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Hello, as you could see from my activity on the forums, I've been working on Cleric rebalancing for the past few months. Finally I have enough changes, that they can be presented to players and make your experience with Clerics different.

But before I present the changes, I need to emphasize, that because of not enough time in our team, the chances that I prepared were only superficially tested. Only extensive tests would enable us to catch some less obvious mistakes and strange behaviors of new/reworked content. We are sorry for that, as we know that's an inconvenience to players. That's why this version is labeled as BETA. We hope, that you will install the mod anyway and if you can, then please report any bugs or issues to us, this will be your contribution to ensuring the quality of the next official release.
Sadly I am not skilled enough to ensure that no bugs will be present and since we have not enough data, we can't also objectively say if the changes that are introduced in BETA v6.6 are balanced, if you find them too overpowered, then let us know, or if you think they're too underwhelming, please share your thoughts on how to improve those skills/spells smile.gif

The current release of v6.6_BETA can be downloaded from this link

If you want to get the newest version with all newly found bugs fixed, please download it from my Github repository:
You can download zip with all the changes by clicking "<> Code" button and then "Download ZIP"

And finally here's the general list of the biggest changes:
Changes made for IA 6.6:
1. Defensive harmony cast by a cleric kit gives additional 2/3/4% DR at levels 12/18/24 to party members, each party member affected gives similar boost to caster, so max 20%DR, this works by casting a spell lasting 6 seconds each 6 seconds, so keep a tight formation to get the benefits!
2. Divine Intervention - new HLA, works as Greater Restoration for whole party, doesn't trigger fatigue, can be taken 2 times by all clerics (it's an ability)
3. Greater Restoration is now single target spell, as per its description, to me it made no sense that Clerics can use a ranged full heal for whole party as 7th level spell and Druids get a single target spell as a HLA
4. Heavenly Shield - new 6th level spell, each round your first hit deals additional damage if you wear a shield, damage increases when you have more points into Sword and Shield, available for all Clerics
5. Hold Undead - Priest of Lathander spell, it slows down undead for 3 rounds (by 50 or 100% depending on saving throw) and decreases their resistance to slashing and crushing
6. Protective Chant - new 5th level spell, AoE, fast cast, for 1 round increases MDR by 50 or 75%, only for kits
7. Guardian Angel - new 6th level spell, each time you take damage, you regenerate for 4/6/8 HP, only for kits
8. Spiritual Link - new 7th level spell, decreases max time to cast spell to 7/6/5/4 at 14/18/22/26 lvl, prevents all other forms of decreasing casting, only for kits
9. Spare the Dying - new 7th level spell, protects from dying for 1 hit, after which it is dispelled when dispelled that way, for 10 seconds prevents chunking, only for kits
10. Purify Aura - new HLA, instantly cleanses aura, has delay, which decreases with levels, at lvl30 no delay, can be taken 3 times, only for kits
11. Demon Hunter - new 5th level spell, AoE, gives thaco/dmg against demons, gives 10%chance per hit to increase demon chance of critical miss by 1 for 2rounds, demons affected by this spell get +1 to critical miss and if they critically miss, they suffer 10magical dmg, available for all Clerics
12. False Dawn - works only against vampires/mists, deals 6-24dmg, bypassing magic resistance and fire resistance
13. Bolt of Glory - if hits demons, then decreases their magic damage resistance by 40% for the impact
14. Sunray - if hits undead, reduces their fire resistance by 25% for the impact, does nothing if enemy has fire resistance higher than 100
15. Weaken Undead - reworked Repulse Undead, bypasses Magic Resistance, reduces chance of Critical Hit by 1 and damage dealt by 10%
16. Strength of One - does nothing if character has higher str than 18/75
17. Holy Power - does not decrease strength if already higher
18. Blade Barrier - does not hit allies (done only for that version available to party)
19. Boon of Lathander - increased dmg/thaco to 2 from level 10
20. Cause Serious/Critical Wounds spells are drastically improved and reworked, please read the description for details
21. DUHM cast by Lathander is undispellable and lasts 90s
22. Holy Power cast by Tempus is undispellable and gives 1/2APR from lvl 12 and 1APR from lvl 20
23. Righteous Magic cast by Tempus is undispellable
24. Summon Animals spells from levels 4-6 are not available to Clerics now
25. Bless duration increased to 1 turn
26. Aid spell from level 15 works as an area spell
27. Seeking Sword is reworked to improve with levels, its disadvantage is now that it can't be used with another weapon (though it can be with shields) and it decreases caster level
28. Priest of Helm gets * in Long Swords at lvl 1 and gets a HLA which increases it to **
29. Holy Bracers are now available to Clerics
30. All Clerics can get ** in Sword and Shield, Tyr can get ***
31. Sword and Shield reworked to add -1 AC and -1 AC against arrows per *, instead of just -2 against arrows
32. Divine Favor duration increased to 6rounds
33. Priest of Talos gets Purify Aura ability at levels 5/15/25
34. Priest of Talos casts Spiritual Link with better result, his spells casting duration is reduced to 6/5/4/3
35. Fully reworked Shaman class with its own abilities and new spells
36. Slightly improved Irenicus' dungeon
37. New recipe for Keldorn's armor
38. New item upgrade designed for Barbarians - Stained in Blood chain mail
This looks great! Thank you for all the work!

