Sep 25 2009, 11:50 AM
I have another question , i have a party consisting of F/M protagonist, R/C multi, Berseker , Berserker dualed to Cleric , Nalia and Cernd ( l will switch him to Imoen ) and i am a little concerned if this pary will perform good latter in the game , the chars have about 1 mill xp and i just finished the planar prison , i am seriously thinking of taking another fighting char (Keldorn ) instead of Cernd ,i will lose allot of heal spells and he will have less xp ,400k less xp i belive but will give me some way to deal with Si:Divination esp when enemies have magic rezistence or make all saves like the sewer pary and i would not be so reliant on combat buffs like Champion's Strength . Should i get Keldorn or should i continue like this ?
Sep 25 2009, 02:12 PM
To answer your question simply, you can continue just fine no matter which one those three choices (leave as it is, pick Imoen, pick Keldorn, or pick both of them) you make. It all comes down to your tactical skills and personal preferences.
Right now you have something that is called a divine-heavy party: two clerics (one who's more of caster and one who's more of a fighter) and a powerful druid. This party is playable but not the easiest one, that's for sure.
Now, having another fighter would certainly be useful in late game, especially in ToB. So, taking a Keldorn instead of Cernd will make a lot of battles much easier, but some of them maybe tougher a little bit, since Cernd is a useful addition when it comes to de-buffing enemies' mages.
Personally, I would've switched R/C rather than Cernd, and for Imoen, not Keldorn. The thing is, you already have one capable tank (your protagonist), one single-classed fighter and berserker->cleric who is a solid fighter too for the most of SoA in addition to his clerical abilities. I think I won't be mistaken if I assume that your protagonist spends most of his time fighting in melee, which means that you have to memorize a lot of protective spells for him. And, since multi classes do not level up quickly, he doesn't have a lot of spell slots left for the offensive magic like Breach, RR and such. That is why I would've rather picked Imoen, 'case one cannot underestimate the power of the sorceress in IA.
All in all, such a decision will allow to have a quite balanced party: one pure fighter (the berserker), one cleric (b->c, who can also be quite useful in melee under the right buffs), one fighter-mage (very cool fighter under tenser's transformation, also could be a full-time support mage, depending on a situation), and three casters (Imoen, Nalia and Cernd). From here, you can actually make one step further and change Cernd for Keldorn. This way you'll get more melee power, which might be a good thing since you have quite a lot of casters (5 out of 6 by default).
Sep 25 2009, 05:11 PM
The problem is that at the moment my F/M can't hit reliably and also the R/C has problems hitting stuff the only reliable fighter is the berserker and i saw that allot of ppl use at least 2 pure fighthers .
Sep 26 2009, 05:40 AM
The problem is that at the moment my F/M can't hit reliably and also the R/C has problems hitting stuff the only reliable fighter is the berserker and i saw that allot of ppl use at least 2 pure fighthers .
It's true. Multi-classed fighters aren't the best damage dealers, they work better as tanks who can absorb a lot of hits without actual harm for themselves. But, with proper buffs, they can be as cool as the single-classed fighters.
F/M has a spell called "Tenser's Transformation" which double f/m's hit-points and gives him THAC0 of the fighter with the same level of experience. The only drawback is that f/m can't cast spells while under effect. But you can still pre-buff him extensively before casting Tenser's or use scrolls to refresh stoneskin or PfMW. R/C also has a couple of spells which can make him a strong fighter: Holy Power, Champion's Strength, Righteous Magic. Add these to the very low AC of this class and ironskins and he can become quite a killing machine. The most serious drawback here is, probable, the tiresome procedure of extensive prebuffing before any serious encounter.
But, if you feel like you don't have enough pure fighters, you might wanna go forward with the decision to pick one more pure fighter in exchange for one of the clerics (R/C or Cernd), because this feeling may not go away as you progress in the game.
Oct 3 2009, 08:49 PM
I'd like to play the IA mod with my custom party, and i would have some questions. (Sorry if somebody have already asked, I'm sure somebody did:))
How looks this?:
-Vagrant as protagonist (to have those new quests)
-2 mage: 1 is a sorcerer for sure, other is either a wild mage, a necromancer or a fighter -> mage dual. Which one should I choose? i have never played with a wild mage. or if i choose the last, when should change it to a mage as a dual class?
