QUOTE(zuras @ Mar 16 2010, 02:23 AM)
I don't quite see the need for nerfing Cavaliers.
The change applied to Cavaliers was a step towards balance (as Critto mentioned). It would make no sense to have a paladin kit with absolutely no disadvantage and so many advantages (above all, immunity to evil clerics' Turn ability). However, paladins can still be very handy in IA. With the new changes applied to improved vampires and the way they deal with the Negative Plane Protection spell, an Undead Hunter can shine in certain undead battles. Inquisitors can also be very powerful at high levels where their dispel magic is the only one which has any chance to dispel the enemy protections.
Also, as Critto mentioned, the main rework of the paladin class will be done in v7 when we add Expanded Paladin Stroghold to the game. In general, our policy is to rework every class when we reach the stage in which we are going to introduce their expanded stronghold. For v7, the paladin and druid classes will be the center of our focus.
If anything, every paladin should be immune to fear. That would be a more sensible change.
IA has introduced the idea of evil clerics turning paladins. Making all paladins immune to fear would make them all immune to the "turn" ability. Certainly a bad idea.
I can see why bards' arcane is a bit too good, especially since they still have thief exp rates, but I don't see why the need to nerf them even worse than they were in in vanilla.
Bards were not bad in the vanilla game; they were actually overpowered; so I don't see what the phrase "even worse than they were in the vanilla" might mean.
As for the reason for the nerf, you put the reason in good words in the first part of the quoted lines. Their arcane power was too good.
We have gone through the discussion about bards too many times in the past and as Kerkes mentioned, the dicussion about bards is practically over.
I don't understand the shorty bonus save nerf. Maybe it should be capped at 3 or something. 5 is a little too good, but from what I recall, the short demihumans all had many significant save bonuses evening going back as the original D&D.
In the original AD&D, demi-humans had significant disadvantages which are not present in BG2.
Although not related to specifically to v6, I still don't understand the point of delaying the HLA for any class.
My wild guess is that you haven't played even IA v5; otherwise you wouldn't have felt that HLA's are delayed for too long. As for v6, Critto has replied to this part. It's only the triple-class character who will gain HLA's with more delay than in v5.
QUOTE(matti @ Mar 16 2010, 11:43 AM)
3) Yeah, man, I hear you. Agree completly on this one! Dwarves saves are nerfed but penelty to dexterity is still present when the bastard half-orc still has 19 con and strentgh. This is unfair.
I don't think that it's unfair. Drarwes also have the 19 CON; so the only advantage of half-orcs is their 19 STR compared to the +5 save bonuses the dwarves had before. I think this was absurdly unbalanced in favor of dwarves, because the 19 STR while useful at early stages of the game loses its importance at later stages when every warrior has items to increase strength; whereas, the +5 save bonuses would not lose their importance till the end of the game. Having +5 save bonus from the beginning of the game was too much. It was as if the character starts the game with a +5 protection item and would mean automatic save in many instances. The +5 is now decreased to +1 which is still useful but not overpowered.