"please do not comment on how certain strategies or tactics would not work in other types of games"
Started journal some time ago, will add journal content on this first post most likely (find it easier to read)
Install is V6.1 on EE (my second IA run on EE)
Ok, tough it is not my cup of tea, I would like to test the challenge to have a no-reload (or minimum reload if I blatantly fail after some time) insane IA run.
There will be no infinite rehersal with a shadow party to repeat in current run a combination found after 25 or more tries and qualify this no reload. It is IMHO ridiculous to call any such thing a no-reload.
No reload for me is take a party and survive all fights you are involved in straight from start. No attempt allowed to test a tactic or whatever.
I have the prejudice that most important things for insane no-reloading are:
- never ever take any risk, always rest and buff before any serious fight, always take care before moving from one area to another or taking a rest (ambushes!)
- beware chunking as best as you can (AC, protections,...)
- remember your past experiences!
I have always relied on two things in IA: mage power and physical violence (any short lived enemy doesn't have time to torture you)
My (only) previous insane run was with this party: Necro/RB/RB/dual R->C/Cernd/ dual B->M
To capitalize on it I decide to go with:
Necro (of course)
RB/ RB (insta-heal , physical resist and supreme destruction late game, no comment)
Dual R->C (from start, dualed in lab) because this is early to late game a superpower (fight, heals, protects,...)
Barbarian, because physical resist and hp, insta-rage, I lacked such a char in my previous insane run
6 th slot will be :
Early (chapter 1 to 3) a switch between Cernd, Jan, Jaheira, Neera, Valygar depending on whether I do one NPC quest or the type of skills needed (Cernd is tremendous early game against undeads, Jan can disarm, lockpick and offer some magic support, Neera is a sorceress,..)
Long run I did not decide yet between Imoen and Valygar
Valygar would be to have another supreme fighter late game (believe me, his gear and racial combat is something) and his spellls can be quite handy. Maybe a bit risky (because I would only have one mage), but his presence would seriously decrease life duration of many powerful creatures.
Imoen would bring summons, wish, spell inferno or debuff on enemies, she is the reasonnalbke choice for no-reload.
Rolls :
Necro 10 10 16 18 18 18
RB1 18/95 18 16 13 13 3 starts with ++++ flails ++ dual wielding, aim is to give him +++++ in flails, then build +++++ in bastard swords, then +++ in short sword
RB2 18/93 18 16 16 13 3 starts with ++++ hammer ++ dual wielding, aim is to give him +++++ in hammer, then build +++++ in long swords, then +++ in short sword
Barbarian (half-orc) 19 18 19 12 12 3 2H wielder (will max ++ in 3H sword, quaterstaff and hallberd)
Dual R->C 18/79 18 18 14 18 3
add a swash to disarm/lockpick early
What I will do during this game:
- max hp on level-up
- 100% scribe scrolls for unique or important scrolls
- No xp/gold exploit
- no killing passer-by,
- no killing of joinable NPC (apart Edwin and Sarevok because I don't like them)
- If awaken by monsters, have to fight them (usually, I often Ctrl-Y monsters giving no xp or reload if awaken)
- if ambushed during travel, fight monsters (same as above) even if no xp gained
For insane and no-reload purposes, consider form now on:
- never any pickpocketing attempt
- rest as soon as party diminished (less hps, less spells,...)
- Systematic party buff when any risky fight (meaning all apart a lonely goblin, or close from this) according to cleric level and available mage spells as described below
Buffing (when and if spells available)
always on party: Bless, chant, prot from evil 15' radius, defensive harmony
always on R->C: stoneskin, DUHM, Righteous magic
according to enemy/situation on one or more party members: prot from fire/elec/acid, Chaotic commands, Free action, NPP
always on party:Haste/IH, remove fear
according to enemy/situation on one or more party members: prot from cold/fire/elec/acid, pfme,
Let's start
Might be one of the few players still enjoying it after all those years
Ranger dualed on the spot
Jaheira and minsc sent out, Imoen too.
First floor no big problem (my only concern was otyug, did not want poison or disease since I fired Jaheira, 3 lucky blows and otyug no more)
2 swords of chaos found in EE, use just one with barbarian
mephits in djinn room nearly got barbarian hide
Vampire did not resist barbarian
Out of lab, sell loot, buy scrolls for Necro (emotion, GM and hold monster)
Plan is now to exit town getting as much quests as possible without meeting Suna Seni and come back with much more experience for her.
buy potion case and scroll case in mart
Meet gaelan
First time ic CC, get quests
Fight guards near cells, not the best idea on insane at those levels, first reload was close (RB and swash confused were pulping Necro) emotion saved my day here. Definitly something to do later (and considering experience or loot not worth taking a risk here if aim is to minimize reloads)
Exit city with most secure way to avoid Suna seni (slums/gov/gate)
In gate kill hareishan and thieves, nice to meet them there, provides scroll of contingency
Umar hill (shield of the lost and Ilbratha)
Just beware hulk ambush in cave (barbarian was sent with summons from MS I to "tank" confusion)
Accidentaly kill rangers guarding cabin (wrong dialog option, but strangely no rep penalty), result is good, my first flail +1.
Windspear outdoor (second very bad idea no reload wise), entry ambush not easy at all, second ambush in house was quite close from reducing money a lot (barbarian had 2 hp left).
more caution with werewolves
Ranger class activates, good!
Trademeet, grove. Close issue with fungus (confusion) and Faldorn (I missed interrupting a bear spawn). Do not try Raksasa yet
Get reward for druid
De'Arnise keep (just outdoors, first level and trolls, no serious fight yet of course)
Temple ruins outdoor
I need 40 Kxp more to have R->C reach cleric 9 (would like greater command before going back to city where I will be meeting Suna Seni), so head to grove
Ambushed by Suna Seni!!!!! (never before IIRC did I got this ambush anywhere else than while travelling between city areas). This might be the very early end of no-reload attempt, if it is let's try "minimum reload".
Have to stand up and fight anyway:
One RB does not finish first round (no chunk, happy with that)
Barbarian rages, Necro cowardly but reasonably runs away
Enemy cleric GC downs party apart barbarian and Necro (very bad)
Necro was not followed stops in his track, shots emotion. Good result, only assassin and mage not touched
Since he only has barb in his LOS, mage does not trigger his sequencer (good!)
Barb attacks assassin (good that barbarian do not fear backstab)
Necro summons (MS I) near mage (otherwise mage targets barb and spells hurt a lot!!!, even MM or AA)
Decide to be patient, Necro GM first to maximise odds that further spells will not be wasted, then hold monster on assassin which lands true.
Summons are till fighting mage
Assassin dead, Barbarian whacks eldarin while Necro MMM on cleric (3 loads of MMMM)
Dreadful wait for who will awaken first, Necro distracts mage taking AAs in the chest (barbarian has no more healing potions to drink, all are in sleeping char inventories)
Party did awaken 1 round before Suna, just when her last sleeping acolyt died under barbarian sword
Necro hold monster on suna, she does not save (malisoned and doomed as she was)
Then party finishes mage
aftermath: 800 gp spent in trademeet to raise RB
Docks, start Maevar
Minotaurs (guarding kangaxx) downed barb and one RB
second ambush, harpers
Bridge, skinner, get theater quest
Cemetery (easy tombs,orphan, uncle lester, gravediggers, welin,...)
Dismiss swash (have disarmed and lockpicked all I wanted to at this point)
Join Jaheira (for her quest that brings nice items for a low-level party)
Baron ployer
After quest (fight with harpers and his good loot) leave Jaheira and join Cernd
Report to Aran
First time in temple district, get quests, an amulet for Maevar
Finish fallen paladins quest
Kill rayic geitras (mass attack with normal weapons)
finish maevar (great care for last fights against backstab) and decline guild
finish illithium quest
Leave Cernd, meet Neera
Wilderness, Neera, second mistake on insane, wild magic surges is a no-no (a flame arrow turning into a fireball was something very unpleasant), after (very little) of her quest leave her in wilderness.
Cernd joins
Cernd quest
While Cernd away, enter house in druid grove. Was afraid of it, don't know why. ZoSA and prot from cold/fire from cleric + buffs and summons were enough
Rewards a plenty, help Tiris, buy a prot from cold scroll

Hire Jan, have to do his quest (RL years I did not do it), a +1 cloak gained here.
Start unseeing eye (with Jan to disarm traps)
First yuan-ti ambush saw party finish fight without any riskbreaker, mainly because cleric has no 6th level spells yet (heal or wondrous recall to have more chaotic command would have been more than helpful here)
Other solution to make life easier was to drop Jan and pick Cernd for this fight, but I'm quite fed up travelling here and there and don't remember exactly where Cernd was left last.
Second ambush was mummies (buffed party for nought)
Jan's skull-quarrels do good against gauths (paralyze them often)
Necro is very cautious with beholders and gauths (always stays behind, don't want to risk a ray)
Unseeing eyes end:
buff, jan under II (45 hp!) summon 2 spiders, 2 skeletons and Berserker warrior
Victim of rod-bug (no effect of rod on UE, he is at full health after rod discharged)
Shitty situation
Summons take first ADHW while Necro secret word (to remove ST) and Jan breach from scroll (remove mantle)
Decide to have warriors and R->C punching UE to prevent casting (no chance if some party members take ADHW in the chest
Necro lower magic resistance, Jan GM, R->C doom
Then Jan and Necro rain FA on beholder with uneven results (Jan is level 9 mage, so just one bolt, Necro 11 has 2 and it shows)
MM to finish (pouding was great at interrupting spells even if damage per hit was poor)
No loss, happy with that
Get reward and start temple stronghold
Want to try Lilarcor, so have to find Cernd (he was in wild forest) becaus eI need Free action, chaotic commands.. against undeads and FA against shadow lover.
Back to city, Cernd quest triggers, no comment, will have to wait a bit for Lilarcor
Forge ring +2 and cloak +2
Thinking of it, I am quite short on +3 weapons right now (just short sword of backstabbing and potentially enchanted weapon from Necro), so will change my course to De'Arnise keep.
Yuan-ti mage and whisper spider
Here I fear more spider than mage
summons (bears and skeletons and berserker warrior) and buffs
Barbarian and a RB under CC sent to welcome spider
In courtyard 4 other party members had different missions:
Necro peeled mage, Secret word and breach so that blow lands, another secret word to fire spells
Cernd (under true seeing) emotion* 2 (while Necro peels) just in case
R->C Greater command (just in case too) and Call lightning on troll
RB attacks trolls then mage once mage is peeled
Spider got barbarian, other RB wounded runs downstairs, spider is injured (sh...)
Dowstairs mage is critical under blows and Flame arrows, another greater command leaves him lying down, dead when RB rejoins party
Necro shoots a lower resist on spider, then rain of spells on it (FA, AA, MM, holy smite)
Spider dead
Yuan-ti mage and vengeance trolls
Did lure troll away to party without mage noticing, killed it and finished vengeance ones (true seeing, lower resistance, flame arrows, MM and punches)
then party went for mage (careful not to expose Necro) and killer spider
Barbarian made mage empty his spell stock (insta-rage!) with help from summons renewed by Cernd, Necro and R->C from afar
Then mage was a sitting duck
Glaicas no problem (attacked by R->C under stoneskin joined seconds later by rest of party and summons, Necro times a breach, two rounds and a half for glaicas)
Golems and spiders, forge FOA (for iron golem to come)
Golems for bow
Golems and viper for Axe
Cernd levels
Trademeet to buy a staff+3 for barbarian
Short of 45 000 xp for RB to reach level 11
Another +3 weapons and xp wait for me ic CC
Tabitha and beastmaster
Easy, breach, pound (Cernd FA at lightning speed to interrupt creeping doom)
Beastmaster dead, Minotaur follows, then tabitha
Would like some more xp, Aran first mission completed (also met Tanova and her 2 vampires there, btw this is an ambush I strongly suggest to avoid early if unprepared like I was, fortunately cernd casts NPP fast and I had many +3 weapons)
Life is changed, both RB get IH!
