Mar 30 2007, 07:50 PM
If you find some, post it here, please...
Mar 31 2007, 08:25 PM
1. weilder -> wielder
2. how did this end up in Faerun
Mar 31 2007, 08:30 PM
Already noticed, you´re not the first one... Shame on me... Will remane it to something else... Although I don´t know anything else with this properties... Maybe I must imagine some...
Apr 1 2007, 07:20 AM
Tian is not showing up in the Crooked Crane for me. This might be due to the fact that I have the "restored crooked crane" component of Unfinished Business installed? Although I installed ToD after UB.
Regardless, I will just CLUA him in and have a go at the tower that way
Apr 1 2007, 09:51 AM
to nataben1314: will be corrected in next version. At this stage the mod is not compatible with UB, if you install Restore Crooced Crane component... Sorry for that.
Apr 2 2007, 03:28 AM
Hey it's no problem at all! It isn't as if its very difficult for me to simply CLUAConsole the guy in!
my solo M/T will hopefully tackle the great tower tonight or tomorrow morning!
Thanks again for the cool mod!
Apr 3 2007, 06:28 AM
I’ve come across a strange situation while playing ToD
The floor right under the area with the frozen girls.
1. I let my mage go upstairs alone (leaving PC downstairs) and cast fireball on a dryad
2. She starts the dialog, then goes hostile and moves herself and the other (still frozen) girl downstairs
3. I move the rest of my party upstairs, while the dryads are still down with Gulin, casting spells
4. Upstairs I am able to sleep, until most of the spells are cast, and then kill the dryad
5. When I come back to the portal, their frozen copies are still there, but immune to fireball this time.
The end.
Apr 3 2007, 06:51 AM
Funny. I didn´ t count with this option. Maybe I will just temporary block the travel region back to Gulin while you fight with Wistemach. So you won´t be able to run away from battle anymore. And of course, party will be required from next version forward to go to dryads room...
Anyway, they shouldn´t be there next time forzen because of global variable. And while Wistemach is alive, Pandaira should be still in snare. She shouldn´t be moving at all...

And I wonder how Wistemach could go downstairs? Travel region to Gulin´s room has flag "NPC can´t pass"...
HERD, man, you just cheated my mod....
Apr 3 2007, 08:08 AM
QUOTE Wistemach could go downstairs...
She wants to talk to PC only
...they shouldn´t be there next time forzen because of global variable...
I managed to save the second girl from destruction by lightning, while killing the first one, but she wouldn't talk to me, and now I have three frozen girls - two upstairs, one downstairs.

won´t be able to run away from battle anymore
(check the guardian area for similar stuff)
Apr 3 2007, 09:58 AM
She wants to talk to PC only
Yes, but shouldn´t the travel region´s flag "NPC can´t pass" prevent her from going to lower levels? What good is it then for??

won´t be able to run away from battle anymore
I will simply deactivate those regions, both for dryad´s room and for guardian´s room as well
Apr 3 2007, 06:43 PM
Probably it disables fleeing, could you set it to the entrance so the zombies don't flee into the tower when turned?
Not like my team would have more chance that way
Apr 3 2007, 08:19 PM
Flag in travel region to Baloar´s room already set... Thanks Avenger.
Jan 30 2008, 02:37 AM
A few typos:
But Ustran did not care. He laughed at their plight and continued his nefarious work. He used the power of the Astral Shard to kidnap creatures and travellers in the middle of teleporting... like he kidnapped me.
Legends says that this warblade was made a long time ago, during the Time Of Troubles, when the need for such weapons was obvious.
If it's legends (in plural), it should be 'say'.
Also, Baloar, the tower guardian, is he a singular being/demon, or is he supposed to be one of Planescape's Greater Tanar'ri? If it's the latter, the proper name is Balor.
Jan 30 2008, 08:24 AM
Hi, Daulmakan, thanks for the typos...

About tower Guardian - Baloar is his own name, it is not supposed to mean his kind. Yes, he´s Balor, if you mean his origin, and his name is Baloar....