I'm looking forward to trying these things in practice!
Nice work!
Hi, the mod is ready to download now, the link is in the first post. If you have any problems, spotted any bugs, inconsistencies, or weird behaviors (eg in AI behavior) please let us know and we will do our best to fix that. I hope you will have great time with this new release smile.gif and please share your opinions on the changes!
Very nice!
Now I will have to think about which kit complements a shaman protagonist. And whom to give it to if I don't create custom npcs
Fantastic work smile.gif The new shaman class is very attractive, probably become the new best healer in the game.
I have been thinking on the kit selection for my next run.
Tyr looks interesting now, but it's utility skill is meaningless given that my protagonist will be a shaman which has a similar shaman specific spell available.
On paper from above, Lathander, Helm and Tempus are quite strong in melee. It depends on whether one would like anti undead (Lathander), anti mage (helm) or a chaotic boon (Tempus) as a secondary feature.
Talos is a strong caster with good defensive abilities vs elemental damage, which is very widespread.

It is a tough call, really, but I am tempted to go with Tempus or Talos. Since I will round up an evil party for a change, I will probably go for...
Shaman, Hexxat swashbuckler, cleric of Tempus, Dorn or korgan, some wizard magic user, and a sixth open spot.
I am actually considering whether a Talos dualed to mage might fit well here.
I'm glad that both Shaman and Cleric kits became interesting to players, the more different and creative party compositions, the better!

Iroumen, I see you decided to try as many of our new changes as possible smile.gif The party looks interesting, although I'm not sure you will have enough melee power. Swashbuckler starts to shine a bit later, Shaman has a limited hand to hand capabilities and Clerics will have to be tested. But I'm sure your survivability will be very high!
These changes look amazing !

Started a run yesterday with a shaman protagonist and Anomen tweaked into priest of helm (instead of generic).
So far so good, even though having to pass up on Jaheira and Cernd feels weird.

A few questions though (the readme doesn't look updated yet) :

- Is Shaman considered a druid when it comes to item limitations, strongholdwise and such ? (so far, seems so. SPOILER!
It appears I can pretend to the Great Druid title once I reach 14
- Did you introduce new items (shaman-specifics notably) ? SPOILER!
Found a Yeti's hide somewhere, looks new to me

- Did you introduce the SPOILER!
new druid stronghold upgrade
or will it come in v7 only ?

I'll report bugs I find (if i do) in another thread, only thing I noticed so far is the spirit shift activation animation going on a loop every round when its effect ends. Doesn't always happen, but pretty often. Resting fixes it.
Hi Badgerlad, it's great to see you're back smile.gif

to answer your questions:
- Is Shaman considered a druid when it comes to item limitations, strongholdwise and such
Critto will have to say for sure, but Extended Druid Stronghold should be available for all Druids and Shamans, so maybe Shaman is already treated as a a Druid for most logical checks in v6.6_BETA

- Did you introduce new items (shaman-specifics notably) ?

