Bill Bisco
Apr 9 2016, 02:52 AM
Sorry for my absence these several months. I've gotten a new laptop and am slowly getting back into the swing of things. If you've started any coding let me know. Currently, I'm trying to code the Infiltrator kit in Weidu.
I'm quite willing to write more "necessary" dialogue. There's actually quite a bit that needs to be written. I'm at the point where I feel that I need to play and see the mod in action and write in bits as they're needed.
If it could be laid out easily what is "needed" then perhaps I could finish some of them sooner. I get the feeling that mod creation is a very iterative process.
Apr 11 2016, 06:15 PM
Hi Bill,
Nice to see you coming back. No, nothing has been done. I'm now on my last walk through NeJ3 to release it publicly. After that, I'll have to switch to some freelancing scientific writing. So, your mod is currently upon your shoulders. You may want to get the latest NeJ3 version before you start actual play. If you need my advice in anything relating to modding and WeiDU, let me know.
Good luck!
Bill Bisco
Apr 17 2016, 03:24 AM
Getting in the ins and outs of coding is very daunting. Yes, I'll have to have several questions to get through this. I'll try to ask others first and then here as needed since you appear to be busy.
I look forward to your public release. I really enjoyed NeJ3. It has quality characters, dialogue, and story.
May 7 2016, 08:34 AM
Bill, I start making your mod, but I need all the written material including major interjections on completing major quests, coming back in time, returning to Irenicus dungeon, on kidnapping Imoen, first impressions of being in Athkatka etc etc. Later all interjections where other party members comment and of course Tree of Life, in the Hell, ToB interjections and good and evil endings of the game - what happened to Erevain after ending of ToB. These are the most important things to write. And don't forget, he'll see Xan in Halruaa, they probably recognise each other being cousins? Optionally, he may refuse coming back in time, like Accalia, then you don't need to write all this.
Bill Bisco
May 12 2016, 04:43 AM
Hi Vlad,
Sorry I missed your message. I have been updating the Erevain mod at: have been making lots of baby steps towards getting the code working. I appreciate more why modding takes a lot of time and is truly only for people with serious passion!
I have a lot of respect for you for the work and commitment that you've done.
I haven't gotten very far, but the Infiltrator kit works, so that something.
Right now I'm wanting to get Erevain's Custom items created and working, Erevain's Picture in, and the Dialogue that I've already written for Erevain in the game and working.
I definitely do want to write the interjections for what you've mentioned above and all the rest. I think several of these involve modding the area scripts too which takes some work as well.
I imagine Erevain as an Explorer who would definitely be curious enough to follow CHARNAME through time. (Accalia has a temporal lineage excuse
). I do want to write something for Xan's meeting. I admit to some writer's block on this. I'll probably go with something safe. Alternatively we could have some fun with alternate / diverged timelines with Erevain telling Xan things that he should not know yet
Bill Bisco
May 14 2016, 12:59 PM
I'm getting a compiling error and I'm not sure why. The appended note is below:
+ ~("Join_Accalia","GLOBAL", 1)~ + ~Hrothgar is about to embark on an expedition to Kuldahar to investigate the evil forces plaguing that region. You should join with us.~ +mod_ErevainB1 END
Looking at Near Infinity, I should have the syntax correct, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
Any elucidation would be appreciated.
Bill Bisco
May 15 2016, 10:28 PM
I figured out my problem. The code above should have been
+ ~Global("Join_Accalia","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~Hrothgar is about to embark on an expedition to Kuldahar to investigate the evil forces plaguing that region. You should join with us.~ +mod_ErevainB1 END
The above works and this problem should be gone.
May 17 2016, 01:46 PM
Spaces sometimes make a difference.
Bill Bisco
Oct 30 2016, 01:46 AM
Hi Vlad. Sorry for my absence. I have been dealing with a lot of personal issues and I am much better. FYI, I had started some coding here: most significant coding work is the coding of Erevain's custom kit. The last thing I was trying to do was to slowly get the graphics right for a modified armor. I wanted to make the Bitmaps of the Bladesinger Chain be Black and Green instead of Gold and Green. I got stuck at that point.
I would still like to complete this mod before my time on this earth is up, but that will not be possible for some years. I saw your message on Spellhold Studios. You indicate that you coded something, but I have no idea what that is. If you have the motivation, then I can slowly contribute additional dialogues. There is a lot beyond just dialogues that I would like to do (Custom Items, Custom Battles, Upgradeable items) but I acknowledge that is a lot of work to design and code.
From a writing point of view, the difficult portion is remembering / finding exactly all the dialogues necessary to create a complete yet unique NPC. I have the sample Branwen NPC from Kulyok. I should probably utilize that as a base.
Let me know if you still want to continue with our initial idea of me writing the dialogues and you writing the coding. If so, I'll get back to them. If not, it'll be a few years for me to create the mod completey step by step (including dialogues).
Oct 31 2016, 06:41 AM
Bill, I hope you are okay now. Don't let the problems in RL to take a control over you. I had many problems in RL before but at some point I've realised that I'm loosing control over my life. Just drop everything that drags you below and continue your way.
