QUOTE(lxgxnd9 @ Feb 22 2022, 06:17 PM)
Gear/equipment update as of now?
Surprised the late game has been this much of a face roll
Here u go!
** Status**
Vagrant (PC): Level 27, 244 HP, AC -15 (-22 with supreme shelter), Thac0 -15 / -10. 4 APR (can reach 80% phys. resistance RCA +10, FoDW +15, AoF +10, CoBC +5 + Hardiness +40)
STR 24, DEX 18, CON 19, INT 9, WIS 14, CHA 20
Stuff: Red Coral Armour, Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise, Helm of Balduran, Clasp of Bron's Bloack (+5% phys. resistance), cloak +2, Protector of Woods, RoP +2, Girdle of Lordly Might, Boots of the Ranger Lord
Weapons: Mostly Axe of the Lakesider +4 & FoDW or Dragon's Breath +4
MPV: Ultra Golem
total exp value 12% / 23%
percentage of total kill 18% / 31%
Jaheira: Level 30, 132HP, AC -9, Thac0 -1 (can reach -12 with holy power & righteous magic) 2-3 APR with 2H (3-4 APR when dual-wielding)
STR 17, DEX 18, CON 16, INT 10, WIS 22, CHA 11
Stuff: Shadow Dragon Scale, Paws of the Furious Cat, Circlet of the Woods, Harper's Ward, cloak +2, 2xRoP +2, Girdle of Bluntness, PAws of Cheetah
Weapons: Golem Slayer or Yamato & Treefolk's Fist +4
MVP: Demon Prince
total exp value 21% / 19%
percentage of total kill 13% / 17%
Neera: Level 26, 86HP, AC 0 (40% resistance to magic)
STR 11, DEX 15, CON 16, INT 10, WIS 18, CHA 11
Stuff: Greater Robe of Invocation, Bracers of defense AC5, Circlet of Netheril, AoP, Rop +2, Cloak +2, Sorcerian Ring, Tymora's Gift (+10 magic resistance, +3 luck), paws of the cheetah
Weapons: Staff of Fire +2, Sling of Everad
MVP: Hardwood Golem
total exp value 4% / 3%
percentage of total kill 3% / 5%
Valygar (Riskbreaker): Level 30, 213HP, AC -16, Thac0 -15 / -11 (can drop AC to -24 with potion of defense) 4 APR.
STR 25, DEX 18, CON 19, INT 12, WIS 14, CHA 12
Stuff: Crimson Ioun Stone, Aegis of Torment (+15HP, +2Con +3AC), cloak +2, Rop +1, RoP +2, Girdle of Bluntness, paws of the cheetah
Weapons: Corthala Family True Blade +4 & Hammer of Thor (or Cutthroat +4 & Hammer of Thor)
MVP: Green Wyrm
total exp value 29% / 27%
percentage of total kill 28% / 23%
Imoen (Kensai): Level 30, 238HP, AC -2, Thac0 -26/-18. (Damage: 36-50 / 29-36) 5 APR
STR 25, DEX 18, CON 16, INT 10, WIS 18, CHA 9
Stuff: Indigo Ioun Stone, Pendant of Recoered Light, 2x RoP +1, Cloak +1, Cloud giant girdle, Paws of cheetah
Weapons: Judgement Day & Waters Edge +4 or Staff of the Ram +4
MPV: Spider Queen
total exp value 26% / 23%
percentage of total kill 28% / 19%
Nalia (F/M): Level 9/26, 137HP, AC -12, Thac0 0/ 8 (can reach AC of -19 with Foreknowledge & Blur and Thac0 of -10) APR: 4
STR 15, DEX 18, CON 17, INT 18, WIS 9, CHA 13
Stuff: Vecna, 2nd sowrd arm gauntlets, Eyes of the Beholder, Amulet of Ilmater (+1 AC, +3 Saves), De'Arnise Signet Ring, Rop +2, Cloak +1, Belt of Inertial Barrier, paws of the cheetah
Weapons: Githzerai Blade & Belm +2 or Staff of Rynn +4
MPV: Noble Rakshasa
total exp value 4% / 2%
percentage of total kill 8% / 3%
Neera's Spellbook:
Lvl1: magic missile, chromatic orb, protection from evil, charm person, nahal's reckless dweller
Lvl2: horror, glitter dust, melf's acid arrow, mirror image, resist fear,
LVl3: flame arrow, hold person, protection from fire, remove magic, vampiric touch
Lvl4: greater malision, improved invisibility, polymorph other, stoneskin, secret word
Lvl5: breach, lower resistances, spell immunity, one of cold
Lvl6: improved haste, protection from magic energy, protection from magic weapons, goi,
Lvl7: mordekainen's sowrd, RRoR, spell sequencer, spell turning
Lvl8: ADHW, Monster Summoning 8 (MS8), Spell trigger, foreknowledge,
Lvl9: RvE, Wish, CC, MS9 + IA, comet, dragon's breath, energy blades, summon planetar