Feb 1 2009, 10:54 PM
...finally, at last...
Feb 2 2009, 07:09 PM
Oh yea, about that reverting of the crooked crane in ub v18...does that cause issues in terms of do YOU guys now have to revert whatever fix you did in order for ToD to work with this old version of crooked crane again? Or is everything good and we can go ahead and install and play as normal?
Feb 2 2009, 09:57 PM
There's no need to make modification, ToD will work fine.
Feb 16 2009, 07:09 PM
ToD problem after completing the tower adventure is occurring in Suldanessalar just southwest of Demin's house, is the "house of the talisman". In its first floor an imp sweeps you to cave area and are forced to fight Ustrain...(spoiler based question) ... this appears to be an impossible fight to win...his immunities even after illusions,e tc are worn off seemt o be immunity to all milles/ thrownn possible melee damage typically 2 HP? I missing somehtign?...Icant get by this is this a bug
Feb 17 2009, 04:16 PM
It isn't a bug, that's how Sikret created it. Ustrain has high resistance to all physical attacks and is using Hardiness (and he has many of them).
You can always uninstall it, you know, it's optional and you don't get anything special for defeating him (except XP and few gems).
Feb 17 2009, 05:51 PM
SPOILER!Depends on whether you are playing it with or without IA.
Without IA, Ustrain has only 50% resistance to magic damage, uses a vanilla game script, and has weak allies. He can be killed easily by spells which inflict magic damage (ADHW, Vampiric Touch, Skull Trap, Harm, etc) provided that the spell successfully passes his magic resistance (which is not that high either).
With IA installed, he will prove to be a worthy opponent indeed, but it's obvious (from his post and the context) that jman isn't playing it together with IA, so it mustn't be that hard.
Some players are a bit too hasty to mark something as a "bug" when they fail to find the right way to do it in the game.
Feb 17 2009, 06:14 PM
I understand what he's saying. I was surprised by it too, the first time I fought him. You're expecting a powerful mage, not a physical powerhouse, and yet none of your fighters can deal any serious damage. At this particular point in the game, no other creature displays such a trait, so it does seems odd (specially if it's your first time). In the end, if you don't have good spells available, it turns into a boring fight, where you're in control of the battle but take a long while to finally kill him. The fact that he had no decent loot irked me as well.
Feb 17 2009, 06:59 PM
He is a powerful fighrer/mage, but if you play without IA you won't see much of a mage in him, because he won't be using the IA script (that's why Valiant has strongly recommended to play this component of ToD together with IA).
As for the loot, it seems that Valiant didn't decide to add any particular treasure to him. We can discuss to add some reasonable treasure for the next version if Valiant wants to. The discussion is needed because some particular treasures may be problematic for players who play ToD together with IA (for example, some items may have been replaced with other new items in IA; some items may have specific and fixed locations in IA and should not be found anywhere else, etc).
Feb 17 2009, 07:18 PM
Well, maybe the discussion is needed, but the way I see it Ustrain can´t have a decent loot with himself. Remmember, he´s been sent to exile and currently lives in "emptyness". I can´t hardly imagine where he would get the loot you guys want him to drop after his death. He lost everything, and most of his treasures are in the tower. Even during his proper mortal life he wasn´t that rich.
This fight is about getting his loot back, not to drop (or loose) something again...
Nov 19 2009, 02:46 PM
Hey, I installed TOD but because of the improved crooked crane Tian isn't appearing, whats his cluaconsole name to make him appear???
Nov 21 2009, 08:09 AM
Mar 8 2010, 12:24 AM
Please have a look at
Thank you!
Mar 17 2010, 09:48 PM
Thanks, I´ll take a look at it...
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