Well after taking a gander at the new level progression tables , the new item restriction and the fact that i've yet to play past chapter 3 in this mod , I decided to take my triple class + sk-ed kits type tutu character for a spin - Berserker , Mage , Cleric of Lathander - to be precise
Added to that was a multiplayer created npc - a tiefling named Anna - a Bezerker swashi duel class
bio ware Npc's were -
Aerie- sk'd into a pure class wild mage
Anomen - as he is - proficiencies switched around to more usable gear though
Minsc - sk'd into a cavalier ( because i can
Haer'Dalis- His improved bard armour and high levels make him priceless as a spell spammer / dispeller
I am currently at round about 5 million exp point party , did every quest i could lay my greedy leetle paws on ( im an exp. slattern i must confess ) - including all strongholds and the expanded mage stronghold have finished almost everything in chapter 6 , just need to to the post FK quests (the rune assassin army battle was amazing - very well done sir
and then watchers keep , then its off to the elf city to have quite word with a particular mage who has been causing a bit of bother it seems
but im fairly shocked at just how well this all works together , the fights are tough , level is a factor but you still need to think and thats what im really enjoying - that and the intense satisfaction that comes with taking out the same berks who annihilated you the first time you met them ( crooked crane lich comes to mind )
as this is my first real tactical mod , the learning curve has been steep , but once you crack the "rhythm" of the encounters , your in good stead
cant wait to see what nasty surprises are still in store
come version 5 , im going to be taking a vagrant pc ( judging from the quality of the new quests , this is way too good to pass up the new content )
a npc risk breaker ( depending on what the final kit is like though )
Nalia - as wild mage
Cernd - Auramasters are quite potent
either a multi / dual class character to be named later - depends on the dynamics of the existing party - might even go with Haer'Dalis again - just have to play and see how it all works out
thanks again for all the hard work Sikret and co.