Funny, isn´t it??
Jun 29 2008, 04:58 AM
This happens with ToD v3.1, too.
Tian is not showing up in the Crooked Crane for me. This might be due to the fact that I have the "restored crooked crane" component of Unfinished Business installed? Although I installed ToD after UB.
You wrote:
to nataben1314: will be corrected in next version. At this stage the mod is not compatible with UB, if you install Restore Crooced Crane component... Sorry for that.
It looks like, that this is not corrected in the new version of ToD.
Greetings Leomar
Jun 29 2008, 06:59 AM
As I'm not at home atm (...on my way to Czech Republic...), I'll correct it after I'll return back.
Jun 29 2008, 11:58 AM
Though we're in the Bugs thread for simplicity's sake, it's important to emphasize that the aforementioned problem is definitely not ToD's bug. It's a serious bug of Unfinished Business, and to my knowledge, it has been already corrected in the local version of the developers.
Jun 29 2008, 11:37 PM
QUOTE(Baronius @ Jun 29 2008, 01:58 PM)

Though we're in the Bugs thread for simplicity's sake, it's important to emphasize that the aforementioned problem is definitely not ToD's bug.
You are completly right. It is a incombatibility between ToD and BG1 UB and that is mentioned in this thread. And Valiant has said, that he will make it compatible together and that is very great of him and therefore I asked.
It's a serious bug of Unfinished Business, and to my knowledge, it has been already corrected in the local version of the developers.
Unfortunately the incompatibility exists with ToD v3.1 and BG1 UB.
Valiant, you want to correct this or shoud I ask at PPG forum?
Greetings Leomar
Jun 30 2008, 12:01 AM
Fixing other mods' bugs in your mod has exactly this problem that people will keep asking you rather than the main culprit to do more and more fixes. If you remember, when you decided to fix UB's bug in ToD for the first time, I told you not to do it, but you didn't listen. Now, as you read in the posts, the plain bug in UB has changed name to "ToD's incompatibility with UB"! This is the price of not taking the advice I gave you at that time.
UB is a heavily bugged and low quality mod, anyway. I don't understand why some people are still using it.
Jun 30 2008, 04:46 AM
QUOTE(Leomar @ Jun 29 2008, 06:37 PM)

QUOTE(Baronius @ Jun 29 2008, 01:58 PM)

Though we're in the Bugs thread for simplicity's sake, it's important to emphasize that the aforementioned problem is definitely not ToD's bug.
You are completly right. It is a incombatibility between ToD and BG1 UB and that is mentioned in this thread. And Valiant has said, that he will make it compatible together and that is very great of him and therefore I asked.
It's a serious bug of Unfinished Business, and to my knowledge, it has been already corrected in the local version of the developers.
Unfortunately the incompatibility exists with ToD v3.1 and BG1 UB.
Valiant, you want to correct this or shoud I ask at PPG forum?
Greetings Leomar
Something happened between ToD 3.0 and 3.1 maybe because I have installed UB for BG2 (with the Restore Crooked Crane comp.) with ToD 3.0 before and had no problems and I don't think BG1 UB would have any thing to do with that.
Jun 30 2008, 09:13 AM
The "fix" (workaround) that was first introduced to this problem seems to be correct, and I see the same code in ToD 3.1 for it. So it's interesting that the bug caused by UB appeared again, but Valiant will surely find the reason. Perhaps something has changed, indeed. (I don't assume you accidently use the outdated version, Leomar.)
You are completly right. It is a incombatibility between ToD and BG1 UB and that is mentioned in this thread.
BG1 UB or (BG2) UB? I think you meant the latter. Anyway, it's an incompatibility of UB with
all mods that use the Crooked Crane inn's original script, and has nothing to do with ToD apart from the fact that ToD is also the victim of that error. To my knowledge, the developers have fixed it (but not yet released the fixed version), so hopefully the new release of UB will solve this problem once and for all.
The Bigg
Jun 30 2008, 09:26 AM
It might have to do with some kind of biffing not leaving the correct file in the override.
// Extending Existing Bafs //
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~ar0021.bcs~ THEN BEGIN // if Teleport mod or Unfinished Business is installed
PRINT @102
COPY_EXISTING ~ar0021.bcs~ ~override~
EXTEND_TOP ~ar0021.bcs~ ~TOD/AppendBaf/ar0021.baf~
COMPILE ~TOD/AppendBaf/ar0021.baf~ ~override/ar0021.bcs~
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~ar0004.bcs~ THEN BEGIN // if Teleport mod or Unfinished Business is not installed
PRINT @102
COPY_EXISTING ~ar0004.bcs~ ~override~
EXTEND_TOP ~ar0004.bcs~ ~TOD/AppendBaf/ar0004.baf~
COMPILE ~TOD/AppendBaf/ar0004.baf~ ~override/ar0004.bcs~
optimized rewrite:
// Extending Existing Bafs //
EXTEND_TOP ~ar0021.bcs~ ~TOD/AppendBaf/ar0021.baf~
EXTEND_TOP ~ar0004.bcs~ ~TOD/AppendBaf/ar0004.baf~
EXTEND_TOP creates the bcs file if missing, and doesn't require to be inside COPY_EXISTING (EXTEND_* is an action, not a patch). It might be more mod friendly if a biffing routine removes ar0021.bcs from the override, or something. If we want to nitpick, there's also the option of moving Tian to another location altogether, and/or summon him in the City Door district area and then move him to the Crooked Crane (Keto does the same thing to summon her in an area without an area script).
Jul 1 2008, 03:39 AM
QUOTE(Baronius @ Jun 30 2008, 11:13 AM)