Please, don't spend time on items, scripts, kits etc. It's easy to do and I can do that myself. The most important and what is lacking is interjections. Take a look at your previous post where you summarised everything what should be done. The section 17 - interjections. Without interjections we cannot move with the mod because the character will stay always silent when other NPCs comment on everything. This is what you need to start writing right now. Start with the first dialogue with Arundel and then interject everywhere where other NPCs interject. Good example is Shar-Teel. Also, all interjections on major BG2 events, Tree of Life, the Hell interjections, ToB interjections and so on.
Take care, and I'm waiting for all this written material.
Oct 31 2016, 09:30 AM
Good example is Shar-Teel.
She is TOO talkative. IMHO.
Oct 31 2016, 10:54 PM
Bill, I'm creating an Infiltrator kit. Is it a thief-based or a fighter-based kit? Dependent on that, the proficiencies will be assigned accordingly.
Bill Bisco
Nov 2 2016, 02:04 AM
Hi Vlad,
I really appreciate your generous and encouraging words. I am eager to use what little time I have to write again.
I have actually completed coding an Inflitrator kit based on my notes. The coding can be found
here. That's one of the few things I actually finished doing
ADD_KIT ~Infiltrator~ //Infiltrator, in this example, is the internal name of the kit as it will be referred to in the game files. The internal name you specify here will need to be consistent throughout the rest of the ADD_KIT command.
// appended to CLASWEAP.2da
~Infiltrator 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0~
// appended column-wise to WEAPPROF.2da
~Infiltrator 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
// appended to ABCLASRQ.2da
~Infiltrator 0 9 0 0 0 0~
// appended to ABCLSMOD.2da
~Infiltrator 0 0 0 0 0 0~
// appended to ABDCDSRQ.2da
~Infiltrator 0 17 0 0 0 0~
// appended to ABDCSCRQ.2da
~Infiltrator 0 15 0 0 0 0~
// appended to ALIGNMNT.2da
~Infiltrator 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
// appended to DUALCLAS.2da
~Infiltrator 1 1 1 0 0 0~
/* this is the name of your abilities 2DA file, in the style of clabrn02.2da */
/* These are the 2da files listed in KITTABLE.2DA that you want your kit to be a part of. List as many as you like. */
/* This is the "unusable" value you want for you kit and also the class value. These would normally appear at the end of KITLIST.2DA */
~0x00040000 4 ~
/* This is the High Level Ability Abbreviation (see LUABBR.2DA). Normal values are Fi0, Pa0, etc. */
/* This is the TOB starting equipment list. Put a * if you don't want something. See 25STWEAP.2DA. */
~CHAN09 * HELM07 BAG20 RING06 RING21 * BOOT01 AMUL20 BRAC10 BELT06 AROW11,40 BULL03,40 BOLT06,40 POTN52,5 POTN04,2 POTN14,5 HAMM07 SW1H27 STAF08~
/* These are the strings you want for the lower, mixed and help
* descriptions for your kit. */
SAY ~infiltrator~
SAY ~Infiltrator~
SAY ~INFILTRATOR: The master of stealth and invading unknown places: urban or wilderness. These rogues use their magical abilities to supplement their thieving skills at the price of reduced progress in thieving aptitude.
- Access to several innate abilities, which grow in frequency and availability as levels advance:
1. Luck (2 uses at level 2)
2. Non-Detection (2 uses at level 3)
3. Knock (2 uses at level 4, 1 additional use at levels 7,10,16,22,28,34,40)
4. Invisibility (2 uses at level 5)
5. Find Traps (2 uses at level 6, 1 additional use at levels 12,18,24,30,36)
6. Improved Invisibility (at level 8)
7. Dimension Door (at level 11,17,23,29,35)
8. Farsight (at level 9,15,21,27,33,39)
9. True Sight (at level 13, 19, 25, 31, 37)
10. Mass Invisibility (at level 14,20,26,32,38)
- Gets only 15 points to distribute thieving points per level.~
// change regular spell to innate. Below Macro is from Divine Remix Authors: Andyr, CamDawg and NiGHTMARE. Thank you and Mike1072 for the hint!
DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~spell_to_innate~ BEGIN
READ_LONG 0x64 "abil_off" ELSE 0
READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num" ELSE 0
READ_ASCII ("%abil_off%" + 0x04) "bam" (8) // reads the bam filename from ability
WRITE_SHORT 0x1C 4 // sets spell type to innate (4)
WRITE_LONG 0x34 1 // sets spell level to 1 to avoid scripting issues
WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x3A "%bam%" #8 // writes the bam filename from abilities to spell icon
FOR ( index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1 ) BEGIN
WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x02 + (0x28 * "%index%")) 4 // changes ability icon location to innate (4)
READ_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) "speed" // reads casting speed
PATCH_IF ("%speed%" > 3) BEGIN
WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) ("%speed%" - 2) // reduces casting speed
WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x12 + (0x28 * "%index%")) 0 // makes instant
COPY_EXISTING ~SPWI209.spl~ ~override/BIIN01.spl~ // Luck
~SPWI310.spl~ ~override/BIIN02.spl~ // Non-Detection
~SPWI207.spl~ ~override/BIIN03.spl~ // Knock
~SPWI206.spl~ ~override/BIIN04.spl~ // Invisiiity
~SPPR205.spl~ ~override/BIIN05.spl~ // Find Traps
~SPWI402.spl~ ~override/BIIN06.spl~ // Dimension Door
~SPWI405.spl~ ~override/BIIN07.spl~ // Improved Invisibility
~SPWI424.spl~ ~override/BIIN08.spl~ // Farsight
~SPWI609.spl~ ~override/BIIN09.spl~ // True Sight
~SPWI721.spl~ ~override/BIIN10.spl~ // Mass Invisibility
LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~spell_to_innate~ // Takes all of the copied and renamed spells above and runs the earlier defined macro
Suggested Starting Weapon Proficiencies for Erevain are 2 Longsword 2 Longbow 2 Single Weapon Style. I'd like to see him emulate his god's (Corellan Larethian) Fighting Style (1 handed sword and nothing in the other hand and occasionally using a bow, aka the stereotypical elf).
