Sep 23 2004, 08:43 AM
Let's play a game!
Someone tells a quote, others will try to guess who (what NPC, creature etc.) said it in the game, and the person who successfully guesses it in the game can tell a new quote, and others will try to guess this, and who successfully guesses it can tell another quote, and so on.
I've already started a similar thread in BG1 forum with a quote, now someone else could start this game here, have fun!
Sep 23 2004, 11:03 AM
Ooh I can start this one, then!

OK, my apologies in advance I'm sure it's not real a "quote" as I never played the English version of the game. I hope somebody guesses right nonetheless!
"So, he is just a bit like you then, hm, Ano?"
I LOVE that one!
Sep 23 2004, 11:32 AM
Is (s)he a joinable NPC?
Sep 23 2004, 11:37 AM
Sep 23 2004, 07:10 PM
The character who says this is talking to Anomen... hmm perhaps he is talking to himself. Is the solution Anomen?
Sep 23 2004, 07:41 PM
(the talk being addressed to Anomen is right, though. Anomen wasn't pleased by this remark at all. Ups- that wasn't a "yes" or "no" answer... )
As I said - it's only a translation... Well, but keep on guessing, folks! Who of the joinable NPCs could say something like that?
Sep 23 2004, 08:06 PM
I would say it was Imoen as i think she is one of the few people who would refer to Anomen as Ano!
Sep 23 2004, 08:44 PM
(You tell me if I should give more hints)
Sep 23 2004, 08:48 PM
Male or female?
Sep 23 2004, 09:15 PM
Sep 23 2004, 11:46 PM
Sep 24 2004, 06:51 AM
Did you see any comments in brackets?

(I think it's pointless that you now try all male NPCs of BGII, do you want me to give the answer?)
Maybe some more hints: It's in the temple of Helm, after accepting the quest of investigating the sect of the seeing eye (or was it blind eye), when the group was told to watch out for Keldorn in the sewerage. Anomen makes one of his charming remarks about Keldorn and then
somebody answers... see above.

Sep 24 2004, 08:29 AM
QUOTE(jastey @ Sep 24 2004, 06:51 AM)
Did you see any comments in brackets?

(I think it's pointless that you now try all male NPCs of BGII, do you want me to give the answer?)
Maybe some more hints: It's in the temple of Helm, after accepting the quest of investigating the sect of the seeing eye (or was it blind eye), when the group was told to watch out for Keldorn in the sewerage. Anomen makes one of his charming remarks about Keldorn and then
somebody answers... see above.

It's an interesting and obscure one.. I'm hearing minsc's voice in my head, but that doesn't mean much - I always hear his voice in my head

At that point of the game I normally have Haer Dallas and Minsk with me.. I've gone down there with almost every combo at one point or another and can't remember that convo ever happening.. the only character I never pick up is Korgan, so Either I forgot about it entirely, or it's Korgan's remark.
Sep 24 2004, 08:39 AM
It always depends on who gets the chance to talk, but it wasn't Korgan, either.
(Oh dear, I really would be interested in what the real
quote would have looked like.. OK, you keep on guessing and I will give the # state ref tonight.

I always hear his voice in my head
poor soul...
Sep 24 2004, 08:45 AM
by the way, i am almost 100% sure this is wrong. but acting confident never hurt anyone
Sep 24 2004, 08:48 AM
OK,OK, this guy usually talks very much, it's an unusual short remark for him...
So now it's clear, isn't it??????
Sep 24 2004, 08:48 AM
QUOTE(jastey @ Sep 24 2004, 08:39 AM)
I always hear his voice in my head
poor soul...
"Oh, he's a smart one!" LOL
short remark.. windbag? oh that would be that damned gnome that I avoid like the plague! whatsisface..
Sep 24 2004, 08:49 AM
Sep 24 2004, 08:50 AM
QUOTE(Awake @ Sep 24 2004, 08:49 AM)
jan jansen yeah that's the little twit that everyone wishes he never knew anyone in his family..
Sep 24 2004, 08:54 AM
YES Jan Jannsen it was.
*phew* That was harder than I thought