The "fix" (workaround) that was first introduced to this problem seems to be correct, and I see the same code in ToD 3.1 for it. So it's interesting that the bug caused by UB appeared again, but Valiant will surely find the reason. Perhaps something has changed, indeed. (I don't assume you accidently use the outdated version, Leomar.)
No, we used v3.1, now.
You are completly right. It is a incombatibility between ToD and BG1 UB and that is mentioned in this thread.
BG1 UB or (BG2) UB? I think you meant the latter. Anyway, it's an incompatibility of UB with
all mods that use the Crooked Crane inn's original script, and has nothing to do with ToD apart from the fact that ToD is also the victim of that error. To my knowledge, the developers have fixed it (but not yet released the fixed version), so hopefully the new release of UB will solve this problem once and for all.

Sorry, yes I mean BG2 UB.
Sikret is right. Valiant is very kindly to make his mod with UB compatible and has of course thereby now additional work and one thinks his mod is incompatible with UB. Right, that's not fair. ToD is a supportet mod and UB unfortunately not more. The last fixes of UB are long ago. Valiant should decide if he want to do the changes or we all hope of a new version of UB. I think, that's why I asking, that Valiant could be helpful in this case, because he is active and we have with him a chance, to get both mods installed together. Unfortunately, this I can't say for UB. I see not really a new update of UB in the near future.
Now we have two options.
1.) Valiant make the needed changes (this would be again a very kindly help of him, but don't forget Sikret words)
2.) We try to make a patch/fix without bothering Valiant.
Greetings Leomar
Jul 1 2008, 05:19 PM
Valiant, you don't need to make changes. As it is mentioned in your readme, we should install ToD after Devine Remix. If we do that, we install ToD after UB, too. And if we install ToD after UB the bug not occurs. Tian is normally showing up. So I think we have fixed this problem with the right installation order.
Edit: The only thing you could do is to mention it in the readme like you do with Divine Remix.
A new bug: The component [Encounter with Ustrain] will not be installed, because by va#ustrn.TRA is missing a "~" at the end of @27 and @46 .
Greetings Leomar
Jul 2 2008, 05:52 AM
QUOTE(Leomar @ Jul 1 2008, 09:49 PM)

