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I know this question has been asked a few times before. ive searched the forum but answers were given in PM.

Im having problems with the Good Bad and Ugly quest. Given item to Diviner, talked to Auriel... cant find Ugly thief. Ide appreciate a pointer or two. Looked all over sewers and sub-areas, basically went through Unseeing Eye quest areas.. still nothing...

Thanks in advance. smile.gif
Edit your profile and make your e-mail address available so that we can send you an e-mail with the spoilers you need.
lol whoops completely forgot about that. Should be available now.

Thanks smile.gif
E-mail sent. You are welcome.
Just out of curiosity and boredom before IA6 is out...does anybody have some previous version of IA (any other than V5 and V1, which I have)
and would be kind enough to e-mail it to me? tnx in advance
Is Valygar's Armor and Blade useable by a protag Vagrant by any chance?

Also does Ilbratha Mirror Image work properly or does it still mimick the effect?
QUOTE(thick3 @ Jan 22 2010, 09:40 AM) *
Is Valygar's Armor and Blade useable by a protag Vagrant by any chance?


Also does Ilbratha Mirror Image work properly or does it still mimick the effect?
In v5, it's still mimicking the effect, but as you can read in my own v5 walkthrough, I have fixed it to cast the spell in v6:

locally fixed Ilbratha to cast Mirror Image rather than mimicking the effect. The sword is not bugged in the strict sense, but mimicking effects instead of casting is in general a bad idea.
QUOTE(Sikret @ Jan 22 2010, 08:09 AM) *
QUOTE(thick3 @ Jan 22 2010, 09:40 AM) *
Is Valygar's Armor and Blade useable by a protag Vagrant by any chance?


Also does Ilbratha Mirror Image work properly or does it still mimick the effect?
In v5, it's still mimicking the effect, but as you can read in my own v5 walkthrough, I have fixed it to cast the spell in v6:

locally fixed Ilbratha to cast Mirror Image rather than mimicking the effect. The sword is not bugged in the strict sense, but mimicking effects instead of casting is in general a bad idea.

My Vagrant: neutral-good, human

The Blade and Armor are equipped on him right now. Whats goin on here?
I followed the installation carefully, TOD before IA, and The Four after IA.
I meant the upgraded Corthalla armor and blade aren't usable by your vagrant protagonist. I didn't bother to block equipping the +2 items. However, you should be your own policeman and do not equip NPCs' personal items on your protagonist even when it's possible to equip them.
QUOTE(Sikret @ Jan 22 2010, 07:46 PM) *
I meant the upgraded Corthalla armor and blade aren't usable by your vagrant protagonist. I didn't bother to block equipping the +2 items. However, you should be your own policeman and do not equip NPCs' personal items on your protagonist even when it's possible to equip them.

Thanks for the clarification, yep the non-improved items of course.
A few more questions, is short sword of backstabbing +3 randomized? Did not get it as a reward from Renal. Whats up.
What is a good time to head to Brynlaw, lvl 12,13 or 14?
Where could I find a few Storm Giant Strength Potions, did not see any in shops. Please PM or reply here thanks guys.
QUOTE(thick3 @ Jan 25 2010, 06:22 AM) *
A few more questions, is short sword of backstabbing +3 randomized? Did not get it as a reward from Renal. Whats up.

You should normally get it from Renal if you decline the thief stronghold offer; it has all along been working in this way even in the vanilla game. It hasn't changed in IA.

What is a good time to head to Brynlaw, lvl 12,13 or 14?
14 (but not too close to 15).

Where could I find a few Storm Giant Strength Potions, did not see any in shops.

Roger the fence in the sewers has the potion. A couple of merchants in Underdark also sell it. Some enemies may also drop this type of potion.
"Swanmay - Wing Swing"
"Shade Lich - Cursed"
"Swanmay did 1/3/2 damage to Shade Lich"
"Shade Lich-One of the Spells has failed"

What exactly is this? What does the swanmay do? Does it go through PFMW or just through Stoneskins? Not sure if the PFMW expired or not, but my Vagrant doesnt damage the Lich with FOA+3 and Frostreaver, so I would think the Lich is still under PFMW.
Does the Swanmay actually attack him or is it her special ability "Swing Wing", or does she just put a curse on him and then the Lich takes damage?
Explains please smile.gif
Wing swing is more of a magical (rather than physical) attack. It works very similar to a fireshield (i.e. every time an enemy hits the swanmay, she responds with a wing swing, which can't be blocked by PFMW).
QUOTE(Sikret @ Jan 27 2010, 08:09 AM) *
Wing swing is more of a magical (rather than physical) attack. It works very similar to a fireshield (i.e. every time an enemy hits the swanmay, she responds with a wing swing, which can't be blocked by PFMW).