OK, now somebody gives me the original phrase, please!!!!!!
JANJ.d 129 (#50032)
Awake: You give the next quote.
Sep 24 2004, 09:03 AM
"So.... what you're saying is he's not too different from yourself, eh, Ano?"
-Jan Jansen
"Yes, that sounds wonderful. Shall we start now?"
sorry, best i could come up with on such short notice. don't expect any hints, i'm going to sleep.
i better get a golden cross for winning....
Sep 24 2004, 12:04 PM
Is it a quest-related non-joinable female?
Sep 24 2004, 02:31 PM
QUOTE(jastey @ Sep 24 2004, 12:04 PM)
Is it a quest-related non-joinable female?
It's a non joinable NPC.. I had to look it up so wont answer.
This NPC is involved in one of the quests.
Sep 24 2004, 03:46 PM
Now others are giving hints, too...?
Well, I say it's the young prostitute before you let her sniff at different scents to convict the murderer in the bridge district, I don't recall her name.
Thorium Dragon
Sep 24 2004, 05:36 PM
Sep 24 2004, 05:50 PM
Well, I say it's the young prostitute before you let her sniff at different scents to convict the murderer in the bridge district, I don't recall her name
Rose bouquet
EDIT: er 'em, the name that jastey was looking for, for anybody's confusion
Sep 24 2004, 10:28 PM
nope, i'll give another hint, i feel that this one will really give it away, but i may be wrong. He/she should be dead.
Sep 24 2004, 10:47 PM
Relias shi (sp?) astral prison
Sep 24 2004, 11:02 PM
nope, and i believe the spelling is raelis, last name escapes me. keep on guessing......
Sep 25 2004, 01:00 AM
I'm drawing a blank... should be dead???????
Sep 25 2004, 01:04 AM
as in should not be alive. could be alive, but most likely not.
Sep 25 2004, 01:28 AM
is the person in the planar sphere?
Sep 25 2004, 01:32 AM
no, i'm trying to think of another hint. Think "in the beginning"
no, that quote is nowhere in the game that i can think of, but it will possibly answer the question. or not. i didn't think this would be so hard, but then again, i don't think everyone sees it. or they skip right over it, just entirely ignoring the whole bit.
Sep 25 2004, 02:39 AM
She would be dead if you hadn't saved her!
Sep 25 2004, 02:43 AM
nope, guess again. but you did get the right idea. except that as Chevar stated earlier, it isn't a joinable NPC
Sep 25 2004, 03:09 AM
QUOTE(Awake @ Sep 25 2004, 02:43 AM)
nope, guess again. but you did get the right idea. except that as Chevar stated earlier, it isn't a joinable NPC
They wont get it.. I remembered the name but couldn't place it even after seeing it - Awake just had to spell it out for me lol.
really minor cameo roll.. and btw; I didn't remember him at all from bg1.
Sep 25 2004, 04:21 AM
yeah. OK, REALLY BIG HINT. Before you meet Elminster you will meet this guy, who happens to be in BG2, too. <---BGTUTU, hehe. Looks like a thief. May actually be one. Umm... it is a he. here, if you don't get it with this one, i really don't know what else i could say to help you guys out. He tries to kill you. Come on, how many pages am i going to take up with my quote?
Sep 25 2004, 04:56 AM
QUOTE(Awake @ Sep 25 2004, 04:21 AM)
yeah. OK, REALLY BIG HINT. Before you meet Elminster you will meet this guy, who happens to be in BG2, too. <---BGTUTU, hehe. Looks like a thief. May actually be one. Umm... it is a he. here, if you don't get it with this one, i really don't know what else i could say to help you guys out. He tries to kill you. Come on, how many pages am i going to take up with my quote?
It's too obscure.
his name is also a term used when refering to tools, really thin blades, or a cut of meat from the leg of an animal.
Sep 25 2004, 05:00 AM
oh, good one chevar. and also a slang word. really, i did not expect this to be so difficult. but i'm in the spotlight for a little bit. YAY! ahem, sorry
Sep 25 2004, 05:33 AM
QUOTE(Awake @ Sep 25 2004, 05:00 AM)
oh, good one chevar. and also a slang word. really, i did not expect this to be so difficult. but i'm in the spotlight for a little bit. YAY! ahem, sorry
That's okay, I'll just have you look over my Yaunti Woods master map looking for seams as your punishment

(12800x5120) muhuhaha!
oh that's not a typo.. and that's the middle (still have to finish the center stripe)
Sep 25 2004, 05:55 AM
AHHHH!!!! (12800x5120)? That's really big. Anyways, back to the topic, which i don't think anyone has had a chance to look at. Another hint is, it's not sarevok. Obviously, according to previous hints.
Sep 25 2004, 11:03 AM
Sep 25 2004, 02:06 PM
and we have a winner!!! Congratulations, Sir-Kill. Now it's your turn.
Sep 25 2004, 05:49 PM
“The good of the garrison is my concern”
Sep 26 2004, 10:19 AM
need a hint?
Sep 26 2004, 02:25 PM
Seems like it...
Is it from SoA or ToB part?
Sep 26 2004, 03:45 PM
i think i know who it is. does it have to do with d'arnise
Sep 26 2004, 04:33 PM
And not D'Arnise.
Sep 27 2004, 03:56 PM
male, non-joinable
Sep 28 2004, 12:45 AM
thought mine was difficult.... how about.... an amnish soldier?
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