Thieving skills is suggested no extra points in Open Lock, Hide in Shadows, or Move Silently as the special abilities are intended to replace those. I'm not terribly worried about allocation as that can be better refined during testing.
I'll start writing some interjections again.
Bill Bisco
Nov 2 2016, 03:37 AM
I've added additional interjections or outlines for additional interjections starting with 17.400 by editing my earlier posts. I can also add new posts if that works better; let me know. I will make it my goal to write or outline 1 interjection dialogue per day. Thank you for your help and inspiring me once again!
Nov 4 2016, 04:31 PM
These are his spells:
I'll give him an item like I gave to Nalia to increase his thieving abilities.
Nov 4 2016, 06:44 PM
Bill, unfortunately the feature of decreasing the number of points a thief can get per level is hardcoded.
Nov 4 2016, 06:51 PM
Bill, you'll need to voice Erevain in that case, or should I use one of the existing in the net voices?
Nov 4 2016, 07:19 PM
These are for your voicing. It should be simple for you:
SAY MORALE ~I must hide! Now!~
SAY HAPPY ~I have grown quite fond of this company.~
SAY UNHAPPY_ANNOYED ~I don't like the path that we're taking.~
SAY UNHAPPY_SERIOUS ~We muat make a serious change soon!~
SAY 0xb8 ~I am long past done with you. Good riddance!~
SAY LEADER ~My multiple talents make me the natural singlular leader.~
SAY TIRED ~I need to meditate.~
SAY BORED ~Elves can be patient, but not this patient!~
SAY BATTLE_CRY1 ~With true strikes!~
SAY BATTLE_CRY2 ~With Elven speed!~
SAY BATTLE_CRY3 ~By Corellon's sword, you shall fall!~
SAY BATTLE_CRY4 ~Taste my Elven steel!~
SAY BATTLE_CRY5 ~Fie to ye foul foes!~
SAY DYING ~I need healing quickly.~
SAY HURT ~That'll leave a scar.~
SAY AREA_FOREST ~Ahh. How I relish such beautiful forests.~
SAY AREA_CITY ~Another city. Perhaps some of my kind dwell here.~
SAY AREA_DUNGEON ~Work together friends, danger is likely nearby.~
SAY AREA_DAY ~Fair weather is most welcome.~
SAY AREA_NIGHT ~Be weary friends, most unsultry creatures lurk at this hour.~
SAY SELECT_COMMON1 ~How can I serve?~
SAY SELECT_COMMON3 ~Which talent do you require?~
SAY SELECT_COMMON4 ~Anytime; anywhere.~
SAY SELECT_COMMON5 ~Need a spell?~
SAY SELECT_COMMON6 ~Corellon would show ye true glory, if you let him.~
SAY SELECT_ACTION1 ~By Corellon's grace.~
SAY SELECT_ACTION2 ~ With Elven speed.~
SAY SELECT_ACTION3 ~Absolutely.~
SAY SELECT_ACTION5 ~ May Erevan Ilesere keep us disguised.~
SAY SELECT_ACTION6 ~For beauty.~
SAY SELECT_ACTION7 ~With humble pleasure.~
SAY SELECT_RARE1 ~It is an honor to serve the cause of light.~
SAY SELECT_RARE2 ~Dance to the rhythm of life! ~
SAY CRITICAL_HIT ~That's it!!~
SAY TARGET_IMMUNE ~Another weapon! Now!~
SAY INVENTORY_FULL ~I need a large bag of holding. The item is on the ground.~
SAY SPELL_DISRUPTED ~My spell is faulty!~
SAY SET_A_TRAP ~A token of my genius.~
SAY HIDDEN_IN_SHADOWS ~One with the shadows.~
SAY PICKED_POCKET ~I only take what I must.~
Nov 4 2016, 08:02 PM
Bill, I have an idea. I can block the second hand of Erevain, so he won't be able to use shields or wear a second weapon, and he will gain penalties to thieving skills. You won't see anything in his second hand, but you won't be able to place anything there. Is it what you want?
Bill Bisco
Nov 5 2016, 01:23 AM
Hi Vlad, thanks for your posts.
1. Infiltrator Kit
If you add the Assassin usability flag, you can make a Thief Kit get only 15 points per level. Read
this threadIf you look at the code I posted earlier, you'll find the ~0x00040000 4 ~ there which should work to reduce thieiving points to 15 per level. I believe I tested it earlier but we can double check.