Does the Lich have to physically attack the swanmay for the Wing Swing to kick in?
No, it doesn't have to be a physical attack. An offensive spell directly cast at the swanmay will do as well. However, if the distance between the attacker and the swanmay is too much, the attacker may be standing out of the wing swing's range (and won't be affected by it).
Could somebody tell me which are the unnatural and humanoid creatures? Do drow's go in the category of humanoid?
Treefolk Arm and Skullcrusher bonuses
Drow are humanoid, most of the others (Beholder, skeleton, undead) unnatural. I think you can see the bonus damage applied if you enable the option to see attack rolls in the info bar (highly recommended btw)
Question about mage spell protections, Lavok in particular.

Protections from Magic Energy : Lavok
Protection from The Elements : Lavok
Stoneskin : Lavok
Fire Shield (Blue) : Lavok
Fire Shield (Red) : Lavok
Globe of Invulnerability : Lavok
Spell Turning : Lavok
Tenser's Partial Transformation : Lavok
Immunity: Abjuration : Lavok
Protection from Magic Energy
Protection from The Elements
Protected by Spell Turning

And you need to cast Ruby Ray on him 3 times to remove his SI : Abjur. Why is that? Shouldn't the first RR remove Spell Turning and the second one SI: Abjur? Meaning you should only need two, what am I missing here?

Globe of Invulnerability.
Too bad I only have two scrolls then, let's hope there's one laying around in the sphere somewhere.
QUOTE(Ruben @ Jan 29 2010, 09:55 AM) *
Too bad I only have two scrolls then, let's hope there's one laying around in the sphere somewhere.

Even without enough number of Ruby Ray spells, you can still work on his spell turning the hard way by casting offensive spells on him and allowing his spell turning to bounce the spells. After a number of spell levels, the spell turning will be consumed.
Who are enemies, melee in particular, scripted to attack? I try to make them attack my lowest (best) AC char, which they do if he engages them first, very often though they switch and attack a higher (worse) AC char, forcing me to micro my melee characters a lot, which can be tedious in the long run, sometimes, however, they just stick to my tank, I can't find a consistent pattern in their choice of target. How does it work?
QUOTE(Ruben @ Jan 29 2010, 08:35 PM) *
Who are enemies, melee in particular, scripted to attack? I try to make them attack my lowest (best) AC char, which they do if he engages them first, very often though they switch and attack a higher (worse) AC char, forcing me to micro my melee characters a lot, which can be tedious in the long run, sometimes, however, they just stick to my tank, I can't find a consistent pattern in their choice of target. How does it work?

That's exactly the intended idea, Ruben! Enemies in IA are scripted in a way to make it very hard for the player to predict their next target in physical combat. The scripting language of this game is somewhat poor (has limited power and potentials); nonetheless, IA has made the best possible use of this limited language (i.e. the player can't easily find a pattern to exploit enemies' behavior). smile.gif
Are Small Teeth Pass , Forest of Tethir, Northforest improved by IA?
I usually skip those areas.
There may be a certain encounter waiting for you in one of these areas if you are playing a certain class (you won't miss it). Otherwise no, they are not improved.
What is the reward from Ancient Tome in Spellhold, I skipped it and would like to know what I missed out
I'm also having a bit of a problems with the final Judgement Day fight. Does the Demon Prince keep spawning monsters infinetly or is there a limit? Can he die before he finished all the spawnings? What should be prioritized here?

Vagrant, Kensai, Berserker, R/C, Sorc, Bard
QUOTE(thick3 @ Feb 2 2010, 05:13 PM) *
What is the reward from Ancient Tome in Spellhold, I skipped it and would like to know what I missed out

You missed a few items, scrolls, etc.. Try it in your next run.

QUOTE(thick3 @ Feb 2 2010, 10:55 PM) *
I'm also having a bit of a problems with the final Judgement Day fight. Does the Demon Prince keep spawning monsters infinetly or is there a limit?


They are finite.

Can he die before he finished all the spawnings? What should be prioritized here?

I say try to find it out for yourself. Refining your tactics and observing how it affects the result and helps you win a seemingly impossible battle is most joyful.
Focus Prince=getting overwhelmed by creeps
Focus creeps=can't whack them fast enough

Brought the prince to badly injured by doing a mixture of the two above, but once he starts with Mantle, I couldn't take it down with 5-6 remove magics.

Hints please
Note that there are surely many very different ways to handle this fight, some are already in this forum.

Since it looks like your first time through it, I would first tell you it needs some (long) time, real time to win this fight. I see no way you can overcome it quickly, and without thinking your every move (do tag each automatic pause in your game!)

