Hey guys,
i had a little time to some up some ideas for the upcoming release.
First about rogue rebalancing:
to make a rogue more fitting for AI i think we should utilice the on hit effects. like on the swashbuckler.
perhaps it makes sense to create or change a few items to make a thief/mage more viable they could utilize polymorph self or create some magic weapons like blade of desaster but less strong, so enhance the few attacks they have to be strong. for example male shadow theif armor so enable spells while equipped.
the assasin should do high single strike damage or at least doing a very crippling strike.perhaps decreasing speed factor or movement speed to half or slowing. Or reducing strenght or makes the enemy bleed or poison. at least they should have the poisen like the black guards. or there damage should last as for example piercing damage for a few rounds.
the bounty hunter should do more damage with "spells" with his traps. or lets say throwing grenades. a grenade that makes blind like glitterdust or a acid/fire grenade which can hurt even undead or soften their AC or slowing even golems.
perhaps he develops anti magic grenades who can dispell magic or reduce magic resistance ir elemental resistance. that opens up a few more tactical ways to start fights. or a haste grenade.
the shadow dancer is a reallz hard topic, but i can imagine that he should onlz be able to hide in shadows and gain a special ability that he can stay invisble even after attacking just for around or two.
for bards
the blade is good as he is. i guess with a few good items he can be a viable fighter or tank for some time with limited spell progression.
the jester should go with manipulation skills. his songs should be able to confuse or dominate the battlefield.
give him a long casting time confusion with big penaltys or like the gaze of umber hulks or like the touch of a sirene. or make his song sound like that of a sirene which debuffes enemys like the aura of despair from blackguard. or he can paralize enemzs like the bone golems...
the skald should have the role of a buffer and healer. give him on hit effects like mass cure on sibel club but smaller which can get better the higher levels he get. his song could be like this
1st: gives allies +2 to hit, +2 to damage, -2 to AC and immunity to Fear
9th: gives allies +3 to hit, +3 to damage, -3 to AC, immunity to Fear and Confusion
18th: gives allies +4 to hit, +4 to damage, -4 to AC, immunity to Fear, Stun and Confusion.
or give him a ranged healing ability like the protector.
i have a little inspiration from rogue rebalancing
Sound Burst (replaces Time Trap)
Range: Visual range of the caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 30 feet radius
Saving Throw: Special
The Bard magically amplifies the capabilities of a musical instrument in order to fill his surroundings with high pitched stone-shattering sound waves. Creatures in the nearby area take 15d6 points of sonic damage and are also deafened for five rounds. Deafened creatures suffer a 50% chance of spellcasting failure. A successful save vs. breath halves the damage and negates the deafness.
Being non-magical in nature, this ability completely ignores any magic resistance of the targets. However, resistance to energy damage can reduce the amount of damage dealt.
Lingering Song (new ability)
Once a Bard's musical talents have reached a significant level, his music can stay with the listeners long after the last note has died away. After the Bard stops playing, the effects of his or her song last an additional 2 rounds.
Requires: Enhanced Bard Song
Magic Flute (revised ability)
This ability creates an enchanted flute made of pure magical energy which remains in existence for 8 hours. When played by a bard of exceptional talent the flute can be used to break enchantments, which effectively nullifies the effects of all spells and spell-like abilities (but not Psionics) that belong to the Enchantment school, whether they are beneficial or not (three charges). Furthermore, the flute can be used to mimic the effects of any arcane spell from the Enchantment school (two charges). Finally, the flute can summon forth a Spirit Warrior (one charge).
Spirit Warriors are spectral echoes of past heroes whose souls now rest in the halls of Valhalla. If a bard agrees to spread stories and songs of their legendary deeds in order to prevent them from being forgotten, a spirit of one of these valiant fighters will materialize and join the bard's cause for a short while (10 rounds). The mere presence of this fabled warrior instills courage in all nearby allies raising their morale to its highest.
Note: The Spirit Warrior is actually a spectral undead creature and thus receives the proper PnP spectral undead traits (vulnerability to any spells or items which specifically target undead creatures such as Hold Undead, Repulse Undead, Control Undead, False Dawn and Sunray; immunity to curative magic, sleep, charm, hold, poison, paralyzation, cold-based spells and non-magical weapons). For convenience reasons, the Spirit Warrior cannot be turned, rebuked or controlled by PC clerics. In terms of power, the Spirit Warrior should be somewhere in-between an Elemental Prince and a Deva. However, Spirit Warriors summoned by Skalds are slightly more powerful than those summoned by other Bards. Although the Spirit Warrior cannot be controlled directly by the player, he is treated as an ally, and the party will receive experience for every kill he makes.
Resonating Weapon (replaces Evasion)
Bards eventually achieve a high degree of control over sound which enables them to imbue any weapon with concentrated sound energy for a short while. A weapon imbued in this fashion resonates with a sharp tone and deals an extra 2d4 points of sonic damage to its target on each hit. Furthermore, anyone struck by the resonating weapon must save vs. breath or become temporarily deafened. After 2 rounds have passed, the weapon ceases to resonate and the deafness subsides.
Sound Barrier (replaces Greater Evasion)
The most skilled of all Bards are able to fully control the intensity, speed, and direction of the very waves which compose sound, which allows them to shape and bend it as they see fit. By utilizing this ability, the Bard encases himself within a sphere of swirling sound waves thereby forming a barrier which protects him from all sound-based spells and attacks (Silence, Deafness, Command/Greater Command, Power Word (any), Holy/Unholy Word, Wail of the Banshee and Demilich Howl). Anyone who attempts to break through the barrier and strike the Bard in melee takes 2d8 points of sonic damage. Furthermore, the attacker may become deafened (75% chance) or stunned (25% chance) during the following round unless a save vs. breath is made. The sound barrier dissipates after 5 rounds.
Requires: Resonating Weapon
to make the existing NPCs more likely to be played they need some items
viconia needs more hp or better constitution and perhaps an extra spell for evil clerics. the inflict wound spells without the need to attack can be good or give her better skeleton warriors as summons.
shar priests are about using mirror images or shadown effects.
dorn has a good blade, but his stats suck a little, he need more hp or lets say damage reduction or give him immunity against power word death via his helmet.
edwin has enough spells, but how about enhancing his summoning or his conjuration spells in general, adding an extra dice to every damage spells or makes saving throws even harder
that are mz few thoughts on enhancing this
thx for reading