"Guess the scene!"
The idea is based on a nice drawing of Sir Carnifex.
The "Guess the scene!" series will last for 9+1 weeks. There will be one picture in each of the 9 weeks, showing a scene from an Infinity Engine game (usually from the Baldur's Gate series I suppose). There will be a few questions stated about the picture, with a total score of 6p (which means perfect answers to all questions). Bonus points can be given for very outstanding answers, but the total score (after bonus points) may not exceed the allowed maximum (6p). The last, 10th week is an exception, as there will be no guessing: instead, the picture will show some new situation, and a simple (and probably BG2) mod -- inspired by or related to the picture -- will have to be created.
The winner of the week will be the person who gets the highest score. The winner of the contest will be the person with the highest total score (score of week1 + week2 + ... + week10), but we will also announce a winner who won the most weekly contests (as he or she may be different from the person with the highest total score). Depending on the number of participants, we might announce more winners at the end of the contest series. The prizes will be BWL forum portraits from our Gallery and custom subtitles. The main winner (the person with the highest total score) will get the Gold Cross of Modding, but this has another prerequisite: he or she must have a valid submission (a working mod) for the 10th week contest, with at least 50% score. If no such partipicant exists, the Gold Cross of Modding won't be awarded to anyone.
I'm the organizer of the "Guess the scene" contest, but the judge won't be necessarily myself. The picture might be created by a different person each week (but this isn't necessary). Each week, the picture and the associated questions will be posted by the picture's creator in this topic (please do not post replies in that topic, only the person who publishes the drawings can add new content there; please use the present topic for discussion).
How to enter: you automatically enter the contest by sending a submission (please see below).
How to submit: Submissions are nothing else than answers to the questions of that week. Submissions should be sent in the form of a forum Private Message (PM) both to the person who posted the picture & questions and to me (Baronius). If the submission is only sent to the picture creator (judge) or only to me, it won't be accepted. (Hint: you can use the field "Carbon copy to other members" in the private message sending form to add additional recipients.) One participant can only send one submission, and within one day, he or she can send another submission to replace the first one. If there is a replacement, the first submission will be ignored, and the replacement will be judged. Replacements sent after one day will be ignored. Submissions sent after the deadline will not be judged.
Remember, it's "Guess the scene", so don't hesitate to guess! There are no minus points!
Any questions are welcome!