Now more "bug-reports" from me:
Concerning: RJali Version 8.2 (still)
There are several women who react to the Phaere-scene. Jaheira, Nalia, Neera, Aerie, Viconia, Fade and Imoen come to my mind at once, but there are others (besides Rjali, of course). But the affiliated scripting for these incidents did not foresee your mod with the ability to "park" a woman in the keep. So if you come back from Underdark and invite one of these "parked" girls back in your group, she will immediately check for the relevant Global-Variable (I believe it is PhaereInnuendo=2) and blame you for the act. Only the user of your mod can't understand, how the "parked" girls in the keep could have known about this. Because of this it seems like a bug or at least like something out of place and unreal.
Righter after the return from Underdark to the deArnise Keep we need some sort of scene, where Rjali fills in the girls about the Phaere-Story. Kind of a "pre-first" group-banter. In a way you have already thought of this. Because later in your first group-banter with all the girls involved, Jaheira tells Rjali: "You told me a bit about the Phaere thing before. Did you see him blush when I mentioned it?". But this explanation comes far to late for me. I couldn't understand how the girls knew. So it really felt dysfunctional to me.
This Phaere reaction gets especially out of place with Nalia: "You have that look, and you have that... smell. Was it really worth it, Charname?".
Smell? As you see: These words could have been spoken only in very direct connection to the sex with Phaere.
Don't know. As far as I have observed your work so far, you make it a habit of not to change the dialogues of the incorporated romance mods. An exception here? Or leave it be.
By the way: The texts of the other girls are not that much of a problem.
This happens when you
a. "park" Jaheira in the Keep before Spellhold,
b. return from Underdark and
c. you have not invited her in your group again before the first group-banter (with all the girls involved) happens.
Then - for the purpose of the group-banter - all the girls are added to the gathering in the main floor audience hall (and seemingly in your group as well, however you jinx that). Consequently Jaheira starts her Phaere-scene right then in this very moment. But when you want to answer her, it is not you, but
Rjali, that gives the answer.
Rjali (instead of Charname): "She forced me, Jaheira. I had no choice if I wanted to maintain our disguise."
Don't know what went wrong here exactly. Here is my guess: Your (very sophisticated) group-banter with all the girls involved did not expect any other dialogues to fire right then. So it comes to an interference between your group-banter and the other scripted dialogues (here: the Phaere-scene). If that should be the case, then all the more reason to resolve the Phaere-scenes with all the girls prior to your first group-banter (like I suggested above with K.1).
By the way: For Aerie goes the same, only there is no opportunity for you to answer to her reproaching, so there is no problem. But for Neera and Viconia it seemed to be different, at least for me this time: They didn't fire their Phaere dialogue at all. I guess, that is, because you only made it look like they would have joined the group, but technically they never did? Have not checked all the other girls. As I said: Better to resolve this mud with Phaere before the first group-banter, don't you think?
Speaking of this suggested "pre-first" group-banter: Somebody will have to confess to the "parked" girls (who stayed behind), that there are - maybe - one or two more girls in the family by now, who joined during Underdark.
Could Rjlai do that awkward job?
Well, I have not found out yet, what triggers the forementioned first group-banter with all the girls involved. But I would like to tell you, that it comes too late. Far too late, if you ask me. Some aspects to support my thesis:
a.For me the first group-banter happened somewhere around the 117th day! Only because I was trying out a _lot_ of mods and mega-mods, I had not gone after Irenicus by then.
b.Text from your first group-banter:
RJali: "For all you stay-at-homes (hubbub and bruhaha)"
RJali: "Wait! I know it was not by your own choosing, which is why I am gonna tell you all about what happend on our little sojourn to rescue Imoen."
Well, that feels a little odd, doesn't it? After all, we had come back from our rescue a couple of weeks ago and we have already been to the keep multiple times.
The first group-banter of all the girls should happen during your first return to the Keep. Make it a somewhat longer stay, if you please. Maybe the suggested "pre-first" talk rather soon after the arrival. Then the first group-banter with all the girls after spending the night in the deArnise Keep. It will be our home after all, so why rushing? Besides, the night will give the Phaere-infuriated girls time to simmer down again.
A similar problem is included in the text of Nalia during the first group-banter of the girls.
Nalia: "I worry about what people will say when we go back to the Keep."
That sounds odd, because my first group-banter happend right IN the keep. So no need to get back to it, if you get my meaning. AND we are back from Underdark for quite a while now and have visited the Keep a couple of times already. So Nalia should already know a bit what people will say, doesn't she?
At least change her line a bit and swap "when we go back to the Keep" with "when we continue to stay in the Keep".
First group-banter of all the girls involved. Charname: (all your women are congregating out of earshot. This can't be good, but if it makes them happy, ...).
RJali: "So we need a place to headquarter, live, and raise children."
Nalia: "I think we should stay at the deArnise keep. [...]"
Nalia: "An excellent idea. I vote we do that."
Now the last sentence should have been spoken by somebody else, obviously. Nalia is not agreeing on her own idea. I guess it should have been Rjali?
Not a bug maybe, rather an observation: During the first group banter the comments from
some of the girls are
sometimes not in their original color tone, but come in a decent grey. My guess would be, that the grey lines are coming from women, that are not actually IN the group; only you make it look like it (sort of an emulation/mimicking).
Not really a reason for change. Everybody should live with the wrong colors quite well. Only thought you should know.
In the forementioned first group-banter of all the girls, Viconia is giving hints for the sex-live to all the girls.
Viconia: "Isra, I can't think of a thing that I can teach you."
You can do better than that! Please, Sir.
Jini is not part of the first group-banter.
Shouldn't she join as well? Would feel right for me.
During your story-plot "A new lead on Morte", you do not get a new quest (for your diary). And though you get at least some sort of entry in your diary later, when you have to do some magic to make him (and bis body) reappear, this was not very helpful for me. Right, I finally made him come back, no problem. But I am quite sure, that quite a few players will have some serious problems here. These potential problems are favoured by the vanilla game, that always gives very clear instructions for every quest in the diary, should the player oversee or forget something. Because I am used to that and trust to find everything I need to know in my diary, I heavily rely on it as well. I guess, I am not the only one. I had to reload to read the conversation about the magical choices again.
Give more instructions, if you please.
No experience points are given, when Morte comes back to our world of the living.
You could give a little something.
Thank you for all your time, Seewead
edit: small spelling-errors