At the moment there are very few new items, IIRC we have some new recipes, which are also present in Items section of the readme. We've reworked Keldorn's armor(that's v6.6_BETA stuff, not 6.5 right?) and added a new chain mail for Barbarians that can be forged. As for extended Druid/Shaman items, I'm not sure whether they are accessible before V7.

or will it come in v7 only ?
No, that's v7 stuff. Apart from Shaman rebalancing and some smaller changes or bugfixes, version 6.6_BETA does not cover any major parts of Extended Druid Stronghold quest to my knowledge.

Started a run yesterday with a shaman protagonist and Anomen tweaked into priest of helm (instead of generic).

I'm curious as to what party composition will you use smile.gif

I'll report bugs I find (if i do) in another thread

Amazing, thank you!
With shaman, cleric and swashbuckler and the need for a mage it seems tough to fit in enough melee power. I will have a better thought in it...
I'm not saying it's impossible, you are an experienced IA player, so I'm sure you will manage smile.gif though some parts might be tough, however it's been literally years since my last full playthrough, so I might have a wrong perception of what is necessary to succeed. Your party is very versatile with a vast amount of divine and arcane spells, so it should be fine and if not, then you can always switch 1 or 2 characters midgame.
QUOTE(SparrowJacek @ Dec 12 2022, 04:07 PM) *
I'm curious as to what party composition will you use smile.gif

Eventually itll probably look like :
Shaman protagonist
Anomen (he's a ranger > priest of helm so he can ironskin)
Minsc (tweaked berserker)
Neera (I almost always run with a solo arcane on IA)
Imoen ( tweaked kensaï)
Korgan DD

I believe the kited priest + shaman combo can support a melee party fairly well, but I'm also quite worried about dragon fights silences.
By the way, the shaman healing power early on is insane thanks to the mending thing. Minsc could litteraly facetank the Suna Seni fight VERY early on.

EDIT after some early IAish fights (Slavers, TorGal, Windspear full dungeon...) :
The healing from shaman REALLY makes a difference. Never felt so safe in IA, we shall see about later stages of the game. A fight I can't wait to try with such a healer is the kobold crystal in Spellhold.

As for clerics, Anomen is a beast right now. The no friendly fire Blade Barrier is quite a thing, and all these goodies you guys added to the cleric kits feels like it should always have been this way. It really makes them distinct from druids in a good way.

For sure, the tough fights in IA require 3-4 melee capable characters, and I think bare minimum of 2 need access to critical strike.

I am happy you feel the changes make such a difference and distinction Badgerlad! That makes me want to try the game even more... once I figure out what I want (and end my shaman run in bg1, to import)
Critto will have to say for sure, but Extended Druid Stronghold should be available for all Druids and Shamans, so maybe Shaman is already treated as a a Druid for most logical checks in v6.6_BETA
This is generally true, if somewhat against the existing lore.

- Did you introduce new items (shaman-specifics notably) ?

There's a line of upgrades that are druid/shaman only, and you could probably forge the earlier versions, but the late-game stuff will only come with the extended stronghold quest.

No, that's v7 stuff. Apart from Shaman rebalancing and some smaller changes or bugfixes, version 6.6_BETA does not cover any major parts of Extended Druid Stronghold quest to my knowledge.
Correct, this is not present in v6.6, being WIP at the moment.

I believe the kited priest + shaman combo can support a melee party fairly well, but I'm also quite worried about dragon fights silences.

Shamans have a spell that can help you with that issue.

The healing from shaman REALLY makes a difference. Never felt so safe in IA, we shall see about later stages of the game. A fight I can't wait to try with such a healer is the kobold crystal in Spellhold.
I'm curious whether it makes too much of a difference :-)

I am happy you feel the changes make such a difference and distinction Badgerlad! That makes me want to try the game even more... once I figure out what I want (and end my shaman run in bg1, to import)

I hope the import does not screw things up, I am not sure how the game will handle changes made to the kit when applied to an imported character.
QUOTE(critto @ Dec 14 2022, 10:24 AM) *
The healing from shaman REALLY makes a difference. Never felt so safe in IA, we shall see about later stages of the game. A fight I can't wait to try with such a healer is the kobold crystal in Spellhold.
I'm curious whether it makes too much of a difference :-)

So far I feel like it does make a big difference. Wouldn't say huge, but I notice it more than every now and then. At least it feels like a somewhat "new" way to take on some fights.
Yet, it comes at the price of having a character (said shaman) being fully dedicated to support duty. Most of the time I choose to hold off that creeping doom or one of his great buffs just so I make sure his aura stays "cleansed" for mending. Still offers new possibilities. As an example, Shade Lord I killed yesterday comes to my mind, shaman could be safe from any ADHW while still throwing mendings so that everyone had enough hp to survive it (and in this situation, was relying on Anomen's Protective Chant to soak half of the dmg).
In a nutshell, it feels like an early game version of Cernd's endgame.