Undeads with buffs (CC/NPP/free action)
Greater crawler and first rats in a row, rest (and ambushes)
Shadow lover (he got one RB)
Rats and sword, Necro reaches level 12 (just on time before fighting for an IH scroll soon)
Ponder whether hiring Cernd (Flame arrows and emotion VERY useful there, mass heal,summons....) or Jan (traps disarming, prismatic spray trap if any...) to fight slavers.
Finally decided to go with Cernd, will be back afterwards with Jan to disarm/lockpicks.
Buffs, drink potion of fortitude for RB (+18hp) and one fire giant strength for RB wieldinfg FOA
True seeing on of course, Necro has contingency fiershield blue on enemy seen
Haste or IH on all 4 warriors
2 RBs and R->C run for haegan who does not last a full round
Barb on cleric while Necro breach and Cernd summons bears
Enenmies are wiped in no time, climb up barb first (trap)
Meet mage in corridor, he is destroyed (all fighters had prot from fire when entering)
second mage and golem down (careful with spray trap, walking as south as possible is "water proof")
collect loot on floor, exit, come back with jan to finish looting
Reward (many nice potions)
Next temple ruins
Shadow jailor, 4 warriors under IH, new spell minor disrupt undead from Cernd and Necro helped a lot agains skeleton lords
Used 2 potions of invulnerability (often have RB chopped to pieces here because they are easily hit on core, so on insane, no risk), may be an expensive price here
First ambush (2 bone golems, a greater mummy and 3 skeleton warriors)
Exit, forge a mace +3
Spiders in catacombs (rest between each group)
Paina nearly stopped no-reload, 2 RBs and barbarian went down, R->C could kill just on time two sword spiders who attacked Necro
Why this mess? Because I just forgot to memorize death spell for sword spiders...(or should have taken Cernd instead of Jan to CL spiders)
Join Cernd and kill chaos (Necro drank oil of resurgence under IH to neutralize chaos' improved creeping doom), needed 11 call lightnings (had 13 between Cernd and R->C)
Druid grove
Maximum buffing, potion of defense for RB, prot from fire on party (so that Necro uses fireballs), cernd memorizes CL
Recover Belm (One RB down though). Necro took care not to kill innocent cow

Back to City
Guild contact
Recover Ashideena (easier than belm)
Horrid rak (he was slowed by FoA, helped a lot)
Recover bag of holding
4 warriors under IH get rid of pirates fast, then wait for coord AI and SI:Div to expire (party member take turn absorbing his spells)
No danger there, good loot with bag, gnasher (alas not usable by my warriors, this is a good weapon) and armor for barb
Sewer, lab, Yuan-ti and minotaurs, close issue there (both RB were down)
After fight, switch Cernd for Jan to loot lab
Ingenious imp (mass attack under protection from cold)
Free haer dalis and trigger planar prison
Finish cleric stronghold
Mencar, no problem: on one hand 4 IH fighters, on the other hand Necro and Cernd starting with GM and raining emotions
Forge Ring +2 and cloak+2
Problem is that my usual ways of dealing with Torgal are not at all safe noreload-wise on insane,
buffs and free action for warriors, summon bears and aerial servant
4 separate missions:
1- One RB, Barb and R->C lure Gem golem north west in room to destroy it with +3 blunt
2-Necro, after initial breach, fires 4 lower resistance on torgal, then Webs (3 webs, and torgal is caught)
3-Cernd after initial insect plague (which will utterly fail to interrupt torgal spells) renews summon to keep torgal occupied while other missions ongoing
4- Other RB attacks torgal to distract him (and catch remove magic, this failed, Torgal could dispel all party)
Torgal downed one RB, finished webbed, then RB and Barb killed him
Not glorious tactic, but very safe
Eliminate darcin cole and mages in umar hills
Undeads (full buff, rest between ambushes)
Patiently wait for is IA (2) to end
Summons (and Rhuk Death spell) is a good way to wait
Very dangereous chunking risk here, after 1 hit from Rhuk, retreating is the only sane course of action
Again, FoA slow was quite welcome!
First golem ambush (clay/coin/gem/bone) saw both RB down after less than 2 rounds (happy not chunked, critical hits from golem are bad)
Will need to buy potions (invulnerability, defense and oils or resurgence) for next golem meetings
Undeads (vampires) easy (buffs...)
Leave dungeon, pick Jan and back to exploring
While killing mask guardian, a lone skeleton lord spawned during rest nearly got party (who was quite drained already) will have to cowardly take care to rest out of dungeon from now on
Finish mask
Will not fight Samia before long I think
Free Garren's child
Mass attack under prot from fire on Conster
potions of defense for RB
For skeleton lords, many summons, Cernd, Necro and R->C tried tanked a lot (minor disrupt undead worked good)
Finish paladin stronghold (apart Sword, of course)
Party level 12-13, 8 scrolls of RRoR (but just one mage if I keep Cernd) is it enough for Planar prison????
EBH needed 2 RRoR
Bunch yuan-ti and minotaurs as usual (buffs, CC, free action, ...)
Warden 3 RRoR, among loot was 5 RRoR scrolls, nice.
When I rested before last bunch, got a web and 4 planar hounds (giving no xp no loot) on party!
Finish quest (all warriors level 13 now), start theater
Forge phosphorous
Founder of trademmeet , no rynn alas...
Easy, after purge RBs IH , barb rage, R->C stoneskin, mass punch on founder (Necro and Cernd summon)
Tanova, forgot remove magic, fortunately she died before CC 3*ADHW (otherwise Cernd and Necro left alone would have been in tremendous trouble)
Just 2 brides with Lassal
Finish bodhi lair
To get some more xp and gold, finish Neera quest (part in Promenade, beware of insane here if you want to fight your way out alone!)
Join Korgan, he leaves before his bloody book is recovered
Join Valygar, open sphere
Before exploring sphere, would like a +3 hammer for RB
So undeads in sewer underground
First wave buffs, haste, IH and fire giant strength potion on Barb, Chaotic command on one RB (FoA/phosphorous) with potion of defense (AC-18!), shield of harmony and AoP on R->C, 5 skeletons
Second wave (all skeletons from previous still alive)
Add IH on RB (innate) Necro IH R->C, Defensive harmony, Cernd ready to renew NPP on RB
2 skeleton lost
3rd wave
Necro renews IH on barb, buffs renewed, other RB joins (IH, potion of cloud giant strength, defense, Chaotic command)
R->C righteous magic
All on master vampire (RB having hammer +2 attacks brides), Necro minor disrupt undead on master vampire then eminent when master died
Not one level drained, no one hurted more than 20% (Master vampire landed one blow)
AC matters! Cernd rules against undead (if only for many CC, many NPP and lightspeed casting)
Forge hammer +3, cloak +2, ring +3 and ring +2, buy potions worth 25 000+ gp
Forgot Crypt King and Queen when I was in cemetery, exterminate them
Protag is 1.63 Mxp
R->C needs some 7000 xp to reach cleric level 14
Loot big house in bridge district, do some stronghold quests, kill a lich in sewer, R->C levels
Kill another lich in bridge district
Enter sphere
First level (apart golem) without rest
Rest and use potion of defense for golems on RBs
one RB has -14 base AC with it (ring+1, ring +2, cloak +2, amulet +1) other -16 base AC (ring+3, ring+2, cloak+2, amulet +1), -20 against blunt (belt of bluntness)
with blurrs and buff, -19 and -21 (-24 with belt against blunt), hard time for golems to land blow!
2 gems, one bone, one coin went down in this order (Necro was stunned by laugh, forgot free action), no danger at all
Lavok, protag is (just) below 1.7 Mxp, I should meet only one gem golem and 2 skeleton lords
Protection from fire and buffs, Cernd ready with death wards, one RB drinks potion of defense (the one who will get close to lords and take their blows)
R->C, barb and bears down Golem, RBs lords
Necro uses 4 scroll of RRoR, a 5th because I wasted one moving Necro by mistake
Then Lavok fell
Clean adjacent rooms
Tolgerias, buffs, prot from cold, normal weapons, mass attack (had pfme on one RB and Barb, other RB had MI from ilbrata in case ADHW
DW on Necro of course who use MMM to remove Tolgerias skins, R->C back to GR in case, cernd ready to DW necro when breach cast
add prot from fire and fire room
ice room
The dreadful engine room
If golem groups join, I am in for reloading, but this joining is very likely (I will not use cheesy tricks to leave/enter room during fight and rest when enemy out of LOS because taking other stair)
First group went ok, 2 coins and 1 gem killed (entered by fire room)
Another gem on the left corridor was lured to party
Now, no choice, I have to enter through Ice room, block golems on the left corridor and kill them. If I don't block them, they will run and other group will join, same if I enter through fire room, will not have time to block group, one golem at least will rally other group running in front of them.
Bad bad thing happens, R->C is stunned by laugh (thought her saves high enough not to cast free action), good thing is that she blocks golems
very close issue, Two RBs were down in the end, R->C awoke just before second RB fell
Summons to distract golems were critical, I even memorized spiders for Necro instead of RoF (4 to 8 spiders do more good than 4 RoF)
Oils of resurgence have decreased a lot (just 4 left, had around 20 when entering sphere, all used in engine room) potions of defense, have no more, but still have 15 potions of invulnerability
Good thing is that now engine room has free space, no fear of too much golems (I already now how much and where they are) so I can prepare fight
Took care to protect R->C this time
Summoned skeletons (immune to laugh), idea was to have golems come to meet stoneskined R->C on narrow corridor, facing north-east (with barb supporting) while summons blocked wide corridor (facing south-east). Usually one golem goes for summon, others "queue up" for party
RBs were taking turns beating golem attacking summons, Necro and Cernd renewed summons
No problem
Demons easy (no potion I mean ;-))
Send solamnic home, start mage stronghold
wandering a bit for strongholds
Sewer party, easy (4 good warriors)
Open door (to illithid compound)
Sphere, get scroll of ADHW (written) and order robe of the apprenti
Amber golem for ring (slashing weapons Lilarcor, long sword from spell and frostreaver)
True seeing important for assassins
Careful check of electrical resist
Give summons to pound on for golem
No danger (will be another story when sometimes I will have to face 3 ambers....)
Protag 1.89 Mxp
RBs (NPP from Cernd and R->C) and barb under haste attack dragon with bears (3 other summon in the background)
Necro Spellstrike from scroll (not silenced), was silenced after a breach (taking care noone else was silenced)
Cernd and R->C renew NPP, ZoSA when clouds,
Once Thax fires remove magic, RBs trigger IH, adios dragon (after a heal)
Shade lord looks too risky right now. I would like if possible RB reach level 15, problem is they are a little less than 150 000 xp from cap and I don't know where I can gather such experience without too much reload risk
Buy limited wish, use many one-time options
Gong quest
Turnish invasion in theater
Steam elemental Prince (RB under prot from fire and phosphorous, summons aerial servants and fire elemental)
Mystery of the jewel casket
Forge ring +2 and ring +3
Finish vanilla mage stronghold, theater stronghold
Even though not level 15 on fighters, go for shade lord
buffs, pfme
One RB (-24 against slashing goes for lords, R->C starts by aerial servant then goes for lords
Barb shadow patrick
Other RB summons berserker then shadow patrick
Cernd bears near shade lord
One skeleton lords falls, R->C joins, other skeleton lord and shade lord manage in 3 lucky blow in a row to down RB
Necro peeled shade lord
Shadow partrick dead, barb join pounding shade lord
R->C and RB destroy altar
Meanwhile Necro breaches shade lord
End of story
Get reward, start ranger stronghold, talk to squirrel
Forge supreme chain mail
Finish hard nut part 1 (careful to use potion of invulnerability for Riskbreakers here, high chunk risk)
RBs level 15 after that, Necro has 2.06 Mxp
Let's see what could be done next, I mean fights I once won pre-spellhold without exploits/abuse/cheats on core:
- Firkraag, no way
- Windmaster, no way, first because insane, second because too few AA and FA casters
- Kangaxx, won't risk it: barbarian has only 4 rages, + in flails, with 2 more rages I would go (with 1 more I might have tempted too)
- Illithid compound, no way
- Guarded compound in temple district, no way
- Troll mound, not enough +4 weapons (had I made another choice for party, could have forged SoS, and might tempt it), and no-reload wise, not a good idea at all anyway
- Grave lich in gate; could kill it I think, but no-reload, not at all.