That is my desire for the Infilatrator Kit. Magical abilities that can augment / replacing some thieving skills at the cost of less thieving skills
2. Thieving Skill Bonuses
I considered earlier giving Erevain his own custom Boots of Elvenkind and Cloak of Elvenkind, but I never wrote it out. I was partially waiting to test what points I thought were needed.
Erevain's starting slots are as follows so far
Armor: Erevain's Elven Plate +2
Gloves: Empty
Helmet: Empty
Amulet: Blacksheaf Family Amulet
Ring1: Empty
Ring2: Empty
Cloak: Empty
Boots: Empty
Belt: Empty
Weapon 1: Erevain's Broadsword +3
Weapon 2: Longbow +1
Ammo 1: Arrows
Ammo 2: Arrows
Ammo 3: Arrows
Off-Hand: Empty
I think I'll add a write-up for a custom Boots of Elvenkind and Cloak of Elvenkind for Erevain.
3. Block Off-hand
I don't want to block the offhand explicitlly, I just want to disincentivize people to use it.
4. I'll start using my voice to voice Erevain. Any suggestions for the titles of the files? Any character limits?
Bill Bisco
Nov 5 2016, 06:14 AM
I recorded some voice clips. Access them
here I understand why voice actors are paid money now! This isn't easy! I think I'll record one at a time and make each one really good. I need to speak in a higher pitched voice than my normal comfort level. The ones in the uploaded clip sound too human-like.
Nov 5 2016, 06:42 AM
I've always had a problem with these flags. Sometimes, not all innate abilities appeared in the innate slots, and when I changed the flags, appeared others. Sometimes, the character lost other abilities. So, it's a kind of a trap. At the moment, I prefer to keep the flag as per Imoen's kit. He'll get the thief skills as normal, I think it's good. The items I've made you'll like. And I really like voicing. Concerning the pitch, I'll increase it a bit in Sony Sound Forge for all files, so no worry.
Bill Bisco
Nov 5 2016, 07:26 AM
I recorded some higher pitched samples
here. I think these are slightly better than the lower pitched ones above.
Nov 5 2016, 10:05 PM
Please listen for two sounds with the increased pitch and tell me which one you like more. I'll convert your recorded sounds than in a batch process. I like how you recorded them. I'll ask you then to record some other NPCs for me.
Bill Bisco
Nov 7 2016, 04:27 AM
Let me re-record some voice clips with my natural higher pitch. I need to also use Audacity to Delete some background noise for higher quality audio clips. I'll upload them to an open source folder. At that point, I'll leave it to you what you think is best.
1. To leave the audio and pitch as it is
2. To use software to modify the pitch (note, we'd have to do that for every audio sample from now on, and it'd be best if you told me exactly how you did it so I could replicate it)
3. Tell me to re-record some of the audio in a different manner
I'll finish this as soon as I can.
Bill Bisco
Nov 7 2016, 07:08 AM
1. I re-recorded several voice clips. This represents what I believe I can get the best out of my higher pitched voice for the moment. I did all the Selection and Action sounds. I will get to the other sounds later. You can download the sounds
here:. I will let you know as I add other sounds. I will re-record sounds that you think aren't good; let me know.
I used .ogg. That is the best for mod packages yes?
Recording sounds is fun but harder than you might think. My voice box hurts a bit. I have to wait until all my family is asleep to record to avoid interrupting sounds!
2. I would request you add Strength as a starting spell for Erevain. 18/50 + 50% from Strength = 18/00 . I imagine Erevain as an NPC that needs a lot of buffing spells to be effective and stay alive.
3. I realized that every vanilla NPC in BG2 has a voiced line when they speak to you for the first time. I'll voice Erevain's first dialogue too.
Nov 7 2016, 05:36 PM
Bill, I like the most the first set you created. Really like it. Good balance between voice/volume/noise. This is exactly how all the sounds are made in BG series. So, pitch 1 will be enough in my opinion.
Stats as of now:
Good for triple character. Tomes my boost a bit more if needed. He is not a front fighter, so no need for strength higher than 17. Triple class elf gets the maximum dexterity and AC, which is good for him. Constitution is very important. It's hard-coded, so everything less than 17 and he will get hurt all the time and won't survive long in combat. Int and wis is a must. I'm creating items for him.
Nov 7 2016, 06:42 PM
97, really? Give him an item for WIS and/or STR
Nov 7 2016, 08:19 PM
Actually I have rolled 91 for him, but then added 2 to CHR and 4 to WIS. Yes, I can do that but then he'll have a problem with getting the Ring of Might.
Nov 7 2016, 10:08 PM
Yes, I can do that but then he'll have a problem with getting the Ring of Might
Potion of wisdom will help
I don't remember: do you need stats for wearing ROM?
Actually I have rolled 91 for him
Well... I rolled 98 for PC but not quickly ))))) Some hours required.
