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Full Version: TS Test by Trufa (don't split pls with Anvil, because the second TS test will be with IA)
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I finished the first TS test

Nothing special installed
-some Ease-of-Use

I played until the middle of main quest (Maevar,Small Athkathlan Quests,Trademeet,deArnise,Unseeing Eye, Pl.Sphere, Pl.Prison,Slavers, Aran's side quests), and finished the first testplay (speedplay style) fem. Kensai Druid PC NN all.

- What is with Kachiko's old voice? This new one reminds me on my fem IWD1 characters, The old one was nicer, especially there was voicing in banters too, not only the core ones (lead,tired,attack, etc...)
- Same Kachiko-Yoshimo banter problem as before mentioned
- Sime's voicing has also the same trouble (only having the core sounds), and I haven't any install problems
- Haven't Triggered the first (and the other) Lovetals with SIme. It is still to do the Temple Ruins quest, or Neutral Charachters cannot romance SIme? (the reason to stopped the test)
-It was good, to remove the upgraded Dak'Kon Blades, so Kachiko can try other combos as well, and in IA nothing can stop her having the Royal Elemental Staff
-Taking the TS Robes in the Nakanishi dungeon was a good idea, so this powerful, but too owerpowered robes are accessable in the middle-later of the game
-It would be better to take the Edion Ring of Wizardry out, rather the Ulcaster Ring, because in vanilla game both ring are very (or not too powerful), but in IA Ulcaster Ring will give possibly Immy a few additonal spells, but with a Ring of Wizardry-Edion Ring of Wizardry combo Imoen would have at least 12, or 14 spells in 5 lvl, and doesn't needed to memorized to An.Dead, Breach, SP. Imm.)
-I haven't found any reference (in game, and in add. programs too )how to make Ring of Wizardry II. It is possible to take this item? HOw?
[spoiler]-It is the same for the new Thief armour, but I have an Idea (Correct me if I am wrong) Aino give it at the end of the main quest to Yoshi rewarding the union of the two family)

-The last question goes for you Sikret! What will happen, if TS contains some items, that IA has modified,changed,or removed? (Arrow of Dispelling, some potions, the good old WuJen Katana?)

One of the TS-IA's expert's to get your character to TS-IA

(Fe)Male good Alligned Human Barbarian Long Sword/Flail/Spear and/or Shield)
-Best HP, Better as Vagrant, especially with Rage
-Many times immune to lvl Drain
-Many items to increase the already high HP, compensate the relatively bad AC
(Spear of Kuldahar,Mail of Life (TS +10 HP, reg 1 HP/turn),Large Shield +3 (TS Immune to PWK, Finger of Death),Indigo Ioun Stone,Girdle of Lordly Might,JD)
-Romanceable with Sime (mal-fem), or Valygar (fem)
QUOTE(trufa @ Feb 11 2008, 01:44 PM) *
The last question goes for you Sikret! What will happen, if TS contains some items, that IA has modified,changed,or removed? (Arrow of Dispelling, some potions,

Their new replacements in IA will appear in the game. For example, Poitons of Insight are replaced with Potions of Vitality in IA. If anywhere in TS a potion of Insight was supposed to be found, a potion Vaitality will be found instead.

the good old WuJen Katana?
Do you mean that katana which grants immunity to 1st-4th level spells in TS? Don't use it with IA as I toldyou before. Such an item will even create minor bugs in the vanilla game and without IA; but with IA the bugs such an item can create are serious.

Large Shield +3 (TS Immune to PWK, Finger of Death),

Don't use this item either.

Enemy mages in IA don't detect such immuntities granted by an item which is totally unknown to them and may behave sub-optimally by casting those spells on the wielder of the shield. If Vlad could revise the item to *cast* the Death Ward spell (one to three times per day) rather than granting the permanent immunities, then the item could be used in IA, becaue enemies can detect that a character is protected by Death Ward.
Their new replacements in IA will appear in the game. For example, Poitons of Insight are replaced with Potions of Vitality in IA. If anywhere in TS a potion of Insight was supposed to be found, a potion Vaitality will be found instead.
And what will happen, if found in TS an item, which is REMOVED???

