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Full Version: Mod for NeJ3: Erevain Blacksheaf NPC
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Never Ending Journey
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Bill, roll above 90 - for demi-god rolleyes.gif
Bill, please focus on the game deciding interjections: leaving from Kuldahar portal back to the future - I suppose you want to bring him to Amn, then Irenicus dungeon, then after abduction of Imoen, first time in Athkatla, then going to Halruaa etc etc etc. These are really important. Alternatively, he may decide to stay in Kuldahar and be picked up again when the group return from Ust Natha to Kuldahar.
Bill Bisco
I added one new event banter

16.390 This corresponds with all NPCs saying something

I added a little more detail to 16.500

In my original run, I never actually got to Ust Natha. I got stuck with the Candlekeep orc quest. I couldn't find a way inside Candlekeep.

I'll continue finishing up interjections through the severed hand to harluaa, and the orc encounter. I may need to try installing the latest version of NEJ. Am I required to install BGT and your other mods now or can I just get away with Vaniilla BG2 + NEJ?
I couldn't find a way inside Candlekeep.
Ask gate-guard for help wink.gif
I just get away with Vaniilla BG2 + NEJ

You need BDWeidu
Bill, there are a lot of changes in the compilation mod plus your Erevain plus Senka's walkthrough report. I really need to finish all this first before we all continue. So what I suggest, you just write everything now and we'll continue together - the walkthrough. You'll have a chance then to try Erevain in the game.
Bill Bisco
Sorry for the delays in progress. If it's not obvious I can't work on this every evening. I found some energy and joy to add the following:

16.600 Entering inside the Severed Hand while there is no battle present

17.900 Speaking to Lethias the Undead Bladesinger in the Severed Hand

17.910 Lethias Dies

I don't know your current progress on coding, but I'll inform you of when I add content so that you won't research through old material in vain.
Hi Bill. I'm advancing pretty fast. Most of the material you wrote I've already coded. Take your time Bill.

[EDIT] Are you sure you want to resurrect him? Then, why not to resurrect Khalid, for example? If a player didn't join Erevain in the beginning, why would he/she want to join him in Dragon Eye, when the party is complete? Any thoughts?

Normally, you can resurrect a party member only when he/she is dead and still in the party. Once you drop him/her, you cannot do that anymore. It's not a technical issue (you know Kachiko is resurrected, for example), but the game issue.
Bill Bisco
I'm so glad and grateful that you have been able to code so much already.

Actually I do believe in resurrecting Khalid and in fact Gorion if the PC chooses.  You can peruse some of my ideas:

I had a third topic but it got lost in the shs server crash. sad.gif By the way, if we lose contact on this forum you can always reach me at billbisco AT gmail DOT com

I don't necessarily expect players to want Erevain if they didn't already take him. Alternatively, they may never have found the dialogue to bring him or they may have pissed him off and he wouldn't join. Players may alternatively feel sorry for him and want to resurrect him or they may want to be cruel and resurrect him only to kill him off again.

Consider also as I've envisioned it, if the party takes Erevain and kicks him out, if the party takes too long, he'll disappear and appear dead in Dragon's Eye. They may change their minds and want him back.

Alternatively, when the game eventually returns back to IWD, they may decide they need to change party members.

Basically, I'm a big believer in freedom and options for the player if it makes sense. I believe being able to resurrect Erevain makes sense and that it would be fun for players to do so if they wanted to.

The more robust method (any NPC dies and they drop a body might require patching every area script to drop an NPC body item when he dies and then patching every priest to add a dialogue option to consume the NPC item and bring him/her back.

I recognize that this might be difficult to achieve. There has been another modder who made some progress on the matter
Bill, I've finished coding all the material you posted here including options of resurrection. So, no worries, it's there. The only one thing I left behind is placing Erevain's body in the graveyard in Athkatla. I really don't like it. I don't understand how his body reached Athkatla, and I really don't want to see it there. Other from that, everything is done. Now waiting for more written material form you. In the meantime, I'll do installation and start playing.

[EDIT] Bill, please please, if you are already writing the dialogues in the DLG code, be very careful, check and recheck again, all tildes, all DOs and GOTOs, all ENDs, everything. It took me the whole Saturday just to debug the compilation errors in your written code. It's not good.
Bill Bisco
Hi Vlad. I realize that I have not posted in awhile. I have gone through some big personal problems but I have been understanding them and dealing with them much better than before.

I will make some updates when I have the time. This project is a life passion for me and will take some time. But I look forward to working on this as I have the time and energy (the passion is there).

I hope you are doing well in your professional and personal life.
Take your time, Bill. RL is more important.

Thank you and take care.
Hopefully one day this gets released tongue.gif
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