I wonder if making mending scale with levels (as in 1 mending per round til lvl 12, 2 til lvl 20 then 3, or so) might hold off that early healing power. And I still have to test that power out in mid/end game.

Spirit Shift is perfect by the way. Situational as hell, but saved hard fights once or twice and synergizes extremely well with the "stay out of danger and support" kind of play. Staying out means also staying out of debuffs, so at the very end, having someone fully buffed in an instant being able to jump into the fray for a couple of rounds can be life saver.

The sorcerer-like spellbook was also a great incentive to try new druid spells i usually ignored (namely Dolorous Decay which made some early hard fights trivial). And, gosh ! Do I spam Insect Plague like crazy !

I'm about to hit Spellhold, so we shall see how I'll deal with the truck-hitting enemies there.
No bugs so far, just noticed that the acid shield vs. enemy fire shield causes infinite dmg loop on party member more than I remembered.
Yet, it comes at the price of having a character (said shaman) being fully dedicated to support duty. Most of the time I choose to hold off that creeping doom or one of his great buffs just so I make sure his aura stays "cleansed" for mending.
Do you mean that you forgo casting in order to avoid waiting out the standard 6 seconds cooldown in case you need a quick healing? Because the aura cleansing that occurs after casting a mend spell does not last beyond a second, so there's no sense in abstaining from casting to keep it from lingering. This is probably obvious, but I thought I'd clarify just in case.

I wonder if making mending scale with levels (as in 1 mending per round til lvl 12, 2 til lvl 20 then 3, or so) might hold off that early healing power. And I still have to test that power out in mid/end game.

Some balancing might definitely be in store for this whole thing, but what you propose is quite challenging technically so I doubt that would be a chosen route. It's much easier to scale the spell's own healing power with levels than limit the amount of chain-castings available, considering that you can chain-cast any spell after a mend spell for the price of breaking the chain-casting ability.

Spirit Shift is perfect by the way. Situational as hell, but saved hard fights once or twice and synergizes extremely well with the "stay out of danger and support" kind of play. Staying out means also staying out of debuffs, so at the very end, having someone fully buffed in an instant being able to jump into the fray for a couple of rounds can be life saver.
True, I have had the same feeling about it but haven't had the chance to test it out in practice yet.

The sorcerer-like spellbook was also a great incentive to try new druid spells i usually ignored (namely Dolorous Decay which made some early hard fights trivial). And, gosh ! Do I spam Insect Plague like crazy !

Yeah, I've been wanting to have a druid-like sorcerer in Baldur's Gate for 20 years, and all the modded kits felt junky. Shaman is such a cool concept implemented on the engine level. Sadly, there are still some ugly limitations that make modding the class tricky.

No bugs so far, just noticed that the acid shield vs. enemy fire shield causes infinite dmg loop on party member more than I remembered.

This bug will just haunt me forever, it seems. Any particular instances?
QUOTE(critto @ Dec 14 2022, 02:17 PM) *
Yet, it comes at the price of having a character (said shaman) being fully dedicated to support duty. Most of the time I choose to hold off that creeping doom or one of his great buffs just so I make sure his aura stays "cleansed" for mending.
Do you mean that you forgo casting in order to avoid waiting out the standard 6 seconds cooldown in case you need a quick healing? Because the aura cleansing that occurs after casting a mend spell does not last beyond a second, so there's no sense in abstaining from casting to keep it from lingering. This is probably obvious, but I thought I'd clarify just in case.

I might have misunderstood the description. I mostly meant having my shaman "always ready to heal", aura cleansed or not. I was rather refeering to "if i cast creeping doom, I need to wait a round so no emergency healing". I was rather emphasizing the effectiveness of long range healing, so I'd do anything to have my shaman always ready to emergency heal. If that makes sense.
But since he's on healing duty 80% of the time, mending comes to good use.

