in my party? If memory serves, they are the part of the loot from one of ranger-only quests added by IA, aren't they?
QUOTE(critto @ May 12 2009, 02:03 PM) *
I have one more question. Is it possible to find Boots of Woodland if I don't have a Vagrant ranger as a protagonist in my party? If memory serves, they are the part of the loot from one of ranger-only quests added by IA, aren't they?

Finding the Boots of the Woodland is not dependent on your protagonist's class. You don't even need a ranger in the party to find them.
Finding the Boots of the Woodland is not dependent on your protagonist's class. You don't even need a ranger in the party to find them.

Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.
Also, where can I buy Boots of Grounding? I didn't get them from Mithril Machine (had to keep tokens for FoDaW), but I 100% sure that these boots can be bought somewhere; though, I don't remember where exactly. Usually, one could've bought them in temple stores in Athkatla, but, apparently, such possibility is not available anymore in IA.
QUOTE(critto @ May 18 2009, 06:48 PM) *
Also, where can I buy Boots of Grounding? I didn't get them from Mithril Machine (had to keep tokens for FoDaW), but I 100% sure that these boots can be bought somewhere; though, I don't remember where exactly. Usually, one could've bought them in temple stores in Athkatla, but, apparently, such possibility is not available anymore in IA.

IIRC you could get them in Lathander's temple in Athkatla in the vanilla game. Try there.
IIRC you could get them in Lathander's temple in Athkatla in the vanilla game. Try there.

I did already. Nothing there.
QUOTE(critto @ May 19 2009, 09:23 AM) *
IIRC you could get them in Lathander's temple in Athkatla in the vanilla game. Try there.

I did already. Nothing there.

The boots are deliberately removed from the temple. One guaranteed way to have those boots is to forge them by the mithril machine; otherwise, keep playing the game and see if you will find it somewhere else or not (I won't write more spoilers than this smile.gif ).
The boots are deliberately removed from the temple. One guaranteed way to have those boots is to forge them by the mithril machine; otherwise, keep playing the game and see if you will find it somewhere else or not (I won't write more spoilers than this ).

Can't say that it's helpful, but certainly intriguing smile.gif
Meanwhile, I have one more question. Guildmaster's Dream +4 and it's improved version (which I have not forged yet) should grant protection from poison, right? It even says "Immunitiy: poison 100" in character's sheet. Nevertheless, my f/t got poisoned and died quite fast in battle with Rune Assassins (Lady Vanya's quest). In battle with Viper Queen I barely managed to keep him alive (he was drinking antidote potions a lot). Whereas another fighter, who was wearing a periapt of poison protection, hasn't been poisoned even once.
Why so?
They correctly grant immunity to poison. The only problem with them is that they do not properly block the "poisoned" icon on the character's portrait. In other words, your character had not been really poisoned despite the false icon you had seen on the portrait. Will fix. Thanks for the report, Critto!
They correctly grant immunity to poison. The only problem with them is that they do not properly block the "poisoned" icon on the character's portrait. In other words, your character had not been really poisoned despite the false icon you had seen on the portrait. Will fix. Thanks for the report, Critto!

Heh, no problem, glad to be of help! :) Thanks for the hint. Just checked it on practice during the final mage stronghold battle ("Does Marvella always says the truth?" quest).
I was wondering about IA compatibility with some modifications. To be more precise, is it compatible with 1PP graphical mods ( and G3 Widescreen mod?
I have a question about Memory of the Apprenti. My, hmm...pupils had failed to forge it and they're still failing and failing no matter how many times I reload. Need help or at least some info... Protagonist is a Sorcerer.
QUOTE(matti @ Aug 16 2009, 10:44 PM) *
I have a question about Memory of the Apprenti. My, hmm...pupils had failed to forge it and they're still failing and failing no matter how many times I reload. Need help or at least some info... Protagonist is a Sorcerer.

In Improved Anvil (unlike the vanilla game) reloading the game will not change the result of the apprenti's attempt in making the robe. If they fail the first time, they will fail over and over again even if you reload for 1 million times. Your pupils have failed to forge the robe, you can't fool the game/mod by reloading and trying again. This is another example of IA's realism. smile.gif

If I remember correctly, this piece of information about the apprenti was mentioned somewhere in the mod's documentation, eh?
Thank you for reply, Sikret.

