Dec 29 2021, 05:03 PM
QUOTE(critto @ Dec 29 2021, 03:55 PM)
Pretty sure this is a feature, not a bug. Avengers get two static points 2h, but no opportunity to grow it further.
Ah, yes. That's correct.
-The description is outdated. I've fixed it here, but the commit didn't make it into the last official release. Long story short, the opcode now always allow for critical success/failure despite the difference in levels. This is engine-level, not something added by the mod.
Thanks! Makes perfect sense now.
Dec 29 2021, 05:11 PM
QUOTE(critto @ Dec 29 2021, 03:58 PM)
As for UAI, yes, many of those items had built-in limitations to prevent potential abuse. I removed some of those things at certain different points of the mod lifespan. Can't remember if I ever touched the swashbuckler armor. To be completely honest, I've had long-term plans to remove UAI altogether for some time now, it's impossible to balance and easy to abuse.
Would have to agree with you. The K/T is especially easy to develop and a completely OP character. It doesn't make sense that a K/T is easily & by far the superior fighter to e.g. to a Paladin and it's not even particularly close.
Wanna use the Carsomyr? Take a paladin, with 5-6 APR (under IH) with Thac0 of -13 or a K/T with 10 APR and a Thac0 of -22. Should be an easy choice. Even missing out the warrior HLA's doesn't help the Paladin that much.
Dec 29 2021, 06:03 PM
I think restricting access to single class thieves would work or getting rid of it altogether. A single class thief with use any item is not that terribly overpowered unless one tries really really hard...
I guess op code 319 for Hexxat and removing the restrictions would also work. The armour will not be accessible by self made characters though.
I can understand that balancing is a real challenge.
Dec 29 2021, 07:23 PM
A dual wield club/scimitars Avenger is a lot of fun. 10 APR CS with 25 strength in mid Ch6 game.
Dec 31 2021, 11:37 AM
QUOTE(bulian @ Dec 29 2021, 07:23 PM)
A dual wield club/scimitars Avenger is a lot of fun. 10 APR CS with 25 strength in mid Ch6 game.
Also achievable by a Berserker/Druid in Chapter 2/3
! But the B/D sort of runs out juice by the end, which I'm hoping the Avenger won't do.
Dec 31 2021, 11:39 AM
Found one more:
- Blackguard is supposed to be able to cast spells but the "cast spell" - button is permanently disabled. I couldn't find a way to enable it in the scripts (but I'm no experts at any of this).
Dec 31 2021, 06:22 PM
QUOTE(pekkae @ Dec 31 2021, 11:39 AM)
Found one more:
- Blackguard is supposed to be able to cast spells but the "cast spell" - button is permanently disabled. I couldn't find a way to enable it in the scripts (but I'm no experts at any of this).
This wasn't a bug, it's a feature. It works perfectly fine (it was disbaled because my test char wasn't of high enough level /didn't have any spells to cast). My bad.
Jan 27 2022, 06:44 PM
- Pendant of recovered light (a few additional notes) doesn't protect against level drain and it's +2 saves vs wands & death are also missing.
- Nalia's enhanced ring isn't usable if she is converted into a F/M. The ring is undroppable & game actually gets stuck when trying to level up (as it says the character is equipped with an item that can't be used anymore + item can't be dropped).
Jan 28 2022, 02:56 AM
- Pendant of recovered light (a few additional notes) doesn't protect against level drain and it's +2 saves vs wands & death are also missing.
You can grab the most patched version of it from this commit:
- Nalia's enhanced ring isn't usable if she is converted into a F/M. The ring is undroppable & game actually gets stuck when trying to level up (as it says the character is equipped with an item that can't be used anymore + item can't be dropped).
I'll attached the hopefully fixed version. Try it out.
Try this one
Jan 28 2022, 08:02 AM
QUOTE(critto @ Jan 28 2022, 02:56 AM)
- Pendant of recovered light (a few additional notes) doesn't protect against level drain and it's +2 saves vs wands & death are also missing.
You can grab the most patched version of it from this commit:
- Nalia's enhanced ring isn't usable if she is converted into a F/M. The ring is undroppable & game actually gets stuck when trying to level up (as it says the character is equipped with an item that can't be used anymore + item can't be dropped).
I'll attached the hopefully fixed version. Try it out.
Try this one a lot Critto! (yet again). I'm just pushing these here so that they are in one place. I can fix these locally to some extent so there's no need to anything for my games.
I'll try the githyaki patch in this run when I have with the Supreme Leader. Probably within the next few weeks.
Jan 28 2022, 02:51 PM
No problem. I'd appreciate feedback on these patches if you have the time.
Jan 28 2022, 08:19 PM
I downloaded the patched versions and replaced the files with the new ones. Re-started the game. Started a new game. Consoled in the items. (I'm not sure when the changes are supposed to be visible but I'm quite sure I can't do anything else)
I don't see changes in the items though. Am I doing something wrong?