-A ranger-> cleric dual class - i have never played with this class before, but others said it's good. Will i have the high level druidic spells, or just the 3rd level spells? - Or a barbarian -> cleric would be better?
-1 blade i think. I'd like to try it, hear'daelis never was my favourite because of his HP.
- 1 thief. A fighter/thief multiclass maybe or a thief-> fighter dual. Again, which is the better?
I think it will do, maybe a 2nd healer would be good. I have played with an evil party(viconia, jaheira, edwin, korgan, heardealis,+F/T prot), it was hard because the low Hp and the high prices. So I will restart the game.
+ I need something against the skeleton grandlords. i have 2 +4 weapons, but neither is the damage type I need. With theseI can't kill them, they regenerate too fast. Where can I find a weapon against them, that is not random? Or is there a good tactic against them?
+ Where can I find the 4th(poison) head for the flail of ages? I just found 3.
Sorry, my english is not perfect, I can read and understand everíthing but I can't write
Oct 4 2009, 06:32 AM
-Vagrant as protagonist (to have those new quests)
-2 mage: 1 is a sorcerer for sure, other is either a wild mage, a necromancer or a fighter -> mage dual. Which one should I choose? i have never played with a wild mage. or if i choose the last, when should change it to a mage as a dual class?
-A ranger-> cleric dual class - i have never played with this class before, but others said it's good. Will i have the high level druidic spells, or just the 3rd level spells? - Or a barbarian -> cleric would be better?
-1 blade i think. I'd like to try it, hear'daelis never was my favourite because of his HP.
- 1 thief. A fighter/thief multiclass maybe or a thief-> fighter dual. Again, which is the better?
Wild mage is a bit of eh, ... wild decision

It actually can be one of the most powerful mage classes in IA, but it has its prices (like the possibility of loosing all of your gold to wild surge in the end of very long and tough battle). So I wouldn't recommend going with wild mage, especially if you haven't played with it earlier. Either take a mage specialiast (like necromancer, yes) or make a dual. kensai->mage or berserker->mage would be very good. You can dual him either at 9 or 13th level, but the latter choice could be a little bit harder to implement. But the outcome would be perfect. Or you can just take Nalia, who's a very powerful mage in IA.
Ranger->Cleric dual is okay. You will get full-time cleric with tanking capabilities and, yes, he can get all druid spells, up to level 7 (but no HLAs).
Blade is a mighty character in IAv5, so it is a good pick, in my opinion. In ifact it is so mighty and, one might say, overpowered that a decision's been made to nerf him significantly in the upcoming IAv6.
And go with fighter/thief multiclass. Pure thieves and duals might be a bit hard to play.
+ I need something against the skeleton grandlords. i have 2 +4 weapons, but neither is the damage type I need. With theseI can't kill them, they regenerate too fast. Where can I find a weapon against them, that is not random? Or is there a good tactic against them?
The best weaponry against any skeletal undead (grandlords included) is the blunt one. Usually, the best choice in ch2-3 is to forge Phosphorus. Where did you met the grandlords anyway? I don't think there are any encounters in ch2-3 which have them, unless you postponed the departure to Spellhold. And when you get back to chapter 6, you will have a plenty of weapons (FoA +4, Crom Fayer, Staff +4, Phosphorus, etc.).
+ Where can I find the 4th(poison) head for the flail of ages? I just found 3.
It's in WK level 2, I think.
Oct 5 2009, 01:51 PM
Skeleton Grandlords? I recall some in the undead village towards the unseeing eye and the planar sphere, but I might be wrong.
Some tips:
I think you need a character who can take a punch and who can deal a punch at the same time. A Vagrant is nice and everything, but due to his poor armor capabilities it will take some time before he is anywhere near to useful as a frontline fighter.
