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QUOTE(eripmav @ Mar 29 2009, 02:44 PM) *
I see, maybe the sequencer aura problem is some local problem for me. But since I did a quite clean installation, I cant imagine what caused this problem. Maybe I just have to go on with this problem...(I did the test several times with the two yuan-ti mages at the exit of first floor of spell hold, they fired a sequencer at the beginning of the battle and fired another single emotion definitely in less than 1 round. I used my own mage for the timing.)

Those YuanTi mages are different from the Greater YuanTi in De'Arnise keep. They still use a vanilla script, which even though slightly modified by IA is not to be considered an IA-script in the strict sense of the word. However, now that you drew my attention to them, I will fix that problem. Thank you!

JD disappears!!! bigcry.gif

I don't remember how it went in previous run-through, I usually don't forge it (lack of money!) but this time I wanted to have it for EDE in order to dramatically increase my victory rate (I won't pretend, I just succeded EDE once on V5 last year, didn't keep count of my previous failed attempt).

Don't know if this has been reported, but after forging JD (in pocketplane, chap9 TOB), I went to watcher keep within 2 days (guess why?)
At the beginning of the fight, JD disappears from my inventory, I thought I would recover it after success but didn't.
I reloaded for the same result.

Any idea what could happen?

PS: I just have IA installed, only cheat (from game or mod rules) I confess is ctrl-R my R3-C when dead to avoid the tedious task of carrying inventories to temple.
Have you installed all of the hotfixes? Their links can be found in the first post in the "Progress Report for IA v6" topic.
sorry for late answer

I will go through all the hotfixes, re-install and try again

Well, these are not actual "bugs" however:

Tabitha skin armor is a bit "bad". Even tough it is AC-2 plate mail, it offers no adittional modifiers for "specific" weapon types like slashing, piercing etc. It could (regarding only AC) be actually worse than plate mail +1 (which applies additional specific AC modifiers). I haven't checked this out for other mod armors, however for this one I am sure.
Same applies to "Supreme Shelter" shield. Fortress shield is actually a better defence vs.missiles since it gives +7vs missiles, but Supreme only gives +3. Because of the AC cap, Supreme Shelter comes out short of Fortress shield, regarding missile defence bonus. The description of the shield (if it won't be changed) should be "+7, +3 vs.missile" because that' what you get. You don't get +10 vs.missile.
You didn't get it correctly, Kerkes! When you read of a shield that it is +a, +b vs. missles, it doesn't mean that the +b is in addition to the +a. In other words, it doesn't mean that you will gain a+b bonus vs. missiles. It rather means that the +b is the total AC bonus vs. missiles. So for example, when a shield grants +7 AC bonus and +3 additional AC bonus vs. missiles, we write it +7, +10 vs. missiles.

If there is any inconsistency in the description of the Fortress Shield or/and The Supreme Shelter and if the description of the Fortress Shield doesn't follow the abovementioned rule, I have either already fixed it in v6 or will do it (At this moment, I don't have access to modding tools and the mod's file to check it out; I will edit this post tomorrow and will add the details).

EDIT: I just checked the files and both shields are working as intended and all right even in v5. The Fortress Sheild is +3, +6 vs. missiles and The Supreme Shelter is +6, +9 vs. missiles. Nothing was wong and nothing was in need of being fixed or changed.
About underdark death knight's

Today i killed them easy with summoned greater bearwere from cernd, micro all char to escape their sunfire and ADHW.
why they didnt cast death spell???
You have an unsupported installation, antizyclon!

Greater bearwere doesn't exist in the game unless you install the Shapeshifter rebalancing component of Ease-of-Use which is not supported here. Uninstall that component of EoU and start a new game.
Yes i have installed that even doing installation as have u done in your walkthrough, so now just removeing that component no need for full reinstall game.

Unlimited bag of holding can cause bug?

