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QUOTE(critto @ Jul 16 2021, 03:16 AM) *
Is that the fight where you get a few waves of enemies (skeleton lords, balors, etc.)?

Yes, that one exactly.
Right. Do you know how to use the console?

I need to see what value do you get for this variable after the battle: C:GetGlobal("Ialavokjob","GLOBAL")
QUOTE(critto @ Jul 16 2021, 01:12 PM) *
Right. Do you know how to use the console?

I need to see what value do you get for this variable after the battle: C:GetGlobal("Ialavokjob","GLOBAL")

Can I use the shadowkeeper to check that or does it need to be in console?
Can I use the shadowkeeper to check that or does it need to be in console?

If Shadowkeeper allows to open up a save file and see what variables are stored inside it then yes. I'd recommend using NearInfinity, though. Shadowkeeper has been known for messing stuff up.
How can you kill the Demogorgon?

I can get it to "near death" and then dish out like 500-1000pts of damage to it, but it just keeps on going.

Do I need to kill Rozvankee before, it's the only one of the minions that's still left. If so, how do I kill it since I can't dispel it even with Inquisitor dispelling at level 39.


(edit: nevermind. I think I figured it out. It's just misleading that you can whack the demogorgon quite early to "near death" without being able to kill it.)
Currently doing a playthrough, simply the best mod for BG2, and got a few questions/comments.

1) I take it that the new druid spell Alicorn Lance is supposed to be an AoE spell, but the description indicates it's a single target spell. Was quite confused when my summons turned hostile.

2) I noticed that the duration for SI has been fixed at 2 turns, was confused for a moment since I distinctly recalled it being 1 rnd/lvl (and got a confirmation here yet I found no mention of it in the changelog/fixes. Not that it matters much, although I am curious about this (seemingly) undocumented change. Maybe it's an older change that I just noticed now?

3) While I really like the new docs, they are not that great for searching in because of the hidden/drop-down function (like if I want to count how many gems I would need for upgrades). I would like to see the docs in plain text as Sikret did in addition to the newly updated docs.

4) And the biggest issue I've found is related to the old Dispel/Remove Magic bug, which is no longer a bug in EE (DM/RM always failed against higher level spellcasters). IA modified the description of the spell ("If the level of the caster of dispel magic is below the original caster, his chance of success will be zero.") instead of using the exe hack someone made (now included in Spell Revisions mod and can be installed alone without any other changes for non-EE games). In my current playthrough, I thought IA had changed the spell back to the bugged behavior because of the description and from reading some new playthrough journals, but upon testing it myself the spell behaves correctly (i.e. about -10% chance of success for every level below original caster).
Hi Nominar. Thanks for the praise and the comments.

1) I take it that the new druid spell Alicorn Lance is supposed to be an AoE spell, but the description indicates it's a single target spell. Was quite confused when my summons turned hostile.
It's a single target spell. It was ported from IWD:EE. Could you describe what happened in greater detail?

2) I noticed that the duration for SI has been fixed at 2 turns, was confused for a moment since I distinctly recalled it being 1 rnd/lvl (and got a confirmation here yet I found no mention of it in the changelog/fixes. Not that it matters much, although I am curious about this (seemingly) undocumented change. Maybe it's an older change that I just noticed now?

In essence, you are correct. All changes to SI have been made a long time ago. I guess, the subject of duration fell out of scope when the modifications were described in the list of fixes and tweaks.

3) While I really like the new docs, they are not that great for searching in because of the hidden/drop-down function (like if I want to count how many gems I would need for upgrades). I would like to see the docs in plain text as Sikret did in addition to the newly updated docs.
Yes, this is an issue, I've noted it myself a long time ago. I'll see if something like "expand/collapse all" could be added to the page. Meanwhile, if you are comfortable with the text editor and the search function, you can open the file ImprovedAnvil/readme/style/js/items.js and look at it directly. This is a list of definitions used by the script that renders the page.

4) And the biggest issue I've found is related to the old Dispel/Remove Magic bug, which is no longer a bug in EE (DM/RM always failed against higher level spellcasters). IA modified the description of the spell ("If the level of the caster of dispel magic is below the original caster, his chance of success will be zero.") instead of using the exe hack someone made (now included in Spell Revisions mod and can be installed alone without any other changes for non-EE games). In my current playthrough, I thought IA had changed the spell back to the bugged behavior because of the description and from reading some new playthrough journals, but upon testing it myself the spell behaves correctly (i.e. about -10% chance of success for every level below original caster).