Bill Bisco
Nov 9 2016, 09:38 PM
Here's my thought process on stats:
Intelligence: Being a Triple Class, Erevain will never get 9th level spells unless an exp cap remover mod is installed. Even if so, during a *normal* playthrough, Erevain will be unikely to get 9th level spells still. If somehow neither of these is true, there's 2 easy ways to get 18 intelligence late in the game. Machine of Lum the Mad and Golden Ioun Stone in Saradush in ToB which should happen well before 9th level spells and 18 Int become necessary. Edwin is the only NPC with a natural 18 Intelligence. I would prefer not to introduce an NPC which totally trounces him at the start. 17 works I think.
Charisma: This can be as low as 10 without reaction penalties. I think this should be as low as possible. I don't know about the Ring of Might's requirements. It's also feasible for Erevain to just wear Charisma improving items or cast Friends. A worn ring of human influence raises this to 18. A Friends Spell also increases Charisma. I chose 11 because it's "average" enough and lets Wisdom be Higher.
Wisdom: Can be as low as 10 without lore penalties. Aside from ring of Might Requirements (whatever those are), this should probably be as low as possible. It's better to start out with a higher Wisdom for better limited wish spell choices and because it's easier to raise Charisma higher than wish. However, Erevain can always drink a potion of wisdom if he really needs a high wisdom methinks. I chose 15 because of better limited wish opportunities
Dexterity: Coran has 20 Dex. Skie and Imoen have 18 Dex. Alora has 19 Dex. Viconia has 19 Dex. Yoshimo has 18 Dex. Kivan and Aerie both have 17 Dex. Xan has 16 Dex Based on Baldur's Gate Precedent, no elf should have Dex lower than 16. I'm ok with 18. 19 only helps 1 extra point with ranged weapons. I don't want to completely nullify Alora's, Viconia's, or Coran's advantage over Erevain. Given Erevain's ability to sneak into Dragon's eye and survive for so many years, an 18 dex is justified methinks.
Strength: This is where the rubber meets the road and a decision has to be made. Constitution is better long-term because it is harder to raise Constitution than Strength. A belt of Hill Giant Strength and Gauntlets of Ogre Power Are available early in BG2. Belt of Frost Giant Strength in mid-BG2. Belt of Stone Giant Strength - Late BG2. Belt of Fire Giant Strength - mid ToB. Some people will want to create Crom Faeyr which eats up the Gauntlets of Ogre Power and the Belt of Frost Giant Strength. Many people will want to give a Belt of Hill Giant Strength to a weak Str Character like Imoen or Viconia or Aerie or Melora. I would hate to require by design that Erevain uses up one of these few critical Constant Strength boosting items. I would be much more supportive of a low-starting Strength Erevain if an Extra Gauntlets of Ogre Power or equivalent Permanent Str Boosting item would be available in early IWD. However, that is another game-balancing issue.
Synergy-wise, a player gets the most out of Erevain when Erevain is buffed by his Mage Spells, uses his Longsword (specialized via fighter), and backstabs with his Thief Skills. This allows the most damage and for him to use all of his classes. It's much better to backstab with a high Strength than a low Strength (Str To-Hit and To-Damage bonuses). I like 18/50 because Erevain can cast Strength every day as part of his buffing routine and get 18/00 Strength which is still a very respectable +3 Hit +6 Damage. FYI, the best permanent Str item in the game (other than Crom Faeyr) is the Belt of Fire Giant Strength in mid ToB for +4 +10. The Strength spell may stack. If so, Erevain just casts this twice at the beginning of each day and Erevain is naturally awesome.
Constitution: Erevain has to have some disadvantage. I expect a hypothetical CHARNAME Fighter/Mage/Thief to have 18/91 or better Strength, 18 Con, and 18 Int. Erevain should not outshine a CHARNAME on equal footing. Having a low Constitution will necessitate low hit points. Edit: I've run some numbers. 17 Con is a necessity I change my mind. The game has some weird quirks that give extra hp for higher CON when two levels are gained at the same time. Having a low CON will give him lower HP than a typical Mage.
Here's my suggestion for stats:
Str: 13
Dex: 18
Con: 17
Int: 17
Wis: 15
Cha: 11
Nov 9 2016, 10:34 PM
I would like to ask again: why you need triple-mult? It would be absolutely useless in full party. And constantly beaten due to lack of HP
Nov 10 2016, 08:11 PM
Bill, there is one thing that I have noted. You're a P&P role-player and try to project it on the computer game. It doesn't work really. The computer engine is completely different from P&P, but you still think in the categories of P&P and not computers. Senka is correct, the triple character in a party of Hrothgar, Dar, Shar-Teel, upcoming Nalia, Valigar, Viconia, Yoshimo & Kachiko etc etc etc is not practical. Moreover, he is completely useless from the computer game point of view. You won't be able to place Erevain in a fight, he gets spells very slow compared to other mages in the game, his thieving abilities are questionable. So, who would like to take him in the party except you and me? Just because he has some cool dialogues and story? But in the computer game, it's not enough, he should act like your PC or neighbouring NPCs. Low str means he is useless in a combat, low con means he shouldn't go into combat at all, triple class mage is a joke. I want him cast 8 and 9 level spells as soon as possible and to use Dak'kons Blade +5. Let's rethink his triple class and make him a dual fighter/mage, so he can match other NPCs in the game. Regarding thieving abilities, he'll have them in the innate slots inside his Infiltrator kit. Alternatively, let's make him a capable fighter/thief with innate mage spells.