- Teshal, skeleton grandlords will just cut through my warriors before I can get rid of them
Two candidates remain
- Umar
- Samia and party
Samia, Greed tells me to try, if only for 50% to find Vecna, but let's consider the way I handle the fight (usually) with no (or few) problems at this moment of the game:
- pounding Kaol and killing him first (before his AI scroll)
- interrupting chak (insects, hits...)
- mage under pfmw blocks warlords from entering corridor where party is
- kill humans
- the kill skeletons
Problem: Kaol may not succumb, and I'm in trouble (a remove magic or a breach means fight is lost for chunk reason if no other), CC*3 ADHW may fire, all my summons lost and my 2 chars not protected from magic energy
Too many "chunk hazards" running around (Akae, Ferric, warlords)
Since I cannot think of a "safe" way to handle this, give up
Plan was good, but a small detail nearly made a disaster ot it, while another small detail turned disaster into victory
Plan was, buff (including potions)
2 RBs on Imp to kill it ASAP bashing through stoneskins
RB and R->C taking care of Deva and minotaurs
Necro peeling Umar meanwhile
When Umar naked, bash her to death
Skeletons and Deva could bring barbarian to less than 60 hp, had no time to react when PWKILL landed. Later one RB had to flee battle ground to recover (PWKILL threat), Cernd runs after him to heal. This is the detail that won fight in the end.
Wait for Umar to be critical to avoid CC 3*ADHW (did not use pfme scrolls here, precious ressource that is becoming scarce)
CC triggered on badly wounded, unexpectedly, R->C and RB down, disaster .
Fortunately other RB was away (and now healed)
Otherwise, 99% battle was lost
Protag 2.127 Mxp, would like some more xp before spellhold, but don't know where to find them
Greed lures me to try Kangaxx and Samia, but sanity tells me to take boat (I don't like to go explore WK chapter 3)
Forge 2 rings +2 (don't forge Hades because I want to keep possibility to use AoP with R->C)
Buy scrolls (incendary cloud, to fry enemies while cowardly protected from fire, spell turning)
Buy potions, will leave with 11 potions of invulnerability (During chapter 1-3 bought all potions of invulnerability and defense available, latter used to the last). Will also have some 40 oils of resurgence (loot and bought).
Leave with a party of 5 to increase xp/char slightly
Mad dwarf nearly made a reload (was not at full buff, a bit of arrogance, he hits hard)
Buy belt of bluntness and some oils of resurgence (never enough of these, and they are a precious helper)
No big problem joining Imoen, have 100 Kxp less than usual here (usual means previous run , all on core apart one on insane)
Choose MS V as her first level 7 spell (choice was obvious to me, best summon at this level)
First ambush was a real one, I prepared for spiders and had to fight Yuan-tis and Minotaur
Missed some xp because yuan-ti mage (north bunch in corridor) chose to walk south and was crunched by wall-trap
Close call with golems (I did not drink potions of invulnerability on RB)
Tome, RB (with phosphorous) and Barb went down (coin golem was a ninja)
Lich and skeleton (just 4 skeletons, remembered 5 or 6 here)
First "potion consuming" fight: cat (and librairian)
for buffs, since fight lasts long
- all long lasting buffs at beginning (potion, protections,..)
- short-lived protection (bless, chant, ...) renexwed from time to time
- IH left for last 2 lives of cat (otherwise no more IH running when librairian comes)
- Defensive harmony left for late figh (have 3 of those, no need to "waste" them early
End fight with librarian is a real nightmare on insane, skeleton lords hit hard, lich, well is a lich, with all nasty spells one has to avoid (comet or dragon breath for example) because one hit on a non-immune (protected from fire) char is 99% reload.
Imoen providing salamanders and pfme was precious here. R->C standing in the end was key too (2 scrolls of raise dead gone)
Now one of the two most legitimate cause of reloading (for me), crystal shard (other cause is mithril golem, but it can be skipped, crystal not)
kill minor kobold
R->C and barb take one avatar, each RB another
R->C and Barb (who have prot from cold) then attack witch doctor
Necro RoF (one from sequencer), Imoen summons salamanders
RBs flee whan electrical resist 0 or less
When kobold no more, 3 ambers (just one injured) and 1 salamander
Populate with summons (including rabbits from limited wish)
Nightmarish, even when golem don't hit, hp decrease like Niagara falls thanks to electrical discharges
One golem down, problem is that my 4 warriors have 20-30 hp left and electrical resist between -50 and -100, mages have 5 RoF left
Fight turned to a general flee-for-life run along corridors, aim was to have golems run after some chars while Necro and Imoen (R->C being chased could not) summoned 5 helpers to make a consistant (lasting more than 1 round) fodder for golems.
This (when golem took interest in summons) helped regenerating warriors, then one golem after the other (for last golem, no more buffs, just plain haste from potions
Climb up
after some monsters, Imoen levels, chose Sequencer, IH and animate dead for spells
Coin golem
Mithril golem
One of my dread usually (on core)
Since I started this no-reload attempt, I manage so far by trying to analyze (as far as my little brain can) why some fights are usually reloaded and thinking about what I could do to avoid that.
Why do I (often) reload with Mithril?
- Mithril dispels without hit any kind of protection
- Mithril bleeds party (at a huge rate)
- Mithril kills summons with just one hit
- Mithril hits F... hard (double on insane

(and I don't have swanmay, precious ally here if any)
Okay, let's buff, no need to drink potions of invulnerability (know from previous run they are useless, Mithril hits anyway)
potions of strength to have 24 or 25 STR for each of the 4 warriors, blunt weapons of course, no need to punch for no result
Necro and Imoen prepare tons of summons (skeletons, spiders, salamanders, rabbits from limited wish, items...), important to always target a spawning spot nearby Mithril; while mithril has a target nearby he hits, since he seldom kills more than 3 summons per round (and rabbits a plenty) they have time to renew stock (spiders come in pair sometimes)
Another important thing with summons, when you retreat a char who took a hit (because another means death or chunk), to avoid golem follow in pursuit, best is to have nearby summon who will take punch
I want R->C to fight, to maximise damage on golem, so no way to rely on GR or heal (bleed prevents that) which anyway won't be a solution here
For "F.. hard mithril hit" and bleed, well, sometimes solution is simple: 6 oils of resurgence in a row for each warriors (4 pre-buff, 2 for first 2 rounds of fight, renew one after 6 rounds), which means when one char takes a hit then another hit, drink superior healing potion (to avoid chunk if third blow, never took a third blow btw), the retreat for a second (time for golem to take interest in nearby summon or another target), and resume fight second after, even with bleeding, hp come back...
Okay, I spent 28 oils, but Mithril did not win!!! (may be less oils were needed, but no reload no test no one knows...)
Bleeding is really insane on insane, aftermath of the fight, with at least one oil still running, barb was taking 10 damage per bleed....
Just 7 oils remain in inventory (and 7 potions of invulnerability)
Whatever happens now, I'm happy with this attempt!
Forge 3 boots, finish level, Necro levels to 16 on exit (good!)
Irenicus, no problem:
potion of invulnerability, buffs, SI:Abj, GOI and ST on Necro + pfmw
1rst round summon salamander, anaconda, berserker, kithrix and Joloon
then pound scouts (R->C staying in the middle, RBs and Barb focus on one scout after the other)
Necro and Imoen rain spells, when clones and scout no more Imoen pfme 2 fighters (one will be dispelled, other will kill Jon when SI:Div wears off)
Back to Brynnlaw, buy oils left (8) in temple
Shark city
Potion of magic shielding, improved mantle (scroll), GOI to start challenge without nasty surprise
RBs get Chain Breaker Stance during shark killing
Prince no problem; one RB on each mage (mages lasted 2 and a half rounds), summons and rest of party against viper, swords and spells, 2 more waves and Prince is dead
First drow ambush
Full buff and prot from fire, salamanders, open with 2 inciendiary clouds (Necro) and a Firestorm (R->C) on enemy
Only thing that went wrong, salamanders turned hostile under fire clouds (good to know fo the future) while i thought they would be immune so stay loyal
Balor (village) easy, buffs, prot from fire and from cold
R->C takes remove magic, then all pound
Necro RRoR*2
Balor pfmw (critical and end of second RRoR), Imoen breach, balor dead
Reward, Imoen levels, take MS VI
Second drow ambush
Necro contigency stoneskin on enemy seen, first action after purge drink potion of free action then is hit by chaos (wanders and falls asleep)
One RB climbs stairs, trigger drow, IH then CBS then attack drow upstairs
Other RB attacks drow warrior downstairs, IH then CBS, when under free action from R->C attacks and kill all spiders
R->C stonskins then free action on RB then pound
Barbarian attacks priestess then warrior then mage (all finish pn mage)
Imoen IH barb then IH R->C then salamander
No problemo
Western tunnels
Kuo-toa near tadpoles
Kuo-toa in a corridor
Kuo-toa in room before Prince
Prince and his cohort
One RB gets Risk Decrement
Demon Knights or not Demon Knights?
Not yet, one very good reason: if R->C is down (which may happen, I think I can handle fight, but most likely at the price of 1 or 2 warriors down, which ones....???), I have lost (no one can raise dead), will have to wait till Necro can cast Planetar.
Southern tunnels
Beholders, drows, beholders
Only thing worth mentioning, at entry, RRoR from scroll (*2) because one mage will be "miscasted", bad luck for my RRoR scroll stock, it was Necro
second RB got Risk decrement there
Finished beholders, RB, Barb and R->C level
Go for maze
Why this? because I'm (99.99%) sure that if party does not have HLAs, Dracolich has less pfmw and does not cast greater doom as often.
Meet elf
deep shadow
2 bone devils
11 whisper spiders
Ghost and other spiders
Rest in entry room
Skeleton lord
Whisper spider
Rest in empty room (4 attempts interrupted by shadows, painful to kill them all for no xp)
Guardian ghost and shadows, get key
Shadows guarding maze sigil (buffs, mage used improved mantle scroll, fight lasted 2 and a half round, 2 ADHW from Necro, 2 CL from Imoen and pouding)
shadow, skeleton, whisper spider, rest before final fight
R->C loaded with Death wards and ZoSA
Enter with giant strength on Barbarian, one RB with scroll of protection from level drain
All is about start
Necro and Imoen IH on barb and RB, others summon from items (all those summons will die soon)
Send RB and Barb against dracolich with half of summons, one of the warrior will be buffed, other has to keep dracolich away from rest of party (silence!!!!)
Second round Imoen (from my unique scroll) and Necro SI:Nec, R->C DW on self
Then summons, DW on all party, wait for pfmw to vanish, hack stoneskins from dragon
Barb and RB (the one who used pfld scroll!! sh...) went down, R->C raised and heal (and DW)
Did not use other pfld scroll because I save those for Orcus meeting later on
In the end summons (mordy, skeletons, salamanders, trolls) did the job
Dragon dead (Rynn!!!!)
Eastern tunnels
All dungeon within a rest apart final fight
Prepare using limited wish CC for Necro (3 mordy on self on enemy seen), contingecy skeleton on Necro
Sequencers loaded with RoF
Buffs + brine potion + protection from energy (*3) + protection from elements on warriors
First round ilithid and hulk eliminated then warriors run north, Imon summons troll, Necro waits
elemental appears, he takes interest with mordy, Imoen takes purge, then warriors (RBs trigger CBS) on golem, mages rain RoF on it (summoned just one coin)
Risk Decrement most precious here (prevents elemental from downing RBS and damages brain golems)
Buy scroll of freedom
Forgot globe machine, do it
Retaliation on githyanki
Enter drow city, quests....