Thanks a lot for halping.
QUOTE(antizyclon @ Jun 11 2009, 08:46 PM) *
now just removeing that component no need for full reinstall game.

There is no need to a full re-install of the game. But I strongly recommend that you start a new game after fixing your installation.

Unlimited bag of holding can cause bug?

It will slow down your game.
Torgal casts Hold Person on my Undeadhunter who is immune to hold. In addition, nobody else is close enough to my char be affected too.
In v5, enemies wouldn't check for immunties of particular kits; in v6 they do.

(It couldn't be called a "bug" of v5 though)
Good to hear that you take kit immunities into account in v6.

And yes, of course it's not a true bug, but I thought I'd just let you know smile.gif
I think this is not bug... Imho enemies shouldn't know exactly which character belongs to which kit exactly, so they shouldn't know exact immunities of my characters, neither immunities from kit nor immunities from items... I don't know this about enemies also, and I can do only a try and error type reloading if I fail with something, but sometimes I can win and don't need to reload even if I cast 1-2 spells which doesn't affect any enemies. So imho AI cheats if he exactly knows what immunities do I have cause of kits and items. This is why I didn't like the change in barbarian backstab immunity... Enemies with BS now won't attack my barbarian, so this is useless fuature of the class, since I always have at least few characters who are not protected from BS (via spell, item or ability). So basically barbarian BS immunity is nothing more than " hey you should BS my other character" ability... which is not useful in a party at all... Probably it would be better if barbarian wouldn't be immune to BS, since he has most HP in the party, so it is the best if he eats BS not the weaker partymembers. The only advantage of this ability when ALL of my character is protected from BS (via spell, item, ability, or maybe extrem low AC), but this is very rare, and special party composition needed.
Yeah, you definitely have a point there, but I think all this changes are justified coz enemies have no chance to figure out player's party immunities (via reloading, using different kind of weapons, etc.) ....but player have, right? I mean that this is still "enemy AI have no brain and should be compensating for this" thing.
I think that at some point you're going to have to put in things like this into the AI, otherwise it wouldn't be a challenge anymore. They would just waste spells or attacks on characters that are immune... and there is already plenty of that going on.
In vanilla you could just send one character ahead to soak all of the spells and attacks while the rest just stood back and either pelted the foe with spells and ranged attacks or you stood back and waited for the foe to be out of spells. I think it's rather good that the AI gains some intelligence. I'd recognise a barbarian if I saw one and as a result I wouldn't backstab him, would you? Same with monks, paladins, druids... you'd know how to recognise most immunities without attacking.

I guess there is some foggy line where you can not say, hey, he's obviously immune to xxx, let's not use that against him (i.e. immune to fire through gear.... how would you know such a thing other than trying?), but I'd rather have a smart foe than a pidgeon.
I think Iroumen is more or less right. It is easy to recognize a monk but I do not think the same about barbs. But it is still acceptable.

But I think these are still reasonable tactics for the AI. It is a workaround because I do not think that it is possible to script a protection recognizing algorythm. If it is possible then it would be the best option. Backstab the barbarian till the first time in the battle and then never again (at least not in that battle). Or cast magic on character who has MR till it first resisted (except in case of monks and resistance from spell protection).
Oh much of that is possible but you need to keep track of a lot of variables that way.

You can see an example in the modding forum on scripting NPC behaviour. There it shows that the AI calculates the amount of times it has been hit by fire damage and then you're supposed to script in that you cast protection from fire.

Same can be done with spells to an extent.
QUOTE(Vuki @ Aug 24 2009, 04:04 PM) *
I think Iroumen is more or less right. It is easy to recognize a monk but I do not think the same about barbs. But it is still acceptable.

But I think these are still reasonable tactics for the AI. It is a workaround because I do not think that it is possible to script a protection recognizing algorythm. If it is possible then it would be the best option. Backstab the barbarian till the first time in the battle and then never again (at least not in that battle). Or cast magic on character who has MR till it first resisted (except in case of monks and resistance from spell protection).