A new bug: The component [Encounter with Ustrain] will not be installed, because by va#ustrn.TRA is missing a "~" at the end of @27 and @46 .
This is strange. I remember that Valiant and Razfallow had tested that component (once with and once without IA installed) for ToD v3 and no other player has reported any such problem.
Have you possibly changed those dialogue lines for v3.1, Valiant?
Jul 2 2008, 02:46 PM
QUOTE(The Bigg @ Jun 30 2008, 11:26 AM)

It might have to do with some kind of biffing not leaving the correct file in the override.
// Extending Existing Bafs //
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~ar0021.bcs~ THEN BEGIN // if Teleport mod or Unfinished Business is installed
PRINT @102
COPY_EXISTING ~ar0021.bcs~ ~override~
EXTEND_TOP ~ar0021.bcs~ ~TOD/AppendBaf/ar0021.baf~
COMPILE ~TOD/AppendBaf/ar0021.baf~ ~override/ar0021.bcs~
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS ~ar0004.bcs~ THEN BEGIN // if Teleport mod or Unfinished Business is not installed
PRINT @102
COPY_EXISTING ~ar0004.bcs~ ~override~
EXTEND_TOP ~ar0004.bcs~ ~TOD/AppendBaf/ar0004.baf~
COMPILE ~TOD/AppendBaf/ar0004.baf~ ~override/ar0004.bcs~
In version 3.1 it was changed to
EXTEND_TOP ~ar0004.bcs~ ~TOD/AppendBaf/ar0004.baf~
ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~ar0021.bcs~ THEN BEGIN // if Teleport mod or Unfinished Business is installed
EXTEND_TOP ~ar0021.bcs~ ~TOD/AppendBaf/ar0004.baf~
UB still has to be installed before ToD, but I've suggested to Valiant to remove ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ..., then it won't be dependent on installation order.
A new bug: The component [Encounter with Ustrain] will not be installed, because by va#ustrn.TRA is missing a "~" at the end of @27 and @46 .
This is strange. I remember that Valiant and Razfallow had tested that component (once with and once without IA installed) for ToD v3 and no other player has reported any such problem.
Leomar forgot to mention that this bug is in german TRA only, all other languages are OK.
Jul 3 2008, 03:51 AM
QUOTE(Razfallow @ Jul 2 2008, 04:46 PM)

A new bug: The component [Encounter with Ustrain] will not be installed, because by va#ustrn.TRA is missing a "~" at the end of @27 and @46 .
Leomar forgot to mention that this bug is in german TRA only, all other languages are OK.
Then it is our mistake, because we made the German translation. Sorry.
Could you correct this?
Greetings Leomar
Jul 3 2008, 05:27 AM
Jul 3 2008, 07:55 PM
So, I have finally returned back from Prague. I had some work to do there. To conclude all this:
- I have corrected the .tp2 code according to The Bigg and Razfallow´s advices
- checked the German translation file, but it seems to be fine, all lines have "~" at the end.
Compiled a new version, but the name will remain the same, V3.1...
Already uploaded, so please, Baronius, transfer it to DHDC as usual. Hope you all will be satisfied now.
Jul 3 2008, 08:29 PM
QUOTE(Valiant @ Jul 3 2008, 09:55 PM)

- checked the German translation file, but it seems to be fine, all lines have "~" at the end.
That's weird, because I downloaded ToD this morning and german's va_ustrain.tra had two ~ missing. I uploaded corrected file in the post above.
Jul 3 2008, 09:21 PM
Weird or not, I just checked it, few seconds ago, no missing signs. Maybe some bug during the RAR compression? Really doubt it