Enemy mages in IA don't detect such immuntities granted by an item which is totally unknown to them and may behave sub-optimally by casting those spells on the wielder of the shield. If Vlad could revise the item to *cast* the Death Ward spell (one to three times per day) rather than granting the permanent immunities, then the item could be used in IA, becaue enemies can detect that a character is protected by Death Ward.

So, if I understand you correctly, I shouldn't use any item, which grants some permanent immunity, other than some % resistances??? (the ring, which grants immunity to FoD, and Death Spell?)

Another Thing:
If you want to modify YOshi, don't do it to swashb, because a swash cannot use Guild.Dr, and Grandf. of Assa effectively. Assassin->Fighter would be OK, the Assa's % in lvl 7 is enough to care traps and locks
QUOTE(trufa @ Feb 11 2008, 02:11 PM) *
Their new replacements in IA will appear in the game. For example, Poitons of Insight are replaced with Potions of Vitality in IA. If anywhere in TS a potion of Insight was supposed to be found, a potion Vaitality will be found instead.
And what will happen, if found in TS an item, which is REMOVED???

No item is removed in that sense. They are replaced.

Enemy mages in IA don't detect such immuntities granted by an item which is totally unknown to them and may behave sub-optimally by casting those spells on the wielder of the shield. If Vlad could revise the item to *cast* the Death Ward spell (one to three times per day) rather than granting the permanent immunities, then the item could be used in IA, becaue enemies can detect that a character is protected by Death Ward.
So, if I understand you correctly, I shouldn't use any item, which grants some permanent immunity, other than some % resistances??? (the ring, which grants immunity to FoD, and Death Spell?)


If you want to modify YOshi, don't do it to swashb, because a swash cannot use Guild.Dr, and Grandf. of Assa effectively. Assassin->Fighter would be OK, the Assa's % in lvl 7 is enough to care traps and locks

Thank you. I'll consider this if I decide to modify Yoshi.
No item is removed in that sense. They are replaced.

So the code of Arrow of dispelling,Potion of Genius, and Mindfocusing, and etc. has a new owner?
QUOTE(trufa @ Feb 11 2008, 02:24 PM) *
No item is removed in that sense. They are replaced.

So the code of Arrow of dispelling,Potion of Genius, and Mindfocusing, and etc. has a new owner?

Please don't care about voices because I removed them. They have been made 5-6 years ago. Nowdays the voice recording quality is much better, and I hope that someone would volunteer to revoice both Kachiko and Sime.

Haven't Triggered the first (and the other) Lovetals with SIme

I had not noticed this problem in my testing game. All lovetalks and encounters were triggered smoothly. In fact, only evil characters cannot romance Sime. There is no other restriction (quests, classes etc.) to romance Sime.

[EDIT] Try to sleep somewhere outside the city, for example, and see if LT starts.
Please don't care about voices because I removed them.

It would be hard, especially for Sime, because one of the main reason was her voice, which I love sooooooooooooo much, but I would try.

Hopefully at the second (the TS-IA) test can be started at Saturday (damned hard week...), with that I have a question. Sime's Romance is Race-related? Just because I (Trufa Halfling Priest of Lathander CG) will be sooooooooooooooooo happy to romance Sime and didn't let her to my friend (Hum Barbarian CG)

The itemspoiler answers can you send me via PM???????????
Thx a lot
So, if I understand you correctly, I shouldn't use any item, which grants some permanent immunity, other than some % resistances??? (the ring, which grants immunity to FoD, and Death Spell?)