Necro reaches level 18 after deireix tower, Planetar most welcome.
Kill all drows when leaving city
All party HLAs (apart from Imoen) when dragon recovers eggs (Hardiness of course)
Just for the record, the only moment when I thought I could be in trouble (reload because chunk in fact) was skeleton lords in Deireix alcove who cut through RB quite fast, mostly because some arrogance prevented me from clerical buffing (point taken for later)
Demon knights
Bad thing for Demon, planetar ignores invisibility, no problem even if one RB was down
Chapter 6
with 60% physical resist for RB (CBS and hardiness) and Barbarian (innate + hardiness), thing should be fine, for some rounds at least...
Forest areas cleaned (Imoen levels to 18, chose DB and Wish)
Troll mound
Easy, many +4 weapons (Rynn, dragon's breath, soul reaver, phosphorous)
Necro debuffed quenn while warriors pounding king and nobles, Imoen caught storm (which she lead out of rest of party range, but a the cost of being incapacited, because within PWKILL threat) and finally fell from it (from elemental damage I mean)
Improved mantle scroll when vengeance trolls (R->C raised imoen then)
Pfme on Barb and one RB who finish queen
On my way to Samia, encounter Tomb mist! (hought it was killed earlier, was not, funny!
Samia and party, no problem there (if any, was prepared)
Habit to kill them before spellhold make it feels easy to beat them with HLAs, plenty of spells, even though on insane
Necro blocks warlords from entering, all party kills humans, then warlords
Imoen with sequences 3*emotion and trigger 3*CL was quite helpful (Necro opened with sequencer malison/slow/emotion, after Imoen Sequencer, 3 humans down!)
For Firkraag, I will wait a bit till I have Hades
Kruin (in forest)
buffs (prot from cold + elements or energy on warriors), potions of invulnerability, 1 oil of resurgence
Elemental golems first (1 more coin, that's all), beware PWKILL (Kruin wasted one thanks to RD)
Imoen wished, got 25 stats, a rest (nice but not key here)
Alone with Kruin, waited his SI out and end for him
Necro levels (take alacrity)
Hire allies
1st level, buffs, no big problems
Bodhi's lair, Barb (Rynn) and one RB taking down grandlords with help from Necro under alacrity loaded with minor disrupt undead and DU (including trigger/sequencer)
Other RB and R->C (who opened with 2 sunrays) take down vampires, starting with master
Imoen, touched once by vampire and level drained could not cast level 9 spells (bad, but not critical)
Many summons (trolls and salamanders are quite good)
Main focus: Grandlords hit hard, no risk letting someone with less than 50-60 hp around (even with hardiness on)
Drizzt was alive end of fight (seldom happens to me on core, so here I was pleased)
Lot of xp, RBs and Barb level (take another hardiness)
Sewer, Illithid compound
Fire power shows profit, First room no problem, Risk decrement, CBS,...
Final room
Buffs (don't use potions, purge will waste them)
Greater Elemental (average 50 damage on a RB with Hardiness and CBS!) just gated 2 golems (it was down shortly after purge)
Once golems no more, leave a RB protected from fire and magical energy to kill alhoon
Nice loot (ring of air control, means I will have greater Djinni soon, after Laboratory chamber in WK)
Those two fights (Illithid compound and Bodhi) clearly indicate firepower pays on insane!
Forging of course
Memory of the apprenti
Cat figurine
Staff +3
Golem slayer
Ring +2
(stop because no more money)
Buffed RBs for Lich
Barb (protected from energy, fire and pfme on top) dual wielding phosphorous/Crom needed 2 rages to kill skull face (with noticeable help from trolls/planetar)
Imoen trigger Breach+2*CL first on teshal (which prevents storm) who is then pounded by Barb and RB with Crom
Necro (pfmwed) under alacrity, RB and R->C tank other skeletons, Imoen summons (did not use wish there)
Lich is propelled with ring of the ram first, when she comes back within party LOS, nothing else standing
Risk decrements shine here (as they do in many other circumstances)
When fight over, only missing hps are 27 for Barb (both RB used RD of course)
Thinking about what could be next step in city
- Twisted Rune: no (of course)
- Guarded compound: no (would like a bit more spells, including CC)
- Orcus: no (and cannot yet)
- wait for Limak: no no no! need some more Hlas, critical strikes if any
- fry cowled wizard: no, because want a safe warning when fighting Limak
- hard nut part 2: no, need CC (for Imoen and Necro)
- Grave lich in gate: could be done I guess, safer with CC, no risk means not yet
- Why is it so cold: might be (would be safer with a bit more spells)
Forge girdle of lordly might, ring of djinni summoning and leave docks for some time (some 12-24 hours more and Limak will be there)
Recover ruby of the gods (just prot from electricity)
Wilderness locations to consider:
- Windspear, Firkraag I consider a bit too dangereous (combo doom + fireball really bad on insane, would like a bit more mage power to cope with it)
- Chapter 7 (don't want to, maybe some more gold on theater and keep)
First level, when golem/skeleton ambush done Imoen levels, chose ADHW, Comet and CC (this one after a long hesitation with MS VII)
Spider queen no big problem (cat figurine free action)
Second level
Elite fire giant dead after 2 rounds (Necro and Imoen loaded with CL and AA after a breach)
Elemental (1 gem) and first golem ambush (no milking, though I could, elemental did not join bunch)
Spiders and chambers (to collect 3 staves)
Second golem bunch, risked a reload because I summoned a moronic planetar who dispelled magic (removing all buffs and protection from warrior) because Necro was stunned by laugh (and risked nothing before dispel magic because pfmw was on)
Steam elemental no problem, finish collecting scepters
Chromatic demon
He will die sure, his helpers are (for me) more threat than demon
Buffs, Imoen and Necro loaded with RoF (Imoen CC 3*ADHW) prot from fire
Helpers eliminated first; Necro and Imoen RoF on AMber, Necro ADHW after RoF (Barb finished Amber), each RB fights a shielded enemy (salamander and efreet IIRC)
Some mist is dispatched too (not a threat this one)
Then time to use an IMO underestimated HLA: power attack. Party have 3 with RBS and Barb, Barb activates PA demon is stunned, dead after 2nd PA from one RB.
Also took implosion on cleric if any hazard (to stun Chromatic), but damage output of this party is not to be taken lightly
Start Maze level
No green wyrm yet
Start cleaning maze, stop at thielflings (and kill them), demon knights are likely to need more buffs than my party has right now (many spells exhausted) and are very dangereous foes on insane (a naughty tendancy to unleash their spell bundles close form each other and party, which has disatrous results)
back to entry room (take south west way in thiefling room, this maze is printed in my brain)
Green wyrm will not be a duel between Necro and Dragon this time (because no CC, not enough levels so spell slots for Necro)
Let's do it bloody!
RBs and Barbarian protected from fire and electricity (R->C), Acid and cold (Necro), they are immuned to storm
Imoen and R->C remain in the backstage (ZoSA and summons)
Necro (buffed with many layers, DW,.. so that dragon uses spells on her) alacrity, spellstrike, breach, trigger 3*lower resist, lower resist, DBs, FAs,...breach (when stoneskin or pfmw from dragon)
Dragon is hacked and burnt in no time (died shortly after alacrity expired)
Loot wonderful (Foebane and short sword of the mask), boots,...
Quick overview of party at this moment:
Necro level 20, 4.70 Mxp, MPV Gem Golem (sigh!)
Imoen level 19, 4.32 Mxp, MPV Windmaster
RB level 22, 4.54 Mxp, MPV Spider Queen
RB level 23, 4.55 Mxp MPV Greater Elemental Golem
R7->C24, 4.59 Mxp, MPV Troll King
Barbarian level 22, 4.54 Mxp MPV Green Wyrm
Leave WK
De'Arnise hold, forge FoA+4, quest, get gold (10 000 gp)
Sphere, collect scrolls
Why is it so cold?
Buffs (prot from cold and free action from cat figurine of course)
Imoen (boots of haste) takes purge, then AI from scroll
Necro rains ROF and HoU on ice pounded by all, Ice dead (one cold and ice storm)
Then elemental (Necro and imoen summon trolls)
No danger, enemies dead (one gem only) Will wait a bit before reporting to Merella, party a bit too "young" xp wise
Imoen levels, take Alacrity and MS VII
Want CC, so limak
Necro kept Limak occupied (layers and renewing them) while SI:div off, helps from trolls and planetar (summoned by Imoen and Necro)
Then Fighters (Barb + RB) buffed (IH, prot elec, pfme, hardiness, CBS) killed F/MC fast (debuff from Necro and Imoen, Imoen triggerd free action from cat not to be stunned)
No danger
Forge ring of greater djinni, noble spider and cloak +3
Delayed because I was a bit afraid, don't know why (yes I know why, I wanted greater Djinni)
Simple, prot from fire on RBs and Barbarian, Necro IH, layers (SI, GOI, ST) and prot from energy + DW + free action
Necro opens spellstrike, breach, trigger 3*lower resist, sequencer 3*AA, minor sequencer 2*AA, after some AA and MM Firkraag critical
Meanwhile warriors destroy warlords
Second wave, Necro renew layers, casts some spells (LB, CL,...)
Imoen from afar summons, R->C ready to GR if threat (in the end R->C did nothing at all, apart keeping aura cleansed)
Third wave did not last long, Wyrm dead shortly after
No danger at all, key here is that while Wyrm takes care of Necro near it, it does not use dreadfull greater doom/lower fire resist/improved fireball on anybody.
This need to be very aggressive, Necro has to be under alacrity that does not last to avoid being peeled, Necro should not retreat from dragon LOS, warlords have to be dispatched fast to trigger nxt wave fast (and get rid of it fast)
Party was perfect for that
Collect reward in city (and 13 000 gp from theater)
Grave lich in gate
Buffs (prot fire and pfme), careful to have Necro under IH ready to renew prot from fire on anybody (stellar gravestones)
R->C rushes with warriors to lich, preventing Imoen from being silenced
Imoen oracle then wish (looking for double-length timestop, allows one lich pfmw to vanish, got 1 out of 5 wishes)
Necro alacrity, RRoR*2, rebuffs or DU (just 5 DU, not enough to kill it), and bigby's hand (2)
Lich is softened, Necro fires Wishes expecting a double TS+alacrity (same motive as Imoen)
After Imoen double timestop (during which she did nothing, had she DU she would have killed lich), lich was destroyed by RBs (Risk decrement and natural pounding)
Guarded compound
All about managing spells
First floor, buff inside (1 hardiness, CBS for RBS), joloon, moondog, salamander, berserker warrior from horn, elite troll
Necro has contigency pfmw on enemy seen
No big problem (Necro with golem slayer is more than helpful cutting golems)
Before climbing up
Necro casts contingency stoneskin on hit, CC pfmw/GOI/ST on hit
Imoen CC 3*Troll on enemy seen
Necro loads trigger (3*RoF) and sequencer (3*Minor DU)
Before climb up activate CBS on RBs, rage on barb, giant strength on barb
After purge, warriors hardiness, R->C tries ram on stalman (fails), Necro summons djinni, Imoen noble spider, storm lands, mage flee in Nort east room
Then djinni pfmw, tanks golems and skeleton lords, warrior pounds, Necro alacrity, IH RBs, end for slavers
Rest in temple
Exhautive buffs (protection from energy + electricity, ambers are bad)
Imoen takes purge, then warriors( R->C included) pound greater, mages under alacrity get rid of first summons (a coin and an amber)
Big summons, djinni, spider, planetar, Yuan-tis
Necro protected from electricity attacks 2nd amber
Purge, alacrity used to IH warriors, warriors hardiness at once, R->C GR (damage taken by warriors)
second round RB renew CBS, another coin (weakest summon IMO) Imoen summons trolls
When greater down, 2 coins and 2 ambers left (1 amber and 1 coin critical)
Victory (Necro alone killed 2 ambers and participated actively in other amber and 1 coin demise)
Decided to go for hard nut part 2 (no patience to wait for messengers)
Buffs, all elements (fire/cold/acid/electricity) for Necro and imoen, energy for the others, potion of defense for RBs, 3 layers for Necro, IH for all...