The description found in the current packaged version of the mod is indeed outdated. I have already fixed it for the upcoming release so that it demonstrates the reality of how the spell functions in the EE. Here's the link to the commit on github:

I have opted out of any exe hacks for a few reasons. Firstly, because I really don't want to bother with those and I lack the skillset to maintain them independently. Secondly, I like that the mod is cross-platform now (I play and develop on Mac, myself) and maintaining patches to the executable for a couple of platforms is twice as complicated, if possible at all. And, finally, since the mod is EE only, I have long since abandoned the idea of maintaining any features that are specific to non-EE installations.
It's a single target spell. It was ported from IWD:EE. Could you describe what happened in greater detail?

Oh it's actually a bug? Well in my installation it's an AoE spell, just tested it again now.

I'm running EE v2.6.6.0 and IA v6.52. Here's my weidu log

edit: Can't upload files, here's a pastebin:
I'm running EE v2.6.6.0 and IA v6.52. Here's my weidu log

IA v6.52 was not tested and updated for compatibility with v2.6.6. Quite possible, the bug was caused by something in the new version. Maybe they've changed the projectile's behaviour. I don't see anything suspicious in your Weidu file. I'll try to take look since I have just reinstalled the game and it's at 2.6.6 as well. But there's no guarantees that something else won't come up, and I don't plan to make any compatibility upgrades until the v7 out.
I should have checked which version of EE was tested with IA, but had no idea Beamdog were still releasing updates so I never thought of it. I've mostly played non-EE in the recent years.

Maybe I should make a journal thread for my current run with bug reports for 2.6.6, cause I found another bug.

Raelis is nowhere to be found in the Planar Prison, had to CLUA her in to finish the quest and get out. I tried figuring out what game files are responsible for placing her there and found no mentions of her .cre file in either the .are file nor the .bcs file for the Planar Prison area, which might explain her absence. I have no idea what other files could create her, maybe the Warden's .bcs? Although I didn't check it.
Hard to say off-hand what is the cause. There might be a trigger placed inside the area with a separate script attached to it, or it could be hidden inside baldur.bcs or in HaerDalis's personal script, or even inside his dialogue. A good way to start looking is to perform a resource-wide text search for mentions of the script variable of the Raelis's creature file using Near Infinity. This might help to pinpoint the problem and provide further clues for the investigation such as specific conditions that aren't met inside a particular code block.
Ye it's part of cut17c.bcs and cut17f.bcs. Although I'm still unsure of the cause, I doubt it's related to IA, maybe just a bug in 2.6.6.
It's a possibility. I don't see these files being affected by IA.
Hi Everyone. Again.

A few questions, I'd rather ask than play-test.

1. Is the Ancien Golem in underadark accessible / doable in chapter 6? If is, do you lose something (rewards perhaps(?))

2. Is it possible to modify the quick-use buttons of a character? I'd like to have quick spell slots for my T/M.

I just found out that there's a fight with cowled wizards, Zallarona, which I've never done. I've always paid the fee, assuming that we'll destroy our reputation if we start whacking cowled wizards but apparently it's not so.

^ so 3. Can anyone point out the right variable & correct value to change, as I want to do that fight as well. (I've paid the monies for the wizards, I always pay quite fast but I only ever really need it for the Limak fight).

Thanks in advance!

1. Is the Ancien Golem in underadark accessible / doable in chapter 6? If is, do you lose something (rewards perhaps(?))
No, there's nothing chapter-specific about it.

2. Is it possible to modify the quick-use buttons of a character? I'd like to have quick spell slots for my T/M.

it is not possible to right-click change them to a specific spell, as with a pure mage?

^ so 3. Can anyone point out the right variable & correct value to change, as I want to do that fight as well. (I've paid the monies for the wizards, I always pay quite fast but I only ever really need it for the Limak fight).

Set "BribedCowled" GLOBAL to 0 and "CowledWarning" GLOBAL to 6.
Is this an oversight? I'm at the City of Caverns and my Necro PC gets sent to the arena solo, has her spell protection force dispelled before, and then the Yuan-Ti mage insta force casts full buffs. I die, and there is no save in the city of caverns (because it's all force dialogue and no chance to save, also no autosaves there). I end up having to reload from just before hijacking the pirate ship... if adding unfair fights like this I would add an autosave just before the fight. Of course, this problem wasn't really in vanilla because you could hardly lose to the ettin. This just creates unnecessary frustration because you have to replay a bunch of cut scenes, fights, loading screens, and dialogue every time you fail. Also there are some fights where force dispelling makes sense, and I know IA doesn't really aim for verisimilitude, but why does this Yuan-Ti mage get "time" to prebuff but I don't?