Sime's Armor grants immunity to Confusion (I didn't think that is a spoiler), just like Aeger Hide (The whole armor is like Aeger, just in Studded). What shall I do with it?
QUOTE(trufa @ Feb 12 2008, 02:24 AM) *
So, if I understand you correctly, I shouldn't use any item, which grants some permanent immunity, other than some % resistances??? (the ring, which grants immunity to FoD, and Death Spell?)


Sime's Armor grants immunity to Confusion (I didn't think that is a spoiler), just like Aeger Hide (The whole armor is like Aeger, just in Studded). What shall I do with it?

Aeger is different. Enemy spellcasters recognize Aeger if they see you have worn it and won't waste (for example) their "Rigid Thinking" spells on the character who has worn it. They won't recognize Sime's Armor and will behave sub-optimally by casting such spells on her.

It's your call. If you want full challenge with IA, don't use that armor. If you want to see some mages and clerics wasting their spells on her, keep it. If you want my personal recommendation, don't use it.
Sikret, I'm sorry for intruding here, but there are personal items of NPCs connected to the characters and to the plot. Also, some of them, such as ring of Kachko and amulet of Sime are non-removable. Advising not to use such items means disregarding the plot of TS in favour of tactical enhancement introduced by IA. Of course, it is a pure choice of the player but please refrain from such advises. The player should choose what suits his/her style of game on his/her own without our advises. Thank you for your understanding. smile.gif
I didn't know that those items (with the permanent immunties they grant) were required for TS's plots and quests. I'm really sorry. With the new information, I guess it's best to say that the two mods are conceptually incompatible with each other. I won't bother you any more.


No need for any further tests of IA and TS in the same installation. Play and enjoy the two mods separately. Vlad says that all those items are required for the plots in TS (Not only the armor, but also even the more problematic ones). The two mods won't work with each other properly if TS' plots depend on those items in such a strict way. I will add TS to the list of incompatible mods with IA in the next IA readme file. Finally, we got an answer to our question about the compatibility (or lack thereof) between the 2 mods.
I won't bother you any more

Sikret, there is no need to react in such away. I'm not against IA and your modding conception. I just mentioned that the personal items of NPCs are "connected to the characters and to the plot", they are valued, well-crafted and their description explains for themselves. I don't think that Sime would like the idea that someone takes her favourite armour off, the armour, which her father granted to her with love. biggrin.gif Of course, the player can equip her with anything he/she prefers, but in my humble opinion, which is an opinion of a creator, she looses a part of her personality this way.

As I told you before, items are not a technical problem, and instead of labelling TS as a next incompatible with IA mod, I would suggest for you to add at least personal NPCs items of TS to your scripts. I think this would be a more reasonable decision.
No need for any further tests of IA and TS in the same installation.

Then I will try TAIU-TS (Tactics-Ascension-ItemUpgrade), but it wouldn't the same.

QUOTE(trufa @ Feb 12 2008, 09:58 PM) *
No need for any further tests of IA and TS in the same installation.

Then I will try TAIU-TS (Tactics-Ascension-ItemUpgrade), but it wouldn't the same.

If you want another tactical option, Sword Coast Stratagems II is compatible with TS, as far as I know (it dynamically detects new items provided you install it after item-introducing mods, so the problem Sikret identifies doesn't arise).
Trufa, I'm enhancing the sounds recorded by Domi and Merja, so it will be a bit different but still the same favourite voices. smile.gif In the final version you'll get them all back.
QUOTE(Vlad @ Feb 12 2008, 11:30 PM) *
I just mentioned that the personal items of NPCs are "connected to the characters and to the plot"

The question is whether all those immunities are also required and connected to the plots or not.

As I told you before, items are not a technical problem, and instead of labelling TS as a next incompatible with IA mod, I would suggest for you to add at least personal NPCs items of TS to your scripts. I think this would be a more reasonable decision.
Yes, one solution is that I rewrite 400-500 scripts; the other solution is that you revise 3 or 4 items and make them cast protective spells rather than granting permanent immunties. I leave it for you to decide which one is more reasonable.