Arcane casters also take some time before they get stoneskin (mirror image gets dispelled too fast in most fights) and only then can they tank the hits well enough... thing is that you really need protection from magical weapons in order to be useful because most foes hit often and then those stoneskins do not last very long.
Your Ranger->Cleric or Cleric/Ranger would be the best choice to handle this role of tanking hits (due to high AC possibilities), however, be aware that when he tanks he cannot heal.
Fighter/Thief or Thief->Fighter.... both are okay. I prefer a Fighter/Thief in case you want to backstab. If not, you might as well just pick a fighter and handle the thieving with a different character (Nalia does well enough if supplied with a potion here or there and an upgraded ring).
Oct 8 2009, 09:10 PM
And another question , I just finished the Planar Sphere and with my chars are at around 1500000 xp i'm ready for spellhold , the question is what items to craft before i go basicly i got around 200000 g and quite a few items, gems etc to sell , should i go for De'Arnise Signet Ring (Enhanced) (will put me back 100000+ gold ) and Treefolk's Arm +4 or Phosphorus +4 or should i get some +3 rings and one or two +2 +3 Cloak of Protection ?
Oct 9 2009, 05:17 AM
Prioritize to good weapons. You should definitely forge Treefolk's or Phosphorus (or both, if you have proficient characters), because they will make your life so much easier, then a couple of rings. You can forge some protective jewelry later, in chapter 6. By then you will have plenty of money to make Cloaks +3 for your party.
Nalia's ring is a good option, but you probably won't have enough money if you forge both weapons.
Oct 9 2009, 07:12 AM
Agreed, make both weapons and wait for nalia's ring after coming back from spellhold.
Forge some enchantment +2 rings or cloaks to fill up your most important characters on a few bonus saves, but don't go for +3 ones.
Forge only as much +2 ones as you will need as further ingredients for the +3 kinds.
However, I often find it more important to have everybody make their saves rather than 1 npc making the save easily and the others failing their save.
Oct 9 2009, 03:30 PM
Damn and I looked forward to nalia's ring (was so happy when i found the mats ) , I really need at least Treefolk's and i still have to buy some important potions so i think you are right i can't get it
Oct 13 2009, 01:53 PM
Is there a problem is i modify Imoen's portrait to the old one ( bugs etc ) ?
What about the spells ?
Oct 13 2009, 02:21 PM
Is there a problem is i modify Imoen's portrait to the old one ( bugs etc ) ?
What about the spells ?
Although such action is not encouraged, there shouldn't be any harm in it as long as you're being accurate.
Oct 19 2009, 11:54 AM
I have a minor problem with Deirex tower. I have the name of the boy, who is petrified. I pick up the gems, the boy speaks, i say his name, the girl appears, ang i get the xp and scrolls for the quest. Problem is, that i won't teleport to jarlaxle's plane, and i can't finish his quest. So i run out of time, and I can't finish Ust Natha:(
I've installed only tobpatch, baldurdash fix, some elements of tactics(none of them is incompatible), anvil and the four mod.
Oct 19 2009, 12:57 PM
Go to the child before picking the gems.
Also, all elements (components) of Tactics are incompatible with IA.
Oct 21 2009, 01:25 PM
I can't talk with the boy before I pick up the gems.
If I say a wrong name, he dies, and I teleport to Jarlaxle.(-2reputation)
Nevermind, I've done Deirex, the Djinni, the Kua toa Prince and the Jaellat house with only one rest so I could finish Ust Natha.
Components:) Yeah in hungarian it's similar with elements.
Oct 21 2009, 01:27 PM
O.o I Installed Ease of Use not Tactics, sorry.
Oct 21 2009, 06:33 PM
Why can't you talk with the child before picking the gems? Go near him with your protagonist and he will initiate dialogue. You can't start dialogue with him from distance, but if you go close to him, he will start to talk.
Oct 21 2009, 10:44 PM
QUOTE(Blazious @ Oct 21 2009, 03:25 PM)

Components:) Yeah in hungarian it's similar with elements.
Everybody is hungarian here.

Ok, only most of the people. I wonder what the reason could be.
