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QUOTE(SparrowJacek @ Sep 21 2023, 05:32 PM) *
Hmm, well, such changes could definitely improve Cleric kits. Making major buffs improve with level would be broken (non-dispellable +13 str/dex/con at lvl 39 smile.gif ) but minor buffs like +HP and duration scaling tilll high levels might be a good addition. Thank you for that suggestion!

I think that's a mjor improvement, though one could always argue that getting +78HP's from holy power/righteous magic is broken (instead of +40), even though I don't think it is. The major improvement from that would be the duration, as it makes sequencing buffing a lot easier so it's mostly a convenience improvement. Well, the HP's can help a little bit as well.
Regeneration seems to limited to 1 turn as well.

Argh smile.gif ..... This is the key reason I took a priest with me. Because a regen cast by priest should last for almost 2 turns.

Also, the other spells seems to capped as well.

This changes my plans completely.
In AR1514 I seem to get too many scrolls of memory boosting when I defeat the 3 coin golems in the small room with the chest.
This block seems incorrect since it points to Iaitem but increased Iaitem2.

I suspect both should read Iaitem2?

    RESPONSE #100
        GiveItemCreate("S!misc01",Player1,0,0,0) // Scroll of Memory Boosting
This is already fixed in v7 development branch.
that's great to hear
I suspect that either I am unable to see the effects of false dawn or it may not affect shades and mists. From the in game text it is supposed to affect shades and undead. However, from the few times I have tried to use it I have seen no damage.
Maybe I am misinterpreting the spell?
Thank you for pointing that out. The spell is supposed to work on Mists and Shadows, so probably something is wrong with the implementation. Is this the case with all such creatures? Or maybe just some of them?
I will do some tests. I think I have never seen an effect.
I will do some tests.

Thank you! v6.6_BETA has low priority right now, as it probably won't be a part of the initial v7 release. But I hope that it will be integrated in the future, then we'll address all bugs and problems + rebalance everything based on our testing and input from your v6.6_BETA journals and thoughts.
One more note,

Have been toying around with Guardian Angel.

It doesn't seem to mitigate any damage though. Imoen drops 20 HP after the hit, no wounds are closed.

Hmm, the spell should regenerate your health 1second after the hit. Can you reproduce the issue? Does it always fail to close your wounds? What about other sources of damage, like spells for example?
Right. My bad, didn't account for the delay.

Works as intended, though a hit from FoA counts as 1 hit (even with elemental damage) though a magic missile spell counts as several hits.
Well, that's how the game calculates "hits". An attack from FoA is counted as 1hit + effects applied. There is nothing we can do, but I think that the spell will be reworked in some further version of the mod anyway.

It's a shame if the 6.6 do not make it to 7.0 though, as it has some tremendous changes smile.gif.
Well, v6.6_BETA focused on Clerics and was mostly my work not consulted with or approved officially by critto. V7.0 will focus on Druids, as promised some time ago. When v7.0 is finished, we should have more time for other aspects of the game, like reimplementation of Cleric rebalance smile.gif
Sorry it took a bit of time. That time of the year when things get busy...

QUOTE(lroumen @ Nov 15 2023, 06:30 PM) *
I suspect that either I am unable to see the effects of false dawn or it may not affect shades and mists. From the in game text it is supposed to affect shades and undead. However, from the few times I have tried to use it I have seen no damage.
Maybe I am misinterpreting the spell?

QUOTE(SparrowJacek @ Nov 15 2023, 06:39 PM) *
Thank you for pointing that out. The spell is supposed to work on Mists and Shadows, so probably something is wrong with the implementation. Is this the case with all such creatures? Or maybe just some of them?

I have tried Mist Horrors, Vampiric Mists, Poison Mists, Devil Shades. The False Dawn spell does nothing to any of them. It only shows the animation on the caster.
Okay, I checked the spell.

I have tried Mist Horrors, Vampiric Mists, Poison Mists, Devil Shades. The False Dawn spell does nothing to any of them. It only shows the animation on the caster.

You're right, it only affects creatures that have Race set to Shadow or Vampire. Mists are... mists smile.gif and Devil Shade has race set to Wraith. If we agree that my idea for FD rebalance is OK, then we'll definitely fix that. In my defence, the description doesn't say anything about FD affecting Mists, though I agree that it definitely should.
I guess I misunderstood that then. I am not too familiar with all the different races in the game. I thought mists were kind of shadows and the name devil shade also suggested to me that it was a shadow.
You can leave it as it is, but perhaps add to the description which creatures are truly Shadows? There are then not many of them, at least not difficult ones?
I guess I misunderstood that then. I am not too familiar with all the different races in the game. I thought mists were kind of shadows and the name devil shade also suggested to me that it was a shadow.
You can leave it as it is, but perhaps add to the description which creatures are truly Shadows? There are then not many of them, at least not difficult ones?

Technically I think that all creatures that come from the Plane of Shadows and most of those that tap into the Plane of Negative Energy should be damaged by the spell. And you're right, that the spell should clearly state which creatures are affected and which are not.
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