QUOTE(trufa @ Feb 13 2008, 02:28 AM) *

Then I will try TAIU-TS (Tactics-Ascension-ItemUpgrade), but it wouldn't the same.

I know that it won't be the same. Improved Anvil is much more than a tactical mod. You are looking for the extra content IA adds to the game and want to play it with TS. But under the current situation, you have no choice but to play IA in a separate installation.
If you want another tactical option, Sword Coast Stratatgems II is compatible with TS, as far as I know (it dynamically detects new items provided you install it after item-introducing mods).
Can you pls send a download link?
It is compatible with IU? Just to get my 2 favourite IU items (Improved Aeger's Hide,Incarnadine Elven Chain/Just tired from the ultimate full plates/)
What should be the correct install order? (Most Possibly mods are Bdash,TS,Easy-s,DBG,IU, and this tactical mods)

Trufa, I'm enhancing the sounds recorded by Domi and Merja, so it will be a bit different but still the same favourite voices. smile.gif In the final version you'll get them all back.

Thx a lot, I will wait for it, but I have an Idea. It is possible to add an install option to get the old soundsets???

QUOTE(trufa @ Feb 13 2008, 10:12 AM) *
If you want another tactical option, Sword Coast Stratatgems II is compatible with TS, as far as I know (it dynamically detects new items provided you install it after item-introducing mods).
Can you pls send a download link?

It is compatible with IU? Just to get my 2 favourite IU items (Improved Aeger's Hide,Incarnadine Elven Chain/Just tired from the ultimate full plates/)

What should be the correct install order? (Most Possibly mods are Bdash,TS,Easy-s,DBG,IU, and this tactical mods)

Baldurdash - TS - DBG - IU - SCSII, I should think. (I'm not sure what Easy-s is.)

I should say that I haven't actually heard reports of SCSII and TS being tested together but I don't see any in-principle reason they shouldn't (if there are problems, they're probably fixable at my end).
Baldurdash - TS - DBG - IU - SCSII, I should think. (I'm not sure what Easy-s is.)

Easy-s are Ease of use-s.

The Another question, it is possible to combine this first section (Baldurdash - TS - DBG - IU - SCSII) With BGI NPC Project, and SCSI via BGT? In there what would be the correct install order?

Possibly BGI additons would NPC Project, SCSI, Finch/Gavin/Indy/Grey Clan Ep 1./Sirine's Call
QUOTE(trufa @ Feb 13 2008, 10:52 AM) *
Baldurdash - TS - DBG - IU - SCSII, I should think. (I'm not sure what Easy-s is.)

Easy-s are Ease of use-s.

The Another question, it is possible to combine this first section (Baldurdash - TS - DBG - IU - SCSII) With BGI NPC Project, and SCSI via BGT? In there what would be the correct install order?

Possibly BGI additons would NPC Project, SCSI, Finch/Gavin/Indy/Grey Clan Ep 1./Sirine's Call

I don't see why not (though obviously, the more mods, the more potential problems). Try it and see.

If you are willing to make TS compatible with IA, I'll be glad to offer my help. The way to do it is this:

We will make new versions of those items (which don't have those problems); then we will replace the original items with their new versions only for players who have both mods installed. In this way, players who have TS, but don't have IA, will have the original versions of the items and only players who have both mods installed will have the versions of those items.

With a similar method, we can resolve the compatibility issues of the Valygar romance.

If you don't have the time to do the work, I will do everything (making items, code to replace items if IA is detected, etc...) and will send them to you and all you need to do is to add them to the mod's next version.

Just let me know if you accept this solution or not.
I don't see why not (though obviously, the more mods, the more potential problems). Try it and see.

Thank you, but in which order should I install these mods?
Just let me know if you accept this solution or not.

