Um first thoughts?
Make teh bad man stop
Coming from a point of playing the original BG2 + TOB completely , finding no new challenge in the game , having done the RP and power gaming to the point of boredom - I even abandoned a game or 3 when the characters were just too powerful - F/M/C , F/I come to mind.
I then installed IA 3 - boy did I get a sharp shock when I went to visit Mr Pebblecrusher and co.
Without waffling too much - many thanks to Sikret and co. You have breathed life ( and no small amount of death
) into a true classic.
I really appreciate all the hard work you guys have put into creating and balancing the game, and I simply love all the new content / nasty surprises.
Then I tried version 4 , Yike!
While a few changes I found were slightly frustrating - lack of thieving etc. ( while I do see your point RE the stores and the gold exploit , making ALL stores - even the illicit outdoor fences , non loot-able,was a bit much - I do agree with the zero resell however )
I did love many other changes implemented - the item randomisation is a great idea IMO
I just wish I had more time to play - so as such i think I'll have to await IA 5 , on the constructive crit. side , I understand the need to be tactical and choose your battles properly ( a factor which only adds to the tension and suspense factor - something I thought lost ! ) but if your plans / tactics involve a spell or an item that gets nerf-ed along the development path , it just creates frustration. No I'm not defending cheese tactics , I'm a -by the rules kind of player - exploiting AI / design flaws do not make for a rewarding game experience IMO .
That said I do acknowledge the delicate balance of items that end up wielding the players ( +12 hackmaster anybody ?
) and a legitimate challenge to players looking for a new edge to their game play.
I'm just coming from a position of a berk with minimal play time - I've had to restart / reinstall a couple of times ( yes I caused a non supported mod crash now and again
-my fault for being greedy i guess ) , so id rather wait for V 5 , which will coincide with me actually having the time to give this this GAME ( mods too light a word methinks ) the time it requires. Well that and I cant seem to walk away from a challenge
Many thanks again