I usually get rid of all summons before handling Prince (my few attempts to finish him before his goons ended badly, but I don't say it's not possible) while keeping him occupied (and of course staying alive).


IIRC, 3 different spawns, sorted most annoying first to least (just my point of vue)
- mariliths
- elemental golem
- demon knight ? (of some sort)

prebuff, summons mandatory (at this time you have improved spider figurine, djinn, MS, planetars...), try not to have every body grouped in case of dispelling...

general idea would be to split your team in 3 ;
1°) Vagrant + blade to take mariliths (very important noble marilith has to go done first and before summoning helpers), blade removes magic (careful with timing), since he has high level, nearly 100% success. I never uses bards in my party, this is usually the job of my second sorcerer or mage, with less chance of dispel success, so good point for you.
Vagrant dual wielding fodw/rimmed club (from specific quest) is a brute killer.

2°) Kensai + R/C take down elemental golem (don't bother too much with golem spawns from elemntal for the moment) then demon knight
careful with your R/C greater restoration, first use them with parcimony and good timing, second don't hesitate to have him move from the fight if close to death (or you will just rely on your sorceress wish...)

3°) zerk (with max fire protection, ring dragon armor, potion... and ready to renew fire protection) "amuses" prince with sorceress. Sorceress can entertain the prince by RRoRing him , renewing her own protection when dispelled, summoning, wishing,

Try to separate your enemies to avoid area spells, this is a general idea, but as I said, you have to think your every move (for example no use to have your zerk pounding on absolute immune demon prince while he's engaging one of your summon...)

Another thing to keep in mind, while it never happens to me (don't know if probability exists in the mod), after firts summon where every spaws appear, the type of spawns for future summons is random, at the end (won't say how many since Sikret might consider this a spoiler too much) you will fight more of one type than others, and it will be different in another game, so have your teams prepared to adapt (just have your bard ready to remove magic on marilith if any!).

hope this helps

@thick3 I tried sending you a PM but you're not eligible to receive them for some reason.

Nicoper has some fair points but...

You can't prebuff for this fight so CC and spell triggers might be a good way to quickly buff your arcane casters. I had my sorceress put 3xSkeleton Warriors in a CC on enemy sighted, bought me a few precious seconds.

I don't know about the tactics nicoper suggested on splitting your party like that, I'd keep the cleric out of harms way and have the warriors focus on a single target. Although you should definitely keep your sorcerer out of sight most of the time.

Death Lords are absolute priority as they worsen your AC and THAC0; they don't cast PFMWs AFAIK so they're pretty easy to kill. The noble mariliths have a bunch of PFMWs; be ready to use HLAs when you've breached a noble marilith to kill it quickly before it can refresh it's protections.

Another very important thing is to protect your (especially your weaker) characters from fire.

This might be good time to use a Barbarian's Essence potion.

Anyway, I'm on my way to my first real attempt at EDE smile.gif
Anybody else wanna share their final Jday fight?
I can distract the elemental golem with my sorceress and swanmays for quite a long time. When trying to whack the other creeps, I get overwhelmed by the Escorts and Mariliths, since they refresh the PFMW very fast, they need like 2 Remove magics and about 2 Breaches ( I have about 6 memorized + 2 Triggers = 8 times to Remove magic. Also the Prince bashes my Fighters to the edge of the map, so I loose precious seconds. Prince's dispel magic is a tramp here aswell, I can rebuff with IH but my R/C get's his Holy Power and Righteous Magic dispelled and there I loose one Whacker.
Also to note I don't use summons in my game except Swanmays and Golden Dog. I play on "Hard" aswell, but went to "Core" for this battle, also started using "Wish" which I never use usually, but to no avail so far.

More suggestions please, then I will pick the best strat and go Rampage on the Prince.

Thx guys
Depending on how far along you are, the other option is to wait and gain a few more levels. Hopefully you have a save before forging. R/C multis don't have too many greater restos until near the end of the game, which can be very useful at the end of the fight if you go through the all of the summons (recommended).

I tended to die to damage that barbarian essences didn't protect against, so I would save those, especially if you haven't attempted EDE yet.

If you have the greater djinni ring, it is capable of tanking an elemental golem plus spawns for a long, long time. Hasted swanmays are also very good.

Use your bard effectively defensively. Best tank in the game, hands down, especially if you picked up some evasion type HLAs.

Check the spell prot of the mariliths carefully. I found a sorcer + vecna + AoP + imp acr was capable of dispelling the buffs on the marilliths (noble + spawns) in 2 rounds when remove magic wouldn't work. But you have a bard, so nevermind.