Yeah, but how exactly would it work? For example, Guildmaster battle: thief backstabing my barb, no effect, "darn, he's a barbarian, imma not backstabing him again!", but there is more thiefs, in fact they are crawling all around running like a madmen in backstabing furioso, so everyone of them should backstab my barb at least once and then not doing it again? It doesn't make much sense to me. They are high-level expierenced assassins, they are able to sense barbarian from here to the Spine of the World. ;]
If they are smart assassins then they would all pick a different target of course!
Therefore, only one has to try it on your barbarian and then if it fails (which you probably still detect by immunity from backstabbing) you simply set a global variable such that this foe is not a target for backstabbing anymore. Once the battle is over, you have to clear the global variable though otherwise it'll be in the memory for all thieves with that particular script. The code would be tougher to write than it seems though...
To recognize barbarian from sight? Maybe... To recognize Undeadhunter and recognize he is not simple paladin or another paladin kit? Never.

Yes, I am aware these things are needed somehow to make game more difficult because AI cannot try and reload... But this doesn't change the fact: barbarian BS immunity is not an advantage of the cast now... quite opposite...

If 30 assasin attack my party in guildmaster battle, 1 assasin SHOULD try to BS my barbarian. Then he can shout to others: "He is immune." Then all other asssasin who is still invisible or hiding, can BS any other class and ignore my barbarian. I am not modder, maybe this is a dream only, but this would be the best. Of course if nothing changes, game and mod will be still good, just barbarians (and undeadhunters) have one less usufull ability.

Lets check magic res for example. Enemies are immidiately aware if any char has MR. If she is Viconia, then OK. If MR comes from item it maybe ok (for example Carsomyr is quite remarkable I think). But even when AI cheats and without any good reason he knows my char has high MR and he behaves accordingly (ie. cast Lower Res.) still MR is not useless since it bought 1-2 rounds for my party when enemy used LR instead of devastating other spell. However this is not valid in case of barbarian and BS or undeadhunter and Hold.
hmmm...interesting discussion.
I believe enemies simply MUST behave in an "intelligent" way, otherwise the game would be too easy (for example, not casting ADHWs on Poseidon, not wasting DB on fire immune char etc).
I am not sure about barbarians doesn't actually write on their forehead - hey, I'm a barbarian, don't backstab me since I'm immune to it or whatever.
Personally, I'd leave as it is, and not take away their immunity to it.
I like the idea about "cast/use once, if char immune don't again" (how on earth do enemy mages know that Poseidon gives ADHW immunity!?) but I don't know if you cAN write a code for it, and I somehow doubt Sikret would do it anyway. It's still exploitable by equiping/unequiping equipment and stuff like that however.
There are also enemies in IA immune to BS and not Barbs anyway, take Pai-na which is a Druid or something. I can understand thieves being immune to it, but for some enemies I don't understand their immunity to BS.
QUOTE(Kerkes @ Aug 25 2009, 04:02 PM) *
There are also enemies in IA immune to BS and not Barbs anyway, take Pai-na which is a Druid or something. I can understand thieves being immune to it, but for some enemies I don't understand their immunity to BS.

Assume that some enemies also (have access to and) use potions of Barbarian Essence before the battles in the same way that you do. It's easily justifiable, because IA has introduced this new type of potion to the game (and enemies who are immune to backstab are not very frequent). smile.gif
I know they're not frequent, it's just that I fail to see reasoning behind it. And barbarian essence potions are really not that common . Besides, would u use it against some 12 lvl poorly equiped party even if you had it? biggrin.gif. Moreover with Ironskins...
Yes, if I knew that that 12th level party were going to kill me, I would certainly use it.
Too bad it does not help biggrin.gif
QUOTE(shadan @ Aug 25 2009, 01:31 PM) *
If 30 assasin attack my party in guildmaster battle, 1 assasin SHOULD try to BS my barbarian. Then he can shout to others: "He is immune." Then all other asssasin who is still invisible or hiding, can BS any other class and ignore my barbarian. I am not modder, maybe this is a dream only, but this would be the best. Of course if nothing changes, game and mod will be still good, just barbarians (and undeadhunters) have one less usufull ability.