Oct 22 2009, 06:54 AM
Heh, yeah. In polish too. Elementy (elements) and komponenty (components) are very similar. But the true polish patriot always says - części. ;]
QUOTE(Blazious @ Oct 21 2009, 03:25 PM)

I've done Deirex, the Djinni, the Kua toa Prince and the Jaellat house with only one rest so I could finish Ust Natha.
Nice job. I always rest there at least twice.
Oct 23 2009, 05:40 PM
Just wanted to say GG for the drow ambush fight , really really hard but verry rewarding (not i items thow

) ,best (hardest ) fight so far .
Oct 25 2009, 01:50 PM
Next time I will go near him:)
Well, Deirex tower was easy, the noble djinn was a bit harder, but still cold finish kua toa prince wounded and few spell left.
He should be harder if he wants to lead his people(or what). I think I could have rest more times, because altough Jarlaxle says one day, I have more time than that.
The 1st drow ambush was hard really(but only 4 reload for me, was lucky last time nobody cought by web or emotion.). BTW Why can the drow summon more devas than one? I can only summon one at a time. It would be fair, if they could summon one, too. I don't know how is this in PNP, but it make sense, that only one deva could be summoned. I mean if the enemy summon a deva, I can't, and if i summon, the enemy can't.(and devas should have better melee resistance for a 9th level summon. (Or maybe 2 devas per battle, one good and one fallen)
I'm finishing SoA soon. Now anciant dragon left from WK, i will make it in tob, and twisted rune i think, I can't wait for that fight. It's my 1st time in IA, and I don't read spoilers, so waiting till weekend seems to be hard:)
Oh and I haven't found grandfather of asassins yet.(playing with Vagrant)
The toughest battle was so far with The supreme leader, only reloaded twice, but it took at least 2hours in real time. And Viper Queen was tough too.
Oct 25 2009, 02:13 PM
Now I remember my toughest battle:)
How can I write a Spoiler? I mean which button should i press to write one?
Oct 25 2009, 02:17 PM
QUOTE(Blazious @ Oct 25 2009, 06:20 PM)

Why can the drow summon more devas than one? I can only summon one at a time. It would be fair, if they could summon one, too. I don't know how is this in PNP, but it make sense, that only one deva could be summoned.
It's a feature of the original game. The game doesn't apply the same limitations to enemies. It's not a bug and there isn't anything wrong with it, but I have already changed the drow party in v6 so that they have only one cleric amongst them, which means you won't see more than one deva in that battle. I made this change just to make the battle a bit easier (not that I believed that there was anything wrong with summoning more than one deva by the enemy party; as I said this is an intended feature of the vanilla game to allow enemies to bypass such limitations).
Oh and I haven't found grandfather of asassins yet.(playing with Vagrant)
You need to complete the mystery of the shimmering light quest.
To add spoiler tags to your post, you can use the button which looks like a lamp.
Oct 25 2009, 03:10 PM
I've done the shimmering light, got a cyphered note, by I couldn't decode it yet. Tried to replace the numbers with letters but no good yet.
My toughest battle so far, The ghuol city and Teshal in the Unseeing eye quest:) You wouldn't guess, would you?
My Party, about level 11/ 12
Vagrant prot, Berzerker, Blade, R->C, Nalia, Sorcerer
Well, thing is that I made one big mistake in this battle:
There are two doors to go in to Teshal. If you go in the right door you found Teshal, and some minor undead.
BUT if you go in the left door you find Teshal, minor undeads, AND a Shade lich, 2 skeleton lords and 2 skeleton grandlords.
Guess which door I went in:)(at least 10 times)
I thought it doable in CH3, others wrote it's doable. As I said I don't read spoilers, so didn't know about that I'm going in the wrong door.
But I decided not to give up, thought my tactic is not good, so reloaded 10th time.
The battle usually went in this way: Buffed up went in, summoned some skeletons and animals(best summons for my levels) to gain time against sk l/gl. Of course summons were dead in 1 round.