QUOTE(critto @ Dec 14 2022, 02:17 PM) *
I wonder if making mending scale with levels (as in 1 mending per round til lvl 12, 2 til lvl 20 then 3, or so) might hold off that early healing power. And I still have to test that power out in mid/end game.

Some balancing might definitely be in store for this whole thing, but what you propose is quite challenging technically so I doubt that would be a chosen route. It's much easier to scale the spell's own healing power with levels than limit the amount of chain-castings available, considering that you can chain-cast any spell after a mend spell for the price of breaking the chain-casting ability.

Scaling scale power is definitely the best way to go. Low level heals are quite strong, and the casting time is close to instant.

QUOTE(critto @ Dec 14 2022, 02:17 PM) *
Spirit Shift is perfect by the way. Situational as hell, but saved hard fights once or twice and synergizes extremely well with the "stay out of danger and support" kind of play. Staying out means also staying out of debuffs, so at the very end, having someone fully buffed in an instant being able to jump into the fray for a couple of rounds can be life saver.
True, I have had the same feeling about it but haven't had the chance to test it out in practice yet.

Yeah, good job on that ! At the start I was like meh, this sucks why would I ever want to use that ? Then it came in handy and saved my arse. By the way, the ability has the fire elemental description when I right click it. And for some reason I was testing out the damage, each hit from my shapeshifted shaman always deals the same amount of damage. IIRC 3 when I was testing it onto party members, 7 (he had 2 more levels) when against Thax before Shadelord.
=> not true anymore, tested it lvl 14.

QUOTE(critto @ Dec 14 2022, 02:17 PM) *
The sorcerer-like spellbook was also a great incentive to try new druid spells i usually ignored (namely Dolorous Decay which made some early hard fights trivial). And, gosh ! Do I spam Insect Plague like crazy !

Yeah, I've been wanting to have a druid-like sorcerer in Baldur's Gate for 20 years, and all the modded kits felt junky. Shaman is such a cool concept implemented on the engine level. Sadly, there are still some ugly limitations that make modding the class tricky.

When it comes to the class core, I was wondering if the shamanic dance was really worth it. Gonna try to use it a bit (Mithril Golem for sure !) but it really feels overwhelming so far. I'd (very) personaly like unique summons better, improving with levels, as in what you implemented with Avenger and Vagrant. Not that it's needed, the class is great without it anyway.
The reason I don't use it is that it takes the end of the round I stop it before I can cast again, cf. my first point.

QUOTE(critto @ Dec 14 2022, 02:17 PM) *
No bugs so far, just noticed that the acid shield vs. enemy fire shield causes infinite dmg loop on party member more than I remembered.

This bug will just haunt me forever, it seems. Any particular instances?

IIRC, against Tanova (pretty sure) in Shadows Thieves 3rd task, and another mage. Maybe Pirate Coordinator ? Can't remember. Happened 3 times this run.

Oh, and I just got Shaman to level 14, indeed his lvl 7 spells are something. I was almost disapointed to imagine how powerful Storm Shell may be, got almost worried Ambers would be a walk in the park. We shall see about that.
I might have misunderstood the description.
Well, to clarify one more time. When a mend spell is cast, shaman gains a short-last improved alacrity (durationg of 1 second). If another mend spell is cast it is renewed, so chain-casting healing spells is possible. If another, non-mend spell is cast, the alacrity is immediately lost.

By the way, the ability has the fire elemental description when I right click it. And for some reason I was testing out the damage, each hit from my shapeshifted shaman always deals the same amount of damage. IIRC 3 when I was testing it onto party members, 7 (he had 2 more levels) when against Thax before Shadelord.

Right click issue is known already, will be fixed in v7. Haven't seen the same damage issue, would need to check.

When it comes to the class core, I was wondering if the shamanic dance was really worth it. Gonna try to use it a bit (Mithril Golem for sure !) but it really feels overwhelming so far. I'd (very) personaly like unique summons better, improving with levels, as in what you implemented with Avenger and Vagrant. Not that it's needed, the class is great without it anyway.
I haven't come with a great idea on what to do with the dance ability, so I left it untouched for now. Maybe the community will offer some insight. Reworking the summons is an obvious choice, but it feels kinda boring, and I didn't want to do it.