I'm not a modder, lol, my modding knowledge is nonexistent, but I think that this is too much work (for a modder) for exactly the same effect when thiefs simply recognize the barb on sight. One wasted backstab is totally irrelevant/inessential in this case, effect is the same, imo.
Improved Firecam Armor AC is -2. After forging item true AC is 0. Bug?
QUOTE(Purifier @ Nov 5 2009, 09:22 PM) *
Improved Firecam Armor AC is -2. After forging item true AC is 0. Bug?

Yes, it's fixed in v6.
Heya, not sure if it has been reported, but i found the ring of djinni summoning lying around in a place its probably not supposed to be.

Its in Aran Linvails room in one of the containers, since it is an item that is supposed to be made from several components i doubt it is intented.
Yes, it's already removed from that place in v6.
I think i read someone else complaining about this, but anyway here goes. In the De'arnise Keep the spider doesn't spawn when lowering the drawbridge.
QUOTE(Ralmevic @ Feb 15 2010, 03:50 AM) *
I think i read someone else complaining about this, but anyway here goes. In the De'arnise Keep the spider doesn't spawn when lowering the drawbridge.

You sent this in another thread as well and I replied there. There is no such bug in the mod. Please send the content of your WeiDu.log file to let us see what other mods you have installed. It's a text file in your main BG2 folder.
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #3 // True Grand Mastery (extra half-attack, etc.) (Baldurdash)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table, Saving Throws, Grand-Mastery, and Arcane, Divine Spell Progression (Blucher)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #14 // Multiple Strongholds (Baldurdash)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #15 // Bonus Merchants (Baldurdash)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #18 // Imoen ToB Dialogue Fix
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #21 // Romance: Bug Fixes (required for later components).
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #0 // Improved Ilyich (requires ToB)
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #1 // The Ritual (requires ToB)
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #4 // Improved Bodhi
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #8 // "Kuroisan", the Acid Kensai
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #9 // "Red Badge" Poison-Based Encounter
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #10 // Gebhard Blucher's Improved Mae'Var
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #11 // Gebhard Blucher's Lich in the Docks
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #13 // Kensai Ryu's Tougher Kangaxx and Guardians
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #14 // Kensai Ryu's Gnome Fighter/Illusionist in the Docks
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #15 // Kensai Ryu's Improved Crypt King
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #17 // Gebhard Blucher's Random City Encounters
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #18 // Kensai Ryu's Random Wilderness Encounters
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #26 // Fighter-Class Archer Kit
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #27 // Anti-Paladin Kit
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #31 // Mike Barnes' Improved Small Teeth Pass
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #32 // Mike Barnes' Improved North Forest
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #33 // Mike Barnes' Marching Mountains
~SETUP-TURNIPGOLEM.TP2~ #0 #0 // Turnip Golem Encounter
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #0 // Ascension v1.41 (requires ToB)
~SETUP-ASCENSION.TP2~ #0 #2 // Original Tougher Demogorgon (optional, requires ToB)
~SETUP-LONGERROAD.TP2~ #0 #0 // Longer Road v 1.5
~SETUP-LONGERROAD.TP2~ #0 #2 // Restore Irenicus's original portrait from SoA.
~SETUP-DSOA.TP2~ #0 #1 // Difficult Brown Dragon: v2.2.4
~SETUP-DSOA.TP2~ #0 #3 // Improved Crypt King: v2.2.4
~SETUP-DSOA.TP2~ #0 #4 // Ghost Shadow Dragon: v2.2.4
~SETUP-DSOA.TP2~ #0 #5 // Gnome Fighter/Illusionist Encounter: v2.2.4
~SETUP-DSOA.TP2~ #0 #6 // Grothgar the Red Dragon: v2.2.4
~SETUP-DSOA.TP2~ #0 #8 // Curse of the Underground Shade Lord: v2.2.4
~SETUP-DSOA.TP2~ #0 #0 // Kensai Ryu's Deeper Shadows of Amn: v2.2.4
~SETUP-PLANARSPHEREMOD.TP2~ #0 #0 // PlanarSphereMod v2.6c: v2.6c
~SETUP-PLANARSPHEREMOD.TP2~ #0 #1 // Planar Sphere Store: v2.6c
~SETUP-PLANARSPHEREMOD.TP2~ #0 #2 // Waukeen's Promenade Store: v2.6c
~SETUP-PLANARSPHEREMOD.TP2~ #0 #3 // Planar Sphere Return v2: v2.6c
~SETUP-OVERSIGHT.TP2~ #0 #6 // Monk High Level Abilities
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #16 // Ishan's "Always Toughest Random Spawns in Dungeons"
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #19 // Improved Undead
~SETUP-IMPROVEDANVIL.TP2~ #0 #0 // Improved Anvil for SOA & TOB