Don't feel afraid to pass the JD sword amongst characters once you have good defensive buffs on the current wielder. You seem to have 3 fighters, hopefully more than 1 can use longswords.

Bleeding damage continues through Abs Imm.
Thx for the replies guys.
I beat him on "Core", by whacking his creeps first. Not very happy with the result tho. Had to abuse imba "Wish" alot to refresh IH, SI, Stoneskins, HLA's and with lots of swanmays summons.
Prince didn't poop any loot at the end :/

Few Random Questions:
What spell levels was the Demon Prince immune to btw?
Can you forge FoA +4 in SoA (Cromwell) ?
Ancient Drragon immune to magic damage before his creeps are dead? I remember lowering his resistances with 4 Lowers Resinstance while his creeps were alive and no damage done, but after the creeps were dead he started taking some damage from spells IIRC.
What loot did I miss from the Ancient Tome exactly? I rested between one of the fights and got poop IIRC.
Shade Liches are immune to spell levels?
Grave Liches are immune to spell levels?

I wish creatures wouldn't be so resistant and immune to magic in the next version, all those offensive spells need to be nerfed by damage output not by giving creatures high magic resistances and immunities to spells and effects.

Author, when is v6 coming out?
QUOTE(thick3 @ Feb 5 2010, 09:17 AM) *
What spell levels was the Demon Prince immune to btw?

Test for yourself.

Can you forge FoA +4 in SoA (Cromwell) ?
You can forge it in SOA in the D'Arnise keep (not Cromwell).

What loot did I miss from the Ancient Tome exactly?

Try it out for yourself in your next run.

I wish creatures wouldn't be so resistant and immune to magic in the next version, all those offensive spells need to be nerfed by damage output not by giving creatures high magic resistances and immunities to spells and effects.
See the mod's FAQ.

Author, when is v6 coming out?

See the estimated date of release in the progress report topic. It's close to release.
I'm more iffy about encountering certain golems rather early in the game that possess a high (physical) resistance yet are able to dish out so much damage on short notice. It means you have quite a burden in a fight or it means you picked the wrong quest to pursue.... which means that you have to pick your battles carefully, thus pick a certain quest path, something not really a problem in vanilla.
Then again, it does make IA more interesting in the sense that you will be put off by powerful foes and must leave them for later.

In quite a few fights, using summons as decoys is key for survival, so wish-summoning is something you should really start to consider not to be a cheat.
Questions still valid, none of them were answered except FoA +4
Yes, we don't answer spoilerish questions which you could go and test for yourself inside the game instead of asking them here out of laziness.

Your other questions are all answered.
Author refrain yourself from answering question not directed at you. All requests for feedback are directed to the players.
Release date of v6 was the only question directed at you, which you failed to answer. Thank you
QUOTE(thick3 @ Feb 5 2010, 10:39 PM) *
Release date of v6 was the only question directed at you, which you failed to answer.

It's not my fault that you are unable of checking a topic and reading a date in it. Most of your other questions had also been answered in other topics in the forums if you had done your searches properly before posting. Yet, your questions have all been answered as long as they were not too spoilerish.
Any good summons that last a while vs. Rakshasa Prince besides Greater Djini?
No tongue.gif
Ok, this is not a question exactly but I didn't know where else to post it. Anyway... I'm a Nalia's Keep trying to open the gate, where a spider is SUPPOSED to be spawning and carrying the cold flail head. The problem is, it doesn't spawn. Also for some reason, the stairs from the second to third floor are not working. Can anyone help?
Copy and paste the content of your WeiDu.log file. It's a text file in your main BG2 folder.
Here's an actual question. I'd lke to know how spellhold works with dual-class characters. Does it count the level of their first class or just the second if the first one is inactive?

Also is Demogorgon improved? Because if he is it doesn't say so in the readme.

Thanks in advance wink.gif
Also is Demogorgon improved? Because if he is it doesn't say so in the readme.

No, he's not.
Playing a Necromancer this game, seeing as he is a bit higher level than my Vagrant with the same XP, should I head to spellhold at lvl 14-ish?
QUOTE(thick3 @ Feb 26 2010, 12:58 AM) *
Playing a Necromancer this game, seeing as he is a bit higher level than my Vagrant with the same XP, should I head to spellhold at lvl 14-ish?

Yes (unless you want to experience the harder versions of spellhold smile.gif ). And the xp a mage needs to reach level 15 is only 225000 less than a ranger (so, you can practically finish the same number of quests you had done with your ranger before going to spellhold). It's at low levels that mages can level up fast. Eventually, the mage and the ranger will need the same amount of xp to hit level 18, after which, it's the mage who will proceed more slowly than the ranger.
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