Tried with stoneskins, Mirror image etc. to hold up them, we were dead in 2 rounds:)
Tried to hold up them with Nalia pfmw, dead in 4 rounds:)
I had only Treefolk's Arm to hit gl, so decided to go back and forge Phosporus. So next time I hit 1 gl to badly wounded before dead:)
But at 10th time we killed Teshal, the two sk lords, and shade lich was injured before glords sliced us up.
So it's a shame, but we decided to do it in CH6. And this time I went in the right door in the first time, killed teshal in a heartbeat(well I think his heart is actually not beating 'cause he's undead) prepared to glords, and tadaam. They did't come:(
Well, we went back to the left door and they appeared as they should.
And I didn't even need those dex gauntlets, because everybody in party has good dex.
Oct 25 2009, 03:40 PM
The intended way to enter that area is actually through the left door (the difficult door). The other door is sealed in v6.
Oct 26 2009, 08:18 AM
The reason people say it is doable in chapter 3 is because they clear large portions of the quests before they continue to chapter 3. Doing so, they probably have better gear than you currently have. In my own game I have cleared most of the city quests and I have cleared many of the wilderness quests, so my gear is really up to par for handling the ghoul city even when I am still in chapter 2.
I guess spellhold will be more difficult but in all, the extra gear I have will likely compensate.
Oct 26 2009, 10:02 AM
Yeah, I think I didn't have the proper equipment to do ghoul city. Just 1 weapon to damage sk gl-s, (2 when I forged phosporus), so I could't do enough damage against them. Maybe if I had enough potions to buff up the thaco, I would be better. And with Imp Haste it could make a difference. Will try in IA6.
But maybe their loot is not good enough to use so many potions.
I went to spellhold too early, I was only lv 12. But I did most of the quests, except for Shade Lord, the dragons, Conster, the planar prison and pirates. Well, I think I colud do more, the only one I couldn't do is the shade lord, because there were sk. glords in the dungeon, with shade lich and bone golems. I think I colud kill the dragons, but I didn't want to use all RR scrolls. Will try next time.(Maybe in IA6 dragons will be tougher. I hope.)
Oct 26 2009, 10:06 AM
I guess you are confusing skeleton grandlords with skeleton lords. If your party was so low level that you say, they should have been just skeleton lords (not grandlords) and skeleton lords don't require +4 weapons.
Oct 26 2009, 11:12 AM
I did Shade lord quest with a party before(F/T prot, edwin, Jaheira, Her'dealis, Viconia, Korgan) I was higher level then, In Ch6, then I restarted with a new party. I thought I could not do this in lv11-12, so I did it in Ch6 again.
I Didn't checked it with a lower level party, so when I did this quest, always were shade lich 2 sk gl, 2 sk lord + bone golem. One team in the little room, and one team in place with Amaunator's name on the floor.
Oct 26 2009, 12:29 PM
I did Shade Lord, Planar Prison and both dragon before Spellhold in my last games. However in my last game I went to Spellhold with too high level (intentionally), and I have to say it didn't worth it. Even extra levels and gear didn't compensate the increased difficulty. So I suggest to do quest in increasing difficulty order, and stop them when u are near the Spellhold cap in level. But most of the quests are doable in Ch3. However we will see what the V6 will bring in this question.
Oct 27 2009, 08:46 AM
I think I've always gone to Spellhold early enough so this time around I'm going to clear everything until all that is left is Spellhold before I can head into chapter 6.
Oct 29 2009, 09:10 AM
hi everybody,
first i want to say thanks to Sikret for developing such a great mod. i really enojoyed playing it and learnd quite a lot of things.
now i´m doing my second run through IA 5.0 and hope you can give me some hints for some things i missed in my first run.
1) 48-sided garnet - wasn´t able to find it and don´t really have a clue where too look
2) location of the green wyrm - the only thing i could think about here is the 3. level of WK because i was a little bit to fast in killing the supreme golem and thus i dont got the clash of powers quest.
3) pickpocket - i was only got a permanency scroll from a friendly fellow in the docks but its rumored there are a lot of more IA items you can get. some hints would be nice.
thanks in advance
Oct 29 2009, 10:12 AM
Hi, Fentus! Welcome to BWL.