Oh, and I just got Shaman to level 14, indeed his lvl 7 spells are something. I was almost disapointed to imagine how powerful Storm Shell may be, got almost worried Ambers would be a walk in the park. We shall see about that.

It might be, yes. This is what beta-testing is about :-)
Any tips on the location of the SPOILER!
Rust Dragon
Or will I just meet him in time if I clear the game as usually done ?

Another question regarding HLAs and Dracolich improved version. Shaman got his HLAs very early (around 2,9 millions XP, not the usual 3,5 millions or so for other characters). Is Improved version of the dracolich linked to level or XP ? If XP, how much procs the improved version ?
Any tips on the location of the SPOILER!
I am not sure, but most probably that's only v7 content, so it's not present in v6.6_BETA

Another question regarding HLAs and Dracolich improved version. Shaman got his HLAs very early (around 2,9 millions XP, not the usual 3,5 millions or so for other characters). Is Improved version of the dracolich linked to level or XP ? If XP, how much procs the improved version ?

Hmm, Shaman having HLAs before others is most probably an oversight from our side, this will be changed. As for Dracolish, nothing's been changed, the fight gets harder after PC reaches
3 400 000 points of exp, no level/HLA checks are made.
I don't want to make new releases for the mod with each small change, so for now please download the newest version directly from my Github repository:

You can download zip with all the changes by clicking "<> Code" button and then "Download ZIP"

Current version has the following changes:
- minor typos fixed
- GR does not work on whole party any more (found thanks to tongtian)
- undispellable improved spells from Cleric kits can still be dispelled in some cases (found thanks to pekkae)
I am not sure, but most probably that's only v7 content, so it's not present in v6.6_BETA

Making my way through the run enjoying IA as much as I ever did, thanks for the updates to it.

Shaman is super strong early to mid game, especially I think when paired with a Dwarfen Defender those two dominated early and even into the underdark. As I have hit the HLA stage of the game At least for me he seems to be falling off a little as heals from Recast vital energy paired with Hardiness and Damage reduction in general have have taken over. Mending heals still play a role but certainly not as much as before but I think the Demogorgon and JD fight he'll be vital and have to be attached at the hip to the DD.

Clerics definitely buffed I like a lot of the changes in a few niche fights against undead/demons. I just think there are clearly better H2H options and Arcane magic covers all bases better than a Cleric ever could It has the best buff spell imo (Improved haste) and also the best heals (RvE) and best debuffs.

Should Clerics have the RvE equivalent spell? I can't help but feel that would even out the classes and bring more balance just my opinion.


Is the "improvised blend" omitted from the game?


(edit: found it, can't forge it though with Cespenar even if I have all of the stuffs in my inventory)
I remember forging it like 6-7 years ago, when playing with a swashbuckler. I don't think that there were any changes done to this script from that moment. Currently the conditions for creating it are as follows:

Dead("S!spideq") // Spider Queen
PartyHasItem("S!sw17") // Long Sword +4
PartyHasItem("S!sw15") // Cutthroat +5
PartyHasItem("S!misc06") // Manual of Elaboration

Hahh, it seems that you need to have that Long Sword +4 forged, the one from Demogorgon fight won't work on its own. In general those conditions are strange, since only Cespy can forge it, then why is there a check if Sider Queen is dead? biggrin.gif This will need to be fixed, but for now you can just use command line to set Ialongfforged to 1...
I would like to make a note that the npc modification of IA tweaks assumes that you have no other kit mods installed prior to IA.
I do have that currently, so I had to decode the hard defined entries into those found in kits.ids.
There is a way to regexp the correct entries in kits.ids but I expect bulian did not think of that.
QUOTE(SparrowJacek @ Jan 23 2023, 09:36 PM) *
I remember forging it like 6-7 years ago, when playing with a swashbuckler. I don't think that there were any changes done to this script from that moment. Currently the conditions for creating it are as follows:

Dead("S!spideq") // Spider Queen
PartyHasItem("S!sw17") // Long Sword +4
PartyHasItem("S!sw15") // Cutthroat +5
PartyHasItem("S!misc06") // Manual of Elaboration

Hahh, it seems that you need to have that Long Sword +4 forged, the one from Demogorgon fight won't work on its own. In general those conditions are strange, since only Cespy can forge it, then why is there a check if Sider Queen is dead? biggrin.gif This will need to be fixed, but for now you can just use command line to set Ialongfforged to 1...