Here it is. Sorry about the multyposting, I just refreshed a lot and still didn't see my post and thought that maybe something had gone wrong. Since it's not a known bug, there must be probably something with the other mods I have installed, though the upgrades are mostly just new creature spawns. Also, keep up the goood work with v6. Hope it's out there soon biggrin.gif

Btw, I have never used a cheat and have saved the game afterwards so that couldn't be it either.
Your installation is not valid. You should have checked the "Installation" document before installing.

Tactics (all components), Ascension (all components), Deeper Shadows of Amn (all components), Planar Sphere mod, and Oversight mod are all incompatible with Improved Anvil and should be uninstalled.

Longer Road has never been tested with IA and we don't know whether it is compatible or not. I don't know what TurnipGolem mod is (these two mods may be compatible, but since we aren't sure, it's probably better to uninstall them-- if you want to keep them, do it on your own risk).

It's necessary to start a new game after amending your installation.

If you want, you can send your WeiDu.log again after the new installation to be checked here before you start your game.

This probably shows my ignorance of modding, but what causes the incompatibilities with the portions of the tactics mod (or other mods) that just add extra encounters (kuroisian, F/I at the docks, etc.)? Is it just the additional items and balance issues? Shouldn't the IA scripts install over any scripts the mods, erm, modify?

Since my last post, I've tried the 'Soulafein' mod and 'tower of deception' in conjunction with IA, and besides the additional items, the IA enemies and non-IA enemies seemed to work fine. The 'soulafein' mod did have one encounter where an enemy 'cheated' by using 3 SIs (Bodhi Ch 6), in a trigger or contingency, so perhaps that encounter was slightly easier than intended.


PS I've never played tactics/ascension/DSoA etc, so if the two listed examples aren't appropriate, i'm sure there are numerous others
Well, apart from the balance issues caused by items (which is by itself an adequate reason), most of those mods (Ascension, Tactics, Kelsey and et al) tamper with some of the game's key files (IDs files in particular) in their core components. Consequently, they either completely break IA's scripts or at least make enemies behave sub-optimally.

Also, they sometimes add their new content by extending certain game scripts which can sometimes collide with IA's changes to the same scripts. The most obviouse example is the Ascension mod. If you install ascension before IA, IA will not even install properly; if you install Ascension after IA, it will completely break IA's scripts and enemies will not behave as intended; the EDE encounter in IA will also never trigger due to the conflict between IA and Ascension changes to the script assinged to the exit of the pocket plane area in TOB (both mods extend the top of the same script and IA requires its block to be at the top; so, if you install Ascension after IA, the block added by IA won't remain at the top; sorry if this technical explanation may look a bit confusing for the ordinary players).