Just some thoughts. Sorry for the rant.
Truthfully, I do not remember how the fight is implemented. But, however it is, it hasn't been modified for a long time. Strange that nobody else has complained if the segment is indeed problematic. Maybe it had been different before, and something did indeed change unwittingly?

it is not possible to right-click change them to a specific spell, as with a pure mage?
The T/M doesn't have any quick spell buttons. So I was wondering if is possible to change the "quick-use/spell" buttons or are they hard coded into characters class?

Set "BribedCowled" GLOBAL to 0 and "CowledWarning" GLOBAL to 6.

Thanks a lot!
The T/M doesn't have any quick spell buttons. So I was wondering if is possible to change the "quick-use/spell" buttons or are they hard coded into characters class?

EE allows to mod the GUI, so I wouldn't go as far as to claim it is impossible. Unfortunately, I have zero knowledge on how to approach the subject. There are numerous GUI mods out there these days designed to make the UI more user friendly and efficient. Maybe there's something to your liking (and compatible with IA).
QUOTE(critto @ Jan 17 2022, 06:05 AM) *
Truthfully, I do not remember how the fight is implemented. But, however it is, it hasn't been modified for a long time. Strange that nobody else has complained if the segment is indeed problematic. Maybe it had been different before, and something did indeed change unwittingly?

IIRC this was always like that, but in the original the fight was much. much easier. The only thing changed is the opponent.
EE allows to mod the GUI, so I wouldn't go as far as to claim it is impossible. Unfortunately, I have zero knowledge on how to approach the subject. There are numerous GUI mods out there these days designed to make the UI more user friendly and efficient. Maybe there's something to your liking (and compatible with IA).

Thanks! (yet again). I'll have a look if this is too inconvenient without the quick spell slots.
IIRC this was always like that, but in the original the fight was much. much easier. The only thing changed is the opponent.

Ye probably. I didn't remember this fight at all since it was 1-2 years since my last run so I was completely unprepared. Tried ~2 more times with my at-the-time spell set up (very much a support set up for the Irenicus fight) before revising my spells. I put Fire Shield: Blue in a sequencer and ended up killing myself from an infinite Fire Shield loop (I thought that had been fixed in EE) so I had to revise my spells once again in Brynnlaw. Ended up spending way too much time on an encounter that rewards nothing and is just frustrating.
Just CTRL-R the creature to remove its protections, kill it quickly and move on, if it's too frustrating. I'll make a note to check it out.

As for the fire shield, there were a bunch of fixes, but they are probably in the v7 branch.
Why does Prince Villynaty have the item S!MINHP2.ITM? It makes him immune to all weapons and spells. Is it intended? How are you supposed to get the Wave blade? I edited the save and removed this item from him.
It is part of how the fight was designed. The item gets removed at a certain point during the fight in his script.
Hmm ok.
Playing through the game, got cernd (auramaster)

Got to 1.5 million xp level 14, his next level to 15 is another 1.5 million xp away (3 million total!)

Is that actually correct? I thought it might be the HLA level as to why it’s an absurd amount but it’s not I simply get another extra level 4 and 5 spell, nowhere near worth for 1.5 million xp away!

So is that somehow correct is 14 -> 15 on auramaster really needing 1.5 million xp or is my game somehow bugged?
IIRC it's normal in V6, in V7 some level progression tables will be changed.
I think the original XP caps were 1.25 million level 13, 2.5 million for level 14, amd 3.0 million for level 15.

As Sparrowjacek mentioned, it is updated in v7 so that level 13 is 1.3 million, level 14 is 1.8 million, and level 15 is 2.3 million, more similar to other casters in the game. It could be that level 14 in Ch 2/3 is too overpowered with an auramaster, we'll see!
Ok so I guess this is correct then and not a bug?
Yes, it's probably correct. In original V6 it was probably done so that Aura masters couldn't get lvl 7 spells before spellshold, since they have improved alacrity, but as bulian mentioned, some things changed later and are still changing.
QUOTE(SparrowJacek @ Jan 23 2022, 10:02 AM) *
Yes, it's probably correct. In original V6 it was probably done so that Aura masters couldn't get lvl 7 spells before spellshold, since they have improved alacrity, but as bulian mentioned, some things changed later and are still changing.

