Feb 15 2009, 05:46 PM
Turning Undead is not an ability that I utilise at all in IA. The only time I use Turning is when I get ambushed trying to rest in a dungeon or at the entrance to the Illithid lair on level IV of Watchers Keep (also the Unseeing eye quest) . I would much rather buff my cleric (Armor of Faith , Righteous magic , Blade barrier) and hack them to bits. I know that Demi Liches cannot be turned in any D&D game but Liches , Vampires and Skeleton warriors can. Can Bone Devils, Skeleton Lords , Warlords , Grandlords , Vampire Brides and Lords , Shade and Grave Liches be turned. If so is there a turning table that can be viewed in order to give one an idea of what level you need to be at to successfully affect these bad boys?
Feb 15 2009, 08:42 PM
QUOTE(Frazurblu @ Feb 15 2009, 10:16 PM)

Can Bone Devils, Skeleton Lords , Warlords , Grandlords , Vampire Brides and Lords , Shade and Grave Liches be turned?
Bone Devils aren't undead creatures anyway; they are devils.