Imoen's pendant; the patch
-saving throws are broken
-still doesn't grant any bonus hp's it heals for 20 hp's instead of granting +20HP)
-it's still wearable by anyone (ironically, if you start a new game the pendant is wearable by anyone besides Imoen)
-bonus to magic damage resistance is missing still
Nalias Ring; the patch
- doesn't fix it, it's still "unusable"
Jan 28 2022, 11:23 PM
I downloaded the patched versions and replaced the files with the new ones.
How did you replace the files, exactly?
Jan 29 2022, 06:34 AM
QUOTE(critto @ Jan 28 2022, 11:23 PM)
I downloaded the patched versions and replaced the files with the new ones.
How did you replace the files, exactly?
I just deleted the old files from ia/resources/items/new - folder and then copied in the new ones. This is probably why there was no changes n the game. I just deleted the s!amul08 - file and the item is still in the game - so apparently something else needs to be done.
EDIT: Then I also re-installed the mod and, voila, changes. So both of the items seem fine now. Imoen's pendant works the way it supposed to (I cant test if immunity to level drain is ok though) & Nalia can use her ring. Great!
Jan 30 2022, 07:43 AM
Yeah, you need to reinstall after refreshing the resources because the installer puts everything into the override folder for the game to pick up. Glad to hear the fixes are working.
Apr 27 2022, 12:09 AM
When asked to forge Githzerai blade, Cromwell asks (and truly needs) the silver sword, but he doesn't take it from the party's inventory when he does the forging. Didn't test with Cespenar but maybe he does the same.
Apr 27 2022, 04:08 AM
The same applies to skullcrusher +3 when forging treefolk +4
May 16 2022, 01:20 PM
QUOTE(pekkae @ Nov 30 2021, 09:06 AM)
Here's a few additional notes that I've come across.
-Ring of djinn summoning keeps disappearing after you use it
Hello, pekkae, do you remember how exactly did the ring disappear? It's supposed to be destroyed once your djinni dies and there's even an info text attached to that: "With the death of your djinni, the summoning ring vanishes."
May 18 2022, 06:04 AM
QUOTE(critto @ Jul 19 2021, 07:07 PM)
Once again this looks more like a chunked death issue or something. I don't have a clear idea at the moment. One thing I am pretty sure of is there shouldn't percentage based loot reductions. If some drops were restricted, they were guaranteed to be so based on specific condition (e.g., character's class).
Hey! Thanks for the reply! This was my mistake as indeed the ring disappearing was due to the djinn getting killed. I thought I added a note regarding this I can't find it now.
May 18 2022, 06:41 AM
Due to a surge of motivation and current absence of critto, I decided to tackle some issues and bugs that are on our to-do list. Many of them come from this topic, so thank you very much for your vigilance! Sadly, we don't have the manpower needed for proper testing anymore, but we might still be able to fix the issues as they come.
May 18 2022, 09:28 AM
QUOTE(SparrowJacek @ May 18 2022, 06:41 AM)
Due to a surge of motivation and current absence of critto, I decided to tackle some issues and bugs that are on our to-do list. Many of them come from this topic, so thank you very much for your vigilance! Sadly, we don't have the manpower needed for proper testing anymore, but we might still be able to fix the issues as they come.
No problem, my pleasure. I'm happy I could / can help.
ps. stacking 3 PO's into a spell sequencer seems to be a little bit broken. It releases only two, even though the trigger has three (enemies only ever do 2 saves).
May 18 2022, 10:09 AM
Hahh, my memory of all those names are a bit blurry, what does "PO" stand for?
May 18 2022, 10:28 AM
Polymorph Other, we use to turn golems into chickens all the time.
May 18 2022, 01:12 PM
I will add this to to-do list, but contingencies are far too complicated for me. Could you please attach a saved game, so we can test it easier?
May 18 2022, 05:39 PM
QUOTE(SparrowJacek @ May 18 2022, 01:12 PM)
I will add this to to-do list, but contingencies are far too complicated for me. Could you please attach a saved game, so we can test it easier?
I can't attach a save here (due to kb limit), but I'm happy to send one over if needed.
But this is easy to try out, just cast spell sequencer (the 7th level spell) with a mage and load 3x "polymorph other" on it. Launch the trigger and whomever you target needs to just make 2 saves.
May 19 2022, 05:46 AM
Here's a screencap of what happens.
Only two saves are made, even though three PO's were triggered.
May 24 2022, 09:58 AM
When asked to forge Githzerai blade, Cromwell asks (and truly needs) the silver sword, but he doesn't take it from the party's inventory when he does the forging. Didn't test with Cespenar but maybe he does the same.
The same applies to skullcrusher +3 when forging treefolk +4
These two should already be fixed, I think, in the v7 branch. The treefolk one definitely, at least. But it wouldn't hurt to re-check. Jacek, could you please add these to the current todo list? Or maybe even check them inside crom.d/cespy.d if you have the time.
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