Ok if its correct I'll continue on, just to be clear though, Cernd level 14 atm (With 1.5 Million XP to go to level 15) has level 7 spells. (Got them on the level 14)

Hitting 15 up this huge mountain of XP, will grant me a whopping additional extra level 4 and level 5 spell and no HLA :/
Druids always had this progression, IIRC it was part of the original ruleset. The alternate, smoother progression tables were introduced by modders since before the weidu era.
Ok thanks, as long as its normal I'll continue on.

Great mod though, looking forward to v7 whenever that happens.

Where's the "elven ancestor's legacy"? It's isn't where I think it was supposed to be and now I have no idea where it could be. I also can't find it in my previous saves... argh.

Thank again.

Where's the "elven ancestor's legacy"? It's isn't where I think it was supposed to be and now I have no idea where it could be. I also can't find it in my previous saves... argh.

Elite Bounty Hunter in Planar Prison drops it if there's at least one FMC in the party.
where is staff of arundel +3, must be going crazy I thought you could purchase it off a merchant even in IA, atleast in old versions (I think Joluv in the vanilla game)

It's randomised now:
Chaos, Chak (Samia), Chandrilla (Underdark)
QUOTE(lxgxnd9 @ Jan 22 2022, 05:16 PM) *
Playing through the game, got cernd (auramaster)

Got to 1.5 million xp level 14, his next level to 15 is another 1.5 million xp away (3 million total!)

Is that actually correct? I thought it might be the HLA level as to why it’s an absurd amount but it’s not I simply get another extra level 4 and 5 spell, nowhere near worth for 1.5 million xp away!

So is that somehow correct is 14 -> 15 on auramaster really needing 1.5 million xp or is my game somehow bugged?

Yeah just confirmed this is bugged (at least for me)

I remember before installing IA I was doing SCS solo runs and I removed the XP cap with cdtweaks. I uninstalled that and it seems to have fixed it, this seems plausible?

Did a fresh install of BG2 and IA, 1.25 Million XP was level 13 and to get to level 14 was 2.5 Million. HLA's at level 17 - 3.5 Million XP - Can someone confirm??


QUOTE(critto @ Jan 27 2022, 11:46 AM) *
It's randomised now:
Chaos, Chak (Samia), Chandrilla (Underdark)

Thanks btw, just another one Critto if you're still around

Dragon blade +3, ingredient for Minsc's sword, is that in IA somewhere or does it have to come from SoD somehow? Bit confused on that one.

It is also randomised:
Dragon Blade +3 -- (3) (Thaxll'ssillyia, Firkraag, Saladrex (Watcher's Keep))
Thanks mate.
Is there any difference in fighting Demogorgon in SOA compared to TOB ? Like is the fight tougher if you wait until TOB ?
The demo fight has more spawns in TOB compared to SOA and possibly some additional abilities on the antagonists. Conversely, the party should be higher level. Overall, I think the fight in SOA is slightly easier.

Why doesn't cromwell have the option "Yes, go on!" when I try to forge Memory of the Apprenti. Am I missing something? Checked everything about 5 times I have everything and my protag is a Necro? He just doesn't have the option to forge it after I ask about 'is there anything you can do with robe of the apprenti'

Am I missing something here? I just CLUA'd it in, but Limak nor the Old Ones trigger if I CLUA MotA in so I guess I have to forge it for those to trigger?
Not really sure why it is not being forged (no time to investigate, sorry), but you can set the global variable "Iarobeforged" to 1 in order to trigger both events.
Ok that will work for me, thanks mate.
The other half of the note from the 1st Rune assassin fight in Firkraag lair, I remember you had to fight a Greater Doppelganger but where is he?

I completely forget

take a look on the pinned topic of the ranger quests.

its the mistery of the shining light quest.
speaking of the halved note, in my last run with a necromancer and with IA tweaks to allow for doing the ranger stronghold and make all items drop, when I fought the guildmaster he did not drop the 1st half of the note.
also, my game was modded with heroes, thieves and moneylenders mod and there is an incompatibility with the missing troll case where the 1st squirrel yo talk to is not in the cage. I know this is not your problem but thought I'd mention it in case there is a quick fix for others who got stuck ( I tried to CLUA the squirrel but he did not talk after casting the speak with animals spell)
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