Yes, it would be great. thumb.gif
QUOTE(trufa @ Feb 13 2008, 09:55 PM) *
I don't see why not (though obviously, the more mods, the more potential problems). Try it and see.

Thank you, but in which order should I install these mods?

At a guess:

Baldurdash - BGT - TS - Sirine's Call - BG1NPC - Finch/Gavin/Indira - Ease-of-use - SCS I - SCS II

No promises, though smile.gif
QUOTE(Vlad @ Feb 14 2008, 03:14 AM) *
Just let me know if you accept this solution or not.

Yes, it would be great. thumb.gif

Thank you, Vlad!

I'll send you a PM to discuss the details as soon as I return.

EDIT: For everyone's information, I sent the PM on 2008/02/18, Vlad sent a reply on 2008/02/24, but it still doesn't include enough information for me to make all the required changes to make the two mods fully compatible. I will continue discussing the case with Vlad and we will hopefully manage to resolve the incompatibilites.
BG1 NPC project you might wait until v15 comes out. cmorgan and berelinde have been trying really hard to make this mod compatible and in my current experience, it was well worth installing. It wil go in every BGT install now! If you have the v14, you may want the nebfix as well and I will provide a link to my megainstall,,,right now SHS can not be accessible. I had SharTeel in my party with BG1UBusiness installed so I didn't use the fix.

BG1 unfinished Business you may like, too

SCS1 goes in every install now but maybe check on the "better cries for help" component. I didn't install that one component and had no issues with NPC rejoining.
a thumb's up to you DavidW thumb.gif

I don't know about Ease of Use-some components may cause slowdowns (gradual drow item disintegration and infinite whatever stacking) Your choice but I use MixMod and BG2 Tweaks to filter out some "infinite" stuff.

Indira=a good BG1NPC mod with loads of banters, I haven't tried the others you want to install.

Baldurdash - TS - DBG - IU - SCSII, I should think. (I'm not sure what Easy-s is.)

Easy-s are Ease of use-s.

The Another question, it is possible to combine this first section (Baldurdash - TS - DBG - IU - SCSII) With BGI NPC Project, and SCSI via BGT? In there what would be the correct install order?

Possibly BGI additons would NPC Project, SCSI, Finch/Gavin/Indy/Grey Clan Ep 1./Sirine's Call

This post has been edited by trufa: Yesterday, 05:53 AM

I think you will be fine with your planned megainstall as Ii have almost the same, but much more. As soon as SHS is up again, I will give you some links to my weidu install and help on BG1 NPC and some others for reference.
Happy Gaming Trufa! cool.gif
I am an idiot, what is DBG?
Link to V14BG1 NPC project patch:
nebfix download
QUOTE(Hoppy @ Feb 14 2008, 09:55 AM) *
I am an idiot, what is DBG?

Dangeon-be-Gone by JC
Hoppy's maga mod Here is the link to my forum for just some last minute consol;e fixes regarding the BG1NPC project.

If you want TGC episode 1 and have some good SoA fights, then thet was compatible with everything I had
QUOTE(Senka @ Feb 14 2008, 05:22 AM) *
QUOTE(Hoppy @ Feb 14 2008, 09:55 AM) *
I am an idiot, what is DBG?

Dangeon-be-Gone by JC

Thank you Senka! wub.gif

I can't remember every short name for mods. Plus I never install Dungeon be gone if I install TS, Kachiko is there?
With respect to DBG, AR0602 and BALDUR scripts should be checked, whether DBG introduces some incorrect changes to it or not.
Golden Thief
Part of the problem with DBG which I have used is that it places you past the point where Kachiko shows up. So if DBG could be alter to place you before this point then I think there won't be a conflict because then you would walk to the trigger point for her and then the rest would run. I have never tried walking back into the dungeon to see if she triggers. So if someone did that and reported what happens it still might be ok the way it is. If it works then all you must do is walk back and not out first. Just an idea to try.
With Dungeon-Be-Gone, I never had any problems with Kachiko. Right after, when Jassy finished his speech, and disappear, Kachiko triggers his initial dialogue with/without Yoshimo
The very big install doesn't works. Possibly my BGT install is the problem again, as many times, so I wouldn't test TS with BGT and BGI mods