The same is true of the Kelsey NPC; it (unnecessarily) changes one of the game's IDS files and will break IA's scripts regardless of the order of installation. The best way to make Kelsey and IA compatible with each other was to apply a small change to the Kelsey mod, but the mod doesn't look to be actively supported any more. I have made the two mods compatible in IA v6. Ascension, however, remains incompatible.

Examples of that type of incompatibilities are many. Some of those mods are even mutually incompatible with each other even if played without IA (though their authors either aren't aware of the conflicts or think that the issues are minor and not worth mentioning in public documents wink.gif ).


Tower of Deception (upto v 3.2) is completely compatible with IA. Its v3.3 is for players who do not play IA anyway and is out of the question here.

My memory of the Solaufein mod is very vague and unclear; even if it doesn't touch the game's IDS files (which I'm not sure), it has serious balance issues.
Funny that you should mention the acsension mod, because, if I am correct the readme says something like:

25- The following components of "Ascension":
- Tougher Illasera
- Tougher Cromnir
- Tougher Yaga-Shura
- Tougher Abazigal

Anyway, since those components are in such a conflict with IA, i guess i should uninstall them. If I don't see any error messages during the installation process the game should be bugfree, right?

Also, are baldurdash's tougher abazigal and demogorgon compatible with IA?
Thanks for the thorough reply. It makes sense that mods affecting the same encounter would be incompatible, but its too bad some of the older mods have these incompatibilities. As a player who enjoys the difficulty enhancements of IA, it would certainly be attractive to be able to experience some of the other famous encounters in a single playthrough. I installed the Soulafein mod precisely because I read about the unbalanced encounters and wanted to try them.

But, its definitely not your job to fix everyone else's mod, and the new content and encounters in IA are all very well balanced and challenging, so I'll stop distracting you from putting the finishing touches on v6.

Also, I'm embarrassed to admit that I accidentally installed the newest version of ToD (3.3), but everything seemed to work fine. I was at first confused and then disappointed when the Ustrain fight triggered earlier than anticipated - the 3.2 fight sounded very challenging. Anyway, my point is they seemed technically compatible.
QUOTE(Ralmevic @ Feb 18 2010, 07:19 AM) *
Funny that you should mention the acsension mod, because, if I am correct the readme says something like:

25- The following components of "Ascension":
- Tougher Illasera
- Tougher Cromnir
- Tougher Yaga-Shura
- Tougher Abazigal

Anyway, since those components are in such a conflict with IA, i guess i should uninstall them.

Actually, you should uninstall ALL components of Ascension.

If I don't see any error messages during the installation process the game should be bugfree, right?
No, not necessarily.

Also, are baldurdash's tougher abazigal and demogorgon compatible with IA?

Never heard of these two. Which Baldurdash mod are you referring to?
QUOTE(Ralmevic @ Feb 18 2010, 03:49 AM) *
Anyway, since those components are in such a conflict with IA, i guess i should uninstall them. If I don't see any error messages during the installation process the game should be bugfree, right?

Also, are baldurdash's tougher abazigal and demogorgon compatible with IA?

You should uninstall everything except Ease of use and Tougher Demogorgon (the one and only component of Ascension compatible with IA).

QUOTE(Sikret @ Feb 18 2010, 09:13 AM) *
Also, are baldurdash's tougher abazigal and demogorgon compatible with IA?

Never heard of these two. Which Baldurdash mod are you referring to?

These components are still hosted on Baldurdash homepage, but, of course, they're not part of the Baldurdash patch.
QUOTE(Ralmevic @ Feb 18 2010, 02:49 AM) *
Also, are baldurdash's tougher abazigal and demogorgon compatible with IA?

