Apr 11 2008, 03:02 PM
Except for the very first time I played BG II I have never played much with Aerie. From a RP perspective she seemed a bit insipid and from a tactical point of view a bit weak. I think that if she were strengthened statisically (esp. constituion) and/or given some innate abilities due to her winged elf heritage (perhaps perm. haste , magic res. or small regen. capability etc.) she could become a very strong addition to a party. Given that she is a cleric/mage she can offer very interesting spell combos and triggers while being tougher than a standard mage. This would also allow for more flexibility in composing a party as she would provide a very good secondary divine and arcane caster. There still would be disadvantages as she would not have access to mage only items and also many cleric items. Her level progression would be slower meaning later access to greater restoration , ruby rays etc.
With some new items designed and upgradable for her she would be a viable 6th slot in any party and would I think become very powerful at high levels as she would be hard to hit and able to sit back and fire or rush forward and tank depending on the combat
She could be particularly handy as a close combat healer. In hard combats with swarming enemies Anomen just cant get off healing spells without being interupted , particularly as he is too powerful a tank to waste on the backline as a healer. Aerie can stand in the middle of many combats with a tonne of buffs (just try and ruby ray through all of them) being a pure healer! She will revitalise the 6th level Heal as a combat friendly spell. As well as GM,Slow,Emotion she can sling three Holy smites or Bolts of Glory and instead of two magic missiles in her baby sequencer she can Chromatic Doom.
Please post ideas and opinions on Aerie.
Apr 11 2008, 05:54 PM
As you say, Cleric/Mage is an outstanding late-game combination. I personally think Aerie is already a strong addition to a party.
Apr 11 2008, 07:40 PM
QUOTE(Raven @ Apr 11 2008, 07:54 PM)
As you say, Cleric/Mage is an outstanding late-game combination. I personally think Aerie is already a strong addition to a party.
I tried Aerie back in 4,1 and was very pleased. She's great powerwise, and in IA especially Aerie comes in handy allready midgame methinks.
Apr 12 2008, 10:32 AM
Aerie is a very powerful character, both from RP and tactical points of view. Although I admit, I don't view BG2 as a tactical combat game.
Apr 12 2008, 04:30 PM
My concern with Aerie has always been that she is physically a little feeble. She could start with a little more HP or have a special racial ability that makes her a more appealing option. An upgradeable item just for her might be nice.
Apr 13 2008, 11:13 AM
She's meant as a pure spellcaster, is my thought. She can use spells to make herself last longer.
I should know, I have her with me almost all the time. That is, of course, without any combat enhancement installed.
But yes, coming back to it, maybe a few custom items wouldn't be a bad idea.
Apr 16 2008, 12:49 AM
A HP bonus item or HP/Wisdom natural increase after Spellhold would be useful to keeping her more alive while at the same time reinforcing the original character development.
Apr 26 2008, 10:27 PM
If I ever use her, I would use shadow keeper to upgrade her CON to 16 or 17 and max out her hp.
I would also change her to fighter/mage/cleric unless I had enough fighters on my team. The combination of mage protections and cleric healing is very useful. There's nothing more annoying than casting heal and having it interrupted or trying to protect your healer as he heals others getting beat on.
Apr 27 2008, 01:44 AM
QUOTE(Ymarsakar @ Apr 26 2008, 10:27 PM)
If I ever use her, I would use shadow keeper to upgrade her CON to 16 or 17 and max out her hp.
17 won't do any good. 16 is the max for HP bonus for non-fighter classes.
Apr 28 2008, 03:15 AM
17 won't do any good.
That's why I included the bottom.
I would also change her to fighter/mage/cleric
Apr 28 2008, 07:41 AM
QUOTE(Ymarsakar @ Apr 28 2008, 03:15 AM)
17 won't do any good.
That's why I included the bottom.
I would also change her to fighter/mage/cleric
Oh, OK then (I assume you keep the -1 CON elven restriction).
Apr 28 2008, 03:28 PM
Oh, OK then (I assume you keep the -1 CON elven restriction).
Yes, even though Akae, the elven fighter in Samia's party, has 18 con ; )
Apr 28 2008, 04:17 PM
Eh, I bet he drank a consitution potion before the battle.
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