[EDIT] Please bear in mind that the items do not really affect the stats, they just change numbers but do not add actual bonuses or protections. This is the case of str, con and dex, and this is the problem of the engine.
[EDIT2] After some through thought, I think we need to make him originally a fighter/thief. Coran is the only NPC having this combination, and he is great. His Infiltrator kit will add him those spells plus some offensive spells. Then we can boost his str, con and dex on the account of int and wis.
Nov 10 2016, 10:06 PM
Innate abilities and spells:
- He gains +1 bonus to armor class, +1 to hit and +1 to damage every 4 levels starting from the 3rd level
- He has access to several innate abilities, which become available from his innate slots as he advances levels:
1. Detect Invisibility, Invisibility, Knock and Resist Fear (every 4 levels starting from the 1st level)
2. Invisibility Radius and Detect Illusion (every 4 levels starting from the 3rd level)
3. Dimension Door (every 4 levels starting from the 4th level)
4. Imroved Invisibility (every 4 levels starting from the 6th level)
5. Oracle and Shadow Door (every 4 levels starting from the 7th level)
6. Stone Skin, Power Word Stun, Mislead and True Sight (every 4 levels starting from the 8th level)
7. Pierce Shield, Project Image and Mass Invisibility (every 4 levels starting from the 10th level)
8. Simulacrum (every 4 levels starting from the 13th level) //SPIN525
9. Spell Trap, Fear (at levels 14, 18, 26 and 32) //SPIN130
10. Shape Change (at levels 14, 20, 26 and 32) //SPIN527
11. Spell Trap, Stun (at levels 17, 21, 25 and 29) //SPIN140
12. Power World Kill (at levels 18, 29 and 33) //SPIN147
13. Spell Trap, Death (at levels 20, 24 and 29) //SPIN145
14. Time Stop (at levels 22, 26 and 30) //SPIN526
15. Spell Strike (at levels 22, 29 and 34) //SPIN146
Nov 10 2016, 10:13 PM
Give him a bow-skill please
Nov 11 2016, 09:11 AM
And more:
fighter/thief is not good as for me because we already have Imoen and Melora with her beautiful quest. Both girl are single thief and would have advantage over multiclass. Fighter/mage... I don't know really. We have too much NPC and cannot use all of them. Alas.
I recommend you guys to think more about Erevain class and do him more... unique.
Or... may be he will not want to go in Athkatla and would wait for party in Kuldahar?
Bill Bisco
Nov 11 2016, 09:46 AM
Senka and Vlad.
Fighter/Mage/Thief is a powerful class that brings a lot to the table for any party. I'll make some points
Gameplay Related Reasons
1. Fighter/Mage/Thieves are better than Mage/Thieves for the majority of a typical game.
Please read this analysis.2. Fighter/Mage/Thief has a unique niche. That of being a powerful self-buffing melee warrior who does tremendous backstab damage. With Stoneskin, Blur, Mirror Image, Haste, etc., a F/M/T can wade into battle, backstab, and retreat more effectively than Fighter/Thief due to Mage Buffs and protections or a Mage/Thief due to higher APR, Specialization and THac0. If a F/M/T is unable to retreat instantly, s/he can still fall back on their Mage Defenses and Higher AC better than a F/T. A F/M/T will get out of melee quicker than a M/T due to higher APR, THAC0, and damage.
3. Fighter/Mage/Thief is a great passive archer. F/M/T has better APR,Thac0, and damage than a Mage/Thief. Generally, a F/M/T is only 2 Thac0 behind a Fighter/Thief. If you like a play it safe / shoot arrows behind summons or powerful party members, Erevain will work great here.
4. Fighter/Mage/Thief is a fine spellcaster. For a large portion of the game, a F/M/T will be only 1 spell level behind even a Pure Mage.
5. Fighter/Mage/Thief is the only thief you need. F/M/T can have all the relevant thieving skills high enough to get through the game. More thievies are optional but not required to beat the game.
6. I suggested the Blacksheaf Family Amulet item which is listed on the first page. +20% to Experience gained with a -3 penalty to all saves vs. Death and Breath. This will make progression a little slower than a 2 class Multiclass, but faster than a regular triple class. I don't think this is necessary honestly, but I suggest it as an item to remove hesitation from you and others to try the NPC.
7. Fighter/Mage/Thief can cheese just as well or better as a Mage,Thief, or Mage/Thief. Wait until 6th level spells are available and cast Mislead in a corner.
Walk up to enemies and backstab repeatedly Or, don't wait. Buy
Vhailior's Helm and your 1/day free Simulacrum to use free item quickslots to cast Wish, TimeStop, Mislead etc. If you can cast Project Image or Simulacrum, you don't really need 9th level spels, you just cast 9th level spells via duplicated scrolls for free!
Other Reasons8. Erevain being part thief, gives players more options. When starting NeJ, there is no available Thief besides Imoen. Imoen herself has stagnant thieving skills that won't improve anymore. It's not until you beat the Severed Hand that you can go back to Athkatla and pick up another Thief. That is a lot of time to not have another NPC thief option. Erevain
9. Erevain being a Mage, gives players more options. There is no Mage available to use when starting NeJ other than Imoen. If players want a different Mage than Imoen (or if she gets near-death and runs away), they don't have a choice. Again, it's a long time until beating the Severed Hand that players have the ability to get a different Mage.