Sorry for the typo guys, I meant tougher Balthazar. Of course Abazigal is in conflict with IA, it even says so in the part of the readme i just copied. Anyway, the improved balthazar is just some CRE files to be copied in the override folder so I guess it's no big deal wink.gif

I decided to keep LR and test it-should it fail at least we will know if it is incompatible.
QUOTE(Sikret @ Feb 18 2010, 04:44 AM) *
Ascension, however, remains incompatible.

Actually, now that I'm checking again, it seems that even the Ascension mod will be compatible with IA v6. The same new feature in IA v6 which resolves the compatibility issues with Kelsey NPC, makes Ascension compatible as well provided that you install them before Improved Anvil. If you install them after IA, they will overwrite the IDS files again and will corrupt the installtion. You will just need to follow the general rule that IA should be the last mod you install.

It looks interesting that despite the huge amount of new content in IA v6 (compared to v5), the list of incompatible mods will actually be shorter. smile.gif
That spl file link isn't working, least not in IE or firefox.
QUOTE(zuras @ Mar 16 2010, 11:19 PM) *
That spl file link isn't working, least not in IE or firefox.

Seems that the forum has got problem with files with .spl extension as attachments. Thanks for the report. Just attached the spell in .rar format to the same post. You will just need to unzip the file before using it.
Enchanted weapon spell not working-- bug or intended?
QUOTE(zuras @ Mar 21 2010, 07:31 AM) *
Enchanted weapon spell not working-- bug or intended?

The spell works without problems.

Copy and paste the content of your WeiDu.log file (it's a text file in your BG2 folder) and describe what exactly happens when you cast the spell.
I should have reposted before I went to sleep. Umm, its kind of weird. I immediately bought the enchanted weapon spell after I gave the head to the dao and then killed him in tradesmeet. Then I scribed it, went to the mayor to become a hero, then when I came out after filling up 3 slots with the spell and rested. Cast the first one, and the casting effect was there like normal, but it didn't give me the option to choose a weapon, so nothing happened. Then I took off my staff, tried again cast again, and same thing happened, so then I took off my sling too and cast again and the same thing happened. I thought maybe the spell had been disabled, since it's a pretty powerful spell for an early party. Then I made that post. Little while later I reloaded the game from an earlier save just before I killed the dao because I wanted to try casting the spell as a scroll on my sorc and my mage. And it worked for both of them. Then i reloaded and scribed it this time and worked casting it from the book, too. Confusing. The only things diffent I did in that in that second save where it worked was: i didn't go the mayor before i used it, and when I handed the head to the dao I didn't kill him just before he teleported away.

~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #0 // Infinite Weapon, Potion and Ring/Amulet Stacking
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #1 // Infinite Weapon, Potion Stacking (ToB)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #2 // Multi-Class Grand Mastery
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #3 // True Grand Mastery (extra half-attack, etc.) (Baldurdash)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #4 // Shut Up "You Must Gather Your Party Before Venturing Forth"
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #5 // Faster Chapter 1&2 Cut-Scenes and Dreams (Karzak, Blucher) (SEE WARNINGS)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #6 // Wear Magical Armor AND Magic Rings (etc.)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #9 // Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table, Saving Throws, Grand-Mastery, and Arcane, Divine Spell Progression (Blucher)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #10 // XP Cap Remover
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #14 // Multiple Strongholds (Baldurdash)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #15 // Bonus Merchants (Baldurdash)
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #16 // Keep Drizzt's Loot, Disable Malchor Harpell
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #17 // No Drow Avatars On Party In Underdark
~SETUP-EASE.TP2~ #0 #18 // Imoen ToB Dialogue Fix
~SETUP-IMPROVEDANVIL.TP2~ #0 #0 // Improved Anvil for SOA & TOB
QUOTE(zuras @ Mar 21 2010, 06:41 PM) *
Confusing. The only things diffent I did in that in that second save where it worked was: i didn't go the mayor before i used it, and when I handed the head to the dao I didn't kill him just before he teleported away.

None of these things can affect how a spell works in the game. If the problem can't be re-produced, ignore it and continue your game.
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