QUOTE(Jarno Mikkola)
QUOTE(Baronius @ Aug 20 2008, 07:02 PM)

Mobile access can be carried out through any mobile device that supports internet access, which is most commonly the mobile phone indeed.
Yeah, and if you use that outside your own country, the server calls back home and you get the bill for that... it's quite expensive.
I know about people who happily kept using internet via their mobile phone while on holidays, and didn't realize that the packet billing automatically switched to the international tariff of the company. They weren't so happy any longer when they received the bill with a terrible sum. On the other hand, although I haven't really followed telecommunications recently, I remember that the European Union had some plans to bind telecom companies to decrease their prices related to foreign mobile internet access inside the Union.
However, when I mentioned mobile access to Raven, I didn't exclusively refer to mobile phones. There are other ways for easy (and free) mobile internet access as well. There are publicly available WiFi access points in several countries of the Union. You just need to bring your (properly equipped) laptop, and that's all. No need for a mobile phone, for example. (Of course, security is another question: if there are flaws in the system, e.g. no secure connection is used, your private data such as passwords might be stolen by others.)
On a side note, mobile phone access for Raven would have been hopeless anyway, considering he is going to North America. At least, if he is going to the USA, because that is what I know to have several uncomfortable features with mobile phones compared to Europe (e.g. incompatible -- manufacturer-specific -- devices, limits for pre-paid i.e. credit-based packs, etc.). So it has a good chance that his device is probably incompatible and unusable there. Of course, he can always buy a new mobile phone there, but I think this is the last thing he plans to do on holidays.

Only Sir Carnifex received it. He mentioned it to me in the private "judge" workroom that you've written my name (Baronius) to the title field of the private message, instead of the Carbon Copy field. This is a severe insult to me and you're disqualified from the whole contest

Just kidding

It must have been funny for Carnifex to receive a message from you with title 'Baronius'.