Haha. Okay, that explains it. I added it via console and dropped the equipment & monies required to forge it.

IIRC there's also a twist with the long sword +4, as there are 2-3 types of long swords +3 in the game and you need to have exactly the right ones. And I never remember which one you are supposed to have.
Is the shaman supposed to get protection from cold for free at spell level 3?
Yes, I think so.
Hideous the Wu Jen
Hello again!

I'm having an issue with the latest version. None of the strongholds are working - the characters that initiate them are not spawning. If I CLUA'd the characters in would that work? Or possibly use the ease of use version of enable all strongholds? I'm about done with chapter 3 and have not had any reloads yet - so I would prefer to not start a new game.
Hello Hideous the Wu Jen!

I am not sure that IA has its own component for multiple strongholds. At least in v6.5 readme EoU Multiple Strongholds component is listed as a recommended part of the installation, ( so it might still be needed. Firstly you should try to install that component and if it won't work, you might try to CLUA these characters. It you still don't see the results, then maybe setting some variables using the console will do the trick.
Yes, the component is most certainly needed for multiple strongholds to function. IA does not have any intrinsic functionality for that.
Hideous the Wu Jen
What's weird is that I have a Necro PC and the Teos Planar Sphere stronghold quest doesn't even start. huh.gif

Installing Ease of Use strongholds (which I meant to do, but forgot) and then CLUAing in Teos worked.

Loving the mod as usual! Thanks!
We're glad you still like it! Btw what party composition are you using?
Hideous the Wu Jen
QUOTE(SparrowJacek @ Jun 2 2023, 02:10 PM) *
We're glad you still like it! Btw what party composition are you using?

Priest of Lathander 11 > Fighter
Berserker 9 > Mage
Swashbuckler 9 > Fighter

Lots of duals! LOL
That's a pretty powerful team! And PoL=>F seems like a very good choice, definitely the best kit to dual into a Fighter, good luck!

Yup. The PoL->Fighter seems like a great combination.

But the Swashbuckler (= Hexxat) in my book is quite a lot more deadly than the version dualled to a fighter. She's so effective it's nuts. thumb.gif
I finally had some time to play around with the new spells and abilities.

My main character is a half orc shaman imported from bg1. I must say, the mending spells are a complete revelation. At first I had my scepticism, but I use them a lot. So much so that I am also sad that my shaman cannot go head to head as much since bg1. On the other hand, I have taken the harm spell and it is very nice if you get the damage in. The other hand spells (cause medium/serieus wounds spells seemed a little too low on damage considering the time investment (cast then hit could have been 2 hits instead with slightly lower damage giving still a higher sum than the spells). I would see the damage for them increased. The shaman is now a good healer to replace Cernd. Level 2 is still on the weak side and at the moment I cannot recall what I use from level 3.

Clerics are now a nice versatile addition to the party. They need some buffing, but so do all non-warriors early on (like hexxat, jaheira, haer'dalis). I really like the change to defensieve harmony and heavenly shield is a interesting concept. I prefer it over dual wielding.
Overall, I like the changes. Some I am still not sure about.
False dawn is meh...
Spare the dying I do not fully understand why only 1 hit and not just a full round.
Protective chant... I don't know when to use it. I am just horrible with the timing. For sure I cannot beat contingency-adhw. It feels so often like a waste.

I am having a lot of fun with divine casters. Thanks so much!
Thank you for your input, we appreciate that and well, our experimental BETA version was released to also get more feedback on the changes smile.gif

They need some buffing, but so do all non-warriors early on (like hexxat, jaheira, haer'dalis).
I believe that some versatility here is a good thing, you can feel more rewarded, when your Swashbuckler or Monk starts shining after some babysitting in the beginning. And all casters need to serve many roles, while warrior types mostly just tank and hit. Also Haer'Dalis will probably be the last one to get any improvements, as a real Bard rebalance is low on our priority list, though we do have some interesting ideas for them.