Hardiness before stepping in, 2 oils of resurgence runnig for warriors, IH from cat figurine (implosion!)
"you will be eviscerated fool!"
Necro CC troll/protection from energy/ wish (rabbits), runs east corner
Imoen CC trolls*3 ,she uses scroll of pfmw,
RB on Falaher
RB on prime assassinator
Barb noble spider and prime assassinator
R->C djinni (near mage) and runs for Valeria, she is the only one not protected from elements, so storm follows her, she lands storm north corner, then attacks Valeria
Pitre has to GR very soon (good!)
Necro starts alacrity
Imoen DB
RB kills pitre
Necro RRoR*3 on mage, breach valeria and breach one prime, renew ST (was RRoRed)
Imoen breach on other prime (btw hp of party at full stock!)
Falahar falls, RB turns to planetar
Prime falls, RB turns to other prime (with Barb)
Necro, our of Alacrity, climbs to Valeria spot and summons planetar downstairs
Valeria fall, R->C attacks Exterminator
Second prime and fallen deva dead, one RB on mage, RB and BArb on exterminator with trol, planetar, djinni and spider (all warriors protected from energy)
Mages breach enemies (one for each)
CC 3*ADHW from mage does nothing
End of story
HPs missing: 1 (out of 150) for one RB, 11 (out of 200) for Barbarian
Exit, meet Vanya messenger
Get reward, beautiful ioun stone for one RB
Forge ioun indigo stone for the other
Temple district to get quest from lady V.
Windspear, walk under True seeing to kill sentinels, some healing and casting CC before going down
Buff, pfme or prot from energy on warriors
Necro memorized freedom just in case
Climb down
First round summon djinni (R->C) and spider (Barb), all others rush to slaughter assassins
Both mage CC ADHW, trigger 3*CL
Necro under alacrity unleashes destruction and breach
Two rounds to get rid of humans and one golem
two more rounds to get rid of 2 golems and 2 coordinators (they did not trigger pfmw nor AI, mistake for them)
Stepping out of dungeon messenger from the keep, roenall is out
Rest and replenish triggers and sequencers
Return to city via DE'Arnise lands
Summons and some buffs when exiting keep after majordomo warned Roenall is coming
Steel and magic rain on enemies
Yuan-tis killed Roenall before I could kill coordinator (means lost scrolls worth a nice amount of money)
Warrior level, another proficiency, RBs have +++++ in their primary weapons now, Hammer/longsword for One, Flail/Bastard sword for the other
Chose hardiness for HLA (all warriors had same HLA path; Hardiness/Hardiness/Power Attack/Critical Strike/Hardiness)
Many nice items for forging, sell in Umar hills, 355 Kgp in pockets
Forge Thetruth, Poseidon, talisman of greater protection
Fry cowled enforcers, their bosses (not big problem)
Decide to go for Pasha, even if not sure that Necro will debuff Noble rak (Horrid, IIRC it is ok) , think fighting power is enough to get rid of elemental golem and mariliths fast enough so that I can wait Noble rak pfmw to expire (even at the cost of two other horrid raks)
Before talking to merella some undispellable casts (giant strength on Barb, Shield of Archons and Foreknowledge on R->C)
RBS activate CBS after talk with Pasha
Enemies spawn, RBS activate hardiness, their second move will be IH, Barb hardiness then rage, R->C GR (initial ADHW to recover from) then Stoneskin, Imoen IH BArb, Necro alacrity
Necro could dispel Raks, so no big problem, R->C healed Pasha (was injured, no risk)
RBs Rush to Noble Rak, Barb to elemental golem
Killed enemies in this order:
(from beginning, alaways one warrior pounding elemental)
Noble Rak (nasty nulber 1 here)
Horrid (nasty number 2 here)
coin golem (the less enemies around the better)
Abyssal escort
Abyssal escort
Noble Marilith
More than pleased to have foreknowledge and MS V for Necro!
Detailled overview of Party at this moment:
Necro level 21, 5.17 Mxp , MPV grave lich (this IS a Necromancer :-) )
weapons: Golem slayer, sling of arvoreen
Gear: scholastic cloak, amulet of Hades, ring of acuity, ring of djinni (or ram sometimes), memory of the apprenti, gauntlets of dexterity
96 HP, AC -7
Riskbreaker level 24, 5.01 Mxp , MPV Limak the Mastermind
weapons: Phosphorous, FoA +4, foebane, cutthroat
Gear: cloak +2, amulet +1, ring +3, ring +2, girdle of lordly might, indigo ioun stone
188 HP, AC -14
Riskbreaker level 24, 4.97 Mxp , MPV Spider Queen
weapons: Crom, short sword of the mask, thetruth
Gear: cloak +2, talisman of greater protection, ring +3, ring of gaxx, girdle of bluntness,crimson ioun stone
153 HP, AC -13
Barbarian level 24, 4.99 Mxp , MPV Green Wyrm
weapons: Poseidon, Rynn, soul reaver
Gear: cloak +2, amulet +1, ring +2, ring +2,helm of balduran, supreme chain mail, gauntlet of weapon expertise
203 HP, AC -13
Dual ranger7->Cleric 25 5.05 Mxp , MPV Troll King
weapons: club + 3
Gear: Darksteel shield, cloak +1, amulet +1, ring +2, holy symbol (or ring +2), dragon helm , pride of the legion, gauntlet of weapon skill, boot of the woodland
150 HP, AC -14 (-16 with ring +2 instead of holy symbol)
Imoen level 20, 4.75 Mxp , MPV Amber golem
weapons: Martial staff +3
Gear: cloak +3, ring +2, ring +2, boots of haste, belt of inertial barrier, bracer AC 4, roba of invocation (10% resist to elements)
65 HP, AC -6
One thing I can say, this party is VERY powerful.
Gear and levels are just "average" at this moment of a run, but power there is!
This to say there is no need to use gold/xp/forging exploits to be competitive.
Since chapter 6 started, the only fight where I think (afterwards) party was at risk (to reload) is Grave Lich in gate district.
Get Lady Vania second mission
Kill snakes (easy) and get garnet gem
Old one
contingency pfmw on sefl on enemy seen
CC ST/GOI/Foreknowledge on enemy seen
Trigger protection form fire/IH/stoneskin (cast on self first round)
Alacrity, debuff 2 liches (4 RRoR), GOI/ST/ RRoR 3rd lich
Then Let old one destroy liches (IIRC MAze and PWKILL work no more against graves, did not gamble on it), renew Alacrity (took 4) to summon (planetar, trolls) and protect summons from fire, renewa protection (fire and stoneskin very important, pfmw too)
Order potions from Morid (and sleep in sphere for 3 days)
Trigger chapter 7
Imoen (take pfmw), R->C and Necro level (main motive to trigger)
Two golem bunches (buffs and punches, no danger at all with GR under Foreknowledge or RD)
Raksasas guarding temple, lured them to cast ADHW on barbarian who just switched from Rynn to Poseidon, then remove magic a lot, ZoSA twice, game over.
Kill foes in temple, rest there.
Clear north west platforms (easy foes) without any buff
Noble and 2 horrid raks (Noble first, he is dispelled by Necro remove magic that's all)
Raamilat and spiders
Choice for next step:
Harpist house
Demon knights in WK
Twisted Rune
What is frustrating (and also fun), is that in all those fights RVE would make a huge difference,
And the one where luck (or risk) is involved the more without RVE (IMO) is precisely the one that has to be done before I gain the spell: Demon knights
Two gythianky attack party when climbing out tree on Tethyr forest! (only explanation I have, but however on earth did they not spawn before?) is that it is a "residue" of kruin fight...
Demon knights
Buffs (avoiding stoneskin, hardiness, everything that tease for a breach)
Djinni, spider, joloon summoned first round
Fight was over fast, rain of CC/triggers from demon, two RD and cat figurine (Imoen) ready, R->C retreats close to east portal, start GR, GR saves the day, apart a fallen RB to fire rain and blows from demons
Floor is mine
Aftermath, Barbarian with Poseidon and RB with Gaxx, talisman of greater protection, belt of inertial barrier were enough to overcome those demons, only thing (which wwas taken care of here) is to protect mages from spell tornado
Last room
Undispellable before portal (CBS, shield of Archons, Foreknowledge, rage)
Then pounding while Necro debuff Demon wraith, Imoen IH warriors (apart RB who do it innate) then pfme party
No problem, book is mine!
Gambling, no reload, so take my risk, got scroll of WISH and lost experience (from a RB)
Level 4, exit after a talk with lum
City, Get RVE, forge ring+4, ring +2, rimed club, cloak of arcane immortality
Buy warblade+4
july 2nd update
How many barbarian essences? 1 for each RB and Barb, 2 for R->C (5 overall)
I know this is a risk, but I will most likely need barbarian essences later on (Supreme leader, second travel to plane, maybe Oasys or Sendaï) so I want balance to be positive after Orcus encounter.
3 oils of resurgence on 4 warriors, 2 scrolls of pfld used on RBs, Barbarian rages, R->C Foreknowledge and Shield of Archons
Shot 5 RVE before entering Orcus place, no reload, so no rehersal, got 2 mental agility and 3 ... heal party (wish 1 or 2 regen, will have to do without)
Potion of invulnerability for RB (AC-24)
RBs open with RD (2 RD means a lot of damage for 8 grandlords)
RBs (Hardiness/barbarian essence/CBS) take center, R->C takes grandlord on westernmost side, Barbarian on estaernmost, and bone splitting starts
All grandlords were dead before vampires (Remeber I said this party had power!)
Made a mistake, forgot to cast chaotic command on Barb,rage expired and he was charmed, chose to kill it with mm because he was a threat for party
Vampires dead before first lord wave
No big danger, Necro summons and rebuffs (always something to counter CC 3*FoD!)
Silence expired just before 3rd wave
Barbarian raised by R->C
When skeletons no more, long wait for pfmw to end
Imoen took 3*FoD (raised by R->C)
And Orcus fell
Kill illithids and spiders in WK, leave what is left of WK for ToB (most likely I will not try supreme leader in SoA)
Time for Harpist house challenge
Necro spellbook
l4: Stoneskin, Rof*
l5: soul armor animate dead*2, prot from elec*6
l6: pfmw*5 , giant strength, IH*3
l7: limited wish, MS V*2, RoF*6
l8: Foreknowledge, MS VI*3 , Prot from energy*4
l9: RVE*3, Alacrity*2, planetar, AI
Mission for mages is IH party, protection, and highest priority: remove amber golems from stage!
Necro has CC troll, giant strength, IH on self and contingecy pfmw (both on enemmy seen)
Imoen CC 3*MS VI on enemy seen
Non dispellable buffs before entry: CBS, foreknowledge (Necro + R->C), Rage, shield of archons
Shoot 3 RVE (no reload, only try, don't wait for perfect 3*regen ;-)): Mental agility*2 + regen party (good!, much better than with Orcus :-))
Do not use something VERY comfortable here but with which I am ill at ease with (cheese or cheat? opinions welcomed from readers): Cast alacrity before stepping in
First move: Barbarian rushes to Noble Rak, switch to Poseidon when ADHW fire, Hardiness after purge (who spares other party members)
RBs Hardiness, one rushes to golem, other to noble rak
R->C summons Deva
Necro Alacrity (then IH warriors, Remove magic...)
Imoen Djinni
Noble rak went down first
after a coin, greater summons an amber which is dispatched in a blink by Necro (all RoF including triggers and 2 HoU)
Random spawn not that bad after initial coin and amber: only coins (3 if i'm not mistaken) and one Gem
Endured 3 purges, deliberate choice here, I was patiently eroding greater with RBS and summons, keeping R->C away ready to GR (and punching minor golem passing by), not taking any risk with too many party members around golem (Crom range), Barbarian was taking care of raks (wielding Poseidon) on the other side of the room, Imoen and Necro near entry summoning and summoning.