Ok, no Robe for me in this runthrough - pfff...big deal, my pupils saved for me at least 75 000 gp. ;]

Just started playing bg2 again and decidet to try IA v5 , so i instal SoA ,ToB ,TOB Official patch, Baldurdash TOB fixpack-1.12, and IA v5 i start a game play a bit then i read that some mode are strongly recommended so i uninstal IA v5 instal the recomended ones , the question is will i have problems if i continue my party i only did some minor q nothing major ,should i start ane new game ?

Oh and i did a new topic before i saw the random q one so please dont approve that one , sry smile.gif
Hi, and welcome!

It depends on what you installed and which parts of the game you have already completed in your current game. All in all, starting a new game is the safest thing to do.
Oky , another question at what level should i go to spellhold to get the easy version and to be able to do the underdark battles(including the new IA ones ) ? 13 14 ?
Assuming that your protagonist is a single class ranger or mage, you should go there below level 15, and not too close to 15 (lest you reach the level while in the island and before entering the asylum).
I've noticed a certain feature of IA enemies...I may be wrong, however :
Conster battle - I had a ton of mages (5) under SI:divination, removed his protections asap with RR scrolls. He managed to cast True Seeing (with no effect of course).
The plan was to interrupt his Remove magic casting. However, I found that it's un-interruptible, it always goes off. I sometimes even manage to disrupt PW:kill (whose casting time is much shorter than Remove magic) but never Remove magic. Same applies to Torgal, Shaodow jailor, Tesshal, Pai na, who all cast a super fast uniterruptible dispel magic. Isn't this cheating on their behalf?
I don't have access to the mod's files at this moment to check his script, but note that if he casts the spell from a scroll, it won't be interruptable and it's normal. The other possibility is that you do not hit him with the right timing (even though you seem to have hit him while he is displaying the casting animation and sound). I will check it as soon as I get the chance.
I've tried this numerous times....with all these oponnents - it always goes off. Hitting Conster with 20+ magic missiles SHOULD interrupt his casting, regardless of his pfme, but he gets hit and simply continues to cast.
As I said, I wil check it as soon as I get access to the mod's files.

Enemy spellcasters do not cast un-interruptable spells in IA. If a spell can't be interrupted, it's either an unintended bug or it has some other explanation (for example, the spell might be cast from a scroll).

There are also very few cases in the game in which enemies might use uninterruptable spells as a hidden anti-cheese (counter-cheese) mechanism, but that hidden script won't normally kick in if the player doesn't resort to cheese and unfair methods in the battle.
oky , got a new problem and i don't know if its a bug , after i enter Troll Mound i can't leave same think happened when i tried the shadow jailor i could not exit the temple when i decided i banged my head enough against him ( both the jailor and the trolls are to hard atm for me , esp the tolls ) btw gg on the torgal fight first time since i play bg 2 that non healing potions made a difference smile.gif
Once you start those battes you can't leave the areas unless you win the battles. If you can't win, reload to a previous saved game and do not enter at all. Postpone them to when you can beat them.
And another question , i dont know if this is IA related or not but if i move my mouse around, it pauses at the exact same time intervals for a milisecond i have 2 scroll cases and 1 gem bag atm if i drop them the mouse moves allot more smother , its not that big of a deal coz the game is playeble and i cand get rid of the bags if i realy need but its anoying what can i do ?
Try to keep stackable scrolls and gems in your inventory rather than a container. If you put (say) 20 similar scrolls in your inventory, it will occupy only one item slot and won't have a considerable effect on the game's performance, but if you keep those 20 scrolls in a bag or scroll case, the game will assign one separate item-slot to each of them. That's why it's always better to keep stackable items in the main inventory rather than inside any container.
Yes i thought that but the weird think is that it does not matter if the containers are empty or full , i think I will just have to settle for a bag of gems after 1 container the pauses , are more visible .
Yes, we had received this report in the past as well. Some conatiners cause lag even if they are empty. Bag of holding (for example) is not one of such containers (it doesn't cause slowdowns when it's not full of countless items), but we had this report for some other containers; if you encounter a container which slows the game even if it is empty, drop that container, it must be some unfixable issue of the original game which we can do nothing about.
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