Don´t know if Baronius already transfered it to DHDC by now, but I uploaded it to my own ftp few hours ago. Just give him time..
Jul 3 2008, 09:25 PM
It has just been uploaded!
Jul 4 2008, 03:08 AM
Thank you all for your help and special thanks for Valiant for the new updated ToD.
Greetings Leomar
Jul 4 2008, 09:54 AM
can't install the newest version. Any help?
The error message:
Press any key to install Tower Of Deception Mod ...
[Setup-TOD.exe] WeiDU version 20700
[Setup-TOD.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"
In state 66, I expected one of these tokens:
[2] ~~
Parse error (state 66) at LPAREN
[TOD/SETUP-TOD.TP2] PARSE ERROR at line 20 column 1-19
Near Text: (
GLR parse error
[TOD/SETUP-TOD.TP2] ERROR at line 20 column 1-19
Near Text: (
ERROR: parsing [TOD/SETUP-TOD.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: problem parsing TP file [TOD/SETUP-TOD.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error
FATAL ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error
Press ENTER to exit.
\edit: Wrong placed "~" in line 20 in SETUP-TOD.TP2. It is working now.
Jul 5 2008, 01:29 AM
Replaced with the new file!
Jul 5 2008, 07:17 AM
Thanks, Baronius

Now it should be working just fine...
Jan 11 2009, 04:32 AM
Hope you guys are still visiting this forum.
I encountered something weird.
I talked to Tian, he takes me to the captain, and when everybody is on the ship, the game asks for CD 255 and then crashes.
This is the screen, right before it crash:

Anybody knows what the problem is?
Jan 11 2009, 04:22 PM
I guess the movie, which should play after you get on the ship, is causing this crash, but I don't know why. I suggest to reinstall the mod and try it again. And if it still crashes, download the attached file, rename it to va#04sc.bcs and put it to override, it will disable the movie.
Jan 12 2009, 04:03 PM
Funny, I´ve never noticed this kind of bug, neither my testers and the rest of the mod players... Raz is right, try to reinstall it and if it won´t work, then use Raz´s script...
The Bigg
Jan 12 2009, 04:45 PM
This sort of thing can happen if you didn't do a full install of BG2; the easiest solution is to put "Disable Movies=1" in the [Movie Options] section of baldur.ini.
Jan 13 2009, 07:30 PM
Thanks for the replys.
I did a full install, and I have some mods installed, all weidu mods.
I'll try to reinstall, and will be back to let you know if it worked.
Thanks again.
Didn't work. Reinstalled it, but the game crashes the same way.
And I hate to miss a part of the history.
Using that script to skip the movie, will I miss too much?
I just remembered:
I'm using multi install tool, to keep a clean install of BGII (to multiplay) and a modded install (the 'clone' one) to singleplay. Could this be the problem?
The Bigg
Jan 13 2009, 07:52 PM
Depends on how MIT does exactly transfer the baldur.ini. Can you post your cloned baldur.ini (wrap it in [ codebox ] tags to avoid overflowing)?
IIRC, the movie just shows a bird's eye view of the tower (but I might be wrong).
Jan 13 2009, 09:35 PM
Here it is: (Had to add .txt, because it didn't accept the .ini file)
(Hope this is what you meant by [ codebox ])
The Bigg
Jan 13 2009, 10:25 PM
Oh, codebox was if you were going to copy-paste the contents, but NVM that.
Anyway, Install Type is set to 3 like in my baldur.ini (that is, it's still reported as "full install"), and I could play normally on a manually cloned installation. Just to try a couple extra things, is D:\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\ your cloned install or your 'original' one?
Jan 14 2009, 03:06 AM
D:\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\ is the original one, without any mods.
D:\Black Isle\BGII - SoA Clone\ is the one modded, witch I'm playing.
This baldur.ini is the one from D:\Black Isle\BGII - SoA Clone\
The Bigg
Jan 14 2009, 12:46 PM
Oh. In that case, try changing this line (of baldur.ini):
HD0:=D:\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\
into this:
HD0:=D:\Black Isle\BGII - SoA Clone\;D:\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\
and see if it works.
Jan 14 2009, 04:35 PM
Do you have the original va#04sc.bcs?
I just overrode it and forgot to backup.
Jan 14 2009, 04:43 PM
Here, don't forget to rename it.
Jan 14 2009, 05:15 PM
Now the game doesn't work. As soon as the game starts, it crashes.
It looks like I won't see this movie after all....
Btw from the last version of UB:
Revert Crooked Crane script to its old illogical name, for compatibility-friendliness.
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