No Wish, just Yuan-tis, good fight!
Necro and Imoen level (chose LB and DU for Imoen)
City, strat time machine, forge and use wooden key
While Morid forges gold key, back to trees (to get bottle of wine)
Fight grandlords
Sell some (to order barbarian essences)
Leave Morid forging a key, back to elven city to fight a dragon
Aura of flaming death, foreknowledge and Shield of Archons on R->C
Shot 5 RVE (add physical resist, regen party, mental agility *2, heal party) bad result, wanted 2 or 3 regen
oils of resurgence (1 for each fighters)
Necro and one RB took care of Nizi, rest of party on hardwood with summons. Necro debuffs dragon with spellstrike then breach (spells and scrolls when insects)
when Nizi dead (after a heal), one hardwood down
No big problem, Barb was downed (had 80 Hp, took 81 damage in one blow!, average was 45-60 damage taken by hardwood per hit...)
Open temple and way to tree of life then exit suldanesselar
Get ruby key, order amber one
Empty pockets, sell enough to forge LoU
May be my favourite SoA fight: Twisted rune
Summons, buffs (no potions), true seeing from thetruth and from gem
Necro runs east with Imoen and R->C, Imoen breach shyressa then alacrity, Necro alacrity then peels Layenne, lower resist*2, breach , AAs and FEs, Layenne critical, layenne wish rest, DB, sequencer 3*AA, grigger 3*AA Layenne dead
Imoen under Alacrity has nothing to do (she was there to help kill layenne or orracle if layenne invisible with bad true seeing timing)
R->C GR when western RB loses hp (stellar granit tombstone)
One Rb runs west, starts with RD to propel shangalar westward, then attacks and kills revanek (fisrt twister to fall, just before Layenne), turns to vaxal with summons
Barb and RB pounding shyressa (this RB read a NPP scroll before fight)
Shangalar comes back, remove magic on RB (was expecting that) RB Risk decrement, shangalar propelled again and most important does not have time to follow remove magic by stellar loadstone, naked RB goes east to be buffed (prot from fire, pfme and IH)
VAxhall IA, Shyressa dead for good, Barb and RB go for Beholder
Necro RVE (why not?) got heal party (would have preferred 50%hp, regen or magical rest, but this will do)
One RB on shangalar (who nearly died between two pfmw), Barb and other RB patiently erode Beholder (now out of IA) under critical strikes
Magic user Summons, R->C heals, Necro shot 2 RVE (nothing and heal), pounding, pounding, as soon as no more prot from fire, back east for RBs or Barb to be rebuffed
When Vaxhal fell, Necro was ready to DU shangalar to death, but RB got Lich skin first
Imoen summoned and buff (IH, pfme), R->C GR, healed, summoned a bit (2 anacondas) and buffed (prot from fire), Necro killed Layenne then summoned/buffed, was ready (rebuffed self, IH, prot from fire, energy) to kill grave lich once Vaxhal removed from way
Time to face my dread, second travel to plane
Spend all my money left (some 25 Kgp) on oils of resurgence (not that many to buy in TOB), makes me realize I emptied many temples from those :-)
Overview of party at this moment:
Necro level 23, 5.93 Mxp, MPV Grave Lich
Imoen level 22, 5.44 Mxp, MPV Amber golem
RB level 26, 5.65 Mxp, MPV Spider Queen
RB level 26, 5.63 Mxp MPV Limak the Mastermind
R7->C27, 5.69 Mxp, MPV Hardwood golem
Barbarian level 26, 5.63 Mxp MPV Green Wyrm
Second travel to plane
Buffs, prot from fire and from cold for each fighters
During skeleton lords, Necro Foreknowledge, cast RVE (3) got 1 mental agility (and 2 regen, good pick)
Imoen "sacrifice" to collect doom and FoDs (by million) I need Necro to be in Balor LOS and casting debuffs, R->C raised her the round after
Necro Alacrity, then secret word/breach (insta cast) each Balor to remove ST/stoneskin (btw remove magic does not work unless you exploit-cheat levels to have 30 at least), RBs and Barb focus on one Balor after the other before they trigger spell shield/pfmw/stoneskin (killed 2, made a mistake not to trigger CS at the beginning, could have killed 3 at least)
Necro rebuffs (IH) warriors after Balor remove magic (good thing they have no more shields so fire and cold resitance not mandatory yet)
After this wait for pfmw to end (4 balors instead of 6 make a huge difference), R->C and Necro cast protection from fire (Barb went down to fireballs after being dispelled nonetheless)
Patience (important on insane), when only one Balor alive, manage next wave, that is summon a lot, Necro renew Foreknowledge, casts 2 RVE (looking for mental agility, got 1)
Skeleton grandlords literally surrounded Necro (never happened to me before), without pfmw on a blink, reload.
Lesser force, prepare golem wave (summons, summons, buff 2 RBs far from lesser force to avoid remove magic), Barb finish lesser force
First greater bone wave, Necro was stunned (drank a potion of magic shielding, was not enough), R->C was stunned, so warriors had to eliminate golems then wait for mages and R-<C to recover (at the cost of all my good summons)
Second wave, same thing, very long wait till I could finish lesser force (warriors were drained, no summons, needed pfme to finish lesser force) when Imoen and Necro awoke, pfme was enough (with a couple of medium summons) to finish lasser force (under pali haste, no more spells)
Oils of resurgence are again very useful in this kind of fight.
Also used 3 barbarian essences, 1 was lost because Barb fell, RBs had 1 runnig till end of fight (IIRC vanished during second golem wave)
Used 3 Wish from Imoen, got hardiness, pfme (what I was looking for), and got 25 stats.
One reload, horrible but what I would qualify a fair one, end of fight (second greater bone wave), I had necro panicked, Imoen and R->C stunned, fighters and some summons (2 yuan-tis, djinni and troll) fighting bones and lesser force.
2 greater bone golems left, but RB and Barb were in real chunk danger, so fleeing to regenerate (and unable to fight), other RB was battling a golem, far from lesser force.
Lesser force dispatched summons near it, so went for nearest party member, stunned R->C (bad but since I had stoneskin and a pretty good AC on R->C judged this manageable to wait for healthy RB to kill its golem then distract force)
Alsa at the same moment panicked Necro decided to move straight near lesser forced, lesser force attacked helpless (and purged) Necro, RB rushed but lesser force did not change target. Nothing I could do (apart ctrl-R :-) )
One thing that would not happen with Valygar in party....
Anyway, this reload is not as upsetting as the disintegration by wyvern cultist.
Necro wears nice ioun stone, 45% crushing damage resist, with wish-hardiness from Imoen, her 123 hp and golem slayer she can battle golems!
Tree of life
No big problem after all,
Buffs, summons, 1 oil, CBS, hardiness,...R->C with aura of flaming death, foreknowledge, shield of archons, Necro sequencer tenser/giant strength/IH and using scrolls of AI (deals good damage to hardwood)
Necro and R->C were holding north, one (then two) hardwoods attracted
South, one RB took a hardwood, Barb and other RB another (idea was to down them fast)
Summons alas do not last long with hardwoods, Imoen summoned a lot (Necro was fighting)
Took time, Jon did a TS+alacrity wish, downing Imoen, one RB and Barb! (this one I confess is a first time for me in IA, never experienced that before), spells don't chunk.
No Wish, 5 GR (quite precious), planetar used to raise and heal (All party standing when going to hell)
HEll, last fight is not very difficult (Necro under alacrity peeling enemies)
Balor fell first (Barb and one RB), he is not the same species found in second travel to plane (Remove magic hits)
One RB took elemental from beginning to end (One coin)
R->C took death lord, help from one RB to kill it after Balor died
Rb, barb and R->C finished abyssal and Marilith
elemental died just after Marilith, coin lasted a blink
Slayer Irenicus no chance agains RBs and Barb (just one RB under pfme, Barb with Poseidon and other RB with 25% magical and magic damage resist risked nothing
july 7th update
One important caution: have true seeing (thetruth and gem, gem is EE specific item btw) on so that no backstab (means chunk)
Necro starts alacrity when enemies appear, breaches Illasera, RBs pound Illasera to death in a round and a half, rest of foes is easy
First challenge, warriors level
After Mateo/Kiser business, Imoen levels (take minor disrupt undead and foreknowledge)
Clean sewers (nasty shadows did not spawn??), just careful with mages (at least one uses comet, I'm sure of it), both had no time to cast anything nasty apart initial fallen deva.
Enter catacombs, just great care with final fight (vampires) to protect against charm all warriors. Spell tornado from Necro and Imoen and 2 sunrays from R->C did great here.
Forge foebane +5 (one of the best weapons around IMO)
Fight not to be taken lightly on insane, important to keep gromnir and karun occupied by summons (that is to say using summons as targets) as much as possible
Full buffing downstairs, climb up
First move, summons (Djinni, spider, skeleton) near gromnir, Barb and one RB (protected form energy) attack ancestor, R->C and RB attack guards
Necro and Imoen (who retreated a bit not to be in Karun Los) start alacrity
Imoen then peels guards (breach) and summon some fodder, Necro has the task to keep Karun occupied during his alacrity debuffing necro and not dispelling/ADHW to death all party
Necro also debuffed oyher gromnir mage during alacrity stance
Guards went down first, then mage , then Ancestor
Thought I could stun Gromnir with power attack, was wrong (Smite works on him though, but I did not pick it yet)
RB with foebane went up to 390 hp during fight :-)
Karun last, his spells are exhausted, but suspecting him to have 1 or 2 comet in his pockets, took no risks and buffed against it (fire, stoneskin/hardiness), let summons and one party member wait for SI:DIv to end
North forest, temple,
Marching mountains, Always feel like a rehersal for Yaga fight: how fast can you eliminate elite fire giant?
Good thing is that without any potions or spells, RBS (hardiness and CBS) and Barb (native resist and hardiness) do resist a lot to EFG punching (does not mean of course they can take 4 blows in a row without chunk)
Worst thing IMO with EFG is smite (being propelled away, in a ring corner or near another EFG is bigger risk of chunk that a straight blow)
Before going down to giant lair, sell and forge (Warlord blade with physical resist, DoTC, cloak +2)
Clean dungeon without any problem (Mages spells, AAs, LB, CL do wonder against giants)
Berenn fight, as usual for me on core, I took them all in the same room, Berenn was the first to fell (apart plain fire giant electrified by CLs before)
Opening here with 2 CC 3*CL on nearest enemy and alacrity by 2 mages followed by triggers 3*CL and all electric/acid spells hurts enemy a lot
Confidence grows with my warriors, without any magic help they can dispatch an EFG fast (less than 2 rounds)
Elemental golem just had time to summon a coin
Finish level (Imix) and collect loot and hearts
Skeletons (I like this fight), just managing ressources (hardiness, RD, CBS, heal, GR,..) without relying on wish-rest (anyway better to summon yuan-tis with Imoen) Shot 3 RVE during fight (not to force luck but to have some bonus if good cast, got 1 regen, very good here, a heal but party was at full hp and a mental agility, useless here)
Used no potions (saved oils for later), btw currently have 37 oils of resurgence left in inventory, can buy another 13 in saradush temple, 13 in Amkethran , get some more loot on grandlords to come, but ressource is not infinite...
Give hearts and fight
Necro is level 25, 6.73 Mxp
WK level 4
Elementals golem ambush, 8 minor spawns
Choice between Supreme leader and Yaga is not easy. I am less afraid by Yaga, but that does not mean chunk risk is very high on insane, and right after Yaga, Oasis comes, another very high risk on insane (even on core, consider oasis as one of the toughest fights) Supreme leader opens much more room to gain xp and gear (all dungeon), so reasonnable choice is going for supreme.
