1. Yes, there was a warning. I assumed that warning was about getting items and
XP prior to entering the NeJ questline. I also assumed that you would return to the same portal you entered NeJ to get to and there would be no need for Jaheira and Minsc to stay trapped in their cells forever. Yes, I do like games that allow you to live with (and still allow you to complete the game with) the consequences of your decisions. If Trapped cellmates forever was your intention, then very well, I accept your design.
2. I just want to be explicitly clear on this. There is a lot of text implying that CHARNAME and the remaining party members can enter the Kuldahar portal:
All of the below texts imply that the portal can be entered.
The cursor changing implies this
The post Hrothgar exchange implies you are about to leave
And then...
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. All this dialogue and text about leaving and nothing happens. Nothing. No text about "What, why can't we enter?" No Game Over Screen. Nothing. I have a hard time believing that all of this text was written and implemented without the intention of the party being able to leave. If it is truly your intention that there be no choice about leaving NeJ before Severed Hand, then there should be no text allowing me to do so at all, imo. Otherwise, this feels very disjointed and incomplete.
When we complete the Severed Hand, we still have the option to return to the Kuldahar Portal. The text heavily implies that we can enter it.
If we're nice to Hrothgar, he'll want to go with us. The dialogue ends with him or Shar-Teel. There is nothing beyond that other than a poof and cutscene to the next area.
Or, we can tell Hrothgar that we don't trust him. And he doesn't like that and leaves. Nothing implies that we can't leave now.
We can click on the portal even while Hrothgar is exiting and we get the same dialogue as last time.
And then....
Nothing. Abosolutely nothing. We can click on the portal and we just get blanks
However, if we leave via the Astolabe, we get the following Text:
Notice the Black Box reference. At least here it's implied that we need the Astrolabe and the Black Box to continue. That is not the same for the Kuldahar portal. There is no text anywhere stating that we can't just go use the Kuldahar portal or Hrothgar stating "Haha, you need me and my Black Box to actually leave. It feels highly disjointed that there are text and implications that we can leave and yet we cannot and the game is broken and unfinishable as a result.
3. My Installation is GoG BG2+ ToB. Followed by Baldurdash and then NeJ3. I have explicitly avoided installing any other mods to avoid any possibility at all that potential issues are due to other mods.
Failed Mage Tests in Harluaa put you in permanent cutscene failed mode. I'll try to find the exact one that put me in there.
Alright, Failing the Invoker Test for Theodoran. Simply exit the area with the spiders as soon as you enter it and talk to Theodoran, you will be stuck in Cutscene mode.
4. A General Note on Mage Tests
Perhaps it would be better to have the Mage Tests involve the person who speaks to the "test giver". You could add in dialogue with the tutor asking "Who will take the Test" and you'd select which party member would take it. I much prefer this method as it it generic and allows one to have CHARNAMEs that are not part Mage. For a multiplayer game, you can't let Player2 or further actually take the tests.
This also allows you to have modded Characters (like Erevain) without having to come up with NPC specific text for all of them. If there's interest, then the NPC can be coded for unique reactions.