10. Erevain's banters and dialogue so far are written with him being a Fighter/Mage/Infiltrator (Thief). For this reason and for 7 & 8 above, I think it's best that we continue with this direction. You can see
this post where I hint at my desire to have mod options in the future that would allow different Erevain classes during installation. I'd have to rewrite dialogues and banters to make this happen and voice different lines for selection and action. This is a somewhat big task that I feel is best left for future mod versions.
11. The Infiltrator Kit originally comes from the 2nd edition AD&D Book: The Complete Book of Elves. What is the Infiltrator Kit? Well, it's an Elven Fighter/Mage/Thief Kit! What did the original IWD Erevain do? He snuck in and Infiltrated Dragon's Eye. Fighter/Mage/Thief is both an appropriate nod to 2nd edition Dungeons and Dragons (which Baldur's Gate is based heavily on) and to what Erevain actually did ingame.
12. There's no NPC Fighter/Mage/Thief. There has been multiple Fighters,Mages, Thievies, Mage/Thieves, and mod NPC Fighter/Mages. There are no mod NPC Fighter/Mage/Thieves that I am aware of. This adds additional uniqueness to Erevain.
Conclusion: For the reasons above and possibly others that I can further elaborate on, I ask that you trust me on Erevain being a Fighter/Mage/Thief and that we give it a try.
Bill Bisco
Nov 11 2016, 09:56 AM
Hi Vlad,
I am open to your ideas, but I don't understand your suggestion on the Kit above. This was my original suggestion and is reflected in the coding above
INFILTRATOR: The Infiltrator is the master of stealth and mastering unknown places: urban or wilderness. These rogues use their magical abilities to supplement their thieving skills at the price of reduced progress in those thieving skills.
- Access to several innate abilities, which grow in frequency and availability as levels advance:
1. Luck ( 2 uses at level 2)
2. Non-Detection (2 uses at level 3)
3. Knock (2 uses at level 4, 1 additional use at levels 7,10,16,22,28,34,40)
4. Invisibility (2 uses at level 5)
5. Find Traps (2 uses at level 6, 1 additional use at levels 12,18,24,30,36,42)
6. Dimension Door (at level 11,17,23,29,35,41)
7. Improved Invisibility (at level 8)
8. Farsight (at level 9,15,21,27,33,39)
9. True Sight (at level 13, 19, 25, 31, 37,43)
10. Mass Invisibility (at level 14,20,26,32,38,41)
- Gets only 15 points to distribute thieving points per level.
The way this is designed is that Erevain will gain 1 Innate ability with every Thief Level. I think this is plenty powerful already and don't want to go ever further and give multiple innate abilities each level. I think the innate abilities should be strictly Thief-Related in some way. Stone Skin Spell Strike, and Spell Trap are cool, but hard for me to see them as very Thief-ish
I don't think Erevain needs or deserves any additional To Hit, Damage, or AC. Erevain is not a Swashbuckler. Increased Thac0, APR, and Weapon Specialization via Fighter should be enough.
How about this for stats? Cast Strength for 18/00 Strength right from the beginning. Drink a Potion of Insight when High Wisdom is actually needed.
Str: 18/50
Dex: 18
Con: 17
Int: 17
Wis: 10
Cha: 11
Nov 11 2016, 10:25 AM
Imoen herself has stagnant thieving skills that won't improve anymore
You never see Imoen kit didn't you? She is NOT dual-mage anymore. She is charming rogue.
All your reasons are good for very short party. 2-3 members.
For the reasons above and possibly others that I can further elaborate on, I ask that you trust me on Erevain being a Fighter/Mage/Thief and that we give it a try.
I afraid he will die soon.
Nov 11 2016, 01:26 PM
Bill, it's okay. I'll make him in 2 versions: one for you - triple class, and one for us and those who want a more capable character.
With the existing NPCs in NeJ, he doesn't even need a bow
Yes, for fighter/thief, I'll give him a good bow and proficiency to replace Minsc in my current party.
The high level innate spells he starts getting at level 17-18, so no worries. It will happen only toward the end of SoA. Otherwise, the multiple innate spells will mimic his triple class regarding mage.
As a side note, Bill, you again bring numbers, numerical comparison. You simply don't know the problems of the IE engine. We just discussed with Senka that Yoshimo being dualled to a fighter from 10-th level thief, having str and con improved with items and heavy armour is easily beaten in combat event at his high levels.
Nov 11 2016, 03:49 PM
I have the strong suspicion that the game remember your starting stats. So I use ctrl-8 during generation and then remove unnecessary
Bill Bisco
Nov 12 2016, 05:47 PM
Hi Vlad,
If you want two Erevain versions at the outset, I'm ok with this as my long-term plan is to allow different Class options for Erevain anyway. However, I ask that you keep Fighter/Mage/Thief as the default with other Erevain classes as optional. I also ask that you keep my version of the Inflitrator kit (it's already coded) as the default with you modified one as optional. Just use this code and modify as appropriate to apply the Kit (Yours or mine) on the fly during mod installation. Using the below code should enable you to use the Assassin Op Code and still get 15 skill points per level as I intended.