Buffs, potions a lot (invulnerability, 2 oils on 4 warriors, barb essence on RBs and Barb, free action from cat (aprat Necro who has layers and drank potion) of course
First attempt, felt bad since the beginning, plan was to rush party in south room, many small details going wrong, delay at each door to clear passage, party spread along, so that when Mlar fell, Imoen had just rebuffed pfmw because she was near Supreme, an anti-inquisitor spawned, tortured her, and she was chunked by supreme. Truth is start was quite poor and even without this chunk I seriously doubt issue could be positive.
Organize a bit more fight
Potions drank and buffs make warriors very resistant, so I can spare time downing enemies.
Let's divide and conquer.
Necro and Imoen keep Giths and supreme in first room with summons
4 other party members rush to golem makers, starting with spammers (one RB crom/short sword of the mask cleans golems meanwhile so that movement is allowed)
to avoid any "jam" use Risk decrement to pass doors without delay.
When giths cleaned in first room, and supreme peeled, Necro and Imoen rush south to other party members (who take care not to finish Mlar or hracknir before mages are in south room), Djinni, skeleton and summons to keep supreme occupied in entry room
Golem makers and their production are dealt with weapons, anti-inquisitor spawn, mages cast (Necro) or use scroll of AI.
Mages electricity did few damage to anti-inquisitors, so party finishes golem and 2 anti-inquisitors by sword.
Once south room is cleaned, time to lure other enemies to it. Lure is a bit pompous, Supreme leader and 2 anti-inquisitors rushed to us as soon as they saw someone.
Necro, victim of tortuous inquisition lost her last alacrity, so both anti-inquisitors had to go down by sword only
When alone with supreme, oils of resurgence, protection from fire, summons, protection from energy/magical energy in the end (did not get CC 3*ADHW), and most important: patience!
No Wish/RVE used at all
Bad to have a third reload here, but good for the spirit, WK opens!
Demilich dead easy, just need Necro to be protected by some layers and memorize freedom just in case.
Due to an EE bug (after imprisonment, RB has twice AC bonus as usual) I reloaded after an imprisonned RB. Fight was won, but I felt bad having this cheaty +8 AC bonus for the rest of the game, so I don't count this reload (but I point it nonetheless)
Usuno blade found, quite good!! forge Thor, improved gaxx, ring +2 and axe of the unyeilding
I always find a very aggressive behaviour with dragons pays a lot:
Buffs are protection from fire and IH (from Necro and Imoen), hardiness, shot RVE (6) for just one regen...
R->C regen on 2 RBS, saves heal, GR, prot from fire for fight
Summon elementals (R->C), djinni, spider, skeleton
RBs and Barb attack dragon, switch to normal weapons as soon as pfmw from Saladrex
Then pounding, and pounding
When a char is doomed and naked, retreat at once to renew prot from fire (eitherwise it is death and most likely chunk), rings of fire control and fire resistance can ensure a safer travel during retreat to entry where mages and R->C wait out of reach
R->C ZoSA once on a cloud, GR thrice, Dragon dead.
Best staff of the game (IMHO) gained (ram) and upgraded at once
horde (GM, emotion, PW stun, WISH double TS,...)
Liches/grandlords ambush, Necro time: after 2 mental agility and foreknowledge during buff, Necro starts with alacrity, killed Grave lich with 10 DU (True seeing from thetruth), then 4 wishes, 1 rest, kill other lich, 1 grandlords and terminates two other grandlords already wounded (minor disrupts undead)
Golem ambush (some 10-11 minor golems), 2 purple, 2 reds, 4 blue, 4 green in a row
Some rest (party exhausted, 4th green was risky, not because of chunk, but merely to win), Imoen levels, hesitate a lot and take AI (hesitated to take timestop)
3rd red (Necro killed an ice alone), just caution with purge (no need to have all party debuffed at first, be ready to rebuff, especially hardiness on second, no third purge), shot some RVE before fight, 2 mental agility (very good!) and crap (one or two regen would have been nice)
Elemental spawned just a coin (could have milked, but not my cup of tea)
4rth red, Greater elemental first, same as above, beware purges, summons a lot, necro shot RVEs (7) got 3 agility (what I was looking for) mission for Necro is to get rid of amber golems (casting spells with light speed, easy task, RoF, HoU under prot from electricity and pfmw)
3 ambers and a gem as lesser spawns, 2 and a half amber killed by Necro
All warriors level 30 (RBs got AC bonus!)
3rp purple, 1 round and a half (sunrays, CC 3*ADHW trigger 3*CL
4th purple
Necro has CC 2*RRoR and remove magic on nearest enemy , 2 RroR and DUs as 7th level spells, starts with foreknowledge and 3 mental agility
Necro alacrity, means One lich is naked (taken 2 RRoR), another dead
Meanwhile Imoen Wishes (looking for Double TS or rest) theory is double TS means Imoen kills a lich during TS, after TS no more pfmw on, so Rush from wariors under CS means 1 sure, and likely 2 liches dead
Reality was I got a rest, Necro killed naked lich, debuffed another, who was killed (a remove magic worked, was surprised, Necro is only level 26),
4th lich was dealt by RBs who shamelessly propelled it away around the room like a pinball using Risk decrements, she could basicaly do nothing until pfmw out and death.
scroll harvest (19 RRoR,..)
Overview of Party at this moment:
Necro level 26, 7.42 Mxp , MPV grave lich
weapons: Golem slayer
Gear: scholastic cloak, amulet of Hades, ring of acuity, ring +2 (or ram sometimes), memory of the apprenti, gauntlets of dexterity, carmine ioun stone, belt of inertial barrier
124 HP, AC -10
Riskbreaker level 30, 7.14 Mxp , MPV Limak the Mastermind
weapons: Phosphorous, FoA +4, foebane +5, DoTC, cutthroat
Gear: cloak +2, amulet +1, ring +2, ring +2, girdle of lordly might, indigo ioun stone, boots of grounding
208 HP, AC -15
Riskbreaker level 30, 7.17 Mxp , MPV Spider Queen
weapons: Thor, short sword of the mask, thetruth
Gear: cloak +2, talisman of greater protection, ring +2, improved ring of gaxx, girdle of bluntness, crimson ioun stone
180 HP, AC -16
Barbarian level 30, 7.17 Mxp , MPV Green Wyrm
weapons: Poseidon, Ram +6, Warlord's blade
Gear: cloak +2, amulet +1, ring +2, ring +2,helm of balduran, supreme chain mail, gauntlet of weapon expertise, girdle of stone giant strength
221 HP, AC -13
Dual ranger7->Cleric 32 7.21 Mxp , MPV Ice Golem
weapons: Rimed club (ice star when dual wielding)
Gear: Pride of the legion, ring +2, holy symbol, Dragon helm, boots of the woodlands, cloak +2, gauntlet of weapon skill, girdle of fire giant strength, darksteel shield (or shield of harmony)
164 HP, AC -15
Imoen level 25, 6.99 Mxp , MPV Amber golem
weapons: Rynn
Gear: cloak +1, ring +2, ring of djinni, boots of haste, belt of inertial barrier, bracer AC 4, robe of invocation, circlet of netheril, amulet of the seldarin, boots of the north
80 HP, AC -3
Open first key
Sell, forge noble staff of fire, cloak+2 and improved dragon helm
Yaga or Ancient Dragon?
Feel hatred grow, Ancient dragon!
Fight will be won or lost fast!
cast RVE to have a maximum mental agility (5), so that spellbook can go in a blink
Necro spell book:
l1: all lmd
l3: remove magic and prot from fire ,
l4: stoneskins
l5: 3 SI, 6 breach
l6:2 GOI, 4IH, 4pfmw, giant strength
l7: 2 RRoR, 6ST, 2 limited wish, 2 prot from elements
l8: PFE, foreknowledge, 8*ADHW
l9: Spellstrike, 3 alacrity, AI, 4 RVE
protection from fire on everybody, IH (even on mages, will have enough), Necro takes staff of fire (to occupy dragon thinking about sequence of spell to cast to decrease necro resistance to fire)
hardiness, oils of resurgence (2), CBS on RBs
Climb down, Imoen, Barb and R->C (with phosphorous) stay at entry, summon djinni, spider and anaconda
Necro and RBS run to wyrm
Necro starts alacrity/ AI/spellstrike/trigger breach + 2*lower resist, ADHW*8, RRoR effrit, AAs on effrit, (salamander and effrit dead), then rebuff after wyrm debuffs, renew IH and prot from fiore on RB when wyrm removes magic
Spider guide nishruu meanwhile to Barb and R->C who will kill it some round later (with help from spider and djinni under pfmw)
second alacrity, necro rebuffs self, breach wyrm, renew prot from fire on RBs and self, shots RVE (grandlord, regen, mental agility useless)
Wyrm triggers cure critical wounds, regen
Barb and R->C (don't mind silence at this point) come pounding Wyrm when Necro renews third alacrity (they just stopped to remove Grandlords on their way)
Imoen in the backgound wished, nothing worth came out of it (main success was a pfme on party, useless)
Since Necro always in LOS and keeping Wyrm occupied, no doom, no lower resist, no fireball.
wyrm was dead before end of third alacrity, did not had time to cast heal on self.
Aggressivity rules! (btw this recipe here is quite reliable to kill this wyrm) FoA+4, poseidon and Thor are great weapons against it!
Loot wonderful as usual, write timestop and BBoD on Necro spellbook
open second key, wipe monsters
use skull
open second key, before final turn (and nasty lich) get a rest in Pocketplane
Kill lich without milking (some 6-7 grandlords) Necro used timestop when tide was turning bad (one RB imprisoned, other panicked, Barb alone fighting golems and grandlords)
Open last seal
Kill demogorgon
Party after WK:
Necro level 27, 7.91 Mxp , MPV grave lich
Riskbreaker level 31, 7.59 Mxp , MPV Ancient Dragon
Riskbreaker level 31, 7.60 Mxp , MPV Spider Queen
Barbarian level 31, 7.65 Mxp , MPV Green Wyrm
Dual ranger7->Cleric 34 7.70 Mxp , MPV Ice Golem
Imoen level 26, 7.47 Mxp , MPV Amber golem
Time to meet giants
july 11th update
Empty pockets with saradush merchants (won't see them again)
Forge Great wyrm armor for R->C
Buffs, Mental agility*2, oils and regen
First EFG killed by weapons only, Necro and Imoen Start alacrity just before first wave
Necro RRoR *3 on bodyguard + breach, boidyguard dead seconds later (all warriors on him)
Djinni tanks Yaga under pfmw
GM + emotion down cleric
EFG spawn, Imoen and Necro dispatch it, Necro shoots RVE, got a rest (was looking for regen, rest is quite bad for enemies)
First wave dispatched before second spawn
Second wave spawn just near Necro, bad luck for them, wiped
Third wave did succeed in interrupting Necro alacrity, saved them 1 round of life
Yaga alone, implosion, (DoTC quite good against Yaga btw), dead
challenge in pocketplane,
I sincerely wonder (other opinion welcomed) whether, on insane, this fight is not IA-TOB hardest one if done without cheat (buffing/resting in PP after quick pause) or cheese (coming there from east side after being to amkethran from WK)
Always have the feeling that this fight can be lost after 1 or 2 rounds, cannot be said to be won till the end (of Jamis).