As for your questions, we don't write spoilers about the location of 48-sided garnet or pickpocket targets in the forum.
As for the Clash of Powers quest, next time try not to fight with the Supreme Golem and see how it goes on.
Oct 29 2009, 12:15 PM
Ok, guess i should have been more specific with my request. my bad...
i´ve already read that you don´t write such spoilers in the forum, but some players got it per email or message. i would be very grateful if you could do the same thing for me and give at least something to start with.
Oct 29 2009, 12:31 PM
I sent you an e-mail.
Oct 30 2009, 10:28 AM
Thanks a lot
Oct 30 2009, 02:56 PM
When I want install some new files (Fixes) I must uninstall mod, copy or overwrite files and install mod and then start new game or continue old one? Thanks
Oct 30 2009, 03:44 PM
Yes, that's correct. You can continue your game. If there are any specific conditions, Sikret surely mentioned them in his post with the bug description.
Oct 30 2009, 04:11 PM
Thank you Critto! I have custom multiplayer NPCs and standing before Demilich in WK:-)
Nov 3 2009, 01:17 PM
I´ve a party with 6 custom NPCs. I tried to join Valygar for reach Planar sphere and Jaheira and then rejoin one of my custom NPCs. But 3 custom NPCs says their farewell lines and disappears and 2 NPCs says farewell lines after clicking on them. I have installed "custom NPCs farewell dialogues fix" at first and then start new game.
I tried this at other PC with Vista. No other mods except IA is installed there. Result is the same.
In my older game the reason of installing fix was demilich. In this game 2 custom NPCs can rejoin (says nothing) and others disappears. It seems there is limited number of rejoining (1 or 2).
Nov 3 2009, 01:26 PM
Custom NPCs can rejoin only if they had been imprisoned and after casting Freedom. If you intentionally kick them out, they won't rejoin, this is intentional to prevent a certain kind of cheat with mutiplayer NPCs when the cheater could boot them out and ask them to rejoin infinitely to refresh their abilities.
If you want Valygar keep an open slot for him from the beginning. If you don't want to keep Valygar after opening the sphere's door, you can send back your saved game into "mpsave" folder and add your new custom character, save, quit, and then move the saved game into "save" folder again.
The problem of some NPCs just standing there rather than sating farewell lines is already fixed in IA v6. However, even in v5, those who stand without talking should say their farewell lines and disappear if you go to talk to them (you mentioned this in your first paragraph). None of them should rejoin.
Nov 3 2009, 02:13 PM
Yes sending save to mpsave and import character is the only way. I done it before this post.
But... imported char lost his info (total number of kills, time spend with the party etc.) It is the disfavour I think.
I wasn´t certain If this save migration is legal method:-)
You tolked about cheating. Players who want to cheat then cheat. In this case the impossibility of rejoining is unpleasant for players.
I played IA many times and can say better fun is plaing with old party members. Korgan, Valygar, Nalia, Anomen are my favourites. Custom NPC char has no personality.
About cheesy methods.. Lot of people talking what is cheesy or not. Maybe this is absurd opinion:
Knowledge of player and characters is really different. Player know what to expect behind the door but chars don´t know. Is prebuffing before every one battle cheesy?
Thank you for this post!
Edit: "Custom NPC char has no personality."
Nov 3 2009, 02:38 PM
I suggest playing with a combination of custom NPCs and Bioware ones. In this way, you won't need to send back your saved game to the mpsave folder in the middle of the game.
Nov 9 2009, 10:17 AM
I´ve encountered a strange thing while i was fighting the Orc Horde. I´ve focused on killing the Archers and Mages and after a couple of rounds i was only left with Melee Warriors. Since they don´t use magical weapons i could just wait them out under improved bard song. Is this an intended way of beating this encounter? If not you might change it somehow, because this way it is a little bit too esay
Nov 9 2009, 11:11 AM
QUOTE(Fentus @ Nov 9 2009, 02:47 PM)

I´ve encountered a strange thing while i was fighting the Orc Horde. I´ve focused on killing the Archers and Mages and after a couple of rounds i was only left with Melee Warriors. Since they don´t use magical weapons i could just wait them out under improved bard song. Is this an intended way of beating this encounter? If not you might change it somehow, because this way it is a little bit too esay

A luck element is involved in this battle, because it's quite random which type of enemies respawn to take the place of dead ones. You had been
very lucky to get only the weaker types of the enemies after killing the first group. The chance of such an incident is quite low.