The other hand spells (cause medium/serieus wounds spells seemed a little too low on damage considering the time investment
False dawn is meh...

In general I try to be very cautious with the changes, thinking of the lowest number of changes and improvements to make something useful. That's probably why some skills are still too underwhelming, but that can be changed. Thanks to your comments and some new ideas, Clerics will be rebalanced further and hopefully they will become more distinct from each other.
I am still not at HLAs and going through the main sidequests of chapter 2 and 3 first, but I already have the impression that the game is more refreshing with the changes included.
before I would have an R/C dual or Cernd to provide mandatory healing, but now with the shaman and with more offensive roles for cleric kits, there is just more possible within a party without feeling that divine level are a bit of a waste.
Hi all,

I playtested a little bit, through to underdark but it turned out far too similar to previous runs* so I abandoned it. Anyway, here's some feedback regarding the partial run.

(Playing IA 6.6 + BG2 + cdtweaks (multiple strongholds / potion stacking) + iatweaks.

- - Sometimes elementals do not spawn correctly. The spell is cast, but nothing happens. This is not infrequent as we don't get any elementals for about 30% time we cast them. Other summoning spells seem to work fine and we got this problem with both summon fire elemental & summon earth elemental.

- We got 2 blackmists from Ust'Natha encounter. This felt like a little bit silly reward as at that stage we had three weapons +4 (Staff of Rhynn, Water's Edge + Dragon Halberd +4). Plus we had the pieces for the Wave. So we had a scimitar +4, staff +4, two halberd's +4 plus pieces for a additional halberd +4.

- While we're on that encounter, the summoning ritual part wasn't finished, as the door would not open after we whacked the demon (temple @ ust natha). So some script didn't work correctly. We didn't try to replicate the issue though.

- Limited wish globes are broken, only the caster gets a globe.

- Casting DUHM mid fight (Jaheira) healed her completely? (we got the relevant bonuses + a free heal). We were not able to reproduce this though).

- multiclass fighter/cleric can put 2* in sword & shield style, while the c/m cannot.

Some feedback

- Cernd is completely overblown with the revamped level progression table. Aura clensing in chapter 3 is way too powerful. That single ability (+ if you stack casting time items on Cernd) makes some tough encounters quite trivial. like screaming statue is a breeze, Samia with the ability to drop Cernd's spell book completely is just a walk in the park.

- Revamped burning hands looks nice, so do the changes in graphics.

(* and I also misalculated my protagonist the B/M as we forgot a number of important details like the full version of wish being available only to single class mages etc.)
Thank you for your feedback!

We will analyze each case and try to fix what we can, but for now I can say, that some the things you wrote are related to v2.6 version of BG2EE. This version has NOT been tested by us and I am sure that some elements aren't compatible, for example if you have v6.52 of IA and v2.6.6 of BG2EE, then Alicorn Lance works as an AoE spell (fixed in v6.6_BETA). We also didn't touch Burning Hands.

No changes to burning hands? So I didn't realize before it had a similar scope to "cone of cold". I think somewhere along the way there's a change introduced. Last time I cast burning hands was maybe 2-3 years ago smile.gif. But I could also be wrong.

It's been 7 years since I last cast that spell, so I don't remember it very well smile.gif But it's been changed in v2.6
Burning Hands | Burning Hands now correctly casts as an area of effect spell, rather than targeting one creature

I'm toying around with a cleric, again. Going to change the crew a little bit next.

Tempus's holy power & righteous magic seem to be capped, at level 20. Is the planned or? They seem to be non-dispellable now.

Thanks again!
Hey smile.gif I am not sure... is there any problem? From what I remember, I just copied the original behavior of those 2 spells and made some changes. I didn't add any further progression than lvl 20 for them, so I think what you describe is expected.
Well, the spells capped at level 20 limit the usefullnbess quite a lot.

As they are supposed to add 1 hp per level and last for 1 rd per level, so there's a big difference between 20th level and 39th level. It kind of removes half of the benefits at late game smile.gif.
Hmm, well, such changes could definitely improve Cleric kits. Making major buffs improve with level would be broken (non-dispellable +13 str/dex/con at lvl 39 smile.gif ) but minor buffs like +HP and duration scaling tilll high levels might be a good addition. Thank you for that suggestion!
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