Time to go
Necro spellbook
l1: lmd
l2: AA
l3: VT
l4: stoneskin*2, GM*2, RoF*4, emotion*2, fireshield blue
l5: SI*2, larloch interrupter*2, breach*6
l6: GOI, CL*2, IH*4, pfme*4
l7: RRoR*6, MS V*5, ST*2
l8: PFE, foreknowledge, ADHW*3, MS VI*3, maze*2
l9: timestop, alacrity*3, DB*5
Necro wears boots of haste (as does Imoen)
trigger larloch interrupter CL*2
sequencer 3*RoF
minor sequencer 2*AA
CC foreknowledge/MS VI*2 (enemy seen)
Contingency pfmw (enemy seen)
Party AI off, R->C script to none (usually, apart mages, script is attack nearest enemy)
First moves:
Imoen djinni near Jamis, pfmw at once on djinni to distract Jamis at least for two rounds
Barb spider near Jamis
R->C Elemental near Jamis (air and earth)
RBs hardiness
Necro timestop
Second move (all those are shadowed while timestop stance)
R->C creeping doom
Barbarian hardiness
Imoen Alacrity
Necro stops flow of time, alacrity: IH on RBS, Barb and R->C, stoneskin, fireshield blue, Si:Abj, ST, IH R->C, barb and RBs, pfme on RBs and R->C,
Time flows again, alacrity ends, Necro starts alacrity
RBs attack gems, Barb attacks battlepriest (rams him north)
Barb is north with battlepriest, hostile mordy and a gem, mélée in the middle, Imoen, Necro and R->C at entry spots
Imoen alacrity, trigger 3*CL, sequencer stoneskin/MI/shield on self, pfmw, starts RoF
R->C creeping doom cast, keeps aura cleansed for GR
Party AI on, RBS activate CS, Barb hardiness (was breached)
Then basicaly, each round either R->C is ready to GR, or RBs ready to RD, or cat figurine (not used yet) as emergency heal
RB who is attacked by Jamis drinks a barbarian essence
Necro and Imoen cast offensive spells (AAs, RoF, CL, DB,...)
Second battlepriest does want I wanted to avoid, vengeance storm, Imoen and R->C out of it, Necro is touched and lost third alacrity, very bad
Imoen empties her offensive spells under Alacrity (humans don't like at all), Necro summons, offensive spells remaining for Necro are wasted (low levels, useless if not under alacrity) she is much more needed for summons and breach (battlemage or battle priest)
R->C pauses GR with other casting: creeping doom, stoneskin, heal, mass cure, aerial servant
Some equilibrium in fight, Hack golems, destroy human with spells, oils of resurgence , GR from R->C (had a total of 6 when stepping in)
When alone with Jamis (some other pikemen east for sure, but do not want them around before Jamis is down) Just one GR (left for utter emergency), no more 8th or 9th level spells for mages, still many salamanders to summon
R->C heals RBs or Barb (all on Jamis with slashing of course) who take care to retreat when manadatory: without barb essence I don't want ro use, CBS, take averag 40 damage per hit from Jamis, so chunk risk is there
Once Jamis has no more undispellable Hardiness and takes more than 2 damage per hit, death comes fast
8 pikemen east, dispatched
Find Hexxat in tavern (thought her dead or forgotten), will not talk to her.
All quests done
Sell to smugglers, forge ring +2, 2 rings +3 and a ring +4
RBs "unbuffed" have -16 and -17 AC
Sendai's enclave outdoor
Climb down, spiders, hulk,...
Thelynns and her guards nearly had party, they are quite tough on insane (oasys like)
What saved party was first to be at full health and spells (though no CC, triggers,...) and second to have stay on stairs instead of rushing in so they could crush drows without being attacked from all sides which would have meant failure (99%)
One RB down (was wounded, retreated, but vengeance storm got him)
Derro tunnel, spider tunnel, Imoen levels , chose prot from electricity as spell
First drow ambush
Nice and tense moment when second and third drow ambush party joined
Enter Odamaron's lair, patience but no milking, no coward use of timestop, lich taken down by sword and spell while it could fight back!
When entering, Imoen runs one side (south east), R->C the other (north west) so that one of the twop, RBs and Barb not touched by silence (bad here not to be able to use HLAs)
Ogremoch and Dyata
Oh captain my captain
Leave area, Sendaï will wait.
Stop in tavern, lot of selling, forge boots of the woodland, 2 boots of speed, short sword of the mask +5, keep 90+ Kgp for the moment (want to be sure how much money I have before final forgings)
Dragon's lair
Draconis, no need to re-write story of dragon vulnerable to magic and Necro (CC foreknowledge/stoneskin/ST, contingency pfmw)
Just care that first move from necro after teleport is SI:ABJ is CC does not trigger fast enough (which happened), while a RB with hardiness rushes to Draconis human (so takes first breach)
Recover rope
Recover scroll and kill mage
Use scroll and kill dragon
Rest and prepare
R->C did not succeed dispel magic on human ABI, so patience,
Necro casts contingency pfmw on self (on enemy seen) and a foreknowledge when SI:DIV expires on human ABi (to prevent salamander from interrupting Alacrity)
breach from Imoen, buffet, Dragon appears
RBs hardiness, attack dragon (then CBS round after, aim to get resist and avoid chunk)
Necro protected casts alacrity, means end for ABi Dragon: spellstrike, breach, trigger 3*lower resist, lower resist, DB*8 (btw ABI dead before one DB landed), sequencer 3*FA, 13*FA, 11*AA... dragon dead
No danger at all
Forge Hindo doom +4 (GR) and FoA +5
Third pocket challenge
Party at this moment:
Necro level 26, 9.09 Mxp , MPV Draconis (yeah!)
weapons: Golem slayer +5
Gear: scholastic cloak, amulet of Hades, ring of acuity, ring of the ram, memory of the apprenti, gauntlets of dexterity, carmine ioun stone, belt of inertial barrier
127 HP, AC -8
Riskbreaker level 34, 8.68 Mxp , MPV ANcient dragon
weapons: Phosphorous, FoA +5, foebane +5, DoTC, cutthroat
prof: ++ 2Weapon style, +++++ hammer +++++ long sword +++ short sword
HLAs: Power attack, smite, hardiness*5, Critical strike*8
Gear: cloak +2, amulet +1, ring +4, ring +2, girdle of lordly might, indigo ioun stone, boots of grounding
221 HP, AC -17
Riskbreaker level 35, 8.77 Mxp , MPV Spider Queen
weapons: Thor, short sword of the mask, thetruth
prof: ++ 2Weapon style, +++++ flail +++++ bastard sword +++ short sword
HLAs: Power attack, smite, hardiness*5, Critical strike*9
Gear: cloak +2, talisman of greater protection, ring +2, improved ring of gaxx, girdle of bluntness, crimson ioun stone
195 HP, AC -16
Barbarian level 34, 8.749 Mxp , MPV Green Wyrm
weapons: Poseidon, Ram +6, Warlord's blade
prof: ++ 2H Weapon, +++ 2weapon style, ++ axe, ++ flail, ++ quaterstaff, ++ hallberd, ++ 2Hsword
HLAs: Power attack, hardiness*5, Critical strike*9
Gear: cloak +2, amulet +1, ring +2, ring +2,helm of balduran, supreme chain mail, gauntlet of weapon expertise, girdle of fire giant strength, boots of grouding
233 HP, AC -13
Dual ranger7->Cleric 37 8.84 Mxp , MPV Ice Golem
weapons: Rimed club
Gear: Great wyrm armor +5, ring +2, holy symbol, Dragon helm, boots of the ranger lord, cloak +2, gauntlet of weapon skill, girdle of stone giant strength, shield of the order
174 HP, AC -18
Imoen level 29, 8.64 Mxp , MPV Amber golem
weapons: Rynn, noble staff of fire
Gear: cloak +2, ring +2, ring of djinni, boots of haste, bracer AC 4, robe of invocation, circlet of netheril, amulet of the seldarin, boots of haste
84 HP, AC -4
Time to meet Sendai
last update
Prebuff R->C prot from fire, IH, ...
While minor statues, buff, summon, hardiness on RBS, barb essence on RBS and Barb,
SendaI appears, CBS on RBS, RBs and Barb on pet (Barb was delayed, led to an eathshaking roar) with mask, cutthroat+4 and poseidon
Imoen and Necro Wish and RVE (Imoen got one rest)
After pet, Web golems one after the other, Barb with warlord's blade of course, foebane and thetruth for RBs
Was a nightmare in my previous insane run, this time went OK
4th challenge,
Sell all I will not take to EDE (including short swords, normal weapons, Defender of easthaven, Axe of unyelding)
Forge dragon's lord (of course), boots of haste, 5 rings +2, scarlet ioun stone, 2 rings +3
Last challenge
Misc gear:
potions: 21 barb essences, 29 magic shielding, 3 magic blocking, 2 prot from fire, fortitude, 14 haste, 70 greater healing, 28 oils of resurgence (wish I had more)
scrolls: 4 WISH, MS V, MS VI, MS VII, 2 raise dead (if I need them, situation is bad), 8 AI (usually use 3-4), 10 pfme (will collect some more), IH
Amulet of cheeta speed, hindo doom
100% physical resist on RBs, Barb and R->C, 2 barb essences for Necro
PFE on eveybody (apart Imoen), IH or haste (mages)
R->C has ring of free action
Shoot RVE and WISH under alacrity
1 oil drank by every warrior when pasha joins
Join Prince
Prince has good taste to take care of Djinni northwards, Party rushes south (Necro a little apart because a remove magic flies to her)
Supreme golem is terminated (Pasha, Necro, RBs, Barb, R->C) without gating an elemental! (this Never happened to me before in IA)
One ultra (east) terminated without amber, Pasha and party on it were quite efficient.
North Ultra had time to gate one Amber (terminated by Necro under alacrity)
Prince first AI without Raksasas! (milliseconds before truth to tell!)
Eliminate Raks
Prince second AI (party hits hard, Foebane does wonder against Prince)
Keep on being very aggressive (and cautious with GR, oils, RD, cat figurine, hindo) attacking relentlessly Prince
Prince third AI, taking care to renew prot from fire or energy as best as can be on warriors
Summons (salamanders very nice here, I have many between Necro and Imoen) a lot to keep Prince occupied during AI
Second rak spawn
start using potion of magic shielding
Prince 4th AI
Third rak spawn, stabilize fight in an alcove
Look for (and get) Wish-rest, 15 wish memorized between Necro and Imoen and 4 scrolls, it was bound to come (took 7 Wish attempts).
Prince 5th AI, I think fight is won, Party decreases Prince hps fast, R->C GR from afar, oils, RB, CBS do great to maintain hp (as does retreat ;-) ), Necro and Imoen summons (salamanders and Yuan-tis) do great against Prince
Prince 6th AI
End of Prince
RB, R->C, Imoen and Necro level, supreme scalp for Barbarian
Claim a place among the gods
Necro finished with 9.64 Mxp, a bit less than I usually have here (around 10.4 Mxp IIRC),
Insane is a nice thing to experiment at least once with IA that's sure.
the "no-reload" thing depends a lot of definition ones give to no-reload. Here I tried a run with a party with which I didn't repeat each and every fight, run was not based on some already validated winning combinations (which is for me not fun, bu I don't mind at all if others have fun with that).
I also don't like to abuse running around, switching each and every round gear from one char to the other, I prefer straightforward approch of fights

No xp/gold exploit (my party had less xp and less gear than my usual runs on core, mainly because no milking) used in run. Levels more could help of course, I wish I could have them, but I refused to used exploits to gain them.
In this configuration I just can say no-reload with IA is difficult, I think nearly impossible (at least for me). Here I had 4 reloads overall, some could be avoided for sure if I was to replay, some could still happen (second travel to plane), and some fights that went OK (Oasys, EDE, cristal shard, mithril golem,...) could cause reloads, so...
I will most likely never again play on insane, not my cup of tea, mainly because insane doesn't allow original parties (no full divine with Necro or no 2 thieves party) and you can't take any risk during fights, which is precisely something I like very much.
Tactic definition (in dictionnary) being something like "a plan or action to achieve a goal or a maneuver", I think there is much more room for tactical challenge with some original parties on core (try a run with no unsilencable chars and no Necro/vagrant protag...)
IMO Insane shortens a lot the way one can design a party and win a fight, it is a matter of (huge) resistance to (few) punch while on core there is more room to make use of a char that is not tremendously resistant or tremendously powerful (vagrant NPCs, paladins, swash, Kensaï come to my mind), and on insane it is (IMO) very difficult to take time downing an enemy becasue your party has no tremendous fighting power.