But yes, this battle is also reworked in v6.
Nov 10 2009, 07:47 AM
Not certain it belongs here completely, but I noticed something yesterday when I tackled the Troll Mound.
I summoned a bunch of creatures that were basically all slain pretty fast. The battle wore on and I kept summoning monsters in the hopes of them distracting the king and queen. Well, finally after a lot of monster kills by either spells or melee, I seemed to have worn down the king and queen far enough such that the queen does not cast any more spells and the king does not use any more high level abilities.
At that point in time I was struggling to keep my fighters alive and summoned a bunch of creatures from spellscrolls and items that I had remaining. I used a djinni summoned from a scroll and I used a djinni summoned from the ring of djinni summoning. Both survived a long time, but the djinni summoned from the scroll disappeared long before the one of the ring. After the battle, the djinni from the ring was still alive even after 8 hours of combat.
I was wondering whether anyone could tell me how long that djinni stays alive because he is in hindsight rather helpful (although his spells are icky his combat abilities are quite okay).
Nov 10 2009, 12:09 PM
The djinni summoned by the Ring of Djinni Summoning stays for 10 rounds. It's working fine. There must be something wrong in your installation.
Nov 10 2009, 12:19 PM
Thanks for the information. I will have to check it when I get home. Maybe a reinstallation is in order, but I think I will just finish the game as it is and start a new one once v6 comes out.
Nov 11 2009, 08:52 AM
Hmm.. it is not vital to my game, but I did some poking around and I came across the following.
Weidu.log said this:
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // Component Name
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Infinite Weapon, Potion and Ring/Amulet Stacking
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #3 // True Grand Mastery (extra half-attack, etc.) (Baldurdash)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Wear Magical Armor AND Magic Rings (etc.)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table, Saving Throws, Grand-Mastery, and Arcane, Divine Spell Progression (Blucher)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #10 // XP Cap Remover
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #14 // Multiple Strongholds (Baldurdash)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #15 // Bonus Merchants (Baldurdash)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #18 // Imoen ToB Dialogue Fix
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #20 // Female Edwina
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #21 // Romance: Bug Fixes (required for later components).
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #22 // Romance: PC can romance one NPC (regardless of race/gender).
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #23 // Romance: PC can romance multiple NPCs concurrently, but must say the right things.
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #24 // Romance: PC can romance multiple NPCs concurrently and can say anything without ending a romance.
~ABYSTORE/ABYSTORE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Unusual Oddities Shop
~SETUP-IMPROVEDANVIL.TP2~ #0 #0 // Improved Anvil for SOA & TOB (I included the individual IA hotfixes)
Nothing strange except the Unusual Oddities Shop, but I checked the code and it does not touch the djinni nor the ring.
I checked ring26 with DLTCEP and it says indeed 60, so 10 rounds of 6 seconds. If I kill the djinni the ring disappears as is supposed to happen. If I rest outside the troll mound and reenter the troll mound, the djinni is still there.
But! I also had an invisible stalker summoned from a scroll (which cannot actually hit the trolls but I didn't know in advance) and he stays around after I rest too. His summon time is 9 hours. If I sleep twice (thus 16 hours) and reenter the Troll Mound, the invisible stalker is also still there just like the djinni.
If I summon the stalker outside the Mound and rest twice it does disappear. So I'm stuck with something funny in my game concerning the Troll Mound. But... the djinni I summoned from a scroll did disappear after a few rounds (probably 10 rounds as is supposed to happen), so it's only these two summons that were affected which I do not understand.
Do these creatures happen to have a scripted timer to unsummon them which I could check using clua? Probably not I guess...
Well.... disregard this report since it's not as important as IAv6. I will do a clean install of the game before I start that so this problem should go away.