/* This snippet shows how to use the kit number as a variable name to
* assign this kit to a creature. The "0" and the "0x4000" are necessary.
* These offsets should be the same for all CREs.
COPY ~mymod/fighter.cre~ ~override/fighter.cre~
WRITE_SHORT 0x246 0x4000 + ~%Infiltrator%~
Regarding Advancement.
Here's the SoA XP Cap:Experience Point Cap: 2,950,000 XP
Maximum Level
Fighter/Thief: 13/16
Fighter/Mage/Thief: 11/12/14
For the same XP, a Fighter/Mage/Thief is 2 Fighter Levels behind and 2 Thief Levels behind in Exchange for 12 Mage Levels. A Fighter/Thief will have more HP than a Fighter/Mage/Thief, sure. However, a F/M/T can just cast Stoenskin (even multiple times). In most situations, this means that a F/M/T will have more effective HP than a F/T. Being able to cast Mirror Image and Blur also improve AC and reduce hits more than a F/T could get and also boost the F/M/T Hit Points effectively as well. This is discounting easy Mislead Cheese, Wand and Item use, and the versatility of the Mage Levels as well.
I've beaten Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 at least 6 times start to finish Vlad with a Fighter, Fighter/Thief, Fighter/Mage/Thief, Fighter/Cleric/Mage, and a Fighter/Druid. I know at least a little about the relative difference between playing a double and triple muticlass
2E D&D Dual-Classing is biased toward starting as a Fighter and then Dualing to something else. Fighter HPs max out at level 9 so a Level 9 Fighter with 18 CON could have 126 HP. Thieves HP Maxes out at level 10 so a Thief with 16 CON will only have 80 HP. In other words a Thief 10/ Fighter 11 wil have 83 HP. A Fighter 9 / Thief 10 will have 134 HP. There's not way to make up that 51 HP Difference any time soon.
A Fighter 9 /Thief 10 will have 30 more levels to gain 60 more HP. A Thief 10 / Fighter 11 (with the ToB Exp cap removed) will have 29 more levels will have 87 HP. Just 27 more HP by the very very lategame for a net of the Fighter9/Thief10 still having 24 more net hp.
Yoshimo's main benefits from dualling to Fighter come from Backstabbing with his eventual GrandMastered Melee weapon and waiting until at least level 24 to get the Use Any Item High Level ability. With this, Yoshimo could use Scrolls, wands, and restricted items and be a lot more powerful. A Bounty Hunter 24 / Fighter 25 Yoshimo with Stoneskin, Improved Haste, Cloudkill, and Summons, and does 5x Backstab damage is a lot more impressive than a Bounty Hunter 10 / Fighter 27 Yoshimo that doesn't have those things.
Oh, and I suggest Erevain start with 180K XP. This will let him cast level 4 spells off the bat and cast Stoneskin, extremely improving his lifespan.
Nov 12 2016, 06:45 PM
A Bounty Hunter 24 / Fighter 25 Yoshimo
A Bounty Hunter 24 - 3,080,000
Fighter 25 - 4,250,000
7 330000
Really? )))))
Bill Bisco
Nov 12 2016, 09:20 PM
Yes, that will take quite some time but is the most optimal (Versatility and Power-Wise) endgame purely for Yoshimo starting out as a Bounty Hunter. Note: Use Any Item stays with you even when you multiclass. So after Thief 24 -> Fighter, Cleric, or Mage 1, that class continues to be able to use any item even at level 1.
A more powerful option would be to mod Yoshimo to be a Fighter 13 that Dual-ed to Thief later. This would allow him the High HP, Grandmastery, and best APR available to Fighters and there would still be ample time to become Thief 14 and still enjoy a large portion of the game with both sets of powers.
Bill Bisco
Nov 15 2016, 06:28 AM
I added some more interjections in 17.Xs the beginning of the game is more complete. Sorry for not accomplishing more; I am still having some personal issues, but am inspired to continue.
Nov 17 2016, 02:09 PM
Yes, during the installation, you'll be presented with an option to choose the dual or triple class combination including the infiltrator kit. I've already implemented this feature in the setup.
By the way, the XP cap is removed in the BDW.
Nov 17 2016, 04:51 PM
Full party never reach 8 mln XP
Nov 18 2016, 03:28 PM
Bill, this is the max I can roll for him:
Str 16
Dex 18
Con 17
Int 17
Wis 11
Cha 10
Total: 89
This is final for the triple class.
Bill Bisco
Nov 18 2016, 09:37 PM
QUOTE(Vlad @ Nov 18 2016, 10:28 AM)
Bill, this is the max I can roll for him:
Str 16
Dex 18
Con 17
Int 17
Wis 11
Cha 10
Total: 89
This is final for the triple class.
Vlad, why are you deviating from the stats I suggested above? Why do you need to "roll" this? 91 total is not an uncommon total to roll. I've gotten well into the 95s before to roll my Fighter/Mage/Clerics.
I think for playability it is very critical to have a minimum of 18/50 Str as discussed earlier.
Nov 18 2016, 09:56 PM
Ok, I'll tweak it in NI.