Now runs the completet non-Anvil Tactical TS, and until now works fine.
Ease of Use 01,02,04,05,07,11,14,15,16,19
Tactics (the components, which are mentioned in SCSII readme "chapter"Two+Improved Small Teeth Pass)
SCSII (everything, except minor encounters/This one doesn't works/)
Senka reported a problem in Graveyard in Chapter 6. I found some scripting problem in this area originated from the fact that Yoshimo is no more removed from the group but continues with the party directly into ToB. Please before you enter this area in Chaper 6, let me know.
Senka reported a problem in Graveyard in Chapter 6. I found some scripting problem in this area originated from the fact that Yoshimo is no more removed from the group but continues with the party directly into ToB. Please before you enter this area in Chaper 6, let me know.

OK, it would be at least a week.
I have uninstalled SCSII, because some ofg the low-mid lvl mages Magic Missiles has only visual effects.


2 day 22 hour (ingame)
Copper Coronet
Slaver Quest
Suna Seni encounter
Complete Trademeet without Tiris
Possibly next "adventure" Harper quest, or Shade lord quest

Results: Kachiko-Yoshimo banters goes fine (except of course the second one, which was mentioned). Neither Sime's flirts, nor Sime's LT-s haven't started yet. Male-good-nonthief Halfling is romanceable with Sime? If not, doesn't a problem, because there is Jaheira, just let me no pls (even in PM), to should I wait Sime's LT-s, or not.
QUOTE(trufa @ Feb 18 2008, 10:49 AM) *
I have uninstalled SCSII, because some ofg the low-mid lvl mages Magic Missiles has only visual effects.

How surreal... Are you sure you haven't got some magic item on that absorbs MM? (I've never heard any similar bug reported elsewhere, so I guess it's that or else some kind of compatibility issue with other mods).

I'd be interested in chasing this up more but I'd better not hijack this thread... if you felt like making the same bug report at G3, I'd be grateful though.
How surreal... Are you sure you haven't got some magic item on that absorbs MM? (I've never heard any similar bug reported elsewhere, so I guess it's that or else some kind of compatibility issue with other mods).

No, I have some items, which grants a few MR, a few times was Resist, but it triggers when. I wrote about that times, when doesn't was MR, and the MM doesn't make any Damage
2 day 22 hour

It's too early. Now, the global timer counts in-game days. She initiates a dialogue every two-three days, which in my opinion is normal game speed. Try to rest somewhere outside and see if it happens. If not, please let me know. Do you know how to check global and local variables?
I wrote you Sime began to romance my girl only after Spellhold. We had Sola's encounter in Small Teeth Pass
Do you know how to check global and local variables?

via shadowkeeper, or via CLUAConsole:GetGlobal ?
As you like.
Is there a way to copy/pasting every variables into a word file? Because it would take extremely long to write it down. Or if I send you a savegame, you can check the variables, to see, have I something done wrong?
every variables
You don't need to check EVERY variable but only few of them related to Sime. They all start with VP_SIME...

if I send you a savegame

Please, not at this moment. I'm overloaded. smile.gif
Trufa, I've made some essential changes in scripts and cosmetic changes in dialogues. Also I've added a full improved set of Sime's sounds (command set, banters and love talks). I'll upload the next beta version today's evening. I'd recommend to get it and install before continuing further with your game.
Vlad, can I continue my testing using old save or I need to start new game?
You can continue your saved game. In this case you'll need manually to update custom voiced phrases of Kachiko and Sime. I would recommend to launch an earlier save, for instance, before meeting Valygar.
But this is the very beginning! biggrin.gif Ok, I just try another character smile.gif
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